HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_04-039_MatthewsFROM L PHONE NO. : 910 e939995 Apr. 05 2004 01:38PM P1 TOWN Of HOLDEN 482004-039 BEACH Per -nit Number Local Cnviirnmanr CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as ttetlrw�ed M tl.a state of North Carah" Papranene efle vftq arorrC aM rlaYtrar aamrtes aM the Caam1 Resourtea Camrnerrtan Ier devdnPmmt is Marie of enrrrenndq torroera WtroaK to Section LM-US ofUse C,..,, h SaMMtr'C,," Area Marayeoele i i issued to Mary Lou Matthews authorizing development in Ocean Hazard Area at 624 Ocean Blvd. West as requested in the permittee's application, dated 3116/04. This permit, issued on April 1, 2004. is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit). all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, Imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. PEAMr.r MA INSTALL SEPTIC SYSTEM, C7ONSTR(IC7':INCYLEFA-WLY RESMEN'--& GRAVEL DRIVEWAY, AND RETSA"770.NAREAS A COASTAL WETLANDS LLYE WW BESTAM By LOCAL PER)Lfr7' OFFK'ER AND THE U.S ARMY CORPS OF ENGLKEERS Mr✓ST DETERtME THE 404. URISDLCT!Ou PRIOR TO ALL COWR UCTION OF PERtdGSBEING ISSUFD 7. Itmr to initiffiin6 any taad -dsesbiwg wuvides adequate sedimtmrstire/aosion Lvatrol measures :test be employed to prevent lee movem m of unttnnwhhrted euterials imc the marsh or water. These measres must remain in plate MW such time as the area u pnopedy stabilized with vegeteed cover. 2. Any lunge or ranges et the phaty for development, coostrtwtion or land Aar xtivities will requve a re-evalua ioa aftd mudifrcauou of his Prn A. 3. All coashuctioa must corfo-71ft to the 1ntLrrlatioral auileing Cudc teyuiremcft and all other Letvi, Suee and Federal rc(,wbt:oac. 4. All proposed dovalopment and associated cuactrtrctioa must be dome jr: ecct Atoce w1h the permitted wadMiat drawing(s) that were subdiftwd on 3-11414. S. ptusvam to IS NCAC, Srbchwift/ - �.0406 ibl, this permit may » be Migned, nar_�frn d. wit: of ntlrvoise disposed of to a third parry. This pearl edam may be aporatn tr tk Re n*= x otw 4d orsas aiRe+iwaary (Zt) myt d me Ltwinp datef fan !ere aim d an app mi sr work cov ucad under Rile permit rest tease unf:l erne dVde-4 is moved. Ths Wrnt MM ere M the p W of, and exnalbte to the pemYi 9ScCobar He pqW is nfpedCa is COrfK"N*. Arty wa1 ie vice woad or ogee{ madk etoi not cow mf: uM !lit petrK raprm It;,rtr wimen Pond apctorl. AS vwk mil wsa when a ppmt erprm m peeet"r 3s. W e k9mil Wk ireon it is aef®te Ll2 ths;*,to a eo msie-1 we ale uxi L�,d use Plan and es appltabhe Omftmm . Tlris par:nii mar rat be transkaed to anolhef parry tftx the wtdlei aopwd Co are Diadem Of Cndd Matagenmrl. lip-1.�1���• :jl,a__��.L�/ r RHONDA PHLLFS C NIA LOW PM of 09C& Z'd 9Tf82*9016 H0U30 1,130-10H A0 N10101 Rast1T i0 90 �Jw FROM : L PHONE NO. : 910 8939B95 Apr. 05 2004 01:38PM P2 r. Name Mary Lou Matthews Minor Permit a HB 2004-D39 Page Two 6_ Marsh and wetlands shall be those areas so designated by CAM.A and the ti.5- Army Corps of Engineers and shown on plat used for the project Also plat must include the certification which scares The plat accurately depicts the boundary of the 404 line and must be signed by the Corps of Engineer representative. 7. Town Ordinaacr 157.027: On lots containing marsh or wetlands the pilrs supporting the structure shall not be located closer than sevcn (7) feet form an existing bulkhead, the COE line . or CAMA line whichever is closer. A. Town Ordnance 157.027: fill martial placed landward of the marsh line is not allowed to slip or wash into the marsh. 9. No till material is to be placed in federal or wasybl wetlands- Temporary storage of materials or soil in wetlands is strictly prohibited. 10. The proposed construction shall meet all requiremem% trf section 158.00 and 157.060 located in the Code of Ordinances. 11. The innotiativc slormwater system authorized with this permit must be mainnrincd for the lift of the structure addressed. 12_ It is Dated that coastal marsh exists on the property, and that the proposed development addressed on the submitted plat dated is not located within this marsh_ 13. It is noted that there are federal wcdandss on this ptopency, as delineated by /shown on the plat dated March 1, 2002, and tbat the proposed dcvclop_�'nt addressed on the submitted plat dated March 11, 2004 is not located within t!rrw wedand_g. 14. No cxcavation or filling of any wetlands or waters is authorized under this permit. 