HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_04-066_Coble• Jun 03 04 04102p TOUM OF HOLDEN BERCH 9108429315 P-2 r: P■rm6 err Local cwv■mmem CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT ■s auatodted by the Slate of NoAr CaroOnn. Daparmretd Of Envlronmaap and Natural Resources rued the Coutal Re sums Comm»ion for d"AlopMl In an area of environmental concern pursuant to Seam 113A-116 of the 1 ttestp S1L1�1yn�i. GonarelStabita.. o¢M.anaO■nC , arafto p dorg rrvelopm Y --—p m requeed in the parmhtea's application, dri /I yed This permit, issued on,�l--_ ib subject to compliance with the application and ado drawing(whwa consistent with the permit). et appteable reguls ens end special mrdhlons and notes satforth below. Any vlohn on of these termer may subject permift" to a fine. imprlsonmem or dvt a_^fbn. or may cause the parent to be null and void. PEUAMT TO COJNSMUCIC A MGLE FAtMMY RUEDENCE, UaTAM SEMCIC SYSTEM. GRAVEL b DRIVEWAY AND UNDERNEATH STRUC$URE, AND INSTALL RErENY[ON ARFAS. 1. AppEcraar quirKes for this exrepdan because the lot was woonrded prior to Jowl. 1979. and does not moat the sgbeck of 120 fold from the first bias of stable natural vegletadom . 2. 111is lot was recorded prior to June 1, 3979, and c®not be enlarged by combining it VIM acacdguous Wig) tmdwft MW owncasbip. 3. The developnteSt is set balk as far bmdward from the frist lane of stabel natural vegetation as possible, such that the stractme is a minimum of 60 feet landward of this lift-, and is eatWrc y behind the ftoatol dune. This permit authouaes a stttchare that will be sett bast a minimum of 85 feet fora the vegetation lien. 4. • All pilings shall he at least eight inches in dimneter. S. The footprint of the struchuo shall be no more thm 1.000 square fret this does include the overhanges. & Driveway and petkeng area shall be constructed of clay, packed sand at gmvel. 7. All development addressed in these exceptions mat be located landward of the first line ofstablc, natural vegetation. & The development must be acrumpltshed in sack a matmer as not to alter the integnty of frontal or perry domes. This parent action may to appealed by the parmieaa or other- quahled pawns wthinrwanry (20) days of the Issuing data. V n From the clam of an appeal. any work maducted under this per• ( l A MITM.st eeene until the apperdo tesol ad rmtt —.,a3lfrrer'iana'm) This permit mail be on the pmiacl site and aeraselhla to Ore 16 wit oF 140 Ide-M V.ag .h part,* otrreer when the peered is hfapected forcomprlantre. name Ary matmonanea work of project modllicallons not covered urr.'er mP permit ntqu%roa further written permit a rprovel. All wwo* (mar. ceaae when this is m a terpitea on December In lerBaarg the permit t b agreedelal Ms paoleft m cooOigYm with the kcal Lane Ural Plan and all epabeeblecrdslnra� This permit May not be transferred to aerrhar perly without the written nprbval of the Division of Coastal Management. Jun 03 U4 D4t03p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 9I138429315 p.3 - a� U Oin�v PERMIT ["a 7 tta uvtii odzoa by rho state Of North Carmine. Dapermterd et Envlronmem PON and Natural Resources and the CoeOUI Resources Comm(csrn for dave==11 in an etea of anvi.> ,a.mntal ranc ern inurauantto Seaton 113A-118 of tns '�`� /1 _ w,, General SWuea,' atAmaMwg oct- t ut,ta..S-1tYAjL)Ue- "�ntndxfngdevolo, - - .>__pL-_.. J YY�t�/�� 1 � requested in the permEtaok applcldion, deled -� This pama, issued on,A-Q.`_ly is subject to compliance with the eppiomion and site drawing (where wrisistert with the pennit%.sit applicable regu atlons snd special conoltnns and notes eutforlh below. Any violation of trash terms may suojau lfermi'vre to a fine, imprloonnlenl car Nvii acton. or may, cause the permit to be null and void. 9. The structure shall wmply whit the NC Building Code and all ot0fer Federal, State, and Local ragttiations, blcluding theNati®al Flood lnstmnse Pmg'ant. 10. The stracirm mint be leeched entirely off of the banal done and entirely behind the landward toe of the fienW dune. 11. The lowest htltvonnl mamba of me sCnctute allall be elevated above the Base good VE with a edevedon of 2; feet above sea level. 12 All emlosed areas below base Hood deva m shall be comon oted with breakaway walls and shall obtain a V-mw omtMolele prior to tic Cerli ede of Omsrpaxy thk ins been completed by a prof monat Engineer, 13. Please be advised that ell arms locemd below Bane Flood elevation shall be for patting and so rage a* NO HAWAL FWACE 15 AYdAW®- ic No impermeahle surfa= shall be allowed over any functional pore of ire sepsis Umk drain field, or Kopek area All pelmP shall be located a minimtm of five fees hum all portions of the sepses system. All retention areas shad be located a Minimum of 25 fist from all portions of she aepffc system. All orates lines shall be located a minimum of 10 feet from all portions of the septic system. 