HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_04-061_Belk.FROM :SURE -DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :704B951201 Sun. 01 2004 09:56PM P1 Mau 28 04 01:14p TOWN OF HOLDEN HERCH 9108429319 p-2 cry '-� �-�/b 4Dr Loral Government Permit Numbar CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the sate of North Carolina. Dapanmr nl of Enveoemam and Natural Pliantness and the Coastal Resources Commizabn for development in an area al w%ftrenenW concern pornuem in SCQion 113A-11B o1 the 'l_ J A__ll !7 :i/ General StaWles.'Comtd Area Mitnsn@Rare or %equanee it die permrtee'n appacarion, dared tlif C5 V %/ This permit isoued on _ is subjacl to cumpliance with the appiratlon and she drawing (whore consistent With the parmh),all a,'yflhablo tagulatiod and special conditioneand notes eotiorth below. Any violation of those terms may subject permdlee to a fine, imprisonment or civu action, or may csusn the permit to be null and tvid. PERM17 T*D CON_%rRUQ-' F A POOL, concrete deck, walkway, landscaping, and aejectloa e areas. t I All proposed development and associattA consnuctlon tar be dr»x in accordance with ffie permitted work pha drawin8(s). L No dime disttabant a of a dunes arcs Rill be allowed for this development Ste dime's protco4ve value would be wealmned or reduced. 07 2. All construnt ten most conform to 0s International Rea U mbar local, State and Fedend regulations and the local flu �r v 0ice as required by the National Flood Insurance Program. 3. Any changer or. chatiM in the plans for development, cons g �� i ,rJ .ues will require a re-evaluation and tnodif cation of ibis permit mil {r 4. Pursuant to 15 NCAC, Subchapter W. 0406 (b), this pztmc may not be transferred, or j otherwise disposed of to a third patty, except by the Ditision Director- This permit aaiun maybe appeatad by the permittee or steer , yuaiiliad parsons wdhin twain, 12n; days s1 rho iosoing date, �� �1 Prom the dsto of on appear, any work wnducted under this per. .._ L2`�-- ok ma m,st cease until the appeal is rgsvN+d. �— it crmll officer I nature; This perm?.. must on on the proloet olio and a000sciblo to too permit off'ear when the project is inspected In, compliance. name Any mmWenams, work or prDjoct mdpcetione not covered under this pore, niquiroo father wdtlen parmn approves. 3t Ail work muni negso when trim permit espi-es or. Decambor r ( /_ in issuing t s penult It It agreed her 11:15 project ib ix,nsistenl �/ /� �n with the er"l Land Use Plan and all epp'.icabls ordtnances. e'er rt/� _ ..hie permt may not be transferred to ornthar puny wit-uu--JJJctc�r rrr��� Penni;tee fire written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. sianewre raqu'ead g a conditions above apply to Demli.) FROM :EURE-DESIGNS— FAX NO. :7049951201 Jun. 01 2004 BB:57PM P2 II Hay 20 04 01 : Mp }TOWN OF -IHOL DEN HERCH 9106429315 It- 3-77 LWvarnment � lulu G•�1 ;1-J1_u� PercmtNber CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT m autnetry d by the saw of North Carotne. Dopmbnarr. of Erwironauan and Natural Romurces and the Coastal Resounds Cornmkatbn ler dned?m:maN in an area of orairovr■oral concern pursuant to Section 113A-118of Ilw rt ----> - Ili General Stetwas.'Coastal ArleM"119y%ent.: an railiosted In the pomAnQe'a applioatior:, dosed 0-0--Ulf This permit. issued on Is subject to compliance with the aoph'aelim am efto drawing (wham mnsislant withthepermit),atapplicable regulaliunsandspecial conditions and notes cotiorthbelow. Any vielallonnftheseterms may subject pormitwo to a tins. Imprisonmerr. or &A action, or may cause the permit to be null arid void. 5. The s&acWm most be set track 60 feet 5om the first lino of stable nahml vegetation (FUNV). The pertaihec is rap4cd to container er the local Permit Offiear shortly before he plans to begin construction to arraw a setbad: measurcmcot which will be effective for sixty(60) Clays basing a major shorelne chanW. Construction must begin within sixW (60) days of the determination or the mcraaemem is void turd most be redone. 