HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_04-065_CobleP Jun 03 04 04elip TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 91004203i5 p.q racer ;ovommant Permit ember CAMA . MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authadred by the State of North Caroltme, Department of Environmanl and Natural Raeeur NS and tie mortal Htesoarcm COMM loson fordarmlopmant in an arch of emAre maniaal concemp rst arM Soeron 1113A-110 of the General Sumts%•Coa4nkAraa Maaagemarit.' ., in the parrs MOVe appirrtcn. This permit, issued on is subject to emilli4ame with the applcatlon and are dratitiq (where aonelslont with the perm@), all applicable rapula/ions and spao!al conditions and notes sell torch below. Any vio!ailon of thane tenne may subject pormises to a fine, imprisonment or olril action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. PERWY i C0NST UCr A SINGLE FAMLY RMDENIM INSTALL. FSEPOCK SYSi•F,N➢, GRAVEL I ®Rll6+-EWAY ANU IUNIDIrMEAM S I7QiiTt svRl+, AND INSTALL. RE'I'EtVI ON AREAS. 1_ Applicam quallfies for this eErMtioetbtxattve the lot was recorded prior to Jane 1, 1979, and dohs not meet the setba tak of 120 feet from the first lim of stable titmual veg"Qn, 2. This lot was recorded prior to June 1,1979, and Cannot be enlarged by combining it with a contiguous lot(a) under the same oternersbip. 3. The developttamt is set back as far landward from the frist line of stebll natwal vegMhon as possible, each that the stritcUne is a tnmimum of 60 feet landward of fts line, and is ®ninety behind fits fiorual dime. 11tis palanit t idwritres a struattae that will be set back a minimum of 85 feet fiam the vegmtion lam. 4. All pilings shall be at kart tight inches in di®:tar. 5 Tbi: footprint of the structure: dull be no none than I,DDD stgtmre feet this does tochrde die ovadmgee. 6. Driveway and parking ate sM1 be constructed of clay. packed send or gravel. 7. All developmem addressed in those exceptions mug be located landward ofthe, fast line of stable, natural vegetation. L The development must be fficomplished in sucb a manner as not to alter the integrity of the fiontal or primary doves. -- --• _i This permit action may be appealed by the pa -mines or other qualdred pateons within manly (?A) days al rho issuing dais.��Psrmtlt Fromlhe date of an appeal, any work conducted under true pat. ma m-a; eaeaa until the appeal is resolved. Lap11 0lhcarmure) This parmtt must be on the project Oka and accessible, lb the L[3e ,Q l {`r, permit after wtsn the pmjazt is irmpactad for armnpli n . name Any MaWonance work or pmject modillcations not covered l I (1 1 � , undartnie permit requires further written perr,,h acprovat / lt1 T �J r Lt�—�— A.1 wetk must cease when thin parmd oxieres on DooembW it. instiing era;W"l it Is agreed We: this project Is uonaifant with no real lasrd''im Plan and all aWinabla ordinartcas. This permt may net he transtarrod ut another party Wfthout the written epp:oval C.'.ha Ohrlslm+ of Coastal ManepatnOrd. required if specter condtions above appfj Jun 03 04 04112p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 2108429315 P•5 a0Gy5 PERMIT as authorized IV the Slate of No11h Caroline, Depadmerd of Em kmmenl and Natural Aesoureee and the Coastal Basounas Commission fa development ct an arse of envirv,a.