15_ A copy of this permit shall be available onsite for regulatory inspection. 16_ The structure shall be set !rack a minimum of 60 feet from the first line of stable witural vegetation, as determined by the DCM or the LPO. 17. Pursuant to 15A NCAC 077-040&b), this permit tray not be assigned, tractsfened, sold or otherwise disposed of to a third party by the applicarragent, or any entity other than the NC Division of Coastal Management ta. ALL CONSTRUCTION AND FILL 1HUs r HE INSTALLED IN ACCORDANCE Wrrlf SECDON 15S.00 OF TfiE TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH CODE OF ORDINANCE. 19. Fkase be advised that nothing including graters, overhangs, t»oflines, steps, shall be cantilevered over the coastal wetland line or constructed ever the coastal wetland lime. 20. The concrete slab will be a finished elevation of 9.4. "ha Derma anion mxr x ap0 om oy the p4rngx ur mer mestar! pv$= w3tm twenty (20% days o! tro 'nwu q tam. From Ire dale o` M aDped. my work �nduded under the pere'tt mane _ild to appe* a resohed. Pas PECTA mint be M inn W-4= ate and stew"b to newer drrfRr when t! prated fs Yrarened IDrOpnpliMDa- N'r T ,n%,nM.% rank ar prapd ana"115m nn t:OMK Ut% this pencil requite tuMry vndten Wnit appoval. 4e,,*m;ls;u .1+ the pema exxres m Decenbur 31. 1, issuia9 MX itas nMY aeem wh to bcw rd Use Rv ad A aM"ic TiaPurrs �' robe trMtknth ateaWMW the r ..Jw. aPpr w a ttr Dmbion of Coasiat varo-4 rl e'd so 4du FROM : L PHDNE ND. : 910 e939995 Hpr. 05 2004 01:39PM P3 6-d Name Mary Lou Manthews Minor Permit #HB 2004-C39 Page Three 21. Any structure authorized by this perrmt shall be reheated or dismantled w'h'n it bt'coul - imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration The structure(s) shall be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of the t'me when it heeomes imminently threatened, and in any case, upon its collapse or subsidence. ffowcver, if nsttaal shoreline "'cry or beech renounshment takes place within Two (2) years of the time the structure becomes imutincrtly threatened, so that the structure in no longer irrtmit wily threatened, then it need not Se relocated oc dismanded at that time. This condition shall not affect the permit holder's right to seek authorization of Temporary protective measures allowed by CRC Rules 22- Such enclosed space Is to be used solely for storage and by signing this permit you as the owner Understand that this area shall not be used for human habitation- 21. The space below the lowest floor that is located in V Zones must either be free of obstruction or constructed with non -supporting breakaway materials. preferred consinlction materials are open wood latticework or insect screening. However, stolid breakaway wall panels are allowed. 27. Any construction below the lowest floor should collapse under wind and water loads without causing collapse. displacement, or other structural damage to the elevated portion of the building or the supporting foundation system- If non - supporting breakaway walls are used, they are to have a design safe -loading resistance of not less than ten nor more than twenty pounds per 94Ware foot. If breakaway walls exceed the twenty -pound criteria, they must be designed or certified by a registered protessional engineer or architect, using the V,Zone Certification form. 23. FLOOD RESISANT MATERIALS ARE REQUIRED FOR THE STORAGE AREA THAT WILL BE LOCATED BELOW THE BASE FLOOD ELEVATION. PLEASE CONTACT TOWN HALL FOR A COPY OF THE FEMA APPROVED MATERIALS IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS ABOUT THIS REQUIREMENT. i29. Please be advised that the Base flood is a VE with an elevation of 18 feet. The lowest horizon member must be at a elevation of at least 18 feet above sea level - This perm saw 'nay tic appealed by ma pe"um or other WeKW pasoaz W"n WMV Ra; c "at to c6ws date. Flnrn the darn d er, sop"," nark cutluG G uider drs MTO AILS ome umi the awed is rew-ad. -N, p9mR cruet Ue , #-pqtftSpE BM ao P!