HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_04-036_MatthewsFROM : L PHONE NO. : 910 8939995 Mar. 19 2004 11:09W P3 ., —., ��',up uWn ur llU.AJLYI ULIALH 9100429915 P.S TOWN OF HOLDEN 146 2004 —036 REACH Permit Number Local Covernment CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT s auumriaed by no seam of %are, Canasta, ogarsac+tt net mrl w...at, and 140M lire aimais grad the Commit Reswar4e[anndmikan her alrrle(wwn Inawaatl dervrwmnmacw purountyasacom It31i-Siad'ue General Sfatbrs,'CoatFal Ana Marmgnnrbt" Issued to Mary Lou Matthews authorizing developmentJn Ocean Erodible Area at 626 Ocean Blvd. west as requested in the permittile's application, dated 03/09104. This permit, issued on 031)9/04, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and spet:aai conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject pern ittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. CONSTRUCTION OF A RETAUJM WALL AND AND Asti FILL MATERIAL LANDWARD OF THE COASTAL WETLA" LINE. ANfa THE 404 LINE. Any pier development WIN require additional permits or a prodirication of this permit The rAloMing coadiliom sh"I apply: I. .Afl Proposed doveiMnnem and associated construction must be done in aecordiance with the Permitted w,+.pi, dmwL:s- 2. All conarrUisu must omfurre with the itwwmtioon( UwWwr Code requirements and a:l doer local. State, and Fodcral mgulations. This constnetio r sba6 meet an rapirereet• of Section 1SIA" betted in the Town Code "Ordinances. 3. Arty cheater a changes in tk plain for deve:opanent, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evahu3ion and mbdihcatian of this pewit. �111. Ptusuamt to 15 NCAC, Subs Mpter 7) .0406 (b) this permit may riot be assigned, uansTarred. sold or aeerwisc disposed of to a third -petty This pemit aftf, may tc apPCated by the xmidee Or on,her gasified perloat wiltin Menu 1201 days of the swag dab. Fmm the date a an appeal, any work tandude under vas w-w must cease tread the appeal m rewired flat permit mwn be m he proitct Site and a=301e o ftw (henna plicpwrter the prelact Is Inspected halt ewnphalice Any maintarunpa WOrk Or Pniad npd(s:alion 001 t(remd wadal n6 hanwit wum kAi%T wndee welmi approval. All woM musl aassr wra w the perm) motor m 11"M O31, 20M in all this permil a s agreed that dfs cujed is zonssairt with fie local Laved I* Ran and all appior6eawoes. This permit may not bt aiwlPRd to arnlher paAf waMrrl the milm approval of the Dwiwn of Coastal Menallemert. Local Parmt GeaGa utilmaturo) RHONOA PNLUPS CASH L04 Pormt Official FROM : L PHONE NO. : 910 e939B95 Mar. 19 2004 11:09AM P4 11..1 .0 U� cJ.+ria iU'd IV Ui HULVEN OLHUH 9306429015 0.6 Name Mary Lou Matthews Minor Permit # H6 20U4-03K Page Two 5. No impermeable surface shall be allowed over any functional part of septic Lank system installed accordingto Drurowick County Health a namic system must be ty Drpartmrnl Permit. All pilings shall 6e located a minimum of five teen fro= all portions of the septic system. All water lies shall be located a minimum of ten fat from all poniom of the septic sYst". 6. Neither the principal snWewre not uncovered steps may extend closer than sue fees from die bulkhead and m piles small be placed citrru than six fen from any bulkhead. Holden Beach Towrr Code 157.025 (a). 7. All proposed devek+prtsart must be done m accordancewith the re4uii ancrus ofChdplrr 158. tilled Smnowater Management locoed in hie Holden Beach Code of C4dinaWVYs. a 7I114 PERMIT WILL BEAPPROf ED USING 13'A ,NCAC 7KAI6PttlNlp!