�ensl conaem perauaat to5aetion 113A-116 of the Genarel Statutes, �Ama Man en:.' . ragt.etaod In the PamJtuda applicenoM drded,:"1 I 0-4� P `%— s auh:act to complierce Wash the eppticatimt end She drawing fvri>e'e consistent This parme. ,srcad on riotalien of theca to me may vubje-i vitb the perms}ad appleabtarcrylltirma ono apecialmnditionaard rotas aattodhhslpw. AnY �armiaas fC a floe, tmprrsoameM or suit actbn, or !nay elapse a w parmil to be nub and Wald. 4. The etruct ue shall comply with the NC Building Code and all Other Federal, State. and Local regulations. including the Natieaal Flood Husluaece Program. IS. The shvcttae must be located entirely off of the ftomeb dune and entirely behind the landward toe of the frontal dune. el. The loweat horhoahml member of the MWIme aball be eb vated above theHsse flood VE with a elevation of 23 feet above sea leveL ruh breahnway 12. All enclosed areas below bees flood elevation shall be COMW=ted vt walls land shill obtain a V-Zone certificate prior to the Certifucata of Oust MICY the has been completed by a professional Engineer. 13. Pleas be advised that on areas located below Base Flood elevation 6111111 be for parking and storage only. No HABEFAL SPACE 15 ALLOWED. 14. No impermable surfaces shell be allowed ever any fimctional pat oftlro septic took drain field, or repair wen. All pilings shall be located a minimum of five feet fiom an portions ofthe aeptie system. All rewntio men tdmll he located a minimum of 25 foaA from all poraoas oftho septiic "steam. ALL venter tines shall be located a mioimrnm of 10 feet from all portions of the sapfic symm. 13. No dime distmbmoes A" be avowed for consnnstioa- 16. This permit "M be renewed for on (lib Yen if tad mom the eupilmdun date *his permit n.tion may be appealed by tha parmiaes or other q,.W fiad psr me q*jm twang (20) days of the issuing data. . Fran, the dole W an appeal. any work conducted underihis Per mC m,et cease until the appeal is laaolved This perm: must be on the protect 2AD and aecsasible to the a_ e-:ruT otftear when the Prolm c irspeaed to oampliartco Any meintansma Wank or pmjW. nwdi'icarians rot covered under this permi repuaes further WrIW-. pomrl 9Ppiotrel. NI w muc seWhan this Parma nrplrae on December in rs4sing rids parma h is agreed that this project is conebaent with e:e bra! Lund Use plat. and as applicable noinar m Thy Parts may not be pars!erree to another perry without ova Taidan approval of the DwAion of Coeeta. Management. OWN WE�0711 m if spedat eonddiona above apply ro Jun 03 04 04:14p TOWN OF HOLDEN DERCH 8108420315 p.6 ,Dor- 4LO to6 PERMIT �./ s¢ atrthenzed M the Stma d No - in Carolina. Dapadmen: o1 E.wsonment and Natural Resources and the ('pastel Raecuress Commission for deveiopmem in an eras of envimnmsnlet concern pursuant to Sultan 113A•115 of the _.. .. Gana' Swims, AAanag_9nwrv.�.1 requested in this pe,mttsa'a Thi? ponn�d ony/—O LI is subject to eampllance with the applicallon and site drawing (where ccnstment whh:na permit). allapplieab!a regulator and spoeislconditWns a.M notos esflorth belrnv. Any violatcn of 1'iesa tamia may gubi" permas!e to a tine.'mprisonment or dull action, or nay cause the permb to be nuii and void. 17. The pamitree in required is contact the Taal Permit Officer ahonly before he plans to begin consttuction to arruylt a setback meaeiuement that will be cffectivc for sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline oht W- Canwlimcm must begin within shay (60) days of the determination or the mes bufamrmt is void and must be re-established- 1 f. Ally strQcnae eushmrieed by this pewit shell be relocated or dismantled when it becomes mmmicently thimusied by changes m shorcli a 00n5gmation- The strucrum(s) shall be mlocated or dismantled within two (2) yeasts of ft units when it becomes immlinatAy timeatea4 so that the slmctnre is no longer imminently tlueatciled, ulna it nod rot be relosatad or diamnled iadmttima This not tdition steal! not af%ct the permit lmltices right to fleet aWltorimtion of tanptma y protective measwes allowed I nder CRC: Rain. 19. The evillsbruction shall meet all tt ilikCatents of Chnptta 157.060 located in the Town of Holdcn Beach Code of Ordinances• This permit ae ioir may ba appealed by OW pormihae orothar qua!ined persons within twen7 t2o) days of the issuing date. From If:a dare of Rr. appeal. any work m:rducted undarthis per m@ msi cases uM!I me appeal :s taaaved ?his pet,,it rt .