15. No dune disturbances shall be olbwetl for construction. 16. This pollmit may be renewed for on W yew if mgueded before the expixeriom date Tit s permit action may be appealed by III,? pennihoO orother ql-aified percons wlrhin twenty (20) dw•ys of the imuing data. Pm c the date at an appeal. Orly work owAacted mder this pw- mr m..vt cease until the appeal is tasavd. This permit nuMCbe On the ptgeol tiro and axveatda W the oerri. oftio!r when t11e pmiect to Inspected for comNra-mo. Any maimenancs work er pfo)o'_t modifications not covered cider 1hn permit requires rrenhor written pwnh upprovat All wotk m r000a n Ibis permitexpires on Decamber In bating ads perm$ It Is egraad that this project is consimal :vkh the lost i.anc Use Plan and we applicable ordinenvea. TEIa perms may not be transferred to anrher parry without d:e wdnen approval at ate Dlvl=n nf Coastai. Matagamam r It ssociat condition ebovs apply '.F Jun 03 04 04t04p TOWN OF HOLDEN 9ERCH 9109429315 �( p.4 PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Caroma, Department of Environment and Natural Rasourwsandlho Coastal Resoureas Commhs6nfpr developmam - in an area et snvimnmemel conmm pursuant to Setian 113A-t 16 el iho ?LP0r¢nMeISo aAreaYwsg ¢it' -,Tim nb1aumorai ilddM1 W7�/V6` t — 1 7 T / �,_ raqueatad in me permrdafes application, d¢ted This gnrmit, issued on—_bE-_J—a- _ is subject to compliance with the applicarbn and site drawing (where cotsiatenl withlheparmil), all applicable regulatbns and special conditions and notes satfonhoebw. Ahyvioletlon0ithasetarmsmaysutjmI parminna :o a tire. Imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. 17. The petminea is requited to contact the Local Yemodt Offer shordy Wom he plans to begin construction to arratsgo a setbak mestrumment that will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a mat* shoreline deans-. Cansilbrucdon must began witbin stray (60) daps o€the detotminationor the measutontaim-is void and must be re-established. to. Any structure atrthodacd by *h permit shall be relocated or almranded when it becomes munwea& threatened by changes in sherelim oonligumatim. The sttoctme(s) shall be relocated or dismantled wiWm two (2) years of the tiro whom a becomes imminently threstiened, so that the structure is no longer itimmineelly threatened, then it need net be xloeatned or dismantled at that time. This condition 91=11 not affect the permit belder's right to seek rmdtorimtion oftempomry paotecaw measures allowed under CRC Rules. 19. The construction shall meet all requirements of Chapter 157.060 located in the Town. of Holden Heath Code of Ordinances. i I+s pemril aU br. may hn appaeled by the parminae or othnr qus!itied persons within twenty (20) days el lha issuing date. Foam tip data of an appeal. arty work eonderzeed under mis per- mit ."stuase unvl the appeal is resoled. This permit mu; be on the project silo and awassble to the carm[ officer when the project ei inspected for complia;re. Amrmsntenance mek or prom mod'dsatiom riot covered under this permit requires further wrhten permit approval At work must cause when ;h%�_p`armit axpires on December 31.__z. l 6 q _._._._. in issuin3 :his permit it's agreed :her thin projem is eonabtent mhh thin Beal Lane Use Planand all ttppaeebb apmaroae- "h d per -nit orcy not be hSASterred tp anorrrar parry weiroea the vifiaen approval of the Division of Goastil: ManagemeM. Local Pantie Once, (agnatura) I) name 1It���' Ilid address raquired if spacia: conditions above apply to perm.) Jun 03 04 1,14.05p TOWN OF HOLDFU BLACL. 91 O042931 ti P • `r AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An:, ✓ Ocean Erodible Area —High Hazard Flood Area _Inlet Hazard Area Date Lct Was Platied: T6s, notice is' nterded to make you iltea Xlicart, aware o! the special rsks aid C:J:>dttUJ:1£ associated with ,itn•e]nPrr+ent in tiva area. >«h:Cr. i. sAbit'.0 to ra:VU1 has rd'y such as si(= ert,Aon hod care--+ts. TIle rules IF ,he Coastal Resources commission require that rpu ,,,trice an AEC tazacd Noricc and acknowled7,C ihal notice i., :Vrit:ng _eF:>rn? permit t^r d2celopment can be iswed. Tt:eCnmris�i.;n'srzdespal b:r;din�stardards.prani;ont sei�ackzanc 11teraf..onare6e5igne l torninimiae.but nit eiimina•e. property- loss from. luuards. By q:anting per -nits, :"e. Coasta! Resources Corrmissior, tToes not e+.:arantee the safety of the clavelotr_nerrard ascnmea no i3attili rnr t!iF.iredana,Ye4�theZrvetcpmemt- -he :wsl available lnformatipn,as accepted by the Coastal Resources Cemmis.ion, indatales iiw! the annual cceac: rate for rho area .here v^ur pro?erq' is locate-.