HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_04-051_MontgomeryRug,0504 01:44p PR-13-2004 03:06 PM npr is 04 02:01p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH KINGS. RESEARCH-INC TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 1 oral rnvarnment 9108429315 803 f,d .v.- s10e+2921s CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT asar misc,dbr 11»seate ofimmW caroms pe8elanaatolenukrtaeera. ana Nowditem "and retard■scram m elm Sr.91e in rm save warrlr,rotmeat� �,�Ma owwwGilm HE 2004- C�5I Permit Number 11Ot7- uthotizmg development_In Oce and Area at Issue_ _to rS.6.tl.l� as re9uts�d in the pamhtte i aPPI•Katbn. dated This permit, issued on "it. 2004, is subject to compllan" with the appllcwbn and she drwrktg twlrte Any rattlistetrt with the pettniU. all aptilleabk regulations and soedal conditions and notes set farch bay ! the violation of these terms may suiolect Petnitte:e to a floe. imprisonment tit' civil estate. OfOW - Permh to be null and void. PERAM TO !DD SAND TO THE ISMASn NG MONTALDUNa placeraca of sand shall be aligned to Uto greelcst except posaibk with existing adjatcesa dune ridges and shall be of the same general ooa6Yartition sa adjacoal pantral dones- 1. Sand utilized for the acli ities auahraiud in this modif>caion shrill be aompt�� with exisdag bunch sand, and the compot toft coon be eonrntned by the Division staff prior a the iniliation of any permit activities. The WA obeli also be clean and fm of detuis, and dull not be r'®loved from my misting beach Roa nr dune rjswm• 2. In order w afford protection to nearing Sea tu'Ues;a�bb infwlna. othe Paige' approved herein shall tat take place between May without the prior the Division NC of C��al e R omtltission, US Fish wed wwsfc Savitx ^ r�( _ afar taasi orAm Lacy to ttppeaaa 44 ere wr ilue a otff piiira � tA9ht taab IEq neJ, date IrUrp 6ea.. Flom fee des d on apP99 try w x rynaiLVa under as paml ^cost camas 1parpp:lisrerokni 1w Pans met be an the Peach tga tad aesm+9k p p epee 3 drw rsat b tgstt s tapeded feror�• Any mddmwra rut W cat Inwetien eta IDrorm user at paean n7,trc martrldtenoemn+aPa�� s1. N do rruatertaa Lase sib leant tt4rea fa 11wim Na�panu a a 1amw tits This P4ciu mtclan vd0 This FwQ eat tot t afawanm a tlego ppb Onau de risen wPwt1 d r. Di.ulen d tears ltoreaarrt pHOW halals Graf Low PanAaftm teiarre iTmrdarm rare ePpMm Prtr9 Rug,05 04 01:44p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEFCH p R-13-2004 03:06 PM KINGS.RESEHRCH.INC Hpr 13 04 02tOlp TOWN OF HOLAEi9 BERCH Permit i H9 2004- QS JJJ Page Two 9108429315 - p.14 �..- 910942931E p.2 3. Eglripm m utilized to place the bawled in stutd or tepaw dimes shall not be opts stawwd of the mean low water elevation contour. 4. OMMS and after Cou u coon activities, a tmifoem, gradual slope wall be maietvioed so es not to endanger the pubic or interfere w M the public's use of the beach- S. This activity nwa not sitprificMay iaa taw erosion on 069hbmisg propetuts void now not have a fedficant adveese effect on important natural or cult and re"xCea 6. All wrotdc "I be carried out in such meaner so as to prevent or minimtw de& damage to any e:iatieg vatunion. 7. This permit does not g<mt any propem rights or eaolesive pdvWeges. S. Atew of duna rewtomtion shall be ve®datively stabilized as soon us fassible fallowing project completion, l l.SrouSht in send must be used to cnhmn= fho ettis A 011201 dome it present Location. The height of the dune.must apptoxrtncme other fsouw dome smuctures on Adlscentpropornes.fvy➢uii�ol"••••�rcTurirTSSRFCstt-LI�WED. 12. The Local Permit Offieem must be anti5ta 48 ho m prior to ft oomtot ==N d. of pay activity oral will lie manitarm8 the project a nil tiMCL The Loam CAMA of cem must also be notified immediately afia work is completed for a final inspection. tar plea aim netr is +R I I by ea sD>mft a at. atatastm edm ki4o" aft Ron unevWSVVV4 us tie doe of en acmesS._ sin arse ui tlta eppo a a useetst iris �nattta0. Beta to D41fd ileand eam®:er btameae dwv4wtAeMjwistvra. fwraengrum• Amma� nwe weft w. pf a)g grA tepr�k t mmemd awn baron neatoanalaaneta party tatiht m aa�°"ar74 w Yraa7 tNe P.'d e is ngeed M dk ltojaa 6 mooted vet eab2jlmdueePt.r6wuv=l" " aasrrtts• The VMri air na t v&jsfwd b MVW.