%l be on rya pro(act sBe end elzesskie to 00 niece, when areotojm: is inspected for com?lianw. Any mauNsnanca work or pro,!&M mod'ditxtions not cowr13 under th's Pornh M sgyroa norther wrinen pamM apprarel- Abwe* (4West CiliCK& when this permit eaphea 0A DaGMbar in issuing this permit it is mead ;h0 this P:olaei is consixterd with this toes! Lard Use Plan and as app!r-able ominawvs. This Fawn may, not be lransfamed to Sna,ner party wbhw.t the :Titter approval of the Division of Ceastaa Mscagomam. Sam i'�'O—Pe!mLa9 requital Y spaniel cpndians e0.30re aPP!s to las"M ll Jun 03 04 04r09p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 9109429915 p-2 sq ©Ctea h :iil VC1, AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: zocoan Erodible Area _High Hazard Flood Area, Inlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted: This notice is interned to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions amoclated with develo�ment in this area, which Is subject to natural hazards such as storm, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and aclmoswredge That notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission'scul sanbuUdingstmtiards,oceanimnt setbacksanddunealterationaredesi•fined romintmize but not eliminate, property loss from hazards. By ;rantingperm;;e, the Coastal Resources Commission daes AOL rgrantee the safety of the development and asrrmes no bilityfor future damage to the development The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual ocean en fate for the area where your property is located is het per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial pautogmphs of the coastline taken over thepast 5D vears. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as muca ak.Vro feet landward in a major storm. `1 beflood watersinamajorstormarepredicied tobeabout feet deep in ttd-; area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures_ Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetmepts, groins. jetties and breakwaters are pmhlbited. Temporary devices,including sand bags,may be allowed under certain conditons. Thisstrucmm shall be reimted or dismantled witldntwc years of beccming imminently threatened. 'rhe applicant must acknowledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the below space. Wf"ut We proper signature, the application will not be SPECIAL MOTE: This bazard notice is reeqquired for development to areas subject to sudden and massive stoaosand erosion.Petmitstssuedfordevelopmentinthis uu-ea expireonDecembet 31 of the third year following the Ein which the permit was issued. Shortiybefore work begins on the project site. the Local Permit Off -ice: will rminethe %netatioDLnewd setbackdistarKeat ywar site. if thepropertyltasaeenlittlechange and theproposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPOwlainformyou thatypu ma)3rbegin work.1t rsimpor- fantthal youche'k with tree LPObefutethepefngt expies for official approval tocordmue the work aster the permit has expired. Generaily, if foundation pilings have been place3 and substantial progress Jr. tertemube ping. Permit renewal may notbenecess must ubsta tial end sshas near not been made, the pe setback line established. it is unlawful to continue work afterpers3t expiration without this approval. Flevised 11193 �ooy-o�s� CAMA PERAM NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 118A-119(b), the municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits inconcern,0 HOLDEN BEAC4-< bygi�N0OTICEthatonntal MMay1 for CA- STATE OF NORTHCAROLINA TOWN OF STREET applicant James Coble, applied a COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK 110 ROTHS_CHILD MA minor development permit to con- struts a single family