(W Grading, ernvatiea mad Isadsespitrh with do wetland fir. Projects shall no increase sI,y,,,"tar ra mff to mUsreat eslherein and public tmM waters: 9. 'Abe structure is currently loafed in a Sale Flood VE elevation 18. 10 Pkam be advised that the rumem stormwsler ordinance states in part that samunsater on individual petccy offend. and crew in between ao as not to adversely affect the quawity and grmlty or sur4ce wale- flows as a rewh of nataral rainfall, and to control rwwff rem, adjacent property, or water induced soil erosion in any form. 11. No excavation or fling of am' wetlands or wm.r i% autMrimd un irr this Permit 12 It a axed that coastal marsh exists to the property, and that the proposed development addraud on the submitted plat dated 03.V9m04 n ma !tripod whhlrl the mush. 13- A copy of this permit shall be availaSk onsitc for regulatory inspection 14. PRIOR TO INITIATING LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. ADEQUATE SEDIMENTATION/EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE EMPLOYED TO PREVENT THE MOVEMENT OF UNCONSOLIDAT® MATERIALS IN.O THE MARSH OR wA:iER- THIS MFAISURE MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE AREA IS PROPERLY ST.ABiLi2ED WITH VEGETATED COVER- li. The hmliovative stormwater Plan authorized with this perms must b- maintained for the I&A of the structure addressed. Its. It is noted than cooed marsh ezxts on the property, and that the proposed development addressed olt We submitted Fit: dated 3-2-04 is tom to-w.cd within this mash. 17. It is amed that the: r arc federal wetlar cic tm this panpi as da;ineated byislh w on trw plat dame 03/01 and that the proposed development addressed on the submitted plot dated 3/01104 is twit Incased within these wetlands. I& The arcs proposed for grading within the 30Walla from the oormui ho w nr ctateur/nonmei wimer contour eats[ immediii be vcgcra;ively srabilizcd. and must remain in a vegetated state. Ttis permit estop may M apybed by the pemiltae a thiaar qua*W pexs" within Worry fM oat d tas issurvp We Fart We dee at an appealany oak mndacifd under hits parts: mat tease urml tie appeal n esdred. Thtis Domvi wJW he on sat oroiecr male arse Hocessipie M me is officer WW trig WDIPa m "Clisclad hrttrnptarce- Any mdnteni ice isi or potion maafeatipn npl iom"I Wirt -- this aermf.!eQL tee 6xtae Wittier pi apt^e•sl. As *W must cease Wntn Mir pemtil arpres m 0seemoar 31, 20Di in Ssurg thin permt i is a3reeC ?tit this PVFTl is wnselgv unit, fie beg Lard Use Plan end at appizabl? orditan ces Tits Permit may sd be harideemd to sairlh r way Without Y* aritai apsr. cf the Division d C=ta Nenalienw,t k � LOCO parrt4 pR,cal (signaiam) _Rhonda Phlalpc CAatA :pia' Ntipcill FROM : L ".: aU UT urt:+,np PHONE NO. : 910 B939995 ]urn Or Il:1LDEN BEACH LaU C . Mar. 19 2004 11:10AM PS 3i084�3315 AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project is In An: — Ocean Erodible Area ZmiBh Hazard Flood Area- Inlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted: '_iis raoticeis irusraL'? in eratl-a, v(n t. Nle appi;can`, aware of the Specie] rinks and condirions assoriated with ervelopmert m this area, wNd, is c!lhje_> to-wturai 'hazards such as storms, erosion avid cur: e:5s. ftcrabsof the Coastal Resuumt . Conmissirm enquire rha. 4nu receive an AEC Hazard hlolire and zrk-rowledge that snticeir writc-g herorea papa;: fm dc•relopment trb be }Ssu2d. T!t� C(xnmis+si: m3: ;ales pn lutliddn sstana-d�.acezniront }hauls an:i dune lcratian arades9 rnv� fi minimize.b:zt nut eliminate, pm;�,erey ln9F filar: jta/ar(}r.. $� nrmtting plarrits, he Coastal Reso'arces Louwdssjon does not guam- tee t'ne safery of die de,*Japinen? a-ld 3ssune+: nt+ t(atrihn• for iutire aamag-p to the dnaelrt men: `se bestava:iabie iiifCrar: rtioY iv ac�pred by ilte l.GdC+tai :''�' i1rCL :.:un?mi5510'."