➢edr mean tta y.maesaea a as avren a'r�ra tMs�terl �— tttars9601 r cuutawttemtratea F61 I-PWr egad"oMVM"ftWaiPtib Pe""q Aug 05 04 01:45p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH rpr 13 04 02aOlp r TOWN OF HOLDEN PERCH Name c�0%►tl el �G 1flc)�3 Minor Permit ON 2004- a51 Page Three p 9108429315 ;9109�29315 c. Inspection . p.3 13. Vo wwk is allowed outside of the lateral broods of the applicant's property widwo v itten approval of the adjacent ptopcny owners. 14. All proposed &-clopment atai associated woatwfiGH must be done in aecOrd@Dm with the appmved drawings only. AM ebo W of cbeopee in the plans for aed land use activities will Tequire a re eVWUaliUU and mOfifico oe, Of thiS permit - NOTE: The artificially established vap ation line reanitiop from the ptauilted activhks will not be used to determine setbacks until such time as the dimes sm Detcmd=d by the Di-isloa to be naawally vayeteled. a C obw quilledl� alhn awq l�l drKd ana datear frw de are d m psi, cry "k nand M rraa: bla 9rm..1 noon ambov eV aDpoa is maINd Tope^i..minkean6rWdaa540ad toIMPe" arutan etaolsdIs"Madioro, - . Ion nareneroa rah Or agm nndfradm ea mwad uadx oil paaar, ravifeTrtrrwG,anPerVta?PB'ra. MfetwAdrasa when tlooweepresan0eoerje 3l. leer N 1Misa Gla plan II ti 7praOd N Mft paaJad is oniRtara a0n aal=1 toad UMPW end AgPIbftlaw*&vn.' 71r pent ow Val M tsa9 - la natn Pan did Its ran wp dditamaaatra■ro! VzAw er- cm lacd paaramw Mia7tNBnMwe iV9iratl rmewe amr{q/b P��l c F. 15 APR-13-2004 03:06 PI' pPr-Ia 04 02:O1p K.INGS.RESEARCH.INC TOWN OF H01_DEN PERCH una 'ue a7o1 91094P9215 I,.t TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 1 ntal Grivernment TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT d wlMarired by On sate .f tlartt Uep«anam at enuh.ruNnt «ta wA,ee aeeeun NO eery ire GvOtal Reperoe r4modi lee ter dmrebpwrent Yteharaa derwlrenment mrramPwrentb sweep [[..=true General soup. -ceand Ama maruaeetud' HB 2004- CS Permit Number r Issu5e7� to 1 I'017 V _ authorizing development_ln Ocei�n and Area at requested in the permlttte's Application, dated I S _" This Permit. Issued on Apstlj, 2004, is subiect to compliance with the appDcatlon and she dratAng (where consistent with the permit), all appikable regulations end spedal Conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subltct petmhtee to a fine. imprisonment or chril amen, or may cause the permit to be null and void. PERMIT TO ADD SAND TO THE ]EXISTING FRONTAL DUMB Placement of sand shall be aligned to the Wettest extent possible with existing adjacem dune ridges and shall be of the some Sarteral coiffwzation as adjacent nahtral dimes. 1. Sand utilized for the activities authorized in this modification Shall be compatible with existing beach and, and the compatibility must be confirmed by the Division staff prior to the initiation of any permitted activities. The sand zilch also be clean and free of debris, and shall not be removed from any existins beach front or dune system. I In order to afford protection to nesting sea mu ales and beach infaetee, the project approved herein ARli not take place between May t and November 15 of any year without the prior approval of the NC Wildlife Rewwces Commiarion, US Fish and Wildlife Service, mid the Division of Coastal -NtapagemanL The Perri aceii air he proved by tat mr law a oasr. WWII Paeps raain mervy (]n) amp or Ate WUV do, Fmm to alb d m aPpeat Any rack Cmkma snow eat pph( mug amend Ihs *pod is rapines Tens pafN aunt be on the pmjed sib and ammshle t the pem',1 oa4srwhen M payed i easeuedtorawm'&=. Any neNOmav non or PMW irod calbA na mnrea w%w dtl pwink rem*0 Uvw vatam Paenit eWNW. AN role MAiltm tent per" mipew on Desweeer It. IN lrmelD (his po"t it a preen trial the vulw n auatumr rR the bal lad this Plan erne U Mpkare arrmen L 7e6 pans say rot a eerefeaa to ntahr past' owu ON vdetn 7pprad erne 04ielorl of Coeval slam" per(. 