residence, deck, sep _., ^ti NC 28462 HOLDEN :' ���� tic system, gravel driveway at 259 Ocean Blvd. West. The application may be inspected at the PUBLICATION below address. Public comments received AFFIDAVIT OF by May 28, 2004, will be considered. Inter comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Protect modifications may occur based on further Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, review and comments. Notice of the permit duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer decision in this matter will be provided up- oaths, personally appeared on written request. Rhonda Phillips Local C Permit Officer Street Scott R. Harrell 11010 Rothschild Holden Beach, NC 28462 (910)a42-64a8 who, being first duly swom, deposes and says: that he is May 20 Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): May 20, 2004 d and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every ch publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina a�� ���.� and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. >J This the 20th day of May, 2004. � CP G . .............. ............................... (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 20th day of `uuuuu,rr r -o� TNY Re lylsy, 2004. - NOTA9y ��,� � (Notary Public) 2/f CoUN 'tnu..... W" % My commission expires: December 29, 2004. TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 Localin' PermitNumber3e)D 5/ Ocean Hazard _ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreline Other. (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION% K SI 'HOV3HH 108 OTT LAND OWNTER H8y38 N3010H 2^ ""'1- Name IN 7e o. ID U Address / Ctty7&�'o►'1 StateIV G 7,p ,�%) Phone 39e —A�2/ rl q sty/% �Xf• AUTHORIZED AGENT / Name G c, a E Address a� 3 — e Stream City a _iao� �l raci sm� --gip �B4 0;L Phone RlD -4'E 3- 9/9l LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the narne of the adjacentwaterbody.) 14.-152 OGewvr BLuCi was f v/ole �e►u�r DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land di L 5e�'X/bd' square feet acres SIZE OF LOTTARCEL: _ PROPOSED USE: ResidentialjZ(Single-farniiy V/ Multi4amily_) COmarmCrical/Industrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF AAUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENNp ROAT&IENTAL CONCERN (AEC): �6 ;r 7S square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHERDvffERVIOIIS OR BUILT -UPON SURF THE s n e feet COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF gT«tONMEIvTAL CONCERN (AEC): vewo onry patios, (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driay ] etc- that are vdthin the applicable ABC )(Attach vour calculations with the g - Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (l)writhin 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AE �11A (3)wiihin 575 feet of Normal high Water for the Estuarine Shoreline All jacenDt,-q, �U`�in C �ce Waters (3)wA (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC �V�" M A' (Contact your Local PermAF � Permit Officer if you are not sure which J&1kA yoia property-) STATE STORMWATER M&NAGEMENT PEP1IIT: Is the project located in an area subje t to a State Storma'ater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of W ater Quality? YES_ NO if yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel: sq? iFE CRI '�'-- r. IYI iSi `i. fl -cv,a; . j N OF HOLDEN 4MPERM ITS *"A"'BE REQUIRED: The anhin• you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. i service tic have compiled a lining of the kinds of permits that might be required. tfe suggest you check over -the list with ;our LPO to if any of tnese apply to your project. Zoning Drink-ine Water Well,, S amine eptic Tank (or other sanitary w25te treatment system). Burning. arieal, plumbing. Hq[ing and Air Conditioning, insulation and Energy Conservation. FIA