+. as 'the rate N-as cstibliched by careful an?lys;s of alum: p6^to:.^.pie thecoa0me tauen over Bte rar150 yens Snuh-`s"a�tsye indicate that the sh:+relirte could move as anti: ii.tyy� leet :and :vanl is a tr.ajOr st:xn:. Tlie fio:*d wairm in amaiorst.mn arepredicted tobeabo0t z�3 aeet dee r In thisarea. 1'retun—Lo .-.ceantrmlt protection measures are beach nou-Wiment and raincation of threatened Structure&. ,lard erosion ctrntrol struct_:L; such as bulkheads, seawalls, revenments, groins. ;ertie and bre:il:warers are rohioiR•ri. Tetrpotar} `devices, in:l udtngsand bags, may fie allowed under certa-n cerdilfoas. Phis structure shall be relota-•d of d'hmant:ed wit!iat two vear>- 0` Lx;coming in-minently threatened. The applicant anus! acicn::w!edg.:: this nifOmation an.i -rqu:rvnents by signin, tni. rothne :n the be:ow spr_-e. thtthoV the proper signature, the app)u.,a',m wii not he SPECIAL NOTE: ;'h:s haza:d n.ti:e it= M!E:ired i-:r rerelopmerl it: arias sulject to sudden ant sw-r.:sa= d erasirn. �f:rrnits oviec 1`0: deve:ol+men! ir. t^.is area rep° re nr. �ecsm:•a: ?l of the third vear fv;lcwirg tee y. ;r in which the piamit cv.�, Issued. 51ie-d: vvfw-2 week bpl— :m on tlt- Innjact sit:., the 1_o-_at 'Erroll Of;.icer ":it deter erne the :•eti etaHo;t tt:,« anC: wt4a`lt di=_;zar at:.:_r -ile-:9teproper:yhas;ernLttt2chan�eantlth«propu:e d3v2!opnect an slid Meet the setback requirement. t¢:` LPe7 xillin..arm yo:t that •;nu tray br.Qb, work. Itie ::=:}x+r- tart gritvoe check with 1heU>Uaefvre the permit spurs for oflicia: approval to condilve the wink alter the permit has expired. eneaalle, if foundattaii pl-ngs have V—c Placed and substantia-- prt.,r:as i3 cintinu m&, permit re:ewal may, rout be ne rssary-. If substantial oT,)&mss ll n' rn, been made, tte pelm;t ,^.tut be renewed •u:d a ne_v setback line' establishr,N?. itri5-uela.viul to continue -work eater permit expiration without this appro'--al- r-or-rFqe infurmalion, contact: Lo total errait Ot.icer Rov:sa0 71: 4:; 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), the municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on May 14, 2004, applicant Rhonda Brown, applied for a LA- MA minor development permit to con- struct a single family residence, uncovered decks, septic system, gravel driveway at 257 Ocean Blvd. West. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by May 23, 2004, will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided up- on written request. Rhonda Phillips Local CAMA Permit Officer Holden as (3q-(�> STATE OF NORTH CAROL: COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK AFFIDAVIT OF ON Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott R. Harrell who, being first duly swom, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): May 20, 2004 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 20th day of May, 2004. (Signature of person making affidavit) d ,, xyorn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of -� 2004. N®TA.9 � f K C00 40uu114pp``�,. (Notary Public) My commission expires: December 29, 2004. TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET uni nrni RFnr N �1C 28462 calir\ � �' - �J �' LLa G r— ��%✓CTi� Permit Number ��p _ 0 6 ,can Hazard _Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreline_ Other (For official use only) ZNERALTNTOR]VIATIOIV ANTD OWNER ame Tl ddress ity UTHORIZED AGENT We A Phone 7& 15— .ddress L 7 :ity T pGN B14 li State /t di Zip oZ bZ Phone I/D- --qlG} I LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. djacent waterbody.) a251 L01,09AI �B`V D )- -- 3IZE OF LOT/PARCEL: what is the name of the PROPOSED USE: Residential ✓ (Single-family _Multi -family _) Coma=' cal/Industrial _ Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF.A. BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF EN1VMOR'MENTAL CONCERN (AEC): /;I 75 square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES INTHE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC.)(Attach vour calculations with the project drawing .) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: - (1)within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline .ABC (2)within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adj scent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMVR'ATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject t� m �\ Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES NO / If yes, list the total built upon arealimpervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. qu%{'y cX.'3 N Z"; :.z ON 'HOb33 N3010H O�OgNggPG 133a1S OIIHOSHlOa OTT N HOV39 N3G1OH 30 N ACU HER PER\1I"r5 NIA) HE REQUIRED. The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAM A minor deveicitamcni permit. e scrvilc we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. t\ c suneesi you check otTr the Its] with your LPO to smine if any of these apply to your project. Zoning. Drinking Water Well. Septic Tani: (or other sanitary waste treatment system)- Burning. Rrical. Plumbing. Heatin^_ and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Encrey Conservation- FIA Ccnificarion, Sand Dune. Sediment Control, idivision Approval, h1obile Home Park Approval. Highv:ay, Connection, and others. - ATEMEN7 OF OWNERSHIP: he undersigned, an applicant for a LAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or erson authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the -son listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest t' bedescribedas: (check one) r '' an oumer ar record title, Title is vested in f CE S i fry 1p— see Deed Book ;e in the County Registry of Deeds. all owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of )bate was in County. _if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. )=CATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: atbermom certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given TUALNOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop thist property and to apply for a CAMA.perni r � Sen 6g -s 1.�� J.�gDc�AA/ a3 V� r 71Dc��N �EHc�f )RDEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTU RTY_" . HAZARD AREAS: cknowledge that the land owner is awara that the proposed development is planned a whip be seeptble to erosion and%or flooding. I aclmowledge that the local permit offic lar zard problems associated with this lot This explanation was accompanied by rim lions �b g ; . ilizarion d floodproofmg techniques_ MAY 1 7 2004 'sRNIISSION TO ENTER ON LAA'D: q STDIVISION drOF brthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission�to Sig local pM ?qki and his ageats enter on the aforementioned lands in cormection with evaluating information related to this permit r 3plication_ us application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of application the vnership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a checkfor $100.00 made payable to the locality, and any formation ac may be provided orally by the applicant The details of the application as described by these sources are corporated without reference in any pe mit which may be issued. Deviation from *these details will constitute a violation any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is s,foj ect to civil and administrative action. This th oecday of G ip �cnfnD ��JA/lE/Z _ La-t� ovvnerarpeisclnauthoriz.�d-toact.as"�usag�tt for. purposes --of ° utappiicafion. ' The Town of Holden Beach, North Carolina �9 Er7J Zoning Permit Application -R z a o �:.,f. �' n ray N a Section 1: basic Data (Information to he provided by the applicant) rT ti Name: HDNA �' R 1oWV Telephoner 3 .$4576/S �� Holden Beach Proper y Address: C 6-9A1 /'it -VD. E, 0 Lot: 3 /� Subdivision: Ei75TER�� FXTFNSi o�No/1ew�FACA o �yjpP ooKi�2r g a -A Permanent Mailing Address' (Print'Same' if local address above applies) m Sira=-tAddress: CA�tSEWAr/ Couei d Ciiy15LteZlp Code: Cs)2t6N5 60.E Na_. a S 5 )- Contractor who will perorm we�[k. Address: /23 A C - I-e 5.rr t% en w-14 Ale `��b 62 Telephone. -1 3.9191 Contact Person a[ Contractors: �TkpoY 5AKER Type of Structure: (Check applicable box below) Ne:v Alteration 0--�teozlr 0—Relocate-(MnverQ—Driveway—)]—Pence � Other )] ' Property Use: (Cha:k applicable box below) single family [Er Two family = Apartment Condominium 0 Townhouse Other ) Zoning Permit Specific Criteria reouired to support application approval: Type of driveway materials:b v Driveway area in square feet Sri fib _ l7seahlEara in square per Survey: Plated area In 5-yUale icet r , sq P `Y- Required front samack in feet D 5 Required rear setback in feet Required side setback in feet S Lowest o, ode alevation below building in feet Finished grade ale_tion r fill is to be placed on lot in faetr — Piling depth below original grade in feet 13 3 f 3eJ SD 'fe t vE MSL Richest point of finished building in feet V t Is ill malerizlrequired on the lot? (Check box) Yes I] No Eon If yes, state depth of fill if r cn Designated around lever in (Bet above mean sea level as specified on Stomwater Penmit [f ap le): / 'blond iaP--! is.a manuring point per the following: MAY ' 7 tW4 1. FEMA uccd zraa'AF : MEasuring point is minus 10 taet-Mm the base Hood elevation. 2. FDAd °ccd area'VE: M-suring point is -minus B feet from the base Hood elevation. 