6. Any straehtre aathorind by this permft shay be relocated or dis®antled Than it becomes immmen* threatmed by changes in shorelinp ctmti a ration. 'nme stra cture(s) shall be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of the time when it becomes imaniamds tbrrafined, and is any .case, upon his collapse ar sobsideara_ lNowwever, if natural shoreline recovery or beset renouris omeat lakes place within two (2) yenra of the time the atructme becomes imminenth, threatened, so that the structure in no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled at goat tip It& condition alaR stet erect the permit holder'a right to seek authori>cafion of temporary protective measures allowed by CRC Rahn. T.'rhe pool shall be a miroimum of i5 feet from all portions ofthe xptic b3—A sn. 'rhlr pormn anion may bit appealed by the p6mitittae or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the suing date From the dole of an appeal, any work conducted Lndw tn:n par• m i::r.sl cases until the appeal is resohed. This permit must be on the project situ and pwosniole to the Derml: otllcor when trio project is {nspednd for Compliance - An v rnaltnenanL* wurk or pmjev modlicatlona opt covered under ihis permit recuires turther written permit approval. At wwhen ihis parmh Qxpies on 7ecembe, In laeuina sic permit 11 Is a7ea6 that this pro)ec::U cv�islml wknrw lvai Land Usa Plen and ell applicable ardinencas. Tni, parmh may not be varlparrod 1c ano:har party whaput t'^.a Widen apprrvat of that Division of Crmsa' Alan3 :oerl. above apply b perr..i:) FROM :EURE-DESIGNS-- FAX NO. :7048951201 Jun. 01 2004 0B:57PM P3 May 2Br04 01:1Ep TOUM Of HOLOEM,BERCH 9308429315 p,4 Local Gavernmanl orm,l Number , LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT �1 ea auttporuad by the Stile or North Caroline, 0epmonort of Environmem and Worst iiesnmovs and the C sesu i Reaourees Commlgibn far deaaWpmerr in ar Brea of emriranmerthtl aonarm poratranl to Sedion 113A-1 is of the _ ri n I/ Goneral stalnes.'CoaSral Area MeradfinetN.' .�eL'L0 Lk- v i As requested in this perm?tarlt Uppli mien, dated This permit, issued on /o is sublet, lu Wmpliame with the application and she drawing (where eonsima71 with tna permit), allapplicable raquietions ens special rond,rrons end oleo oetinnl, below. Any violatwn of those terms may subject purmtttae to aline, hppdsonment or oivi! ar6ion, or MAY cause :h. aormn to tie nrll and void. E. In wcundlu= with T15A N-CAC 7110308(a), no seawall or iiptap icvc&kn15 will b6 r3lloeiad in the future should any snumin , become th m� from etosion i 9. All construction shall meet all requirements of chaptar.157.060 attd Chapter 158.001ocated i in the Town oflioldett Brach Code of Orduiances and any other sectioms that apply to the construction of the single wily tcsidence. 10. The innovative stmmwater system atuhodzed with this pemlit atultbe maintained. for the life of the fincunc addtesved. 11. Section 1SLA9 (CX4) states in phut that it is the intent of these ragslatioon; deist stormw2ter flow be contained within property lines in question, and act be diineeted onto adjacent meatastate. 12. All construction madmials located below base flood elevation shall be treated material. 13. An approved set of building plans shall be on the job site for all infections. 