'Jig Nut* Ol1dd (erPha m) CMM local Pantri 011itlei e 1>oPrdure rsarl 8 mrrtrsmr more epPtr to pandP APR-13-2004 03:06 PM KINGS.RESEARCH.INC 803 786 8932 P.02 Apr 13 04 02r Olp TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 9109429315 Permit i HB 2oo4- QS t Page Two p. 2 I Fgtupmern utilized to place the hauled in sand or repair dunes shall not be operatec seaward of the mean low water elevation contour. 4. During and after construction activit cr, u uniform, gradual slops grill be maintained Its not to endanger the public or interfere with the public's use of the beech. S. This activity must not significandy *ere L c erosion on neighboring properties said must tut have a significant adverse effect on imtptMafit nasal or cultural raeources. 6. All work shall be carried out in shd:h manner sD as to prevent or minimize the darnage to any existing vegetation. 7. This permit does not grant any property rights or exclusive privileges. 8. Alm of dune restoration shall be vegetatively stabilized as soon as feasible following Proieet completion, 11.8rought in sand must be used to enhance the existing frontal dune in it present Location The beien of the dome must approximate other frontal dare sbvetimm on Adjaeentproperties. 1dQ_UQUMU DLTNF STRUCTCm C wr.r WED. 12. The Local Permit Of lceta must be notified 48 harts prior to the comnseacematt of easy activity and will he merotorirg the project at all tunes. The Loce1 CAMA offiCeM must also be notified immediately after work is completed for a final inspection. This OMnd IKIM may be eapeeee by to pemkwe a ears PNdd Paaae athe laMty M (tree d she iwdrW bIL Ron to rlaa Of an ai>xe. any aura curetucM unde dds Perna roar arse oM Pa appal s racket Ab PaNt naW be M to PG)Id Bile and nomseeis 10"Parini efiarafari the ottiea is iropatae for rmulorva. Any rrehlenerw weak or prgtcl ra iVicidion not crnemi unper nrPMr.t a ," lima som wal sppr a AN set neat rasa saando Derail oxono an Oataebr7l, 2W In"ade put et a is ageed Pala+ 1Nt 7to a wnabrrdgNat VaimalLad UanPkinaidaaa., Itle amdrewes. The Prm1 tray rra a paWdwd to now pate weiaw Pau IN apylaa Of to Orltbn dGlattil Merepawnt natal Penh O�iJ (alprsaea) Rhaade PrttPa COMA taral Punk Dacia yv �. Arntdetraaaaa rapiad amdbr afresh apyy b Pan^ri APR-13-Z004 HS:wr Pm K1Nl.J. KtStHKLN. 1Nl. npr 13 04 02tolp TOWN OF HOLDEN 8EF1CH U"ruT LSYJG 9108429315 P.3 r Name cb%tn ;tel da IY1ar �ome�/ Minor Permit #Ms 2004- asi Page Three Inspection. 13. No work is allowed outside of the latval bounds of the applicant's property wMaut written ovat apptof the adjacent property owat:ns. 14. All proposed de%,elopMwt and associated Construction must be done in aeeordanee with the approved dra "W Only- Any � of changes in the pleas for and land use activities will require a re evaluation and modification of this permit. NOTE: The artificially established vegetation line resulting from the permittedd activhies will not be used to determine setbacks until such time as the dunes we Determined by the Division to be naturally .-egetaled. 71du WIV* alna nq ha 2MWW by Me pwn we w cow quillad a lift"'� ('®) op d ow wwlg dae. Fim tfsPeW, my work endued ww nit pemel rw aere"M ePPON is rsd"d. The pbw mum be on ee wow ate end ames*ls in roe mma arw etw do wow k IMpn't 110, tangla2e. M7 nWorAnpe work w willed mil pR - not aoreed VWK ma pmul, node lweiwwddm pw "apwerd. JAA mi mrwe when ep OMM rpweon Dwomhw et. In ltar<q 1ftft P�Wft III, Is aw'na Ms projtl s m Wwd Mh the I" Lad LIMPNn end at e11111b detrdtwnue. up�ploleidr�e dp I edhod ere tool [line 0� (ypapinl RHONDA eet(1,rpa cauA tncd Perea0lkw r PunAlee (gwkee'agdwd eeorb6elw awe apply b peer.