3. FEMA lccd area'Ac and 'VE' where the minus 10 and 8 root measurements from the bas'rn.y`I elev�irtii� �€{t��d{Sjyrbed sot: me=_sunng ;tint is the lowest original soil under the structure after the undisturbed soil has been l�xci�{ I�WrA (t �ra�e tprdefiniGcn ol'balancar'). r " 4. F=M,' lccd area w: Measuring point is to be the lowest original soil under the structure a`,ar the undisturbed soil has been balanced. (see Town Ordinance fcr definition of'bdanced'). Cerbficabon to be completed by Applicant: '1 ceriry that any construction, alteration or replacement of building and or use of land shall be tarred out in accordance with_... Jm�ornaGcn a Zoning P it ' aria lisle above.' (4-ECZALD E7 /?AKCA 0 Authori-zed Sionature Printed Name Date_ Section tobe completed by Town of Holden Beach Zoning Official CAMA Permit Required? Yes. = No O Stormwater Permit Required? Yes 0 No )_1 Zoning District determination for property: P.es den5_I Gistdc; (--1 -one) = Residential District (R-2 Zone) Commercial Disbict (C Zone) )� Zoning Official Approval Signature: Date: DATE: 11 To: JO0A1 f �,av�ii �pZ,DF.✓ ALP FN 3�e 1-4 1V ae el > DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter's to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA permit on the property owned by_ KHoA/Da -D- P-> tO AI at 2tTl Q6E-A 1 RIVD E-t Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488. Sincerely, 2—)Z,4 L r) E . I- f+ K l= t -P 6 p (Owner or Agent) TELEPHONE NuNmER:41 tD - 4 4- 3 - 91 q t II U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) Ln M Postape S /� ClCertlfieo Fes; "✓ Return 11.61pt Fas Postmark Im (Enooreement Requlre02 cO Resdwd DeliveryFee p (Endorsement Requlreo) (. ni To l Poatapa &Foes ON 1 sent T� C— _DATE: i To:-1Av-,E-5 OfSL� Pd �ox I2-13 T3U RL1 16-TOrl A/ DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the properly owned by at t_✓D br (street address) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed proj ect. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beac ] apotlAgeltil Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -(910) 842-6488. Sincerely, MAY 17 2004 DIVISION ASE� (Owner or Agent) //�� TELEPHONE NUMBER: -/) 4) n Ln rn 0 0 p ,�tinee Fee C3 (En emeeegtl'qulremd) eD %%Mated DN'WY Fee O (Endomern tpequ1.o ru Total Postage 8 Feast'. � ant To or PO Boz No. El DATE: • L `' To: t I Al e, DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by 2% iE l✓ at �s Pit 9 Al LV-D �. Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of fhe drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please conta rt. Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Bear 1 e Holden Beach, NC 28462 -Telephone { 910) E42-64EE. MA Y 17 2004 DIVISION OF Sincerely, r'STAL MANAGEMF` i2 b�KE� ��41 ��34Ktrz 'k4 (Owner or Agent) LT TELEPHONENUMBER: o a nu m t Ln m Post age 8 O O p Certified Fee O Retam Receipt Fee M (Endorsement Required) ra ResMcted Delivery Fee O (Entlorsament Required) �. (L Total Postage t Fees ED o Sent To 171 or � d STESZbBoTs HOH39 W3910H 30 WPIol e77 : T T 411 JT na i CAMA STORMWA TER DESIGN 257 OCEANBOULEVARD EAST for JERRY BAKER BUILDERS April 28, 2004 &G-61173D MAY 17 20 DIVISIONAGEME� rOASTAI- M= By: RIGHT ANGLE ENGINEERING, P.C. 212 Prince55 Street Wilmington, North Carolina 25401 (910) 25 1-8544 (91 O) 25 1-2208 (fax) V SEAL ' 023917 2 fF1EE?:gip i RIGHT ANGLE ENGINEERING, PC Hpr G8 U4 U4:09p Rae Pc 19102512208 p.5 Rpr 28 04 08:04a Rnne Rrnold 910-842-6955 p,2 J.H. HOLDEN LOT 19 LOT 18 SUBDIVISION Z MAP BOOK 2 112, LOT 17 LOT PAGES 118 & 118—A 7.7 Z J x 7,9 + + } a 7+ + 77 NRB S86'S2'33"E vmi NRB + a - + 8.9 50.00' 7s S88'52'33-E +n 7.6 50,00' NRB B'44'S4' 96.69 j 7.& CLiEG _ + + 1 + + 7y 3 UN ITS fl + zZ � z0set � /s.e BLOCK 17- 1 !_H. HOLDEN SUBDIVISIONMAP + 2 1/2. �.+ +' a2 �� �— 1 'AGES 118 & 118-A r o HOUSE + h `n' + 9.3 .Dwfj SI�OVT o n LOT ^Z t✓uL.�tL I; LOT 3 1 (VACANT LOT) 5.000 -SO. FT- I LOT (VACANT LOT) LOT ,-Z _ 18o }{ 10 i I 5.000 So. FT. 3 un4'15 1� d5 n�E6 1 I I 17 2004 MAY 100' TO AVENUE A I / DIVISION OF -8-7B .DD ASTA460.gANAGEM+n` NRB N 8832r33 W NRB N + 68'52'33' W NRB S8905'02" 95.36- - I z57 Oce� BtvD, E a5 Iry \t m 1 t + a3 jas � as &4 SIDEW IJ( 8A &.3 as GE OF ASPHALT PAVING e.I 8.4 °-8 8.5 + 8.4 8.3 + OCEAN BLVD. EAST 1D0' RIGHT—OF—WAY FIRST LINE OF VEGETAT FLAGGED BY THE TOWN HOLDEN BEACH 5—D4—, 6-03-03. LOCATED 6-03-03, D 4 ARE IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE "VE_ BASE 19102512208 p.4 N!ANGLE Job NumberPs"ENNEERING, P.C. or project BY Date l Ic(, o �D"Z VJS � tJ - 2$ -D 4Suhjeel Checked BYDate E T `JIAt ILtJA-T�..,hOFF 2S ,a,E CAW IOU] A ZA = t�ooF adlfy. Ajo ,�RiV[va-1 �bza✓EL� Nb P�ZcHkS 3Z x 30' 8 �' Jl:6 � �Y E 0 s >= MAY 1 7 2004 DIVISION OF 1 ?7 r r ',,COASTAL MANAGEME"' f-U a p F�F y o � � rr, E� '7 6 0 SF X /. ,S a ��Irr G $ASE 1�ESI&.j od GUl TtL j2l"IA-41&[-I )v0 - 20•Si1 TA SnZ.