14. All conf;netion shall meet aB ragakontards of the 4-16-04 does not show any proposed fill material to be brought on the lot. This pomid scion may be apooated by the pemtilteo or other pudiff0d persona whhin Monty (20) daye of the issuing data. From tho da:o of ar, appeal, my work Con;htted. under this pat- er ins+ oeue to' lil the appeal is resolved: This pormilmusl be on the prolent etle ono accessible to the parmh officer when the prnoat's inePaeted luraonrp6an1a. Any mainlenanx W0* or proiers modifications no: raverod under !hit, permit requires furher vMIrtan pemtr approval. All wo!k muai ceaao when t>s permh &Wife& an Dezomber In 1swirr.f mis permit it is agreed Ilal this Pro ,= is : istsm w1h fie iota, Land Use Plan end all apt ii=ble or�inansaa Tie puma may rmi ha imdermd w al'.other psry vamp 1 rka wr-e:r approval of ttie Division of Ceostar asa-wyeRerr. YL P75;W q. agreMa r-qu"ved a op. ' condition move apPN'o D— _....... ..;... ... - .. .._._. ._.............. .._...... .......... ..-._......__...... _ - .. _ ....____.. 3 r� 7 FROM :EURE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7048951201 Sun. 01 2004 OB:58PM P4 May 20 04 01:17p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEf1CH 910842931S p,6 Local C,evernme�l ermi� , LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT �1 PERMIT AS authaiaad by the State of Noah Cat bla. Dapanmen of Fftvironment and Natural Resoarms and the Ooaslal pasoureos CommissIon for davelopment in at.. area of environmotral conoom pursuant to Section 713r -11e of the --A I _ r✓ r 1/ Gareral staljjas. -CoaAW lbYO fdgnagWgent.- as reuu nod in The permhtaws app6catior, dated D — Q—V W� This permit, iesued on — is subject to romplianco with the wphoetor and site d-awk* (where consistent With rho pofmit), all applicable ftryulatl0ns aiw spacial carrdlllons and nther gal loft Wow. Any violation of thaaalmma may subject Cafminae to a lire, imprieonmsnt of civil action, or may cause the permll to be null and void. 15.11e pool and 6' of decking may be permitted seaward of the ocean8unt setback rrytur®mts. This developlamt shall be permitted only if it is landward of the vegetation line; involves no alterdiom or removal of all.duries . 16. The ptml and dtxlcwg shed meet all requirernemki; of chaprQ 94 located in the Town on Holden Bleach Cede of Ordinances. I?. AWA steles in there Technical Bulletin 5-93 m putt, that pools end hot tubs are allowed adiaccm to coastal buildings only if the pools and hot tubs will not act as Obstructions that will resuh in damage to nearby buildings. If a pool or but tub is to be loaded lira[ a V-zwc building eben a "911 prutfitfiSienal shall aW=c us by design that a pool to last tub will not inereeee the damage potential to the foundation and elevirted portion of any nearby buildings. In addition the design professional must design and site the pool so that any inmeased wave or Aebris impact fOrOM will not afie= any nearby buildings. 19. Pools, pool d=ks, walkways, and t isociated accessory buildings placed under or a4aeeat to cosu l buildings must be strucuingy. indlepet dvat of the building and its f6imill lien_ Thi1 pomill action mey by appealed by the parmhias of other quaiilied parsons within twenty (20) pays al ins, Issuing date. From the data 01 an appeal, any %hart Conducted under This par- n;h m,.11 cease urd:he appea is fasolvat. THs pmmlt must be on the p%act eke and accessibla to the pwrint officer whon the project 11 Impaeteo 10, cvnpliame. Any ira:mane�oe work erpm)ocf madirat:vne not covered under this permit mWirat further wnttw. p vrmr. apoteval All•a•oik must cvass wlren this.pomtit expires dh December -a1,._7 _ In esuing res pe; mit it is agreed lttal :il:b P, jest IF xasistant Witt. Me local Land Uae