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HomeMy WebLinkAboutGranville Rock & Gravel LLCNEW HANOVER COUNTY +� `+„ INSPECTION SERVICES 230 MARKET PLACE DRIVE, SUITE 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 '?�� TELEPHONE (910) 798-7118 FAX (910) 798-7060 ANN S. FINES cs t offi June 20, 2003 En[o,cea,e,e orr� Granville Rock and Gravel, LLC clo Nick Garrett Development, Inc. 6131 Oleander Drive Wilmington, NC 29403 ORW Exemption - 7542 Masonboro Sound Road Gentlemen: Based on the information and data provided by you, it has been determined that the construction of a new swimming pool at the above referenced lot, is exempt from a CAMA Minor Permit. This area has been established as adjacent to outstanding resource waters, which does not allow impervious development to exceed 25 percent of the lot area within 575 feet of the mean high water line, and in this case, there is 3,920 sq. ft. total impervious coverage. All development must be located more than 40 feet landward of the mean high water line. If at any time it is deemed necessary to further disturb or develop between zero and 40 feet of mean high water, a CAMA Minor Permit will be necessary and can be obtained at this office. In any event, a buffer zone of at least 30 feet from the mean high water line shall be maintained. No sedimentation shall be allowed to enter the marsh grasses or water. This exemption does not apply to any other permits. No development is authorized within any "404" wetlands. This letter of exemption is valid for a period of ninety (90) days only. A new application will need to be submitted if construction is not commenced within that period. If you have any changes in plans or if I can be of further assistance in this matter; please feel free to contact me at this office. sincerely, Debra D. Wilson CAMA Local Permit Officer DDWlhm cc: Joanne Steenhuis, NC Division of Coastal Management Ann S. Hines, Chief Zoning Enforcement Official Locality NEW HANOVER COUNTY GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Permit Number Name G(-Omyi& Rock i Gfa eA Li e Address N S. Fi�,� Si-. City _W-kkyh,��on State %i C. Zip 019'gol Phone AUTHORIZED AGENT Name NIrk G1o,((e4-bu".Ty,c Address Q1 )l 31eo.Hder-br. City (,Jlm'n a Vll State N.C. Zip Phone 10-39 -00cm LOCATION OF PROJECT 75L49, MASov%boro Sot tic( Rd. (If not oceanfront, is waterbody natural or manmade?) N41Al0.[ DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT Ilaskall 1h-2roimaoL swtynm r noel V J , AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION (To be filled in by the Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.) ✓ Ocean Hazard _ Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline Other PROPOSED USE Residential Commercial/Industrial Other SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES (such as driveways, etc.) within 75 feet of the shoreline (575 feet of an ORW shoreline) 33 1 4.4. SQUARE FOOTAGE OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SITE 018 y 35o S9c . OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggest you check over the list with your LPO to determine if any of these apply to your project. Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Burning, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and others. CEIVFD .um n i 2nm STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP a I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development n an area of environment concern or a person authorized to act as a geRt begin of applying of for a in a LAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this applicationas a sig- nificant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as follows: (check one) Q� an owner of record title, Title is vested in QMAdlln R., k l(; n..