Certification, Sand Dune. Sediment Control, dit'ision Apprnn. Mobile Home Park Approt'al. Highway, Connection, and others.t'a. ATDIENT OF olYNTERSHIP: he undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC' or terson authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the rson listed as landowner on this application bits a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest o be described as: (check one) Zowner or record title, Title is vested in FF- e S Se i / Z in the u n_s W i e 15' County Registry of Deeds. - _�an oowner— by vilt= of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of ;bate was in Cow' see Deed Book L if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application [OTInCATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY 0'9�rNERS: ftathermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adj oining thh property. I affirm that I have given .CTUAL NOTICE to each of them cmD=ning'my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit (A AAress) . I . r —1 . 1) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OMAN HAZARD °.ND ESTQARD E AA7.Aun AREAS be- [ acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an Y articular susceph-ble to crosien ancTor flooding. I aclmawledge that the local permit o lanzlim was accomp c g stabilization. hazard probiems associated with this lot -This e� and floodproofmg techniques. MAY. 1 1 pERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: D VISION OF lry. that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permis ee 1 � and his agents I furthermore certify ated to this permit _npiication. to eater on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating nform�h� tz This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the to the locality, and any ownership stsemnent, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for 5100.00 made payable information z may be provided orally by the applicant The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated vrithoutreference in any permit which tray be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit Any person developing in an ABC without.permit is subject to civil, criminal and admire; dr ve action. This •he�`+� Y of 120 - n � 1 The Town of Holden Beach, North Carolina Zoning Permit Application Section 1: Basic Data (Information to be provided by the applicant) Name: jYYlt°5 cobLe— Telephone:3"ye a47-Dl97 Holden Beach Property Address: #�1.5_3 accah -BL✓d , E95if Lot: 25:7 Permanent Mailing Address: Street Address: City/State/Zip Code: Contractor who will perform wo Address: 3 — A r- Contact Person at Contractors: Subdivision: Z, 14. 4c) I d eh if local address above Type �of S�t1Icture: (Check applicable box below) New 10 Alteration E:1 Repair O Relocate (Move) 0 Driveway = Fence Other 0 Property Use: (Check applicable box below) Single family OLr Two family = Apartment 0 Condominium Townhouse 0 Other C] Zoning Permit Specific Criteria required to support application approval: Type of driveway materials: Driveway area in square feet Plated area in square feet Useable area in square feet per Survey: Required front setback in feet S Required rear setback in feet 'n' Required side setback in feet s Lowest grade elevation below building in feet a Finished grade elevation if fill is to be placed on lot in feet Piling depth below original grade in feet oe 3 t- Highest point of finished building in feet TZ�Feet above -Main .Sea Level Is fill material required on the lot? (Check box) Yes = No If yes, state depth of fill if more than 3 inches: O Designated ground level* in feet above mean sea level as specified on Stonmwater Permit (if applicable): 'Ground level is a measuring point per the following: _ 1. FEMA flood area'AE': Measuring point is minus 10 feet from the base flood elevation. 