Pier. and all appliouble ordinanoec - The pwalp, may nw.. be venretred aanother pare WO:ag the mrIRar. approve! of the Division. d Centel Manapemem. requrad it cpirSal conditions abava aply to peinit) FROM :EURE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7049951201 Jun. 01 2004 OB:s6_PM PS `r mgy 20 04 bt:17P TOWN OF HOLDEN BERCH 910A429916 —� Guvornment • Ferrni� Numhor CAWIA MINOR DEVELOPMENT �1 PERMIT as aufnor4ed by!he Stato of K-onn Cam!!sa, Ooyannem nt Ertvironmant and Natural Rcsoyrees and the Cnastal Rawurcas GoTruss'on for davalopmarr. in an area CO. mvimnmemal toh=err. par%UM1to 3eafon I13A-:ta o! Ae ,.1 ! - --% _ I Ll Cl Mra!stcumc--:Qaroal Arpa W!"agyrPard-, w, t eauested in :be parminee : zpdtt-glen, dared, D - U—tJ.y pormd, isnued on —� is cubieG to cnmpkihng with the application and site drawing (where mnaistent :hn pern:l), ell oppl'P:bls rapulDlionD sndepeciel t>ndnions and nnto.r set forth balm. Any violation c!;hest t2.'ms Ray sUbjact nidea lc a fine, imprim munt r elvA acticn, nr may cause t;> pormi: w be nuC and voic. 19. Whca locating the additions on the platted lot remember that FEMA also states that Human --- alteration of sand duntss within V Zones is also probibited These nattrral katwos are inVnirtant' firstlines of defense against coastal storms wid can do much to reduce losses to inland coastal' development. It is for tbcse reasons that th. y are protected against alteration. 20. Within the Coastal Shorelines caiegnry (estuarine nui public ttuat showlitu & CA3, new development shell be located a distance of 30 feet landward of the normal water level or normal high wlrateir level. 2L Town ordinmce 157.027: On Iota containing marsh or wetlands the piles stepportins the structure shell not be lomtcd closcr than seven (f) feet form an =fisting LnHdleaiIle COL line or CAMA line, whichever is closer- 22- Tuiwu Ordinance 1S7.027: Fill material placed landward of the marsh line is not allowed to slip or wash into the marsh. 73. No fill material is to be placed in federal or coastal wetlands. Temporary swragr- Of materials or sail in wcdends is striedyprohibitrd Tros puma acvon may be appealed try the prmmtnso v v!ba! !ucti!lac persons wAhin!womy !20) rays of the issuinp dale. :mom ma Cate of an appsai, any work xnductsd Under this paf- !firue. caz9e um1:!hv appeal r, rwolved. 'Phis perraii Res b� nn the o!ojon ale and ac:esslble to the )a�mil r'Cmal when the pojeCt is inspected tar a;mp!ianca. Any manter.ancm work or prcjmc•. moddicaiors not co+arae anon this pemit mutter Lnher wrttler. permit aporoval. AA wnmk mu- =9s when!N9 pormh eY]I:es ]n recdmber a=._�Qz In isscing!imia pxrm6 i1 ,s egrrw3 hat tint projec :s rarsistam wi m tnr =;O, Lane Use Plan and all app-'ceb�e o hnonuw. Tfi. namr, Tray not be ifertalorred 7p a'!OL1n' parzy Wrtfy Jt mho wr:ces app.a `al of 111E Oh'MSIDt a.. 0o931a! htn�a?eensn_ 'alwC fs GdnOa I: 6�G=�d1]nb'.: a!X`.vE u�pml' is m�nrTf) FROM :EURE—DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7048951201 Sun. 01 2004 10:23PM P1 Meg 20 04 01:18p TOUN OF HOLDEN DESCH S100420315 p.7 C n ��i i arm CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as aulho:izetl by P:a Stma of N�rll! GarpS:.d rUNIOD(mcre d Envnmm�rn end N;,tmal Reswlr�rs and the Coe.:.al Pasouroos ommsston fordnvnlopmen: n an area of anvimrmema! eurcam Pursiant to Swisr, 11t34"'ll of the . 