HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_04-035_MatthewsFROM : L PHONE NO. : 910 E1939995 Mar. 19 2004 11:07AM P1 .0 u, uo:»Jp IuL'14 UP IIOG..116H 91:.FlCll 0108429319 p.2 i TOWN OF HOLDEN HB 2004 -035 REACH Permit Number local Crwernmonr ^ ` M w MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT an aatlmmiied W the state or hernln Civello; uepanineet of eimnin nionc, Man uahaal Resuron, aid"he raw" Raran.riasconainl Meir.eye"Mit Am m area at enviremagtfaeomn p ream to Sectiim iLu-its of the "no -all 56at ft -con" Aiee Mriayenisd" Issued to Mary Lou Matthews authorizing development -in Ocean Erodible Area at 624 Ocean Blvd. West as requested in The petmf¢eds application, dated 03/091D4. This permit, issued on 0311914D4, is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and rotes set forth below- Any violation or these terms may subject permittt a to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. CONSTRUC'MN OF A RETAINING WALL AND AND ADDING FILL MATERIAL LANDWARD OF THE COASTAL WET"" LINE AND THE dsd LINE. Any pater develepmeet will regain 3"dinsai permits or a modiUmatioo of this perwit. The fdb..ieg cuaidilioas shall apply: 1. All pupostd d_-vek;mtat and associated rent ,Or mu¢ to done in accordance with the peimined workplat dmwkig. 1. All wa muction must _roniio m with the International Building Code- mquiranems any all other lord, State, and Federal regulaaors. This consar odepe shag meet all regolreoneaea of Smi im MA60 laicated in flat Town Cote or Ordhuncim 3. Any change or d an%ft in the pkms for devetopnient coostruaicn, cur Iznd use activities Will require a re4salaetion and modification of this permit. L Pursuant an 15 NCAC. Suaxhalpter 7.1 _0406 ft this peneit may tot be assigned traesRared, sold or otherwise disposed of to a Third -pomp This permit actor may be appealtd by the parmttee or orher quralbed persona witm hiemy I:AJ dais of pie svimq date. From the dace of an appeal. any wort co d cied under this pami; must cease atl fhe appeal is resolued. This penal meat be ; n the project site and aaessAk to the mffd officer when die prged R Inspected for fpinpltmie. Any marl nano wok w Drupe[ incdtoatim nor cowered under this pytnit. rewire iurher written perm¢ approval. AA woe must ease when tits peM%Pxoras on December 31, 7X7 r. setiag this pemii 4 is ayead Mk dis pitied a oasulraa with the bd Land Use Pert and ON appiobE ladinames Ths Wei may rrt to o-ar0ei ed at anti a pang allM A Via wnllen eppiov,N d ace 0iuieron dGnasrol ademporerd. RHONDA PHLUFS CAMA ;ppy Pairs Oftic al I S. No impermeable iarfaee tkNl be allowed aver any functional pat of mpric tank sya:em Stptic system must be MkUed acvordiPe to Brunswick County Hmlo. Depasuienl Permit. All pilings stall be bested a minimum of live fen Finn all pottioos of the seotic system. A0 water lines shaV be located a minimum of fen fees from all porUonc of the septic system. 6. Neither the principal structure nor tmcovered steps may [mend ckkar rhea Siff fen Boa, the buRdmd and no Piles shall be pbasd cimer uEan six tees rom ay th lWreed. Holden Beach Iewn Code 157.025 (a)_ 7. All proposed development must be done in worxdunee wish the requirements of Chapter 15E. tidal Storutwate- Managerttmt located in the Holden Beach Code of Ordinances. S. TAUS PERMIT Wf6L BE APPROVED UWNG ISA V(-AC 7H-A24Wa)(l0)fG) Gradin-, eaovatiou ad laadseapist with uo wetland tl0. Projects shall an letrease srormwater riuve f to adjaeeut eviwamm and public trust wears; 9. The atmcture is earrcnth locezd in a Base Flood VE slevatina 13- I0. Please be adtsed Thu the current uormvrater ordio_nce motes in port that seomtwatn on individual parcels of land, and anew in between. so as aot to adversely alTect the quantity and quality of sur9ce water Bows as a rewh of nattual raint]4 and to comml runoff onto adjacent PrWertY, or water induced soil erosion in any form. f J. No ettcavation or finalik Frany wetlands or inters is authorized under ibis permit. 12. It 1s poted the eoami ntarsh axnh oo the propeny, and the the proposed *wkipuient atitires,ed m the submitted plat dated 43,109,01 n not located within the marsh - 13. A copy of this pernilt shall be available onsite for regulatory irspecai m 14. PRIOR TO INITIATING LAND-UtS"i'UREIING ACTIVITIES, AD2QUATE SL•DIMENTATIONIEROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE EMPLOYED TO PREVENT THE MOVEMENT OF UNCONSULDATED MATERIALS UNTO 1'146 MARSH OR WATER THIS MEASURE MUST REMACv IN PLACE UNTIL SUCH TIME AS THE AREA IS PROPERLY STABILIZED WITH VEGETATED COVER. 