>4-c VoLun'IE 081dF A/pr-rlv6 Solt. 10 AJD sroniE CAP, PcL Z I , )Zo ci� _ ZI.i3 z/ LITS kgN m. u s c G, (p 00 ITS Pb'Z CA) i t 12 e USE 3 PEn S ► DE,� �»,� b.5 LF SEE S ►� ?�l a rJ . NOT �r71Z U5E tn1 712AUX D 1?ECT is LL ?OpF DZAI jAc,F 7-0 LW ITs VIA 't 1$ �V,,, C"Ir--v rlrl Nt"+, rf��. 1 t'1. •, -10 Vl',;";Iv;:_: f Length Lay Up Length 7.5' A Width 6.33' 6-3 Height Capacity 20.5" Weigh 183 gal. —10:....__.._ H-2 34 Ib� Ibs. GULT FIL--Tt FART 0 Rechar-ger - NO/�j-- Tt?AFF( (, e �O �_OT�Us FOR SITE I n CULTEC, INC. BROO 11ELDDR CT 06804 I vi 0 a m 1 a u.n. HULDEN LOT 18 SUBDIVISION MAP BOOK 2 1/2, LOT 17 PAGES 118 & 118 -'A I L a+ I + I z I J 7s I NRB + �+ + 7.s a + S88'S2'33'E m { y 7.7 NRB + o s.s a 50.00' 7.8 7.6 S850 DO, NRB 588�5 = a7 8.6 / 7.8 + ' + 7.a { 7.9 20' S8L + 7.2 BLOCK 17 I ' 20• gL /6.8 J.H. HOLDEN _ i 1{ SUBDIVISION ae I + I MAP BOOK 2 1/2, n 'AGES 118 & 1Lj + 18-A = " h + -8- I o v 6.2 1 o I� + inI + I✓'3 8.3 3 LOT 2 Z^ I I,o { II o k 7.a m O M{ I\ LOT 3 I Z I �I� o I ` I soon So LOT LOT 4 I II (VACANT LOT) I LOl + 25' 5.000 S0. FT I co gp� 9.3 8.6 + d5 100To J MAY 1 7 20 I AVENUE p "B'•78 s0.0o• DIVISION OF NRB N 88.52.33. W 0ASTAL MANAGEMP NRB + 50.00' A" 8.3 as N 88752'33' W NRB 'ay 5b2" 95.36' + TPO + 8.J CAN m + 8.3 I7.7 \ + a9 8.3 8.5 + 8.3 8.4 SIDEWALK a4 8.3 8.2 8.2 8.6 a3 8.5 + EDGE OF ASPHALT PAVING8.I 84 as OCEAN BLVD p + 100' RIGHT-OF_w EAST + FIRST LINE OF FLAGGED BY T HOLDEN BEAC ARE IN R�" FLOOD Hg7gRD 70NF ' 6-03-03. RASF LOCATED s- May 10 04 04:38P Rae Pc 1U1uea1ecu0 r•� J.H. HOLDEN i LOT 19 I LOT is SUBDIVISION y MAP BOOK 2 1/2. LOT 17 i PAGES 118 & 118-A I n I 7.5 &7 I 7+ .7 + O 7.5 Z + + + 7.7 IPIJ _ _NRB S88'52'33"E NRB S88'52'33-E NRB + + 50.00' + is 50.00' < S9 7A za C-O TEG j i,-I%- HIO V 17.6 ],a 3 0 d IT S z G7 f + + 7.9 7.2 R-1 B0 • H'o 3uN"1j � IJ+JCo--CT7 �-3— , DaW BLOCK 17 1.H. HOLDEN as I 6�p�a1^1 SUBDIVISION , I MAP BOOK 2 1/2. '� + +2 I w Wa.s 43 I 3 'AGES 118 K 118-A n_ o � + + + "Dj siG O ,� I 1 II I \b T O 1 t- LOT 2 i I I OT _�' 2 Pw'j s?a/C LOT 4 (VICCAPT-LOT) (VACANT LOT) I I l I_ 5.000'SO. FT. - I I 5,000 SO. FT. I L 2s J L — z, SBL __ J � 1-Z5 Z57 p BL�o_f,sT_ + + 177 A- PO s.s A 0.3 MAY 13 2004 G, 0>\11410N O� - MG, �-&l MANAG- a.s 'loci AZJPF{ALI PAVING + ee + 6.4 OCEAN BLVD. EAST - -� 10T RIGHT-OF-WAY 4 ARE IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE -VE. BASE 1 i 8.4 n3 FIRST LINE OF VEC.P+ FLAGGED BY THE TO - HOLDEN BEACH 5- 6-03-03_ LOCATED 6-03-0.1 n 6 $922.000036 O w 11 -, nMIIIJJJlll�JJJ�p�r�C'4'mL/N. UU\1Cuor,tl�--Regietrr of Deeds Et J. Rabinam f 6H.l E.W. Inst #172792 Boot 1809Page 413 E.. T.. 08/20/2003 10:28:21ae Reef gr � '3 a£ T xL TOTAL �-Ev..a(1�-so RECF^Y_y.�T NORTH C ROLINA GENERa W RRANTV DFF.D STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA -- (- COUNTY OF BRUMWCK d THIS DEED, oth day of August, 2003, by and between R. RLWOOD e, > A. NZNNAN, parties of the first part, hereina r ref Grantors, and BRA CASTLES, INC., a North Carolina oorporatioa, o 28 Ocean Boulevard Nest, Holden Beach, North Carolina, 28462, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantee, W I T N E S S E T H : HAlre%'Vcel for a valuable consideration paid by the G lf which is hereby acknowledged, have and by tow" t, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, s heir a, in fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situate the Town of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being Lots 1, 2, 19 & 20 Block 17 according to the plan of Holden Beach, Eastern Bxt on, a�reg. t, ®d is Bo�15] of Plate at Page 118, in Re§ oe� i e B1►S��y County. M /�j Being the same property Wnu,,yed- Geo E. + 2Dt4 Thompson and wife, Doris Lancaster Thomps by Ho 1 Jr. and recorded in deed Book 105, Page 657 and Book 115, Page 422, Office of Register of Deeds, B k p�V1S1ON OF County, North Carolina. rig G MANAGEME' For back reference see des ok 184, Pagel AY� BrrM�3'cJAL County Registry. ff��jj�� �� /rJ TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aacytli'b oEi of land and all privileges and appurtenances tRRB�!reunto to the Grantee in fee simple. AND the Grantors do hereby covenant with Grantee that Grantors are seized of the premises in fee simple, that they have the right to convey the same in fee simple, that tle is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that ors will wp,�gq and defend the title against the lawful claims of a q k-p�} er, subject to the following exceptions: M Q r11 �- Uv /�vy�,�.