+e) i L� waliq;• PermitNumber j f Ocean Hazard _Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline _Public Trust ShorelineOther (For official use only) GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name—`'o17-.k,. A .+- _WV7(_s4- ?O^.T <vn &,>. Address )0O (SD X G J % City State Xt Zip 2 9 0,0,4 Phone (5,03) AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Address City State Zip LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacentwaterbody.) Cry DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) 4�+ A-0 /M t _ h Z>� T SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: PROPOSED USE: Residential fZ(Single-family feet acres Multi -family _) CommericallIadustrial _ Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF EN TVIRONIVSENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN TEE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF EN MONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): A A square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC.)(Attach your calculations with the project drawing .) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (1)within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2)within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subjec _o a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES_ NO {lp 2 If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. square feet. V LS' APR - 5 2004 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH Al and Sheila Montgomery emorancium To: Mr. Lane S. Kelley From: Al & Sheila Montgomery Date: March 31, 2004 Subject: CAMA Minor permit We are applying for a permit to enhance the dune in front of 599 O.B.W. Enclosed is a copy of our application. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. 1 2 20314 COASTAL iViANAGENIEF' Al and Sheila Montgomery Memorandum To: Mr. and Mrs. Warren Sterling From: Al & Sheila Montgomery Date: March 31, 2004 Subject: CAMA Minor permit We are applying for a permit to enhance the dune in front of 599 O.B.W. Enclosed is a copy of our application. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments. I� ,., L cUui The Town of Holden Beach, North Carolina u� m �. q o }.; )� Zoning Permit Application a o 0 Section 1: Basic Data (Information to be provided by the applicant) .•Name: 4L T S/T'L /L A /70pTLJ%i l3Xy Holden Beach Property Address: 5 Lot: Permanent t4ailing Address: Street Address: ---A CitylStatsrZip Cade: Contractor who will perform wcfk: Address: Contact Person at Contractors: oar CrS_u`sion: d if local address above applies) Structure: (Check applicable box below) e�9v1: S C- Telephone: n New tJ FJ1a aaun u neum Property Use: (Cf-ck zpplicable boxbelow) Condominium 0 Townhouse El Other Single family Two family � Apa anent Zoning Permit Specific Criteria required to support aoplicallon approval: !o 1} Type of drivevey materials: Driveway area in square feet Useable area in square feet per Survey. Plated area in s-yuare fact Re uired side setback in feet Required front sattack in feet Required rear Setback in feetq Lowestgrade elevation below building in feet Pinishad grade elevation if fill is to be placed on lot in feet Piling depth below cricinal grade in feet i eet above MSL Highest point of ani_hed building in faet No 0 If yes, state depth of fill if more than 3 inches: Is fill ma riot required on the lot. (Cheek box) Yes "PP Designated around level' in fee[ above mean sea level as specified on Stomwater Permit c � licabte): 'Ground lava! is a measuring point per the following: - 1. FAA flccd aea'Ac : Measuring point is minus 10 feet from the base flood elevation. 