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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNTB_16-04_FortuneCoastal Management ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY March 17, 2016 Jon Fortune PO Box 8 Holly Ridge, NC 28445 PAT MCCRORY Co or DONALD R. VAN DER VAART se=WY BRAXTON DAVIS Director RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION STRUCTURAL ACCESSWAY (15A NCAC 7K .0207) — Exemption# NTBEXI6-04 652 Ocean Drive, North Topsail Beach, NC AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Ocean Hazard AEC Dear Mr. Fortune: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. Based on the information provided, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated received by DCM on 3/10/16, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. STRUCTURAL ACCESSWAY EXEMPTED (1) The accessway must not exceed six feet in width and shall provide only pedestrian access to the ocean beach. (2) The accessway must be constructed so as to make negligible alterations to the frontal dunes. This means that the accessway must be constructed on raised posts or pilings of five feet or less in depth, so that wherever possible only the posts or pilings touch the frontal dunes without any alteration to the dunes. In no case shall the frontal dune be altered so as to significantly diminish its capacity as a protective barrier against flooding and erosion. (3) Construction of the accessway be shall consistent with all other applicable local ordinances and N. C. Building Code standards. (4) No portion of the proposed walkway may extend beyond the mean high water boundary, nor shall it extend onto the wet sand beach. The walkway shall terminate as close as possible to the toe of the existing frontal dune. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. Sinc rely, i/./� on Dail, LPO cc: DCM — WIRO Terrie Woodle, Town of North Topsail Beach Nothing Compare' Stem of North Carolina I Environmental Quality I Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Ext, Wilmington, NC 29405 910496-7215 BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION North Topsail Beach 2008 Loggerhead Court North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 910-328-3186 Fax-910-328-0299 Please Fill out form COMPLETELY Numb Addre Project (D5,Z U P M D r Number Address Owner Name Mailing Address Signature General Contractor N.C. License Number MILE MORWOMILL Number Expiration Date /a 1,3 i Local Privilege License Contact Number Signature f � /V �%� Date Square Footage Heated Unheated Estimated cost of Project Description of Work 0,IrO SM euc **100.00 fine for not scheduling a final inspection For Office use Only Additional Comments Issued By Date approved RECEIVED RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NO MAR 10 2016 RecelptidumlleQ 2016 Building Permit Fee Zoning Permit Fee Additional Fees TOTAL RECEIVED =t'7 Application shelf be made priorto any development activities located within the Town of North Topsail Beach. The following Items may be •equired with the application for a zoning and ftoodpfain development permit: 7A plot plan drawn to scale; 7 V-Zone Certiflcatlon with accompanying plans andspeclficatlons verifying the engineered structure and any breakaway wall designs; and Tan Elevation Certificate. ' HEREBYCEIMFYTHAT I) ALL INFORMATION IN 7HISAPPUCA710N 1S CORRECTAND ALL WORK WILL COMPLY WITH NTB TOWN CODEAND ILL OTHER APPL(CABLESTATEAND LOCAL LAWSAALD ORDINANCES AND REGULATIONS. ?REPLANNING DEPARTMENT WILL BE NOTIFIED OF tNYCHANGES