�UIN09P8�B6 -Utility easements of record. oftllp7ec -2003 ad valorem property taxes. -Restrictive covenants of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals, the day and year First above wr. ten. R. 9LWOOD ! I Q � 11NvrFN:rae. PATRICIA A. NENNAN' Prepared by: Baxley and Treat, Attoraaya at Law Brunswick County, NU Register or rleeas: rwal rroperry nuua r , v7, r agc 10 ■� 1 ab'a c V, c 06/23/201 090.00 WORTH CAROLINA 12 B!0601 T X CnnJINY STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA M20�yparr+ 7 #-`Z" MH _ COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK ,p�FF THIS DEED, made this the I�TAY�VIS�GN�y�Jy��`1i�YIeMF2003, by and l between HOWARD V. WYRICK and wife, FAYE WYRICK, parties of th first part, hereinafter referred to as Grantors, and RH0NDA D BROWN, of Six Causeway Court, Greensboro, NC 27455, party of second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantee; W I T N E S S E T H: THAT the Grantors, for a valuable consideration paid by G� the receipt of which is hereby ac w h v a these foss do grant, bargain co v un o e Grantee, hi ira an s s, e i 1 11 t certa tract or c �J 1 d s' u t d i t of Holden Beach, L c Nd y To s 'p, Bru s ick County,(? JN7/o�rrtjh Carolina yaan� i ga ar escribed as follb5f�l o 'r Zll of Lot , a Eastern Extension of Holden Bea ch, ac r �� *in)Map Book 2 1/2 at Page 118-A o ennn Registry. For back reference see Book 701 at Page 233, Brunswick County Registry. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land all Drivileoes and aoaurtenances thereunto halonaina r.n the http://rodinfo.brunsco.net/local-viewimage.ntk?s=1QXBtAGAn21 BXP,,ZQjlLNmFLSX(a,... 4/28/2004 � � 4 I %_. _?� " l; ���, ���, "�� "� ,q,-J,q. MC144 06/23/2003 $98.00 7 griot OuntY—Mister of D�6 B J' RobLman 1769Page ]3U Inat #163416 Book Beo1 /S�'�oos IfWa v -__.____ e----- - _-flW EmN O - INY. NORTH CAROLINA CiENBRALWARRANTY' bRRD TATR OF NORTH CAROLINA Parcel # 232 MH nfl OF =EDUfffAft his the Gi/aay of June, 2003, by and lJ �oyy between 80NAH6'YRIC1c and wife, FAYR WYRICR, parties of the first part, hereinafter referred to as Grantors, and RH DALR N `� r�t��• I \�,1p ..1.% BROWN, of Six Causeway Court, Greensboro, NC 2 Iora - second paID rt, ere ina g fr ed to as Grantee; J�u SSETH: MAI172004 THAT he Ora d�ii a valuable consider ai N Q Grantee, the receipt of which is hereby acknowledSad, h ILa"PNAGEMEn these presents do grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, his he a and assigns, in fee simple, all that certain �aCI�� r-f land situated in the Town of Holden Beach, Kwood 2wnship, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and ��/�nNlmore being moreticularly described as follows: BRING all of Lot 3, Block 17, in the Eastern Extension of Holden Beach, according to a map recorded in Nap Book 2 1/2 at Page 118-A of the Brunswick County Registry. Ve n C I ence see Book 701 at Page 233, Brunswick (U t V TO HA HOLD the aforesaid lot or parcel of land and all privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging to the Grantee in fee simple. fttlr(A'gtors do hereby covenant with Grantee that {s ltMed of the premises in fee simple, that they have (� o the rionvey the same in fee simple, that title is marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and that Grantors will warrant and defend the title against the lawful claims of all persons M Prepared by BABLRY and su�af M!Xhe following c . . RZST Lea a w Y REF �� May 10 04 04:37P Kae rc CAMA STORMWA TER DESIGN 257 OCEAN BOULEVARD EAST for JERRY BAKER BUILDERS April 28, 2004 1. CEIT MAY 1 7 I'll DU DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMEN` By: RIGHT ANGLE ENGINEERING, P.C. 21 2 Pnnce55 5treet Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (910) 251-8544 (910) 25 I -2208 (fax) rxell v } 0SEAL 23917 �ztt�F,yOfNE�Prj�O' RIGHT ANGLE °�,1ygNE ►L--�� F,NGINEERING, PC fie✓ U.S. Postal Service Ln. U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT rn CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT r 3 (Domestic Mail only; No insurance Coverage P rovided) E:3! (D omestic Mad Only; No insurance coverage Provided) r-1 — Iq — ru rU S (to M It rn L-1 Postage 1:3 E::l I I 71 Certified Fee C3 Certified Fee 01 -3 M Po*nwk Return Receipt Fee postmark Here 0 Return Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) F3 (Endorsement Re:tulrezt) — -0 _13 .0 Restricted DdIffy Fee 43 [:3 Restricted Delivery Fee (Endme.ent Req-1,ed) E3 (EndorewentRequireM Total Postage & Fees I"- —�Tm-INk Ll' ru Total Postage Fees $ Pi C3 152 / 0 Sent io ........ ......... 