*b to dw pmNt OSM when Ire P*m 61agredFdlot MVWM. Any Mainw. M y"k or ptoyed moddr#ee r1A Catered mMer dds pemn;, re7uie fudhar "MM porTil appn>vat. AL Loh must oeae wMf. Ns 9VH1 MOM m Dear+ebv 11' tea- n 6su"eq ari wr m A A a3'aeo mat bus p9ao 6 =Aware sir+ ltie local Land Use plat and at 4*k4de ardnmr wthout me Ths oemn rnp ad be toWea ed to molter PM wrtLy ari o d ft I)Wsba of Coast Man29�11. -tt i t n w dFi -acute aPpY b Pam; 91E6ZbB0t6 11313311 U30-10H 30 Wr�01 QEErll i❑ Sn �dH FROM : L PHONE NO. : 910 e939895 Apr. 05 2004 01:40PM P4 AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: —Ocean Erodible area L:: F gh Hazard Flood Area _. Date Lot Was Platted: Ths notice ia.rtterhdud to make vau, tilt• applicant, aware .,f the �peeiat as` and conairlons associated with cevciryment in this: arm, which is subict to natural ,azanls such as storms, erosion and currents. Thezules of the Coastal resu%rice; Comrnissirs regm.r that wu receive an AEC Hazard Notice and ackno-v:edge that notice in wcng before a permit Inr devekr} ment con be j3k:um_ ThcCommissior'srultao.'n �.titding3[a¢tdards.t%eaAflnAL sefavcksanci duneaiterati7=tare dev�ed to m�ims0bu< not eliminate, mpemIons from ha-rards. 3j grareng pcsrnits, the Coastal RGooro=. Corrunassion dues not guarantee tee sase.v cf tie ciew0oppment and assume_a no liah$iIy far E_tute damage to the deveiopr..ert. rtt best eva:lable informarior., as acozotee by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that tha annual ocean erosion rate for the area where your prnperry is kcate= :s -_ `eel per year. The rate was established by cars—ful analysis a aeaial photographs of the mastline taken aver ihepmt 50 years. SCidies c+icate teat Inc shor_irte could move as mutt as ueet:ands-and in a major sham. T"*�qpflood water:m ::, aaar storm are rred _a icted m be aiv��t feet deep in dus area. Preferred oceazttrort ?rcttectiar. measures art beach nourishment artd relocation of thseatimed strucrx�. Hard erosion control strtclures such as bulkheads, 5h walls, re"tm citts. grams lathes and bre?.Nva[er.: Ehe 9prie derives, olaitea. Temporary including sand bags, reap allowed tinder certain condii ins. 'this str_cture shall be relocated Or dismantles within to years of becoming imminently threztenad. The applicant must ad=viiedge th:> infnrmadon and requirenex'ts by signing this notice art the be�ow space. Witsout the proper wgria!trre, :he appLcatien will no)!be 4_ S- el 'atd Inlet Hazard Area SPECIAL NOTE: "lius haza-d m-ice l; require3 for development in areas subject to su'.den and mass:ve siorrrs anti r•ro5ior.. ?'t:rc,is issued far deer.+.;+p-tnerl ir• ini= a- . Ca orfire no, December 31 of site Laird w_wr:c,lln:.:nq the year ir. Much Une perms. was issued- .'iitnrtly btu fcire work l;eg'ns rm line projec! s:te, tlte' veal ;'ermi: Officer will cetc=;r>r they ve�a;ign lin=v+d selbi;k distance a: your slte-1 i :heorop�iy has seen kiticiltdnge and :he oroposed do;'4upment can still meet the .stlbaZ: ague etnen!, the 1.p0 will i:rform yo-a'"hat you m5 vbegin work -It is impor- trnt slat you chick vA th the L�Obefare the permit expires la, offidsl appmmval to continue the work after the peso:, loess e>5ired. Generall%, _ fouttdation pilings have been yiacee And substantial grog sss is cannnu_ng, permit renewm! may rani he :necessary. It substantial progress has not been rnade. the pmmlt melt be renewed and a new setba& line established- It is irniawf vl to wnrinue work after penwt ext?aatlon v.. met this approval. Fur mi:r a it:f ortnation, centad: Luca: Pfif! :6 011!ic41' S-d 91EG2iHOi6 HOd36 d0 UMD! etE:11 40 s❑ add C>�o CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 11aA-119(b), the municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH in the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on March 17, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET applicant Mary Lou Matthews, ap- plied for a CAMA minor development perer- plied COUNTY OFBRUNSWICK HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 mit to construct a single family residence, gravel driveway, septic system at 624 Ocean Blvd. West. The application may inspected at the below address.dress. Public comments received AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION by April 2, 2004, will be considered later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on Anther Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, review and comments. Notice of the permit duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer decision in this matter will be provided up- on written request. oaths, personally appeared Rhonda Phillips Local CAMA Permit Officer 110 Rethschfld street Scott R. Harrell Holden Beach, NC 2S462 (910)842-649e who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Mar. 26 Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): March 25, 2004 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. r This the 25th day of March, 2004. ............................................... (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 25th day of March, 2004. ata �GTAgy 4A6.. '• U�'. (Notary Public) ':;�s�,'•..