., :1=aCate9 tlwt he ari'1L•3j ^rpvn itiis?.^ril raiE:i" iil° a-e� l:•�1rrY j"o�-r �.: uper}a' Is 30G2`,e[: _S feet per veP.:. T=tE rate we€ eStablo ed ••c, cam:^-11 anal'isi5 O marw n M^s;^ap� �t.c-.n ^�Za':�^:w t3` c� _.s.� •?<c ,3_=•. YT -•: c:>"';. 5'.Udlgs al-U :i=t the `.hO}C3ne mull move V- ."i?e Tzir: �,01.. zt r a matcrs form are erredi�rac ,n t�,_ ah. Preferred c;t-:,f;:;nt 1-n tr urn Discs: nourisrarnenr and relocation of threatened stru�twa>, 1"!ard ErCS t:: ; u^trU, st'Lv-:1res 5s:ri, a bul f:eads. seawa'1s, reveta ents, groins, ietdes and breakwaters are vr�t�.'sca:pczar;-det.;ces, nc,;t,linc-anai*^ � 3ia-- b S y ..i7ny:w,r under ct P'2n2t cCt^R t".• The afr:iil`anf mra;.: a6::low}edgr thL- i,Lkiiaznwz-n i.ajili,2iae9itb by SigP.in_,; f",„r rtvi cc in the bvow fi_.ace. Without the piolyei SPECIAL NOTE: Taus hazard notice is required G.r developriew in rrea: subject to s,idden and ma"--ve 6l:xmi; anti erU6_pn. Perrnrts iFSVCd fUr jc+VQfUftmCntin Ltie area expire on December 11 of the twrd vearrullowing the yYarin which :ire permit was issued. Shortly before work begins tivi tht prbkcr Fite, the laxrj Pr.r:n;t Ckticer w;D determine tfte .•egeea Lion Sine and setbacw ers�na+at vettr theptxmertyhas seer. itllechang rand thelxup�xd develop^tt:.t 2n stij3 meet the >etbaa requ!remet?t, :he :..ltOwu) imrorrn you that vOu ma, be& Work. h ninlp:�r- ta W &Rt }ou he'J: v+'ith t.2e : T'O L%fore the nerrieexyares For 0hoal approval tc continue•,he wori: after thepe:mit has -x-pirml. r`-enerally, if fovnd tt on pilings have been - eo ar^ aum-an+iij- progress -is cantintur;g. iierr-tit re:+flt t:imay riai be.'+=c_csari;. if :.ul,tantiaS nru�rfsc has Wit been mii;je, t"r- m _ ermrt us: be rr ,cwca and a new a.ltiaw ❑i Un-Onov'ue Work te.T perrtl+lrati..n VT:u Oiitrll:a approvaj. 1'or .»t.,,,,.nforraaa.ar, canted. • -evisec 7 ? 91 FROM : L PHONE NO. : 910 8939995 Mar. 19 2004 11:09AM P3 — — '-f, r1u_uLJa ULMt.H 9100429315 P.5 TOWN OF HOLDEN HB 2004 -036 BEACH Permit Number Loral (Invprnmem ^AMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as adt"Nod! M Ow Sewn or Navth Catalina, On rea,ettt er titrvtrota..ak ace Raft" tteswans steed the Cow" wesatnue eoremmishm fir OMWAUP tm,e in an atv dewiwetwteotsttorn ��—.'+is Sectnn la3A-SfBat me 6atteral tSlaLtea, •lamld Ates aMrtaeanmC IsSued to Mary Lou Matthews authorizing deve)opment_in Ocean Erodlble Area at 626 Ocean Blvd. West as repuested in the permittee's application, dated 03109104. This permit, issued on 03119104, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civB action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. CONS[RUCTION OF A RETAINING W AI..L AND AND "DING FILL MATERIAL LANDWARD OF THE COASTAL, WETL.AHD L1NF ANY) THE 404 LINE - Any pier development will re Isom sdditioaal permits or a dodirication of this permit T\e fallowing ounditiom awl apply: L. .411 Proposed doveloprnem and associated caostructinn must be done in accordance with the permitted wndcplat drawu:g- 2. All construction must condom with the tmem itional Itwldins Lode requirements: and a'I via bah. Stwc, and Federal resulatiord. This constructionslia9 meet ad rvgai<waead of Section 157.111" bated in the Town Code of Ordi iaxa. 3. Any chmgr or clmngei in tit- plena fur deve:opment. caosvuction, tx land use activities will require a nr smlaion and modification of ibis probe. 