2 r�.rAA.'ccd ara'�JE': M==sunng point is minus B feet from the base flood elevation. 3. FcMA flccd are'Ac ard'VE' where the minus 10 and 3 icpt measurements from the base flood sfevation is below undisturbed soil: measuring _tint is the lower: cricinal soil under the structure after the undsturbed soil has been balanced (see Town Ordinance for definition of'balanc=_d'). 4. F=MA Bccd area W: Measuring point is to be the lowest original soil under the structure after the undisturbed soil has been balanced. (see Town Ordinance (or daiinition o('balanced'). Certification to be completed by Applicant: 'I carify that any construction, alteration or replacement of building and or use of land shall be tamed out in accordance with. the information and Zoning Permit criteria listed above.' Authorized Sionature Printed Name section to be completed by Town of Holden Beach Zoning Ofnu S[ormwater Permit Required? Yes No CAMA Permit Required? Yes o No 0 Zoning District dete:nination for property: _ P.esiden5al District (R-1 Zpne) Residential District (P.-2 %one) 0 Commercial District (G Zone) Date: Zoning official Approval Signature: Date kavt DATE: 1. DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by *_* s.nt7 c A d o ot,r n OtY at S i 4 G f k/ (street address) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 11,0 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 -Telephone -(910) 842-6488. Sincerely, (Owner or Agent) TELEPHONE NUNMER: r�o3 %T D - L Postal Service..,RTIFIED MAIL,., RECEIPT estic Mail Only, No Insurance Coverage provided) ivery information visit our we6site at www.usps.comn Postage ri o cemneeFea $2.30 0016 LM O Retum Reelept Fee 13 Postmark 40 00 (Endorsement Required) Here -� (ErMorseme�iRaquired) Fee �•Od ru ru Total Postage & Fees $ U." 04/01/2004 m Cl ant To o h4erh/1S ftAdlLpje J k ttiIlkwwM-w:_...__—`................ .-_ _______ or PO Boor No. S� / D,B.C,/_ Cly, Staft-----ZIFr4___._.._..____.._...._._..___.__.._.._,_____.__.__ rnl� a PS Form :rr 002 To: UP Q a91ga DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by i>LG t S oyciLA• IsoMGd� '% S—�q &'C? ev (street address) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488 Sincerely, (Owner or Agent) TELEPHONE NUMBER: 3 3 0-,S ( l CERTIFIED MAIL,,, RECEIPT ' (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) Er ru —a m Postage S 0 certified Fee $2.30 0016 0 Return Redept Fee $0.00 Poab*lark Here (ErKlorsement Required) Restricted Delivery Fee (Endorsement Required) $0•00 rilu ru Total Postage & Fees $ S2.40 04/01/2004 rn ant oh �,Lr1.l Sweet � •'to.. /� or PO Box Na. N D \ V T �+ 'L e rrry, smte, aPws, ��y. SC. L?ryL aooq v6/ CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 118A-119(b), the municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on April 5, 2004, applicant John and Sheila Montgomery, applied for a CAMA minor development permit to add sand to existing dune at 599 Ocean Blvd. West. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by April 16, 2004, will be considered. later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided up- on written request. Rhonda Phillips Local CAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 (910)642-6488 Y. Apt b� `�o 0 0a- 21 0;� n TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET COUNTY OFBRUNSWICK HOLDEN BEACH, NC 2840^2 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott R. Harrell who, being first duly swom, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and swom state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): April 8 2004 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 8th day of April, 2004. (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 8th day of April, 2004. HY N0TgRyN�2= (Notary Public) Gti?y�'O(�BLIG fI.0 My commission expires: December 29, 2004,..r �........... ?`�` cK COUN