�- _,,.•• My comrnission expires: December 29, 2004. _ocatin Permit Number o7p0�vt7 Jcean Hazard Estuarine Shoreline _ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreline - Other -(For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OVTTER Name TOW14 OF, HOI,DESBREET 110 ROTHBCH NC 28462 VAOLDEN Address '.:2g Cl Z 1 " '(- City �s State -Ale-, Zip f2jsP?1e Phone AUTHORIZED AGENT Name S c -- Address /r��� City State tiG Zip -? Phone 9/0 L ! LOCATION OF PROJECT: and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) .� S Y,.t 'On SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL:!i �� r) square feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential �Sinele-family _ Multi -family _) Comincrical/Industrial _ Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVD3o1�'MENTAL CONCERN (AEC): /i/gS square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) TM SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON S, COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIItONMEN rAL CONCERN (AEC)-: et� (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, Crete of MAIR 'soo 2004 ptos, etc. that are within the applicable AEC.)(Attacb vour calculations with the project drawing . Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: DIVISION OF (1)within 75 feet of Normal High'dater for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC Cn e �� (2)within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outs 9MENT (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT'PERMTT: Is the project located inyr area subject to a State Stormwatea Management Permit issued by the NC Dr^ Q nY7 n ^ ES 1/ NO u a u is If yes, list the total built upon area/imp c or parcel. GCS 3 square feet. MAR 1 & = I I to e�7 TOWN OF HOLDFni ?r7^^U S1-AYEMiN1 OF OWNERSHIP > r I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in > an AEC or a arson authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development Z permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) ✓owner or record titl Title is vested in/o/,Z— �/` jy+� see Deed Book page in the wy sw � c County Registryof Dees. _ an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. ; if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. r^ O n IOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS r- furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I ave given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for CAMA permit. I (Name) „ (Address) )R DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: cknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the rticular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations iceming stabilization and floodproofing techniques. :RMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND irthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permiss t e oc ee�rrnr,ntpo o e I his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluartyll mitapplication. MMA�RR a' s application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as des d oh'�ii?' U199 Phis a :anon, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a foa5 SA�q }e dyable to locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The deta' bbYy t�9Q4'CQQ¢divd b�an{�'' cribed by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit w1Q® lets n these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a per - is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. i the _ day of c�F F4 20 4i otivner or person authorized to act as his agent for purposes of tiling a CAMA permit application. I 0 SUPPLY W 28OL 1 b? a L 777,77 a Postage $ $0.60 I 0470 Certified Fee 09 i . Postmark Rehm Receipt Fee Hera (Endorsement Required) 0, 00 i Restricted DelNery Fed I (Fndorseiment Required) 1 Talel Postage 6 Feee $ $4.65 03/05/2004 ®LOEAHFOH 451C 1 A L U S El 50.60 n O Poetess $ i $2.30 0470 Y C� � canlnaa Fee 09 $1.75 Postmark C/) Retum Receipt Fee (Emile ARt Raqulred) Here 7 RasMcted Delivery Fee $0.00 (Endmaememt Regaired) O Total Postage a Fees $ $4.65 03/05/2004 Z o C�4 tSentrii��f !S lT O O o _ 86ee4 Mt No /� �.