2 FEMA flood area WE: Measuring point is minus 8 feet from the base flood elevation. 3. FEMA flood area'AE' and TE' where the minus 10 and 8 foot measurements from the base flood plettagp e n st' ed soil: measuring point is the lowest original soil under the structure after the undisturbed scii a r a ar(IyD, i n for definition of'balanced'). —J 4. FEMA flood area'X': Measuring point is to be the lowest original soil under the s e a er the undisturbed sail has 6e anted. (see Town Ordinance for definition ofbalanced'). MAY 17 Certification to be completed by Applicant: 'I certify that any construction, alteration or replacement of building and or u and sh gGlfr aggordpnce with th information an Zoning Permit riteria listed above' COOS MANAGEMMttI C E. 2 COA Dq 3�--fJr`% Authorized Signature Printed Name Date Section to be completed by Town of Holden Beach Zoning Official CAMA Permit Required? Yes [::] No E Stormwater Permit Required? Yes 0 No 0 Zoning District determination for property: Residential District (R-1 Zone) = Residential District (R-2 Zone) Commercial District (C Zone) Zoning Official Approval Signature: Date: AS A PRECAUTIONARY MEASURE, IT IS SUGGESTED THAT BUILDING HEIGHT BE CHECKED BY A -LICENSED SURVEYOR PRIOR -TO ADDING ROOF. U.S. Postal Service Ir 11711 CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT rnEKNWQMb=1 ,91 o insurance Coverage Provided) r3 r3 (Domestic Mail Only; N ri fL ru CO -0 Ln Ln -7 M S M postige C3 C3 M Certified Fee C3 Gel il H 1:3 C3 Postmak Ral Receipt Fee dj Rawl. Receipt Fee E:3 (EndommentRequireJ) E3 Tild.mmeat Bel el F _n c13 W tic" rZ CO Restricted Del Fee dtsemell I ptel , $ taea ,7 M (EndameMBIt HeNil petal Feel $ Total P ru Totelpostagek Vees ru -i M Sent r3 el r- ----------- - ---- --- pt. rer :Po 0" No. Ln M postage =1 C3 Bel ReC8lpV'FW M (EndorsementRQql C13 Bell Del" U C3 (Enticceel R-q40R8C ru Total Postage &fees 1=1 C3 r,-rro�o� n, State, +4 1 -77 1 rly, L - l -2YL1462- 11- �� Ir C3 Lu n M postage C3 M Certified Fee Im r3 Retum Receipt Fee (Endol Required) ro Restricted l Fee r3 (EndcrsemeM Reql ru Total ftelal &l C3 Pcst,ca* Hem C, vkll- ru U.S. Postal Sel nil :- CE RTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT =]I (Domestic rvlail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) r-=i ru .0 Ln M Postal C3 Certified /ij 1:3 Bet= Rel t (Endorsement -0 -0 Restricted all =1 (Endolsament Re4iiinl- Total pal & Bel ru E3 17� bent _, ,t.�r) i 1 '��._ �Aii 1-;�.;. 1��' y ,n.,� .� .... .lA? _ r May 1J u4 ua:nna Kae rc ��•���� � - CAMA STORMWATER DESIGN 259 OCEANBOULEVARD EAST for JERRY BAKER BUILDERS April 28, 2004 u 17 20 DIVIMAN GEMEN Co p'sTA�- By: RIGHT ANGLE ENGINEERING, P.C. 2 12 Prince55 Street Wilmington, North Carolina 28401 (51 O) 25 1 -5544 (91 O) 25 1-2208 (fax) U 0BEAL 23917 i RIGHT ANGLE u ENGINEERING, PC _-._.,_____—_ NI ANGLE Job Number poom I ENGINEERING. P.C. of project By psis y-r'L o,t AILS I -is y-2o-0 `l Subject Checked By Deft L 1r^P CA-V IDw amUA = --Dor MLEA. >ID bRIVC,04-1 Po iu H is r 32 X 30r ��fl F. �v, o FF JDL%JfnF G6 0 SF X /•s Id _ I ZO CIF- 1 Z lFT B�sc oZSI&.j p.) CUt Tt(, pfacr•i�Eiz )80 - 20.s'-rA S1D?-NeL VOLUME ✓BrdL NpfTi✓C 6oIL .uD sro.✓E Cr+P, PEz CI-14 eg-z = 21. C13 Gf 1Zo r- 16 MAy � p1V1MANp 'f . c0PS-P (� U10 17S F0- Ems—, J.zE 40.(E, 05E 3 �E: 5 ► DE , &CP UNIY 6.S LF SEE S Ili. PL F o , ► oT FDE USE RAJ I-RAFFt" Dt?eCT I%LL '�pQF DZAlrJN6E TO U,0I-Ts VIA t}" CoR0.