15. Ths huovative swrawater plat authorized with this permit must be maintained fur the life of Tine satienire addressed. 16. It is Doled that cuaal march exists on the property. and that the proposed devalotmettt adr}cmed on the submitted plat doled 3-2-W is not located within This inush- V. It is noted thin There are federal wetlands on this property, as delineated by,showo on the plat dacd 03.'09104, and dun tk proposed devcloprrnu addressed ou dw mitunived plat dated 3.001:V& is nor lacated within these wedandL IL The arils proposes for gradipg within the 30- bc&- firm the no.-nat hi6 wa1Q enraotwoo mal waits comma, must item ,diwaly he vcgeaaivedy stabilizer+, and trust remain in a wtented stage. The petmd ad- mar tie aPmw M,' the peannim of altar c:� persons mtNin iwenly i10) days ot the $wag dale. Fran stc We of an appeal. auy Turk cn&cW undo dvs mmt trait cause uW fbe appeg is oohed TNs perri f must to m dre ptopvt Site afta aaZ9Y6h tc me ptimrt cftfif Wheo lie prw is inapectal for compiarm Aq asakwa um wed or o Wd nroSicaW, ra toured trper fie mrsk regdte falia"do pet, aapmal. Al work meat Cone when his pond eip ies m Damal n 31, tyJi b isauq M pent l is agiend lal W,!$ prowct is PL69ai von.. the local laid Use plus and al Vocable 7"icsa. This Wum11 may not be :anwfened to media, part aehna lent roust Wwoo Of the Division cl Coastal tkffl tvtmt {� 1, � • � �(� _� ! �, � Y -ftuada alga CAUA Local PYreg ticul FROM L PHME 1O. 910 8939895 Mar. 19 2004 11:08RM P2 AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: _ Ocean Erodible Area High Hr,=ard Flood Area _Inlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted: This netic^ is inteudecl n, make you, the acp'.icant, awr_re of the sr•ecial risks and conditions associated with deQopme'nt in this area, whidi is subject to hazards such as s`-arras, erosion and carrerm l i rules of the Coasts Resuu-ceS Co_iuvssiv: r-ciitirt this you receive an AEC Hazard -otic anti ac/auiwkd c that notice in uTitne t:efo: e a permit for des-r.:r. pment car be :-sued. ?heComnilcslo= srulesonbuiidiagstxndards,oceanfront setbacksanddurneal.erri5onaredwianedxynmis :z-wbot not Wbyth ate. pn. p.-r} kus trom Aazarcis. By Mnti tg perm)ts, the Coastal Resources Commission Goes not g�ui-arantee the safety of the development and as. —es rw babllity for iutrme damage to the de--eiopment. Thabi scavaltable informawn, as accepted by the Coastal kcsounss Commission, indicates tW. the annaai oecan emsinn fate for the area wht . vour Mjpervis located is feet per year. The rate was esrabshed by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the yas: 5C years. Studies �tmdi ate that 'he sh-: rc nc could move as -much as fee, iandwa:rl in a naior Sloan. T�Rood waken i:t ama�sMrm arepredzbed ro tx about feet deep Ln :his area. Preferred oceanfront pmteccion measures are bath nourlsi mertt and relocation of threatened struct z. Hard erosion cantrcl structures such as bLlkhrads-, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prekib led. Temporary devrx,incucmg sandbags, may h2 a! lowed tinder certain conditir-ts. Tkisstructureshali berelocated a'.'._smzrtlal within tiro years of becoming imminently threatened. T.w applicant rota. aclatowledge this mformation and requirerrents by signing this notice in fire below apace. W-ithoul the pmpzr signature, the apple -=goer¢ will not be SPECIAL NOTE: Tni9 hazard notice is required for develonmcit in.. areas subject to sudden and massive slonnsand erosion. lermitsiesucc terdcweia3mentin t'rs area b pi; a on DSceinbn 3 i of H:ethin9 yearlullowing the vearin which 0w nexmir was issued. Shortly bcfort work 6- i:.i on, the project site, tine :-ocai Ptnnit Officer min dettantine the vegetaton linear setback distance at your si-+. If t:'te property ius seen li.ile ciange soot thepropbsed develoFirirmt can so meet the seibaK- requirene:u, the LirOwrU afo: m }°oar `:�a`youma;�lwoin work. ,::s i:nryr- cmr, tha. you check with the LPO befcze C-te permit eVires for official �pruval to corttnue the work after the permit ha< expired Li^.