& 1 L i r see Deed Book page 96 I _in the County Registry of Deeds, an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. oor NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS r� I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit (Name) (Address) i U) HevtfJB, E IyAovr,; M ��1 a �''•O.Bo 3101 hiociin M r moac�� S C a`t58'1 (2) MOA S >` T ,A M. N b1 7612 M06 C Y___4_3�i% oSormnek'Rd '3) t ' '4) O -OR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may e susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer: has explained tome the articular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations ancerning stabilization and floodproofing techniques. 'ERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer id his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this >rmit application. vs application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this ap- ication, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $50.00 made payable to e locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as scribed by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which maybe issued. Deviation )m these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a per - it is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. ds the / 7 7N day of Land v erorlaersonauth '�edtoactashisagent for pu ses of fijing a CAMA permit appli�a lion. 1=11ECEI?17D L''.% IT x = If mailing letter, please send as: CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Date: 5161-2003 Dear Mr. e mm?esc� This letter is to notify you, as an adjacent riparian landowner, that MrJW&. _&ro,n,,,Ne Rock � G,rawi-1 plans to construct on their property, located a _ ? 5'� oL Maso�boro So�.nd 'Rd, in New ii V%0 e r CO LA�l j (The sketch on the reverse s1de accurately depicts the proposed construction) Should you have no objections to this proposal: Please place a check (✓) at the appropriate statement below, sign and date this letter and return to: Nick Go.rreN Zea.,ZNr . as soon as possible. t012>1 Oleander -Dc. w 1w� h9ton, N.C. 028`{03 Should you have objections to this proposal. please send your written comments to: CAMA Local Permit Officer New Hanover County Inspections Department Zoning Division 230 Market Place Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403 , Comments will be considered up until the time of issuance of a permit. Sincerely, 1� I have no objections to the project as presently proposed. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments. Signature 5_ ZO_ d Date I RECEWED AX 0 2 M3 If mailing letter, please send as: CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Date: 5/9/2o03 Dear Mc. 4 Mrs. Nt6l14 This letter is to notify you, as qn adjacent riparian landowner, that MF4MF9a e Cto bl 1_L C plans to construct on , located in New Roywvez CAL„v (The sketch on the reverse accurately depicts the proposed construction) Should you have no objections to this proposal: Please place a check (✓) at the appropriate statement below, sign and date this letter and return to: N«�, C+ac� ha, Thr as soon as possible. (013t Olaahole e 1X. 1n5�1vr„��+oh,N•C. aSL403 Should you have objections to this proposal please send your written comments to: CAMA Local Permit Officer New Hanover County Inspections Department Zoning Division 230 Market Place Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403 Comments will be considered up until the time of issuance of a permit. Sincerely, have no objections to the project as presently proposed. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments, re t RECEIVEI) Jum U 3 2X3 If mailing letter, please send as: CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Date: 5� /Roo3 Dear MC a Mrs Pesc�4v This letter is to notify you, as an adjacent riparian landowner, that ML&rs. -?Noc-k a aco-V'Lk plans to construct ah �N o rowed sw�w� :,4 oval on their property, located at l 54 � a2 onboro Soy v%&J�dl . in N w Nwno,erCoU��y (The sketch on the reverse s e accurately depicts the proposed construction) Should you have no objections to this proposal: Please place a check (✓) at the appropriate statement below, sign and date this letter and return to: � ck l Oacek-- Je t �� �c as soon as possible. t0131 Wpomcker mac. WAw\%' g5*o,n, N.C. a8`lo3 Should you have objections to this proposal please send your written comments to: CAMA Local Permit Officer New Hanover County Inspections Department Zoning Division 230 Market Place Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403 Comments will be considered up until the time of issuance of a permit. Sincerely, I have no objections to the project as presently proposed. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments. Signature 5_ z0_ o Date `I XFCMED rol :, 7 . , s M RECEIVED MAY 2 7 2003 If mailing letter, please send as: CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Date: S & /.2003 Dear Mc. Mfs. Nt6�tq This letter is to notify you, as qn adjacent riparian landowner, that Mr../Mfs- Grcmo-Mr'Rock ? &rased LLC. plans to UOTIN iMT in New Kavkovet Co" (The sketch on the reverse accurately depicts the proposed construction) Should you have no objections to this proposal: Please place a check (✓) at the appropriate statement below, sign and date this letter and return to: N«k GaorCaib -Dea.vzwc . as soon as possible. 613� 0leande-( W�\ n5+ovi, N.c. aB140,6 Should you have objections to this proposal please send your written comments to: CAMA Local Permit Officer New Hanover County Inspections Department Zoning Division 230 Market Place Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, North Carolina, 28403 Comments will be considered up until the time of issuance of a permit. Sincerely, have no objections to the project as presently proposed. I have objections to the project as presently proposed and have enclosed comments. RECOVED MAY 2 7 2003 � \ 4q \?\ �• ° ( / \" SS MANHOLE ,'v \ \ IN \\� \ Q \ \ \ d k ; \ \ \ ,yak' / \ 1 2 DOGWOOD / . d '. 4 \ 16" MAG�OUA �ti,. ` d ��6 \\ ° `\ \r \ ��° \ F e 3� ONT���I \ LOT 3 \ / °' \ �,� d a tit 4' DO . OOD ` 24 \ ®ryJ\'` \ PG N�wCT' \ F r -D G. HATHAWAY \ ,5 le . �0 ti �• v .ti . �� \ \ \ ��,� ` _ 46 �pSp(� \ D., ?_54 i, PG. 735 d titi' 0 \ \ h \ Np M 5. 3E:, PG. 4G GOAL hOST do ,� d ' \ tiyy4 t \ \ CAN _ / ° tip'` \ 44 . \` GR1LL- \ / / 4• d : d° .`� d ti �\ �\ �` •tiny \ v 16' OAK ���\ \ fir v Q CREPE �� v \ COUP.TYAKD 24' OAK v� \ \ \ \ d v d ti e MYRTLE :d \ \ ry��ANDXAPE AREA v \ v / • � �t•6" OAK •�� \ /'L \ \ / Qd.. �g d0" ' 1CHERRY \ / • \ - 4 'w \ d tip, ��6� 1 ti•6 a'1 6. e� ... , . / I tilt 2b OAK MYRTLE ti'� G �RE4� CREPE qc 4 �' `� \ / `` 20" OAK \ ti . �\ ♦ // / / / Iq co ti 36 OAKCREP � '� ; ,' 6 i I ® v� `. At�w.�`�v ti" •° d r4�` MYRI'L" ° ')�•Y / •�'19 �\ \ a' / _ — �` •-- -' _ / // / \ I v < I 6 ,tih� - a ' •tiv • I • . / �� %M1., ti v GAS MEl`ER \ / j `\ d d ' • Q THIS ARE \ I \ \ ry �` d ° GARAGE � v TWO S FOGY 5 �D FRAME = ti TWO STORY WOOD FRAME / '1 FFE=22.10 ad 1 k r 1_d_lb 4 ��_ -- -- , O \ \ +♦ / , / /\/ < S -.-• LAN DSCAPF, AREA- �GJ) -- — I If • \\\\�\ \ / / \ / ti, / ! 3' PALM °1 °j.�`%b 24 OAK • bh ! PALM \ / 1�° �\ y�D OOD 36 O y rot `� 01���'. d ,y �Ba 91 0�, ` / /3 io o \ 2 p' �ti\Q , \ / / d /p ^ LAND3C \ / ♦. / / \ \ \�`.\ \ \ \ � � ° .6, . ti,6h �%,; • a � ' "�- .-- — -' � ti` / LOT 5 a FRED G. HAT 1AWAY \ I� d ti -t' D.B. 2545, PG. 735' ` h M.B. 3G, Pi=. r � ^-LANDSCAPE AREA- \\\\ `\ ti 1 '\ / yo ^ �.J" � — f --LANDSCAPE AREA- /' _Ile \\\ 6' YAUPOt�\ ti �ti df 0 Cr Ali -LANDSCAPE AREA- ti / ' Og° ^ 40" OAK ��// � / h 13" PAL.M�. % el3' PAU'A TWIN OAK ` / i i 1.3" PALM e, / \ _ ONE STORY WOOD FRAME � \ \ � ��`�' / / /Ile GARAGE 5urvey ?rC _fcrenc -SURVEY FOR A PORTION OF TRACT 6 AT LIVE OAKS ON MASONBORO SOUND - BY GEORGE L05AK DATED APRIL 27, 1973 _�s- / ,e / -SURVEY FOR A PORTION OF TRACT 5 AT LIVE OAKS ON MASONBORO SOUND � / � — — — — / - � / � i k� `� I- / BY STOCKS SURVEYING DATED DECEMBER I, 1999 �, � / / -LIVE OAK5 ON MA5ONBOR0 5OUND (BOOK 184, PAGE 270) / _ _ — — — — �' s \ -LANDSCAPE AREA--` \ `��` / < \ -TH15 LOT IS LOCATED WITHIN THE 100 YEAR FLOOD BOUNDARY. / `\ MAP OF 5URVEY i �ti 1 A,