>J EA�r D PI�i N�, 110� 1J uT uJ. JJa �oc J.H. HOLDEN I >, LOT 19 + LOT 18 SUBDIVISION LOT 17 U � MAP eoolc 2 , /2. z� PACES 118 do 118-A z + + + t ° 73 + I a '+° K+ + I7.7 — _. NRB \ SBB52'33'E NRB S88'52'33-E NRB SSWM < n9 a 50.00' + 7.e 50.00' z Ts CULT ECG R-+BO- 1410 Y 67 0.a 7•5 7.8 ' 3 UN%TS fbf_" _ + + f + + i9 7.2 + + 2—D SaL 2W SOL /aa i n unlcovEz =D J�_ BLOCK 171.H. HOLDEN 3UBDINASION `a a' 6DRAW PIPE MAP BOOK 2 1/2 +.'AGES 118 & 118-A r o . +7.a ,.oLOT 2 LOT 3 z (VACANT LOT)oo.uls5.000'SO. FT_ 5,000 SQFT_ I ` L _ 7s Sqt - ___! L -L 32 I I 1 ofi�° 100' TO AVENUE A -A" 50.00' N 88'S2'33' W _NRB IR13 'A 88'S2'33'PC G:C r v I 0+7 &3 as �, A\ 7.7 gCPV� MF as. a2 e2 a3 SWEWAL�C _ . w 0.3 ` a, .a as 1 GE OF ASPHALT PAVINC +&aU �() + + es + a+ as OCEAN BLVD. EAST zo,", 100' RIGHT-OF-WAY FIRST LINE OF VEC it FLAGGED BY THE'TD4 HOLDEN BEACH 5- 6-03-03. }( LOCATED 6—o3-01 4 ARE IN R.000 HAZARD ZONE -Vt'. BASE _( j O C_ I=A 1-1 � L � �. t "' is i; �,., '!;f� , ,. C C1 T ::;,-; _ 11 Length 7.5' Lay Up Length 6.33' A Width 36" Height 20.5" Capacity 183 gal, Weigh tH- 10:�41t* C (,ULTEL F1�1ti�' fABQ�� ON 0 tP�Q 9,c N � ,CLEAR 5wN5 IN Rechcrger 180- H )o Nod 7-71 AFF( L t 20.5" 14" 1 (� --0-r ot%L 7,5' 6.33' d,0 Ho* Hoo Ho* H,* Ho* H,0 Ho* H,0 H,0 He* o UN IT UtJ ITS Fo K SITE L:II M1 _ D " CULTEC, INC. 878 FEDERAL ROAD BROOKFIELD, CT 06804 a 37 mow 1� Rnne Rrnald 910-842-GSSS p.2 nay is u� ua:aoa -Apr 26 04 09:19a ftmte LzioatLoK as 7 r- z5j ffaolew UVIC'k, N.C. 2R462 .f "I Page 2 of 5 Design 8y. DATE: '7 2 Z (l To: �ar1 n/ 4 A V %D //l- } Ale DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER ed for a CAMAPemut on the property This letter is to inform you the I have appli `- JAm�s owned by (smst nddiss) y of the Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of pem3it application and a cop drrawrag of proposedproject If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer; Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild $t Holden Beach, NC 29462 - Telephone {910) $ ? 6488. Sincerely, pvc ner or Agent) TELEPHONE NUMBER 7— �-- L.'d STE6ZbB0T6 HOH39 W3910H j0 MM01 e0Z=TT i+o Zi 9a3 r. _ t�; _ .' - � ,J �� D, Vae To: ND Old /Oi✓ C DEAR AD7ACENT PROPERTY OWNER: lied for a CAMA F=it on the property This into inform you that I ha�'e aPP �j /� n��✓ �td� �- C/i�U�jt,E at o`�% E/ owned by C 5' (s�o.ama.) Holder Beach, ?.TC. I bave enclosed a copy of pelt application and a copy of $ie drawing of proposed project If you have any comments on the proposed project, please coact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAlvLAL Officer, Town of $olden Beaeh,110 Rothschild St Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone ( 910) 842-6488' / Sincerely,] f}pGEPZ �Lu �¢G�'s -�� L7 (oR;er or Agent) /a- TELEPHONIC NUMBER . 4 O�J�SMPNPG GOPS.�P,�. ' L•d STESE"OT6 H0H3H W3010H 30 WMDI eZZ=TT iU ZT 9a3 08/20/2003 $922.00 6 wi_25 ...1A� n0UFIFuldafriczu Hobert J. BoD' isle of Deeds Inst #172792 Book 1809Page 4L3 08i20/2003 10:28:21m ft,* f-AwnAw}� _ OD 1 6�7 _ .._ NORTH CAROLMA GENERAL WARRANT Y DEED STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF P9Si1NSWICR n "*? e 1. THIS DEED O&e 205th day of August, 2003, by and between R. ELNOOD wife CIA A. NRNKRN, parties of the first part, hereter as Grantors, and SEA CASTLRB, INC., a North Carolina corporation,128 Ocean Boulevard West, Holden Beach, North Carolina, 28462, party of the second part, hereinafter referred to as Grantee; W I T N E S S E T H: e g/rf��6 a valuable consideration paid by the Grants??,,,,� of which is hereby acknowledged, have and by these gyp)¢ rgain, sell and convey unto the Grantee, its he``Y'a and �n fee simple, all that certain lot or parcel of land situated in t own of Holden Beach, Lockwood Folly Township, Brunswick County, North Carolina, and being more particularly described as follows: Being Lots 1, 2, 19 & 20, Block 17 accord' to the plan o Holden Beach, Eastern Extension, as regist in Boo p of Plats at Page 118, in Register of Deeds Of e County. Being the same property conveyed by de Thompson and wife, Doris Lancaster J. H. Jr. and recorded in deed Book 105, a and deE�d'1 115, Page 422, Office of Register o ads, B{y[i�wAclr County, North Carolina. MPS N O G M4 For back