1 i OPnenl3rattiles,'Cae��l ti'tseB°Rr L.alion, rl<=lad -J �y v -x no fegUbslBd In TAB PermSae�B t�lp " subjnm ro, mp!ierec whF .he n2pbcatior: and :ite drawing n'h"re wnsistem 'h1,, PBrmit, 0-%Wd M �++ "mine permit). a! -WE-3nle ropulell0 LS a'ly SD•Cr2t CPPdlber:9 nrld na:a5 aR:ferrh beWr. Any V101at!un f31.1r19AelarmS R:tly aU])aL1 lermldan ro a fine, hrwkonmerl or oivl! ecGm, or ray �.usa ma C•mt n be nvp are vti:d. h exists lm the property. end that The proposed develOpvent 24. His noted that ooesIDl tears. addressed on the SnbmitW plat dated iE not located vritbin this :nmeh. 25. All development VM be subject to the eonditio05 and nse stander+eds for the bLid b=d areas as described in NCAC T15A: 07H _0310. 26. AU nnrnrtsohdated matental ltmtnitimg from asm dated Cmdim6 amd landstaPmg shall be retained on site by affective scdul►antftd" and erasion COMM] tmeaaare 21. Before tomrmg all concrete pe Mitted Mir- WjnWer dealt inspect the site to verily in writing that the site meets the approved stor®water requirements that he has designed. This permil wlion inay be a;pealed by t` s parmiltve or ether qualified parsens within twenty (20) days W. lho issuing pata. Free the date of on appall!, any work rnndumod umicrlltis pw- mh m..r. cease until lhb appeal is leee!vd. Thi: oarmit rnu;t be on the project, she and accAssi !e to the parrnh olfiocr when ih? pm!eri it in..=p9wed tur irumplirvioL. Any me!meneroe work o-project mods i:at:ens not covered undx tnb permh requirat -utther wrinen 114rmb app15r31. All we n'i t c` - - whan this perms expires or. Dscambcr - tr tsrul:ng trill painiil 115 agreed the: this profea in consatem. w)d- fhe to^.a Lard uae plan and all appl!caiira ordrzrices. ns pamrit-rnay nor pa transferred:u; a.rher perry wercX :he M,idan approval of the Divie:an a! Coanq! rulgnagambr! 1,eig-awo regJitae if yndebna above app+' m Pyrinir) m FROM :EURE—DESIGNS--- May 28 04 01:19P FAX NO. :7048951201 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEFlCH Jun. 01 2004 10:23PM P2 -om Gevommem CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERN6IT as autlurixed'* DW State of Nadh Catoyna. Deparnmarn 01 Enuiratunent and Natural. ReMureec and ww Coastal R.soumas Gommhaion lot developmem in an arse o! enWronreental Cora am puoverd to Section 1.3A-t is or the General 5totulae.'Coasral Ar@a Y41ndg7tileZ Petmt Nar,.be, as requested in the petmLtilct appl.aticn. dated ;— u -� Z-- Tma Pertnk Issuetl ar is etiojed to carrtpl!areco whn the applE�ion and side drawing (where mnsieom aid:!repwmNS.ar;eppyeffibrapdatian: andepoCfa!epndidnns and nmxx eelloRheobw. Aay raWian nl Naeeterms may SlMjecl parminee to nline, eopnepnmem or r1d action, or may Cause the permit to bs null and tmn1. 28. We will also need a statement from Mr. Winkler before the final has been requested that verifys that this: development has been in accordance with the approved stormwater plain and that it meets the towns orrd'aaace. 1117— 29. Prior to initiating land-distubing activities, adequate sedimentationlerosiou control measures must be employed to prevent the movement of unconsolidated materials into the marsh or water. These measures must remain in place until such time as the area is properly stabilised with vegetated cover. Tnit permit action may be appealed by the parmhtoo or other qualified parsone within twenty (20) days of Ulu issuing dote. From the dato o`. an appeal,any work eondu:ted under ftc per• mil n+st cease until e!to appool to resolved. This parmi: must be on tno project site and accessible to the pe.,mil ntGcer when tie project is.Ins"e.ed for eomp6onpe. Any maintenanoe work or pro)e-I modlfiemlons no: Covered undarthit perms reeulrea further wridon permit approval. AG worts •ngsl ca§ee w hart this oermfl expires on 0acembar - .31Of_ CY) - In iosuisg this.permil ilia epreed 1ha11F.ic Argon is mnsiseerd with the last Land Use Plan and all app!izabls odCinanw:. Th•s prim; may, um be transIvrae to anothar oa.