�// +_ wPg9gx No... (CO �f/LV�'r�_' _��✓�lL�-C WIN ft is, ZIP+ rn Date: 2-25-04 To: Jim D. Griffin Jr. Holden Beach Enterprises 3711 Windy Point Rd. SW Supply, NC 28462 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU THAT I HAVE APPLIED FOR A CAMA PERMIT ON THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MARY LOU MATTHEWS AT 624 OCEAN BOULEVARD WEST, HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. ENCLOSED IS A COPY OF PERMIT APPLICATION AND A COPY OF THE DRAWING OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED PROJECT, PLEASE CONTACT RHONDA PHILLIPS, LOCAL CAMA OFFICER, TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACI-L N.C. 28462 — (910-842-6488) SINCERELY, BR1AN MATTHEWS PHONE # 910-279-4353 ECEIVE MA 19 2004 �� D1V1S10'V OF V� COas7,�AL f0,4NAGEpjp r uTMV0141110 To: Gary S. Oppito 10746 Weatherstone Rd. Loveland, OH 45140-7404 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU THAT I HAVE APPLIED FOR A CAMA PERMIT ON THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MARY LOU MATTHEWS AT 624 OCEAN BOULEVARD WEST, HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. ENCLOSED IS A COPY OF PERMIT APPLICATION AND A COPY OF THE DRAWING OF THE PROPOSED PROJECT. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED PROJECT, PLEASE CONTACT RHONDA PHILLIPS, LOCAL CAMA OFFICER, TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 — (910-842-6488) SINCERELY, BRIAN MATTHEWS PHONE # 910-279-4353 E(czE MAP, 19 2004 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1 I B. FRANK ODELL WILLIA SON j BOYD DEED BOOK 11L9, AG� 93 I D.B. 162—S D.B. 162-5 I o I I I I I j NAND I ROBERT B. MORGAN I I AND I ^? Un ZI I ROBERT C. BYRD I I rm NI DEED BOOK 146. PAGE 659 p: N I I I +I FI I a I I I of I I I I i I MARY LOU I oMARY LOU MATTHEWS NI MATTHEWS D (REPUTED OWNER) 14 (REPUTED OWNER) I DEED BOOK 1)8)76, DEED BOOK 18))91PAGE 112, I I 12.468 SO.1Fi. I f I 12,468 SPAGE O SFT. I A` i I 37 _, I I ERB t I I404 LINE ANDt COASTAL WETLAND I LINE OCTOBER, 2003 (POINTS 2-5) '1� y404 DNE FLAGGED ERB �rb� y I /` BY THE U.S.A.C.E. LOCATED OCTOBER, 2003 ��� 1 � 3 4 --- e I 2I 6 m 1 bA` I • �- SBL I 4.1 `K --• _I + I + I NRB _ SBl I 8 pl ; 71 2 { o I + + /I 6� I 5.4 7.5 7.4 I 6.8 `I 5.8 1 1 IYA Co I U b r, n-%�Ay�jl m m y mjN ` ,_-_ rl 0 Ir I 6.7 --------------------- `8� � I 1125' SBA J 25 SOL L I 1 6.7 I L� 8.7 + I 7.8 %'I + } I I .A. I 8 • ERB E NRB 50,00" 0 ' I 03 5 .00 C" 0 .. } 8.8 •B 100.00' NR e.e� 583'04'12"W J TIE LINE: COMMENCING AT HB MONUMENT 'HB AND E - 2,209,780.110); THENCE S (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N - 58.8 N 7645'29'E 424.28 FEET TO A 'M TO ERB 'A`; THENCE S 83"04'12"W ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, N.A. DISTANCES. HOLDS ENTE .61 V.2 (REPU MAR 19 2004 DIVISIO TAB MAN OF_ ERB I I I I COASTAL WETLANDS I LINE FLAGGED BY THE TOWN OF HOLDEN /BEACH OCTOBER. 2003 BL BACON ISL SUBI MAP BOO I I I I \ I I,�(}lC PE1A J 153 OF SAND 7.2 VACANT LOT 7.4 8.8+ e.7 RICHARD-A. WINKLER, P.E. 239 OCEAN BLVD. EAST HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 (910)842-6065 M ATTH E WS 624 OBW SIDEWALK SURVEY INFORMATION FROM �- A DOCUMENT BY BRUNSIMCK a.e SURVEYING DATED 2-10-04 88 EDGE OF ASPHALT PANNG SCALE: 1' = 20' 90 OCEAN VIEW BLVD 1 LINE IER, 2003 VACANT LOT -203jvs MAP 1 9 2004 COAS AL Na OF EN 6.7 T SEAL 5312 9.0 WEST -oqf �n=iswick County Health Department Application # ?ie-4,yq , Environmental Health Section Tax Parcel # Wastewater Collection, Treatment d yL Type 1� A and Subsurface Disposal System IMPROVEMENT PERMIT FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of Chapter 130A, General Statutes of North Carolina, 15A NCAC 18A . 