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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHawkins, BobbyrA July 8, 2002 Bobby W. Hawkins 3614 N. Lakeshore Dr. Clemmons, N. C. 27012 OCEANITW REACH R. Jul - COASTAL MA RE: Exempted Project (Minor) at 14 Cumberland Street, Ocean Isle Beach, N. C. Dear Mr. Hawkins: We have received the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessity of filing an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. The activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet those conditions please contact me before proceeding. DESCRIPTION OF ACTIVITY AND CONDITIONS: A private, non-commercial pier may be constructed if it does not exceed 100' in total length offshore; is not within 150' of a federally maintained channel, does not extend beyond the 4' mean low water contour line or normal water level, (whichever is applicable) of the waterbody; does not exceed 6' in width; does not include an enclosed structure; and, does not interfere with established navigation rights; shall not extend more than %4 the width of a natural water body, canal or basin. Measurements to determine width of the water body, canal or basin shall be made from the waterward edge of any coastal wetland vegetation, which borders the water body. The %4 length limitation shall not apply when the proposed pier is located between longer piers within 200 feet of the property. However, the proposed pier shall not be longer than the pier headline established by the adjacent piers, nor longer than 1/3 the width of the water body. The 4' mean low water restriction shall not apply to piers constructed on man-made canals and basins. It may be built through wetland vegetation only if elevated and may have a T-head or platform not exceeding 160-sq. ft. in area at its waterward end if no wetland areas are covered. The pier must be set back a minimum of 15' from the adjacent property owner's area of riparian access. Confirmation must also be given that written statements have been obtained from adjacent riparian property owners indicating that they have no objections to the proposed pier. Also, piers authorized by this exemption shall be for the exclusive use of the landowner, and shall not provide either leased or rented docking space or any other commercial services. Piers and mooring facilities designed to provide docking space for more than two (2) boats shall, because of their greater potential for adverse impacts, be reviewed through the permitting process, and are, therefore not authorized by this exemption. TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH/THREE WEST THIRD STREET/OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 28469/(910) Page 2 This letter of exemption is valid for a period of 90 days only. A new application will need to be submitted if construction is not commenced within that time. Sincerely, TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH "IV U&zc� Peggy Pelasara, CAMA LPO cc: Field consultant Applicant's Address Of D MSION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT AwACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTMCATION Street #, Street Name, City & County ' Applicant's Telephone Number 33& ` /lw `G 85D I hereby certify that I own waterfront property adjacent to the above -referenced property. The applicant has provided me a drawing of the the proposed development. Please initial the statement below ifyou have no objections to the applicant's proposed development Initialling this block does not constitute a waiver of the required IS'setbackfrom the riparian corridor lines. f I have no objections to this proposal. Signature Date IMP a�Sa N Print Name and Mar7mg Address Telephone Number With Area Code If you have objections to the applicant's proposal, do not initial or sign this form. You should contact the Local CAMA Permit Officer listed below as soon as possible to register your concerns: Peggy Pelasara 3 West Third St. Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 Telephone: 910-579-3469 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION Applicant's Name: Address Of Propel oueeLlName, silty & County Applicant's Telephone Number %// - I hereby certify that I own waterfront property adjacent to the above -referenced property. The applicant has provided me a drawin¢ of the the proposed development, Please ' i ] the statement below if you have no objections to the applicant's proposed development. Initialling this block does not conrtitute a waiver of the required 15' setback from the r4x1rian corridor lines. I have no objections to this proposal. 5iglature / Date R'41J lI Print Name and Mailing Address (910) 5/75,5n Telephone Number With Area Code If you have objections to the applicant's proposal, do not initial or sign this form. You should contact the Local CAMA permit Officer listed below as soon as possible to register your concems: _Peggy Pelasara 3_ West Third St. Ocean Isle Beach NC 28469 Telephone: 910-5 7 9-346 9 Q 10 �T=, l / -7VOO(� ,os ,OS A Sl -+ , o 6� d----, s/ 'S�j aiSSa� /X �d ,as