^.y wit.bu! tnr %r'rulh approva! W tho Divicon et Ccaslal Management. requirsd if Weeal condhors above a;+; Y IC FROM :EURE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :704e951201 Jun. 01 2004 10:24PM P3 May 29 04 01:20p Touts or HOLDL•rl BEACH 9108429315 p•9 13(QU oe n 31� w�T AEC HAZARD NOTICE / �nlet Haserd Area• Pro1 eot is In An: ��_ Ocean Erodible Area HIBh HazardpOd Anita SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard noHQ's rseet�!�'. cd for development in areas sub)ed to sudden and VtTZ.:ve stormsandemilion-Per sissu tturdyeattp enti tbL' area expimonDecembe 3 of the year In which the permit was issued. Shortly before 1:1e k begins on the project sate, the Laical Pen -it toifice: NID determire thevegeationlineand setbackdistance at ynuy axed site.lfthepropettyhassemUttledtamgemaIthepn[rop [he development can still meet the setbarlc re ifem bnpor- LPOavfllinfwmyouttaatyruma zn taratdiatyou check with tE[e Ld'Obeloreti[e permitexpires for official approval to continue the work after it* permit has expired. Generally, if hundaho r pilings have been placed and substantial progress is cort nuSrr pain it _ renewal nmynot be nea�arY- If s"bswaada, P1Dgre.stchar not beer: made, the permit must be rent Ned and'a new setback 'hie established. It is unlawful to amnnue wer_x after pennitexpiration without this approvail- Date Lot Was Platted'-- - This notice is intended to make Von • Lice applicant, aware of the �perial risks and cs c dwitnatural development in this aree,whi¢lt Is sub' at hanur- such as stomas. eroston and curcents.'The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require chat YOU receive an AEC Hazard + lo'tut for develop n,i car. be notice in writing before a per The(=orramasswn zed at.' ' bnt _ setbacksaseldunealteraiionmpdestg r.0 . rooting not eliminate, property loss frkmi hazy Y permits, the Coasrel fttsources Gomnission ors not Sun rantee the safety of the development'and awumes rto— iEab[lirY for future damage to thedavalopmr t- Tlte best avaiiiable fof0rtrtlon, as accepted by Lie Coastal Resources Commission, ictdfcat� that the antral ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located i5 feel per year- 2he rate was established by careft3 analysis of aerie] photographs of thr comttine taken over tilt: part 50 years - studies .160 -indicate that the shorelLie could moves as Hoch as V feet Iandwanl in a maiorsbrm. Tlellcodware"inaLmajorstormarepredictedtobeabout iect detp in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nuurislurtert and relocation of tlreatened stracturm Hard erosion control strau:Lu;es such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetme tts, groins,letHes and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary devices, including sandbags, may he allowed tinder certain conditions. This structure shall be relocated ru disco anlied within two years of becoming immincntly thmatened. The applicant must acknowledge dais information and re4uirements by signing this notice in the below space. Without the proper signature, the application hill not be complete. rth it —an t's S!gnaturf ZY Pngrrp, Revised 1 f'93 2_ STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA "MONtY OF BRUNSWICK TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET HOLDEN BEACH, NC 2846A IMAM OF PUBLICATION CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and Sta�� Pursuant o NODS 113A-11Holden (b), the duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to at municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a y q f locality authorized to issue CAMA per- oaths, personally appeared t\(\\l`►!1 mits in the areas of environmental con. cern, hereby gives NOTICE that on May 3, 2004, applicant Dean and Shelley Belk, ap- SCOtt R. Harre G plied for a