1900 et seq., and other applicable Laws and Rules PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO - Owner B `/! Ra /Y1�7`t Address ,fG.? ar 1 ✓i Phone FOR THE Installation of a wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system to serve: Resident aomerl Be mEmployees Max OccupanyCommentsNse�' /�� pursuantto 15A NCAC 18A.1900 amended andrin conformity with the application and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the DEHNR/or the Brunswick County Health Department and considered a part of this permit Facility to be served: Name _-&'.:.I c- I / r c x Address/Location ). .SSA .cam 25/-I A-"'4 Description_ '/[ �O)-f ,,,2LIC-Cjff-072- The owner shall be subject to the following conditions, limitations, and construction requirements for the installation and operation of thi; system: 1. This permit is effective only with respect to the specific design flow facilities, and the nature and volume of waste described in the Permit Application, and other supporting data. Changes in the proposed use, waste flow, nature or volume of waste render this Permit void. 2. All documents, including but not limited to site evaluation, design review plans and specifications, Triparty Agreements, Easements and other legal agreements will become a part of the Permit. This includes operation and maintenance procedures and other pertinent documents relating to system operation and maintenance. 3. The designated repair area is to have no parking, driveways, or other impervious material located on it. 4. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the permittee from complying with any and all statues, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies which have jurisdiction, or any other permits issued by this department. 5. The permit shall become invalid if the information submitted in the application was falsified or changed, if the permit was based on inaccurate or incomplete information, or if the designated site is altered. 6. Before Authorization to Construct a Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System is issued, all site modifications., plans, specifications, draft legal paperwork must be completed and approved. 7. Sites requiring complex designs for wastewater systems, may require approval of plans and specifications before the Improvement Permit is issued. PERMIT ISSUED THIS _� DAY OF :. Z—o oa DATE OF PERMIT EXPIRATION /- 8= 0 1 MqR i q MMnn'' J� BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT 9 IRONIv1EN HEA IVISION R.S. COASTAk MANAGEII/FNT PERMIT.STA 11/10997 PIY LU-'/IJW Rti. C'�-��i-ilr�!t l�S�.iW Brunswick County Health Department Application # W-`%S` 23R Environmental Health Section Tax Parcel # ,? . C -o'7Z Alternative Sewage Treatment and Disposal System System Type - 5A AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of Chapter 130A, General Statutes of North Carolina as amended, AND other applicable Laws and Rules PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO Owner Phone I to construct, install a sewage treatment and disposal system as described below: To Serve: Residential Coms Cgqmmercial #E��p:1loyeesNQ Max Occupany Comments, Describbon: A:'7 5`.re- G ADDRESS/LOCATION: The system components consists of: Type system—IWWS-98-1, PURAFLO PEAT BIOFILTER, TYPE A Design Flow =,?&y GPD I. COLLECTION SYSTEM: CONVENTIONAL PLUMBING (MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL PLUMBING CODES) II. TANKAGE: A. SEPTIC TANK(S) 10D GALLONS CAPACITY B. PUMPTANK /va- GALLONS CAPACITY D. OTHER: the septic tank shall be equipped with an effluent filter at the outlet, a screened Dump vault in the tank, or equivalent effluent filtration device as specked by Bord Na Mona. ALL TANKS, FORCE MAINS, PRESSURE LINES TO BE LEAK TESTED AND CERTIFIED BY APPROPREIATE PARTIES. All tanks and risers shall be tested to be watertight by a 24 hour hydrostatic leakage test.conducted at the site prior to system startup. A water level change of inch or more over 24 hours, or visual observation of leakage shall be cause for failure of the test ACCESS RISERS REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS & SERVICE HATCHES ON TANKS -RISERS TO EXTEND 4-6' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE III. PUMP CHAMBER/DOSING TANK: /o v A. DOSING PUMP(S): SIZE, MAKE, MODEL M. sR J77y on . (tom '24 .. z NUMBER OF PUMPS REQUIRIYI: oD;Z B. DISCHARGE PIPING: SIZE,,::frNCH MATERIAL: _SCH 40 PVC GATE VALVES: YES. INTERNAL CHECK VALVE: YES UNION/DISCONNECT: YESWVCI LIFT CHAIN OR ROPE: YES. NON -CORROSIVE ANTISIPON HOLE: YES (3/161N.) C. DOSE VOLUME:,3o gallons DRAW DOWN DEPTH: I i INCHES %L # of doses per day IV. DOSING MAIN: SIZE: INCH MATERIAL: SCH 40 PVC VALVING: CLEANOU S: V. CONTROL PANEL:: y� TYPE: 14-"3C/2- F,R Tmlr �✓, C-1 of �yy� TO INCLUDE: NEMA4X ENCLOSURE, MANUAL DISCONNECTS/BREAKERS FO PUMP AND ALi4RM (SEPARATE CIRCUITS FOR PUMP AND ALARM), H-O-A SWITCH, ALARM (AUDIBLE AND VISIBLE) SIMPLEX X WITH ALTERNATOR AND ELASPED TIME COUNTERS / EVENT COUNTERS FLOATS: OFF X ALARM / LAG X (MUST COMPLY WITH A L APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODE VI. PEAT BIOFILTER: #OF MODULES REQIRED MANIFOLD SIZE �l � ;2_ MODULES EQUIPED WITH WEEP HOLES AT BO M TYPE A INSTALLATION: SAMPLE CHAMBERS NEXT TO MODULES MAR g 20 Oy pennitaut t cCgS PAL MgNA FM 5/97 FAIT VII. DISPOSAL FIELD: LTAR I TRENCH DEPTHLK"i4l l� -� Pf �it` Ito r /3pL1` �{"E .e . BACKFILL: TO BE INSTALLED OVER GRAVEL BEDS AND NEXT TO MODULE MODULE TOPS TO REMAIN AT 6 INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE MIN COVER OVER ROCK BEDS IS 6 INCHES. BACKFILL TO BE INSTALLED WITH A SIDESLOPE OF AT LEAST 1:4 SIDESLOPE A. TYPE A. 1. UTILIZING A ROCK BED UNDER EACH MODULE BED LENGTH it FT. WIDTH 6.7 FT. DEPTH OF ROCK USED FOR BED (BIN MIN.) ��NCH comments: geotextile fabric_ (capable of removina silt sized particles) is to be use on all }�exposed surfaces of the rock ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: VIII. APPURTENANCES TO SYSTEMS: A. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE: TYPE: DEPTH: B. AREA FILL: FILL DEPTH:_ MATERIAL: SAND / LOAMY SAND SIZE OF BASAL AREA: WIDE x LONG SEE FILL PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. FOR TYPE A SYSTEMS, NO EQUIPMENT OR MACHINERY SHALL BE ALLOWED OVER THE EXPOSED SITE. C. LANDSCAPING: ALL SITES SHALL BE LANDSCAPED SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE SURFACE RUNOFF AND TO PREVENT PONDING OF RAIN OR OTHER SURFACE WATERS. D. COMMENTS, SITE MODIFICATIONS, ETC., B ter:»• The Owner shall be subject to the following conditions, limitations, and construction requirements for the installation of this system: 1. This authorization is effective only with respect to the specific design flow and facilities, and the nature and volume of waste described in the Permit Application, and other supporting data. 2. This permit is not transferable and must be reapplied for at such time as ownership, or management changes. 3. The designated repair area is to have no parking, driveways, or other impervious material located on it This area is to be protected, reserved and maintenance in a natural state. 4. All subsequent owners of this property and sewage system, shall execute a contren owner and an approved management entity before the operations permit is issued. Managema system to be provided at all times. 5. All contracts between owners, management entity (Public or Private), or Health eviewed and approvbefore being accepted.� 9 200y 6. A properly certified Operator shall be provided as indicated: p Certified Subsurface System Operator YES COASTAL /`Sq/�n�N pF 7. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the permittee from complying with any and all sttaa6&S4Q s, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies which have jurisdiction, or any other p�?sued by this department. 8. This wastewater system shall be installed by a contractor authorized in writing by the manufacturer, who shall coordinate the installation with the designer and the manufacturer's field representative. 9. For sites requiring evaluation by a certified soil scientist or professional geologist, said soil scientist / geologist shall be present and supervise any site modifications, and critical phases of the wastewater system installation. 10. This authorization shall be valid for 60 months from the date of issue. The authorization shall become invalid if the information submitted in the application was falsified or changed, if the permit was based on inaccurate or incomplete information, or if the designated site is altered, or expiration of this authorization, a new application shall be submitted to the BCHD with updated information, as may be applicable or requested. 11. "A PERMANENT BARRIER SHALL BE PROVIDED AND IN PLACE AROUNDTHE SYSTEWREPAIR AREA BEFORE THE OPERATIONS PERMIT IS ISSUED. 12. ALL APPLICABLE SETBACKS SHALL BE MAINTAINED, NO IRRAGATION SYSTEMS, STORM WATER PONDS / BASINS, SURFACEISUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE AREA OF THE WASTEWATER permit.aut 5/97 y SYSTEM OR ITS REQUIRED SETBACKS. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 1. The installer shall be currently registered with this department. 