HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_16-07_RobbK -C Coastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY April 8, 2016 Ken and Carol Robb 406333 Hatcher Road New Waterford, OH 44445 PAT MCCRORY Governor DONALD R. VAN DER VAART semwy BRAXTON DAVIS Director RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - (15A NCAC 7K .0209) — Exemption# NTBEXl6-07 1928 New River Inlet Road, Unit 211 North Topsail Beach AREA OF ENVIRONN ENTAL CONCERN — Ocean Hazard AEC Dear Mr. Robb: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. Based on the information provided, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated received by DCM on 4/4/16, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. Maintenance & Repair 1. The maintenance and repair work authorized under this exemption specifically includes the replacement of decking along the ocean side of the existing residence. No additions, including roof overhangs, enclosures, etc. are authorized under this exemption. 2. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species. 3. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels. 4. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. 5. The proposed development shall remain consistent with the attached work plan drawings. 6. This permit does not authorize expansion of the existing structure. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. cereli� " ason Dail, LPO cc: DCM — WIRO JTerrie Woodle, NTB Nothing Compares_ State ofNorth Caroline I Environmental Quality � Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Dnw Fx , WBmingtm NC 29405 910-796-7215 r 0616 10:60a 2Po 9103273750 M. SUILCING PERMIT APPLICATION North Topsail Beach 200a Loggerhead Court North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 910-3283186 Fax-910328-0299 Please F111 out Fonn COMPLETELY lj , Owner Name Mailing Address Signature Tr. Telephorre Number 2 / General Contractor N.C. License Number ' f7,7:0 Expiration Data !?� cat 3 Local Privilege License I, Contact Number Rco 3);-)-3y55 Signature Date `I 1 w I fLo Square Footage Heated Unheated Estimafed Cost of Prgrst 15 D- U Description of Work 410 c - a. a 5 —10000 fire for not sch dulM a final inspection For Office use Only Additional Comments issucd By Date approved Receipt Number Building Permit Zoning Permit Fee Additional Fees TOTAL RECEIVED Apr 061610:50a NDS 9103273750 p.2 M AppBcENonsW be madepdotfiuwdrrftmeatacuVftleslocateElwMntbeTaum DfNorlhTopsa BeWLTLefWimingitemsmaybe required wAth Iheappf7aatlanforazorimgand4foodp7abl developmvbtpemdC7Aplotplan dravmmsm[%7V-ZomCerti c2Manwith amompanYingpFaasarrd�pedEotlrmsvertfylr�lhealg6renmdstruaureandanY.b*eakawayw�dgignvamizan Ele✓Aion camcate. OWNFt;_/' g) � I carDi obb SIGVATUf € ADDRESS h1D333 I:kr r- F- clrr lJrtU Walfi ATE OI 2IP r.{yyrjg- TCEDATA ?PLICATION FOR] FE I FEtavdflon G UaIrcomhvcuan SCRIPTION OF W' 111 IMPEEMOWSURFACE ❑ Repi a HVAO ❑medumleaitMc l Q Olbsr Lwedty�'. M DATA: TOD PMP# UOOOZONE❑VE❑AE ;UCTURE EWLTAFMRNLY Z 1 7❑YES❑ NO A LOPMENT STANDARDS DATA: b-z)l CaRS:❑YES ❑ NO o ELEVATLON IN R€IARONTO MEANSFA IMIEL QbLSL) ATORABOW WFRCH THE LOWWMCORjWaUTANGRASEMEtMEAUSTRE CONSIRUCFFD Fr. a ELEVATWX IN RHATION TO MEAN SEAEEVMUdSE)ATORABOVE WINCH ALLATIENDANTUUUTIES TO INCLUDE; RVCNOTLIACTED TO, ALL HFAMQ[ A1RCOMMUNINGAND EESMUCALEQUB'.IAFNTMUSTBEIM-TAHID FL o WILL GARAGE BE USED MRANYPURPOSEOMERTMNPARKING VEMCLE,STORAGEOF, BULLDINGAOCEMUYES ❑NO o PROPOSEDMEHOD OF ELEVAMGTHESIR0CNIRE o WILLANY WATERCOMSEMALTERED OR HUMATEDASARFSULTOFTHEPROPOSED DMODPWIRM DYES❑NO TOTALAREAOFOPEN GS REQUIRED: I150, INCH PERSQ. FTOFENCLOSED FOMRINTAREABEtOWRFE). ' 416=6 Orofm Canty Property Records Site Parcel ID: 038711 Map tt: 779G-211 Tax Year: 2016 Luc: Wate"iew Class: Dwelling NBHD: SHIPWATCH VILLAS 11 ROBB CAROL ANN TRUSTEE NEW RNER INLET RD 15A2 8 t 5?• , �5 Item Area Main Building 600 WOOD DECKNJOOD DECK -88/BS:WOOD DECKNJOOD DECK 90 A2-88/88/BS:WOOD DECKM1O0D DECKNJOOD DECK 120 BEACH TOWNHOUSE- 54:BEACH TOWNHOUSE 22 Printed on Wednesday, April uu, zuib, at :3722 P ht�3l#Opertiastouc=tync.yo+Ipwatal�PrimOaWet.apa'1pMm67Hagsp=&tmy -2n68j�-067so..reed&arxlardl=astat &Bi=8irems=6a_ to °4 3 `a €Po �,�@990 IL @ $� c Shipwatch Townhouses W. M®ICD ALIMAM w F.R. Y North Topsail Beach, NC 28400 CONSTRUCTION AND DEVELOPMENT r12 EAL ` p DESCRIPTION: 708 Abner Phillips Road 273 1AIme mu MnOh MrM.. 9AAAA� .c