4. Ptustamt to 15 NCAC. Subchapter 71 .0406 tb), this permit may not be assigned, transferri sold or otherwise disposed of to a third -patty This permit acitT may to appealed bit the cemifte or other wdiied persons wiftin riverty (201 Mays of the issuip tlan. From .he clan d an appeal, arty work conductee under ark pKTxl must coasts undil the appeal m resolved. Thh permit must be on ate pmicct site and aside ;o uw pennt ofix wrier the prcjwt is InspeorM for cempaanW. Any manetsnanpa wo4 or p oo mo6ficalion rid covered ,ndsi Mb peirmt'eauim Luther wrahen Dement approval. All work mail casse vvtkv the perm rndrm m Deeemeer 31. 201r in WAV lair, pmnt a is elj Thal in ¢itied is zonswArl with ate loosk LW Use Plan and all spplic06 ordraecos. This permit may M tM pagion9p to NaXMr Party wahoul the Milan approval of the L,Nzion of Coestel manspeRkta. Local neanR Oyer; (signature) RHONOA PWLIPS CAMA Local Pont Offcia Ferro {sign3 i'cumNtmts 3hmre apDy to fw�rtair FROM : L PHONE NO. : 910 8939895 Mar. 19 2004 11:09W P4 .. +s. u, cJ.+/P 'Uvlr ul HULIIEN SLHCH 01084P9015 P.6 Name Mary Lou Matthews Minor Permit * HB 20U4- 036 Page Two R No unpemtrrble surface shall be allowed over soy functional part of septic tank system. Sepric system must be i%Mlled axorditlf! to Brunswick Canty Health Departmnt Permit. Ali pilings shell be located a minimum of five feet from all portions of the optic system. A0 water Iloes shall be located a minimum of ten fact from all portions or the septic systa-n. 6. Neither the principal stnreturt nor uncovem4 wept may extend closer than, sue feet from the bulkhead and r+o piles shall be placeJ chum? dtan six fen from any bulkhead. Heiden Beach To»r Code 157.025 (a). 7. Ail proposed develnp unit must be done in accordance with the requirements ofChaptcr 159, titled %, mms :ester Management located in the Holden Beach Code of Ordrnana.. & TIRS PERMIT WILL BE APPROF ED USING Is4 .VCAC 7N_ 9769frXJQ)(G) Grading, eanvatiew sad laodaeaping with as, wetland fill. Projects shall reo increase storm»attar rasaQ to adjacent ctur arevte and politic treat waters: 9. The structure is currently located in a Base Flood VE elevation I g. Ill Please be advised that the curem sinrmwater ordinance States in Fart ]hat stvrmwaer on individual pame-4 of land - and anew it, between ao as not to adversely affect the qunality, sad quality or surface watler flows as a result of ne.urai rainfall,andto control rwtoff Dean adjacent property, or water induced soil erosion in any form. 11. No excavation or filling of any weNaods or warm: is eudmrized uteler this permit IZ It is noted Shia coastal mash exists on like property. ruts that hike proposed dcveopmea addressed on the submitted plat dated 03V9.104 is roe: Ew-ited within tffi marsh. 13. A .vpy of this permit shall be available onsite for regulatory inspection. tat. PRIOR TO INITIATING LAND -DISTURBING ACTIVITIES. ADEQUAT'6 SEJIMENTATIONtEROSION CIDNTROL MEASURES MUST DE EMPLOYED TO PREVENT THE MOVEMENT OF UNCONSOLIDATED MATERIALS IN 10 THE MARSH OR WATER. -IRIS M.hASURE MUST REMAIN IN PLACE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE AREA IS PROPERLY STABILIZED WITH VEGETATED COVER. IS. The innovative stormwater plan euthotaxd with this permit mast he tnairraiped fnt the I & of the structure addressed. 