2. A pre -installation conference is to be held on the site prior to beginning any site modification or construction of the proposed structure or the sewage collection treatment and disposal system. Attending these conferences shall be representatives of the State Wor Local Health Department; project engineer or designer; contractor; builder; proposed system operatorrinstaller; and the owner or his authorized agent 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notification of the engineer and the BCHD for system inspection in stages as required and prior to backfilling any portion of the system. No portion of the system shall be backfilled or placed into use without prior approval of the BCHD. 4. The system shall be installed in accordance with the approved set of plans and specifications. Any deviation in site modifications, plans, specification, layout, materials or other system component shall be approved by the design engineer and the Brunswick County Health Department prior to installation of the system. Failure to do so may result in delay or refusal of final approval of the system, and may render the Permit null and void. 5. The system shall be installed in a timely manner and staged so as to avoid unnecessary exposure to weather. 6. The location and identification of all property lines, easements, water lines, and other appropriate utilities shall be the responsibility of the installer. 7. Other OPERATION PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 1. An Operation Permit shall be issued by the BCHD prior to placing the system into use, or making any connections to the system. 2. Prior to issuance of the Operation Permit: - the system shall be completed, installed, and tested in accordance with the approved design, including proper abandonment of tanks existing wells, and other components. The certified subsurface system operator for the system shall be present for the testing and startup of the installation. - final landscaping, water diversion devices, and vegetative cover requirements and pressure adjustment shall be completed, - the Engineer, Designer or applicable responsible parties shall submit as -built plans to the BCHD, the plans shall reflect any changes or alterations from the as -approved plans. The final pump delivery rate for the installation shall also be determined and provided to BCHD as part of the final certification. 3. For sites that required evaluation by a certified soil scientist or professional geologist, a written certification shall be submitted that the site / system installation was / is in accordance with their specified site/installation requirements. 4. For systems that have been engineered or designed by a private consultant, the desig r gineer (as applicable) shall certify in writing to the Brunswick County Health Department that he has inspect et It tt has been installed according to the approved plans and specifications. - Any necessary easements, plats, or other documents shall be recorded with the ter#,Qeeds and coo submitted to the BCHD, H 1 i 9 - The owner and a Public Management Entity/Subsurface System Certified Ope ,� haGpp"Qa contract w c addresses all of the requirements for maintenance, monitoring, and reporting in Sectl�rTAIP6� 'A&@p requirements of the Schedule of Operation and Maintenance to be a part of the Operation Permi idi dv Provisions of said contract shall be in effect for as long as the system is in use.NT NOTICE OF E)GWATION4M AUTHORIZATION EXPIRES SYEARS (60 MONTHS) FROM DATE OF ISSUE F EXPRATION OCCURS, THE CLIENT SHALL COMPLYWTHALLCHANGES INAPPLICABLE REGULATIONS, LAM TECHNICALASPECTS, ETC,THATMAYBE FFFECTIVEATTHATT7NE(fl-9SMAYREQUIREADDffpNALPREPARATION,MORE COMPLEX VMTEVVATER SYSTEMS. OPERAT)ONAND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS, PRE-TREATMENT, ETC. THIS COULD RESULT IN LESSAREA FORTHE HOME, PARtaNG LOVVER WATER I MAGEAND FURTHER DEVELOPMENT LlmrrATIONS. permitaut 5/97 BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Authorization For Wastewater System Construction Permit BCHD # S'L --`/sNz3�l Plan review by C k DATE J'%` Site evaluation by: DATE 1 - 9 - 7 Site modifications, completed and inspected by DATE AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT ISSUED THIS fig DAY OF .��.,.•,�. ,do 19 BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION R.S. 'Required"" Pre -construction conference for site by: Date: Present for conference(list): Pre -construction conference for construction of system by: Date: Present for conference (list): RIORI VR A4? 9 ?0p4 Cpq 8 q /VAS/0N Op MgNgGEMF, permit.aut 4 5/97