rence see de 184, County Regiatry$�_ �r� TO HAVE AND �`j,� a lot or, of land and all privileges and alVpurtenan to belon g to the Grantee in fee simple. AND the Grantors do hereby covenant with Grantee that Grantors are seized of the premises in fee simple, that they have the right to convey the same in fee simple, t t title ie marketable and free and clear of all encumbrances, and t rantors w�t and defend the title against the lawful claims ai never, subject to the following exceptions: U� �V uNo. -Utility easements of record. -2003 ad valorem property taxes. -Restrictive covenants of record. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantors have hereunto set their hands and seals, the the day and year first above written. FT+���� 8. WOOD 1i (SEAL) �J ����9RO/VSfRt . (SEAL) PATRICIA A. NRNNAN Prepared by: Bexley and Treat, Attorneys at Law �J �.' I �. �.;:�: ���r ..( V f �{j t i ;\ <nr. �C) 1... .I� �`� j'i�,� V � �, t °�N VA6 ?`C) 'pFESS/0 PLAT OF SURVEY ISCTIFY ARTRUE AND CORRECTI HEREBY THAT THEACHED REPRESENTATION QQ OF LAND SURVEYED AND PLATTED UNDER MY SUPERAJON SEAL AND IS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE STANDARDS OF _ E L�3�]Z{ PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLINA. e 6) %r r� y ( vuL2 U-a�D �9 "'pso GARY L. GU I GANUS, PLS L 3474 DATE . ' `."„" V) N C7 rnQ 17 F- V) Q� Z Z 0 0 0 0 Z J Q Z O N_ U � O Z = LOT 19 8+ 8.9 BLOCK 17 J.H. HOLDEN 88 i SUBDIVISION MAP BOOK 2 1/2, PAGES 118 & 118-A LOT 2 r I 9.3 TIE ONE: COMMENCING AT MONUMENT -HE 6", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N - 60,741.609 AND E - 2,224,630.476); THENCE N 87.02'34 E 1337.90 FEET TO MONUMENT "HB 5", (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N - 60.810.534 AND E - 2.225,966.594); THENCE S 75'49'27"E 518.51 FEET TO A P.K. NAIL; THENCE N 66-20.00"E 105.36 FEET TO NRB, "A": THENCE N 88'52'33"W 100.00 FEET TO NRB "B". ALL BEARINGS ARE ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, N.A.D. 1927. ALL DISTANCES n • �,.• ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND DISTANCES. G Q�vQ. 2 26 BLOCK 17 `� 0'()1-J.H. HOLDEN `�9D -7 UBDIVISION T 641 dVAP BOOK 2 1/2, IGES 118 & 118-A 7.7 � I + 8.0 7.5 l 7.9 I + + �\ v + J S88'52'33"E vm NRB + + 7.8 7.8 86 17.8 7.8 LOT 17 7.5 + 7 + + + 7.9 7.2 I -20 20' SBL SBL B., J + 8.2 + J Ld J 3 IN+ 8.3 3 o O ut NI is O r- in + \I b M +8 o I I nor I J W \i o= 0 N� LOT 3 Z LOT 4 (VACANT LOT) (VACANT LOT) I- 5,000 SQ. FT. I I 5,000 SQ, FT. 00 _ n 25' SBL -a `.6 8.6 + 8.5 N 88'52'33" W 6.3 + .5 8.3 e.e e.e NOTES: •LOTS 3 AND 4 ARE IN FLOOD HAZARD ZONE "VE". BASE ELEVATION = 23 FEET. C 0 20 40 SCALE 1" - 20' FEET VICINITY MAP LEGEND: NOT TO SCALE EIP 0 EXISTING IRON PIPE (FOUND) ii FERRY NRBD NEW RE -BAR (SET) ROAD ERB0 EXISTING RE -BAR (FOUND) CATV CABLE TELEVISION PEDESTAL HOLDEN TP 0 TELEPHONE PEDESTAL BEACH, ET ❑ ELECTRICAL TRANSFORMER N.C. TB [3TELECOMMUNICATION BOX + SPOT GROUND ELEVATION CONTOUR LINE OCEAN NEW JORDOEAN N OCEAN MEW INDEXING CONTOUR LINE BLVD. WEST BLVD. BLVD. EAST SITE - 25 ti R5 8.8 NRB + N 88'52'33" W 8.5 ` SIDEWALK 8.3 + B.3 + ASPHAL 8.5 + 8.4 OCEAN BLVD. EAST 100' RIGHT-OF-WAY LOT 16 LOT 5 NRB I 89(05'02" 95. 36' TO AN C a 1 PO oI 8.3 FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION FLAGGED BY THE TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 5-04-03 AND 6-03-03. LOCATED 6-03-03. © 2003 BRUNSWICK SURVEYING, INC BRUNSWICK SURVEYING, INC Thomas W. Morgan, P.L.S 1027 Sabbath Home Rd. SW Supply, North Carolina 28462 (910)842-9392 Plat Of Survey For JAMES D. COBLE MADE FROM LOTS 3 AND 4, (257 AND 259 OCEAN BLVD. EAST), SECTION 17, J.H. HOLDEN SUBDIVISION, (MAP BOOK 2 1/2, PAGES 118 AND 118A), HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. AND EXISTING PHYSICAL EVIDENCE. I LOCKWOOD FOLLY I BRUNSWICK I NORTH CAROLINA 1 5-27-03 1