0 ant To .1 -,u —, Pon. NO, o, . ......... ty. " Z, ci or state..T*.L1 CERTIFIED h (Dom estic ti Tail In M Postage C3 E3 CeAffled M ym� 0 Return Recel%sd Irw , -11 0 Restcted tRv1 ,M (EndR rti Total Postage &Feas 0 m ant Toi i N& IL RECEIPT Al njj U.S. Postal Service C ERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT ily; No Insurance Coverage Provided) 0 91 (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) ru t% Lr) M M C3 Postage d Certified d Here, M _n Returr,Recel i t l (endorsement R d) C3 r-U C3 Reqlrl�ed De Ties ffsKlorsementR ow Total frostegalk UE= I0l Sent To lei,,i Beac.X A16 —2-A&I 2- 0 ru N CID -13 M Postage COPS I 0 13 0 C.dified Fee r3 netum Receipt Fee (Endorsement Required) .. ...... Postmark -la � Restricted Delivery Fee C3 (Endorsement Required) q0 ru Telal Postage &F.. E3 0 piht T� I f -% -- I I i I I -I NO. ���,� � . � Ye, i"' �. �. •. 1 i � '—� ,5,,,` LS 11 �rJ� 0 V3rJdNdW ��g��0 �O NOISI lQ Im < v Ovi ,at aye;n .dr )/•'.j��� . ,°t I Length 7.5' Lay Up Length 6.33' A Width 36" Height 20.5" Capacity 183 gal. �H-10: 34 I e5l H-20 4 Ibs. un F VG oo � 3 0 Cs v 3 y0 y� Rechcrger 1 8c- H io A NON T-'I?AFF( L p I$ CLEC�rC��!AfilD T 20.5" 14" 1 -7.5'- 6.33' e-INoaaeooaaoe VN )IS FOR SITE SIR ON mug CULTEC, INC. 878 FEDERAL ROAD BROOKFIELD, CT 06804 Matz 10 04 04:38p Rae Pc 19102512208 P.4 Rpr 28 04 09.19a Anne Arnold 910-842-6955 p.2 Fume L.ocAtiow as 1 + 25� o.g.e. FtoWMB-each, N.c.22402 F Page 2 of 5 Design By: May 10 04 04:37p Rae Pc ISIU25122UH P.;j 'P� IT ANGLE JabMumbM pop�, ENGINEERING, P.C. By Daft p,6 hK L q - 2$ Sublwt ,/ // n Chwksu ByC DIU T D L W A T �.N FF `S , �. G Ir,%P EALV Iou1 AafA Zowc A -ILEA. Ajo oV-iVQOA l (EZ9✓rLL) ud PO RZ H E5 3Z� x 30' SF I �O,j0F4--- vot�U G6D SF x �.s c 12O Gr- /Z B�sE ocSI(.,j pd Cut IEL � �i�a��Z JvO - 2o.S� TA Stott Ay&C Vol, U (q E 04) l- nI,4T) VC so f t, � nA S/DnIE Cqf? Piz b 1�� 1 IZOCF $k C4k" BEDS ' /1 LN 175 cONSSI \- (0 U O 17 S iZ en) i ) 2 € O) c 3 r' S I 'D ASK 0 u tiIT 16. 5 LF SSE- 6 ► e l Q rJ . N DT r-D iz USE /A! T'e4 F(li DI?UT ALL '�OpF DZAI,IA(-E --o Un11Ts V to 14-1I CIDZU-1 ♦i 14 nE 1., NagyO J la I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED PLAT OF SURVEY IS A TRUE AND CORRECT REPRESENTATION OF LAND SURVEYED AND PLATTED UNDER MY SUPERVIION SEAL - AND IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF - ° q PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLINA. ?L-3`>74 Q �9 GILGIL d�lt� C2 G1 L.DATE GARYGU GA�NUS, PLS L-13474 D DATE . � ...... � O�GP; LOT 19 N 0 m 4 F- tn 0 0 0 Z Z I-- W 0 J Z Q 0 R Z O N Of 8 0 .70 + Z = BLOCK 17 J.H.. HOLDEN 8.8 SUBDIVISION + MAP BOOK 2 1/2, PAGES 118 & 118-A I LOT 2 r 8.3 87I+ NRBI } 8.9 TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT "HB B (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N - 60.741,509 AND E - 2,224,630.475); THENCE N 87'02'34'E 1337.90 FEET TO MONUMENT "HB 5% (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N - 60.810.634 AND E - 2.225,966.594); THENCE S 75'49'27"E 518.51 FEET TO A P.K. NAIL; THENCE N 66'20'00"E 105.36 FEET TO NRB "A"; THENCE N 88'52'33"W 100,00 FEET TO NRB "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, N.A.D. 1927. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. BLOCK 17 J.H. HOLDEN LOT 18 SUBDIVISION MAP BOOK 2 1/2, PAGES 118 & 118-A 7.7 I + 8.0 7.5 7.9 + + 8\ + J S88'52'33"E 03 I NRB 7.8 7.8 B.B 17.8 7.6 + I } } 20' SBL I �8- LOT 17 7.5 7.7 B'52'33"E NRB S88' 50.00' 7.9 7.2 } } 20SBL + ml O IVm1.+3 8+ `I N 0 M 0 0 0 LOT 3 - (VACANT LOT) 5,000 SQ. FT.' 25' SBL _} + e.6 8.5 50.00' N 88*52*33" W NF B.3 + 8.5 SIDEWALK 8.6 + 8.8 + O Cs�� 7 r L 4N NOTES: �[[[[[[��J��� * LOTS 3 AND 4FL H ZONE "VE". BASE ELEVATION = 23 mom` m A 20 0 20 40 SCALE J" - 20, FEET VICINITY MAP LEGEND: NOT TO SCALE EIP O EXISTING IRON PIPE (FOUND) FERRY NRBO NEW RE -BAR (SET) ROAD ERBO EXISTING RE -BAR (FOUND) CAN CABLE TELEVISION PEDESTAL HOLDEN TP ❑ TELEPHONE PEDESTAL BEACH, ET ❑ ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER N.C. TS ❑ TELECOMMUNICATION BOX + SPOT GROUND ELEVATION CONTOUR LINE Z10EAN NEW JORDON OCEAN VIEW INDEXING CONTOUR LINE BLVD. WEST BLVD. BLVD. EAST SITE H5 LOT 4 (VACANT LOT) 5,000 SO. FT. 25' SBL , 86 I,F7.9 I „A„ 50.00' NRB SasL_ +N 88'52'33" W TP ❑ 5 CATV 9\ 8.3 + 8.3 + 9,4 8.2 ez LOT 16 LOT 5 AN ERB v veg- 8.3 B.1 B.4 E GE OF ASPHALT PAVING 8+ } 8.4 8.3 + + OCEAN BLVD. EAST 100' RIGHT-OF-WAY FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION FLAGGED BY THE TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 5-04-03 AND 6-03-03. LOCATED 6-03-03. © 2003 BRUNSWICK SURVEYING, INC BRUNSWICK SURVEYING, INC Thomas W. Morgan, P.L.S 1027 Sabbath Home Rd. , SW Supply, North Carolina 28462 (910)842-9392 Plot Of Survey For JAMES D. COBLE MADE FROM LOTS 3 AND 4, (257 AND 259 OCEAN BLVD, EAST), SECTION 17, J.H. HOLDEN SUBDIVISION, (MAP BOOK 2 1/2, PAGES 116 AND 118A), HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. AND EXISTING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. :TOWNSHIP COUNTY STATE DATE LOCKWOOD FOLLY BRUNSWICK NORTH CAROLINA 5-27-03