CAMA minor development per- V ` Oc! (N� out to install pool and decking at 1364 who, being first duly swom, deposes and says: tha s M Ocean Blvd. West. PG4 The application may be inspected at the � below address. Public comments receivedj�]jghQ1' '(P`\' by May 14, 2004, will,be considered. Later Publisher comments will be accepted and consider- ed up to the time of permit decision. (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or e Project modifications may occur based on authorized to make this affidavit) further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be Provided upon written request of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and entered Rhonda Phillips as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and Local LAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild Street State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and swom statement; Holden Beach. NC 23462 that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is at- (910)342-6486 tached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the follow - May 13 ing date(s): May 6, 2004 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and quali- fications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 6th day of May, 2004. (Signature of person making affidavit) ";"ySlSfim,,to and subscribed before me this 6th day of May, O. \.4GT�&y . Yy a c oVG K000r My commission expires: (Notary Public) December 29, 2004. TOWN OF HOLDEN BEAGri 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 imr Permit Number 4 an Hazard Estuarine Shcrehne _OR.V.C.Sl+;;�" ute P4blicrTrust Shorelinc,Odter_ �,.. 13381S GIIHOSHZC-' c> 1. 1.NF 2AL TNFORMATION M:DkIJ� N34,OH ! : ND OWNER �r.. Y _ �S'' •Y n.. c �h State_Al( Zjrt2U7 Phene�Llfl� B /I� — �q�� 7TAORIZE((LI AGENT \ .mc lS ($ rOVF ) idress -- --- ---- 7' DPCA.'TION OF PRI Ijzcen'[ watcioody.) . T'.crRTPTION OF Stan Zip Phone street azmc andlor dimctiom to site. IZE OF LOTIYARCEL: 3y �R square f t acr_s ✓ olt-f.-,:ly �1vltIlti-faai ly _ _) Commincal/Indnstial _ O':n--T 'RUPOSFD USE: Residential (Sin,, _ -�... 'OTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF.A BII]'iDDNG IN square feet (vtclu floors and roof cover:d dxl--) ,,NN'IRO.8fEN'T#-L CONCERN (AEC): 45 ;UM OF SUfLDiNG FOOTPRINT A1tD OTITER IMPERVIOUS OR BTTILT-LtPON SI]RFACE square LN T): t SO.4:TAL SEORELL*TE AREA OF MgVIRoNN1EN"LAL CONCERN (4LC): Calculations incllila Ste arez of theT0`:Vdtip line of all l aiid n_s, rs vcways, oovered decks, cons, etc a to y ;•atiOs .tc. that a-c within'?tc applicable A C.)(A.t'.acY, tiotzr czlc ala;:.ons 9.'ifn the p-ojec: draw^aE -) 91= Choosethe.4EC area that applies to your prope-t_':(I)w'ithin F_ feeof Normalforgnorel•:ne AEC5',5feet ofNorma'. Rzb Wat:r for the Esr: arise Shoreline ARC. adjac ntt tstsinY esoa�q"'zter (3)within 30 feet of the public Trast 5norelae ABC ) 7 LJ (Con..-.^. your Local Permit Offie� ifyou are not su*e w nicn . C applies`>TS1ON OF t STATE STORkiN'AT R TZ4]TAGSh ANT PERTIIT: L tze project located in zr. ar * uujec; to a5 t�- Iviaraecrent Pe mat issued by the NC Dit^_sion cf "t'atex Ch Oity? YES_ h� If yes; ] st tFe tuvl Suite uacn a*earimFe:vicus stface zZowed for yotr: let or pace_ /V �s square f t'r5 ?IAI 3C %EQL IREU. The na,\'ry •:oL. wr pLmmnt r,:% *rgccc permitS O:hcr [huh the CAN -',A mmor dr: aloomcm perm : :n ieb6C ho"= :nmjnl:U S IIS118�'Y till emo$ Of PCR 1L• Ihm i aiw ti: mg.uend-'1 C SUCCCSI VOL, rhenl: n4_r the Hsi'•\'I:L your LPG to ,im r,nv rLnCFC aPPI�'Iv-vom pmfOa.. MOning. nr,"Ll"t Male, Vcl..r-.Cp1:C 7OnI. (or Olhtl SOnl:Or)'\\'96lC RCplm::nl cyxlrm) Burtuno_ r11. PWmhiurs. Hemne and Air Condmonma, In SLIallpn ;mO cncrr, Conch canon. PIA C_mirlrarion, Sand Junc• Scdirr am Corvol, ,-icon Apprm•21, h"Gib¢ Homc F'aAc App-oval. Hmfixmv, Conromion, and.mhrrr, - IrM NT OF ONE XEr�SHTI': cede sig ed an r_pp'.icant os a C.M4A mi or develop hoer Fe nit being atiner ?ilc owner of property ir. an AbC'm son authe-ir-d'to aC. as an agent for purposes of aYpb ing for a CAlvf.