1& In, is noted that coasnel riversh ex68 on the property, and that the proposed development addressed on the submitted plat dated S-2-04 is not lo:n.cd within this mash. 17. Ira noted that the: a arc fedeml wetlands art this property. as de-arteated by/shown on it* plat dared 03109, D4, and Sian due proposed developmem addressed on due submitted pint dated 3101104 is run incased within these verttands. I& The area prvpowd for gmdir% -it = the 30 t iii:r from the raiment high water tnrrrour/normal water contort mps immediately t c virgctrively suabihicil. ant' must remain in a vegetated sate. Tits pea a..aan mar oe appeaed by the pemtiitae to deter q�,�dldN triads wthln taeatr'.20) Days d the issvitp date Fnm the area an appeal awry aorta wonatad under this pant. trust cease unutie ubpeal n ,eadvsd. '. ha dr¢mi; uival ! E vet un Oral= Rue anc! arPessible U me pants LEger afren ih9 w1w a Is v+9p0vAd ku cMfpdarce. My rrraraenancs wok Y proem t!wYdee[Oft rol to.ele7 aMef this aermL, !E9wre krther ard:pn rlermn aporc,,f At Wou, must Cease WW alt peMil sepias m Decernsar 31, in 6soQ this petmt r is alined Tit this p!djecl is consistent valh Ina lord Land'Jw Plot sad V apatmbla ordirarces 'lets permit may not be !ran' shared to enc " pads. allhaa '1* "roan apppagl ci the Divaror. d Coast Masagcnz), l` Lprl�paar$ oytFdal (so%alum) ZIO A-f Rhonda PNtllps CAMAUcal' "OKcW FROM : L PHONE NO. 910 E393919W AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project is In An: _ Ocean Erodible Area ' High Hazard Flood Area Date Lot Was Pialbad: Thit netfct s inte,ded -, make yoa, the ncplf©nt, awzm of the special risks and conditiuns eisuciated wrttb development in this area, whirls i, sul jrct to nat�: al hazards such as stumiw, co3ion and cn r eras. f ti ruics of the Coasta; Resour=K Coatndssim- that yao receive an AEC Hazard -ode sod aci ov1_.jg: that notice in wrtine befo-e a petit for derr.:orment car be issued. ?heCommtss;o-: srulesonbuiirlings�mdards,oteaneron: xlbacksaid dur•.eal:i.�tion nredeylgned tor,>Lnim:z-abut not eli'uiriatz pn. pi Tty kns from .9a7aris. By gran!ing permits, the Coastal Resources Commission does not €€carantee the safety of the development and es.. rme. no Lablhty for futt re dana a to the dev elopment. The ltesr available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates f'.uti the animal ocean emsinn rate for fhe area who your pm env is looted s feet pe year. The rate was esraInwhed by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the caastline ta'ren over the pas: X years. Studies ' me-m dicate that the sh!ine could move as -much aa�feet liodwand lh a major ood waters in amajorstvrm arepredicted to be about feet deep Ln this area. Prefcred oceanfront pmtm:ion mvasurns are be.,ch nowv,'sment and relocation of threatened strucGr (A. Hard erokon contrnI structures such as b�lkhaads, seawalls, revetments, groins. jemes and breakwaters are Frehibired.Temporary devices,ineudirt sandbag;,may a'.lowed under certain condiHrns. T'kis structure shall be relocated o:d+smu:t)-d within rwo :,ms of becoming imm'iently threatened. The apjwicant ens-: acistowledne ihs information and re.quirerrmts; by signing tltis :06 in. time below spud. }ltithnul the i roper srgrwahrre, the appN:arkm will eat be Mar. 19 2004 11:08AM P2 Inlet Hazard Area SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for develonmrwtt in areas sublixt to w. eiden and massive stormsand