INTHEAPPROVt:D PLANSANDSPECIFICATIONSFOR THEPRO/ECTPERMITTED HEREIN; 2)1 FURTHERMORECL BE N4971 FIE AM I U7HOR12ED 7T? GRANT AND DO 1N FACT GRANT PERMOSIONTO NTB20NING a FLOODPLAINADMINISTRATORAND HIS OR HERAGENT(S) O ENTER ON THE PROPERTY NOTED ON THE NIB PERM17(S) FOR THE PURPOSE OF 1NSPECHONS; 3)1, THE UNDERSIGNED, UNDERSTAND HATTYELSSUANCEOFA FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMllY1S CONTINGENT UPON THEABOVEINFORMATION BEING CORRECTAND THAT -HR PLANS AND SUPPOR77NG DATA HAVE BEEN OR SHALL BE PROVIDED AS REQUIRED. I ALSO UNDERSTAND THAT THE PRO? TO )CCUPANCY OF THE STRUCTURE BEING PERMITTED, AN ELEVATION AND/OR FL40ODPROOFING CER71FICATE SIGNED BYA PROFESSIONAL NGINEER OR REGISTERED LAND SURVEYOR MUST 89ONIV EW1THTHEINSPECT70NDEPARTMENTINDICATINGTHE "AS BUILT" ELEVA77ONS q RELATION TO MEAN SEA LEVEL (MSL). 4) l AM THE OWNERJAGENTjCONTRACT PURCHASER/LE?%VrIRCLE ONE) AND BYSIGNATURE I UTHORIZESUBMITfAL OFTHISAPPLICAT70N. TEDATA / f Y) 1) /) rn f llr )TSIZE (SQ FT) TOTAL PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS SURFACE (SQ FT) 'PdCATION FOR THE FOLLOWING DEVELOPMENT ONLY: ' Ekoavadon I H Road CorrsirucHon P L7 Restdengai Conshucllon { Replace HVAC { II]7 Fig Driveway Construction CENonmaid9nilalConaWcdonl ❑MecbaMcaUEleotdcal Grading INCLUDEENGSWPLANS []Addition CI Other(apediv. UtultyConstrucyon Renovation 'SCRIPTION OF WORK--- DC ' .M DATA: R 1 Q 2Qj6 )OD MAP#' FLOOD ZONE: [] VE � CBRS: [] YES [] NO :(FT):^ jtegulatory flood elevation plus2l f freeboard (FT): tUCTURE BUILTAFtERJULY 2,1987 ❑ YES[] NO IELOPMENT STANDARDS DATA: ELEVATION IN RELATION TO MEAN SEA LEVEL (MSL) AT OR ABOVE WHICH THE LOWEST FLOOR (INCLUDING BASEMEN)) MUST BE CONSTRUCTED FT. ELEVATION IN RELATION TO MEAN SEA LEVEL (MSL) AT OR ABOVE WHICH ALLATTENOANT UTfUTIES TO INCLUDE, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, ALL HEATING, AIR CONDITIONING AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT MUST BE INSTALLED R. o WILL GARAGE BE USED FOR ANY PURPOSE OTHER THAN PARKWG VEHICLE$ STORAGE OR BUILDING ACCESS? ❑ YES ❑ NO o PROPOSED METHOD OF ELEVATING THE STRUCTURE o WILL ANY WATERCOURSE BE ALTERED OR RELOCATED AS A RESULT OF THE PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT? 0 YES El No • TOTAL AREA OF OPENINGS REQUIRED : (1 SQ. INCH PER SQ. Fr OF ENCLOSED FOOTPRINT AREA BELOW BFE). 6ft Proposed Mine Crossover 652 Ocean Drive North Topsail Beach, NC 28460 Notes: - Illustration is to depict proposed intent for layouticonfiguration - Dimensions are estimated and subject to change based on actual dune topology ;1;cE�v ED iINGTON, NG 10 2016 ATLWTIC OCEAN ATLANTIC OCEAN APPROXIMATE HIGH WATER LINE N_59'52'14" E s y CP 50.00 CP O E U w LOT 5 3 LOT 4 - LOT 3 VICINITY MAP NO SCALE BLOCK 8 - BLOCK 8 o BLOCK 8 MB8 PG 48 oI, MB 8PG 48N0 MB8 PG 48 oM a 5252.2 SQ. FT.� m m m 0.12 ACRES N N Z TOE OF DUNE PROPOSED SIS 1 w SIS 3o 0nO U M N WDR W ZDUNE --� ---------Jw SIS 10 50.00' sis I S 60'16'00" W wl F DUNE AND EDGE OF PAVEMENT0 - I T I "T OCEAN DRIVE cO'i i m 60' R/W NI -------- -------------- EISR/W I I wl I 0 LOT 5 oln LOT 4 BLOCMB 8K PG 48 17 mlm 17 n T`o7 O I MB 8K PG 48 ` N i ON 'NO-LONM ; FIS /IH O52 OCEAN ORNE ^' PROPOSED CROSSOVER LOCATION "FLOOD CERTIFICATION« THIS IS TO CEDDFY THAT THLS PROPERTY IS 0' 30' 60' 90' LOCATED IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE -r PER COMMUNITY } I)OMb PANEL/ j� NOT SU� UNE FM- Mi11NAN CCNSIRUCTON COMPANY �).� TWS $URDINSIpt OCEAN CfiY SEAL L-29N LOT A_L_ RLOCK: 8 SECTION: N/A COUNT, =NP S ND TONNAIIP