-.:ninon development permit, certif.y that the m lisred zs landowner on trris zpplicadon has a s pm ficant merest it: the real prcperty desribed therem. This interest re described as: (check are) ar0-2 . owner or record tide, Title is vested iu-TV l E 4- ;� �l P. 6 S k. , see Deed Roof MAEE I6oJC (;�A_ in foe 1`�21Ns W iLr Co rn y' £e:sh ofI)eeds� an owner by vi•we of inheritance. AppEcant is >^.:aeir to the estate of atevas m county. if Idler irt==r- such as -IA—== comuzct or lease, w:plain beiou' or is a separate sheet and a hch to 1 ris zpplica ion_ rmCATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTI OWNS: thermcre •�fy*zt the mllo�tg persons are ourn-n o prcp=,tiCS adjon`^tg this properey. T aiarr that I have g von : TUAL NOTICE to each of them concernmg rev intem* to d^velop th s property and to apply for a CAME -penal: Gi (Address) 'G'�n .`"�Cl t'i1.Jn _ 2 /'hnnl..Yc U.,i ^La LI-1� SrL. �2- ,281 oy -,s49 t2 DES' LLOPFR� IN UC A1S H.4Zd12D AND ESTTII.P: ,71 HAZARD 4.P Z S: naow'_edge that.the land owner is aware &at the e:epos dev lepm tt is planned ion an area F%nit �� :cepnible to emsi Or. and?o- flooding. I aclmoaledge tt=t me 10e11 pe--wit 325cc has explained H. 2rd problems zssocizt.d wits this io_Tras cxelanmdon has accompanied-oy recg staai]Odltior i flondproofntg t cbniques. MP\ J\ G sos 2UMSION TO Elv'I'ER OIN LAND: faennore certify that I am authori=d to grant zed do ir'act u ant permission ro he ?ocal pn^it o.`> �o his agents : err -r on the aforemendoncd lan s in cornectior Aria evauzrng infcnnation rclared tb ttis persBQ�-zatin :is zpplieatson includes. ener`i information (tiffs forrj, a sit;• drawing as described on -, ebacl: of pis applimt on, h_ r^hie sta : n at fee ABC by notice when n=ssar7•, a check for S 100.00 made payable to t3e Iocaliry, and z u io-a-, nrzy mztion abe pro%6d:.d orally by d'ae appli:zrt. he derails of the apphczior as des is d by:1 esc oa-c s are ;O pomoted v.•itboot =femnce in My pint v%hich ray ne issued. Deviation ;--,on scse de`Zils wilt, constitute a 601ation any peril. Arryperson devclopine m ar. AZ;C i`nort permit is subix to c;a i.-.ii-.sl z:d &dminist -tivc actioi. b s te S hay of M 30 O'+ 1 l Qt�r t_'�-+o.anh°-:o: xsoa'autcicriz=_d'foart as'hs ag�� _ Err p4-A:s3 nn0 `a sw oen, &`�v I S' X 30 - I�olRrz;s C:te�+�A� �D peck �i2o�...�J "Po�l r] 0() tf I,IA IK Cell ,. .y .� i`` '7 �� �� (� i � ��:'� I �l V T L/ VL/-xI V LJL V V vv I I + 7.5 + +7.4 8.1 0 +8.1 Ld t cv _ 7.9 +8� o io +7.9 o _ o U-) �j I N M / Uo z RETAINING .7 I WALL r + .2 +8.7 �- +9.2 I 8.71 1 +8.9 I I I I II 1 I I II PROPOSED HOUSE 11 I SLAB EL = 9.5' +8.9 I III I II 1 i I +9.3 I I -- _ 1 I I - I +9.2 I + 4 I �� T rn O T O `l 'tea / +s. J 9.1 go GRAVEL EMSNt 8.4 GRAVEL 9 c0Pg�PLDAA DRIVE + 9.1 G1 �1 ERB NRB + ERB `=3b 8.6 + 8.5 CERTIFIED MAILT. RECEIF (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Cc:aoa, r9 `n s MkTiHENS HC 28104 t` Postage $ $0 -0 p Certified Fee 0459 $2 0 p Retum Reclept Fee Postmark Here 4! - (Entlorsement Required) ResUictod Deliveryn, mO (Entlorsement Required) $ $4.65 ru Total Postage &Fees 05/03/29R' LLL FART HILL Sr 29 t` Postage $ 'n Oerdged Fee .3 O MO Retum Reciept Fee �pl 5 (Endorsement Required) O Restricted Delivery Fee - 0 Q( M (Endorsement Required) _hb ru Total Postage & Fees � '6 ru p ant To or PO Box No. 05 ------------- ++e--- 11 1�j � a9-7 �Q4 MAC D�v\�pN GS�,�FN� Go A,