erosion. ermitsiasucr. fordc�,eionmen0nthis area e:pim on Di ,tenmber 31, of timthirtt yvarfoAowing the vew of which the permit w•as issued. Shortly before wark 6egis ore the project site, the _cxai Pennit Officer will determine the vegetaeo: lineana sethaek dsmnce at your si-t. if t:tie property has seen tulle c:nangp and tlieproposed development can sa meet the setback "ui-smelt, the 1.10will infa nt you E•mt youmaybegin work. t: a i rnpor- urrt that you check with the LPO befcre t:'pe ppeeramit eKpnvs for official a�auval to co ttnue the work otter the permit hoc er pi. '. Gt, rally, if fwndehon pilings have been place- and substantial progrin,s is continuing, permit lenewai may not lee nec&-;s ry. If snbstanttz] progress has not oam mace, the perrnft must Ice renrwcd and a new setback line established It is unlawful In cn:ronue work after permit expiration w•itiso-at this zpprouaL rorinore information, cun:act: C, . Revised 17,13 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 110 ROTHSCHILD STREED00,(. HOLDEN BEACH, NC 284 62 LAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 112A-119(b), the municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on March s, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA 2oo4, applicant Mary Lou Matthews, ap. plied for a CAMA minor development per- COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK mit to construct a retaining wall at 626 Ocean Blvd. West. The application may be inspected at the address. Public comments received by March 19, 2004, will be considered La- by M AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION ter comments will be accepted and consid- ered up to the time of permit decision Pro- ject modifications may occur based on fur- ther review and comments. Notice of the Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, Permit decision to this matter will be pro- duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer vided upon written request. Rhonda Phillips oaths, personally appeared Local LAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild Street 462 Holden Beach, NC 23462 Scott R. Harrell (910)642-6499 Mac it who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): March 11, 2004 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina ------ and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the llth day of March, 2004. U1iENT - ............ (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of March, 2004. c V NOTq,gyt ± 3 -On o�QBUO My commission expires: December 29, 2004. Locality PLC/// a Permit Number d �� GENERAL INFORMATION Name Ytal�GcJ Adda ress Zaf city AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Address TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET /1011. State Al'c Zip CP 2 �Phone ,9/ 4asi I m- 1ty State _OCATION OF PROJECT If not oceanfront, is waterbody natural or manmade?) Deiiti led .. )ESCRIPTION OF PROJECT �L�T/ ���� i Zip Phone kREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION Co be filled in by the Local Permit Officer prior to completing applicaHvED _ Ocean Hazard — Estuarine Shoreline _ORW Shoreline r 1 5 2004 ROPOSED USE residential — Commercial/Industrial — Other DIVISION OF — COASTAL MANAGEMENT 12UARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR UILT-UPON SURFACES (such as driveways, etc.) within 75 feet of the shoreline (575 feet an ORW shoreline) 2UARE FOOTAGE OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING ZUARE FOOTAGE OF SITE tTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: he activity you are planning may require _rmits other than the CAMA minor svelopment permit. As a service we have )mpiled a listing of the kinds of permits that fight be required. We suggest you check ver the list with your LPO to determine if iy of these apply to your project. Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Burning, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Du Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway a Connection, and others. ;: r J STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP 1, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAIVIA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in in AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying fora CAMA minor development )ermit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real - -- )roperty=de7scribed--therein—This interest -can be described as:(checy/onee) J b an owner or record title, Title is vested in SL-� ae, see Deed Book page in the County Registry of Deeds. _ an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. _ if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. )TIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS irthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I ve given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for :A-M- A permit. (Nan1e) (Address) .l ��/FFN To,37116r� , WL-05/j/ 5�,99� �Ir t2fl�Z R DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: knowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which ma susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer In titular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied totes cerning stabilization and floodproofing techniques. E D 3MISSION TO ENTER ON LAND MAR 15 2004 -thermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the crppeniNp&ON OF his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating informa ' MANAGEMENT nitapplication. (,� application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this ap- ation, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for 550.00 made payable to ocality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as :ribed by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation a these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a per- '.s subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. the C? day of 2061 �St?d �RSi7eS//ye,/ e Land owner of n persoaut orized to fict as his agent for purposes of filing a CAMA permit application. Op O n s z w s, LL W U.S. Postal Service MAIL RECEIPTo CERTIFIED(Domestic �a Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) t--4 N OZ (n G 1 I 0 SIIPPLY{NC 2I462.f i:i c'';i E= Q f 0 Fa — Pw oge s $0.L0 Q I0.36 0470 C fied Fee 09 I- Q Po.4nazk Realfl��m m flacelpt ���Fee Here � 50.00 Rsad Mry Fo . I'. Pdlied) rwlPostage IF... $ 54.65 03/05/2004 1 1 . , J , 1 , en(ry U:• U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic OnkiltFDH I51C I A L U S El Postage $ 4U.6D 0470 J Cednied Fee 09 (F,aazee�nt�e�ed) Poaer Haze f1.75 $0.00 flee0loted"Req Fee (Entloreemant flequked) $ $4•S5 TOM Postage a Few 03/05/2004 3 Sent Tr oirpa Apt N•ld z 500, April 20C DATE: 2-25-04 TO: JIM D. GRIFFIN JR. 3711 WINDY POINT I'D. SW.. SUPPLY, NC. 28462 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU THAT I HAVE LOU APPLIED FOR A CAMA PERMIT ON THE PROPERTY OWNED BY INC. I MART AVE ENCLOS W S AT 626 POCEAN ERMIT OUL CAT ONHAND A COPY OF THE DRAWING OF THE PROPOSED F PROJECT. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENT ON THE cARO OSEDOFFICER'OTOWN PLEASE HOLDEN CONTACT RHONDA PHILLIPS, LOCAL BEACH, N:C. 28462 - (910.842.6488) SINCERELY, SEA CASTLES INC./ WAYNE BATTEN OWNER OR AGENT PHONE# 910.842.6061 1�(n17F MAR 15 2004 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT -- --DATE: 2-25-04 - - - - - - - -- - TO: GARY S. OPPITO 10746 WEA OHR45O 0 7404 LOVELAND DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: WS THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU THAT I HAVE AT 626 APPLIED FORA C PERMIT ON THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MARY LOU MATTHE OCEAN BOULEVARD, PARD ,1 COPY OF THE DRAWING OFENCLOSED PROPOSEDF PERMITPLIC PROJECT. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS ON TO POSED PROJECT, PLEASE PRO CONTACIT RH ONDA (9F1Q10 LIPS, LOCAL CAMBIA OFFICER TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH, SINCERELY, SEA CASTLES INC./ WAYNE BATTEN OWNER OR AGENT PHONE-9 910.842.6061 MAR 15 2004 pIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT 1 ODELL WLIA SUN I BOYD _ I� --- DEED BOOK 19. AG� 93 D.B. 162-8§¢ D.B. 162-5T 1 I II _ o I I I I I I 1! TIE LINE: I I u: COMMENCING AT HB MONUMENT 'HB 1! ROBERT B. MORGAN I nL N AND E = 2,209,780.110); THENCE S 8 I _ AND I I (N.C. GRID COORDINATES: N 58,862. - ------ROBERT._C._ BYRD ------ --- I ___ _ _ rn_ _ ._ N 76.45.29'E 424 28 FEET TO A 'MAG zI-- - --- - -- - DEED BOOK 146. PAGE 659 I I ORIENTED E TED TO N.C. G D NOR83'0TH. I I I ORIENTED TO N.C. GRID NORTH, N.A.D. +I rAa I DISTANCES. UJ °'• I I J I I I I I � HOLDEt I I MARY LOU I ENTEF I I o REPUTi MARY LOU I N MATTHEWS I MATTHEWS I . (REPUTED OWNER) DEED BOOK REPUTED OWNER) 876, DEPD GE BOOK 1395 1891. 1 I PAGE I f I 12,468 S0. �I I I 12.468 SO.1�T. I I I o I o I I I ERB N8 49 838~E ERB I + 37 13.8� _ I + I I 404 LINE AND 3.1+ I I+ COASTAL WETLAND I I LINE OCTOBER, 2003 404 LINE FLAGGED I (POINTS 2-5) BY THE U.S.A.C.E. ERB I LOCATED OCTOBER, 2003 I I I tr COASTAL WETLANDS I 4 L14 LINE FLAGGED BY 1 I 3 Lt - L 5 I tnI THE TOWN OF HOLDEN ; i� i.H:= 2:rM^ J6 -^ " '" • 6 m �I BEACH OCTOBER, 2003 ' y 2 — 6 ------ -- -----,.,_._.., 7 B ( �, I 4.1 BACON IS //_ 90 _ - .NRB SBL I �a SUB 'I +7 ( + I �78 9 MAP B001 r'ol I I- 7.2 ZI I 1 I I 1 (11 o I, + I 61 I 5 4 p',''� 6.8`I 5.8 I 4I ; '+ t` _+ U M 1 5 2004 I pIVISION OGF N1ENT Ii rn M NA13 ' I� �I m Im I 6.7 IC STAI A o r I B o I + I I .125' 58� J j v 25 j 6.7 I + I + 6.7 ;1-------+ 8.5" • I ERE 7.8 I + A' 50.05 + 1 I : -8 ERB SOUTHEAS'1ERN CWAF I SAND AR OR ----- I NRB 50.00 `, ❑ +8.8 RUNE CA Of DOLL OA ❑ W 100 DO .B.11 EB 5 .008.8+ 583'04.12y e . NPR. .•mFWAI�- " _ A ���•",,,,,, li0t�38 20107NMO GARO sE►� _ RICHARD A. WINKLER, P.E. MAR 2 45312 : _ 239 OCEAN BLVD. EASTBEAC-H,_N.C.28462 RD A ``;In�910) 842-6065�5 4"RD `V`,�� ERE MATTHEWS (osect 00 3�REvisED% 624 & 626 OBW E RETAINING WALL 404 LINE FLAGGED ELEV = 9.0' BY THE U.S.A.GE s LOCATED OCTOBER, 2003 4 _ FLAGGED CAMA LINE 8 OCTOBER, 2003 �NRe T \ s. iI�L 7.2 J \ I 1 i I\ 7 �ut, s s4 I VACANT AI LOT 1� o I7.5 7.4 �• c.8 \ 5.8 J \ i T 9.5 �1 I+ YI\ W ' I 'm s.s �o MAR 520�/ D VACANT I' o �i I ```•\ ��'� I I I DIVI ION OF Osp7,STaL ANAGEMENT I ` - -- % I 6.7 ss + _ I '' 7.8 I + _ _ln.. 50-00 \ _ car,a wRe vry ✓ +s.€ LEGEND: R., EB 50.00 w"� +s-e EXISTING ELEV. €.€+ StDEWH'�t '" ='� FINAL ELEV. € ss FINAL CONTOUF GJ 8.€ 8.6 EDGE GE kSPHAL1 PK'r"G SCALE: 1" = 20' €.9 u p SURVEY INFORMATION FROM s� SURVEYING NDATED 62-10 04 `' OCEAN VIEW BLVD. WEST