+erally, Lr loundzlimt pilings have been placed and substantial pmpms is continuing. permit rcnevrai may not be neressary. If substantial progress has not been mace the Permit must to xen ,cd and a new setback line established It is unlawfu! to Lo+. 'nue warlc after penrat etptration Mrltttiout this zpprovaL rormare information, coulee!: •�: Rim, �t „ �. I L J ►��_itTi�Re_ I i � _ ;� �_ ar I t11 Revised 11,13 FROM : L PHONE NO. : 910 8939895 Mar. 19 2004 11:07AM P1 .1 .0 u, un:-Jp !UC14 Ub IIUI..ULN DEACII 0102420215 p.2 TOWN OF HOLDEN Hfi 2004 -035 REACH Permit Number Local Gnvernnpnr r 2 MA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT O..dimmed w etta Stete of north Carolina, mepwanent of emirooanant, and lanhrral Reuoeutnee err mn cea," Rnaer.aes ebrx.rast.. Im *WV0lepeyrd inmearhsaoferni.wrmant npryYfemurof the general 61241%ib, -Coe" Aran M00111 hwrnY Issued to Mary Lou Matthews authoraing developmenr_in Ocean Erodible Area at 624 Ocean Blvd. West as requested in the permittm*s application, dated 03/09iO4. This permit, issued on 03119/04. is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable reguiatans and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may sub!ea permittee to a fine, imprisanment or civit action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. CONSTRUCTION OF A RETAINING WALL AND ANO ADDiNG FILL MATERIAL LANDWARD OF THE COASTAL WE "411 LINE AND TFW 44d LINE. Any o6or develops eat will regeite additional pawmits ore modification of this perorit The following ooMidons sties wppl}: 1. All proptracd it v- krmeor aid assoeimed cons action men he dome in accordance with the permitted wortplat drawing. 2. .AM comrructim must conform with the international Bridling (:udc :cquiremeots aril all other local State, and Federal regule$nrs. This constrmctimat shell meat all regnknmoewq of Section 157A" located in rbt Town Code of Ordiaaarxs. 3. Arty cha ne or titsttges ul the plans `'or deveiopment, coostrumicn, or lirad use activities will require a rccsalozxioa marl rnnditicatim of this permit. 4. Pursuant an 15 NEAC. Subchapter 71 _0406 (h), this permit may not be assigned transferred sold or odwr vise disposed of to a third -porn. The perms; act on may be appealed by " penrmhee or other quailtied persons widen twenty I20) days of Me issimil date. From the mla c1 an appeal, any wort COndu.-* under ins permil must mese urNl iha appeal is resohad. This permit must be ; n the loped site and accessible to he perms diver When ft project is Inspecledtor mnWance. Any mini arunzo wn* a project ncAfcalim not mve-red under this Denier. rwolre iurter wdhe permit approval. All work gust tease when Ws pen'Nf e*res on December 11, 2OC7 r isRtrg Uis permit 4 is agreed Rite N P*a a arnala i vith Ter btu pond Use Plan and at appea a onli ees. Ths people may rat be trardamed IC anotear PaV w4t0t6 tra "men alter l of be Davison dcoanal MyuWr it. Cmc¢' RHONDA PHLLIPS CAMA :pdw Peons 0fngal 5. No impermeable surface orall be allowed over any functional part of aepric tars!; sys_em. Septic sync^; am be `"Olcftd aerordillS to Brunswick County Health Department Permit. All pilings shalt be lapled a imairrua of five feet frost all portions of the septic system. All w.Mer lines shall be located a minimum of len feet from NI portions bribe I septic systan. 6. Neither the principal shercton not uncovered ricps may cmand closer than sir, feet from the brRdbead and mho odes shall be paifted cimaer than sirs feel tom any Inulkhead. Horton Beach Tewn Code 157.025 (a). 7. All propound development most be done in accordance with the requirements of Chapter 152. tilled Storunwate- Management bated if, the Holden fleaeh Code of Ordinances. Y. THIS PERMIT WILL SE APPROVED USING 154 ,vCAC 7M020Wd)(I0)(G) Gradoey, novatiou ud laudscapine with nu wetland mil. Ptoiects shall an Increase storwwater rowofl to addareuf o tnaraac and public react waters; 9. The stmCbre is cut=% loenid in a Base Flood VE e1c"j pa IS. 10. Please be ELM" That the eufrea atotmwater mdinarice dares in part that Anna water on ileiividuA pa2els of land, and tress in bdwcdm. tq as apt to advef6ely affect nc� quantity and quality of surface wrier Bows as a rewh of natural rainfall, sad to control runoff onto adtacent property, or Wahl induced aoil erwion in any fomb. 11. No eacavriion or Book or,,, wetland; or waters a authorized uodor dus permit 12. It is noted that coastal marsh 411(dh on the props y, and that the purposed *vsiupmeo atktressed W the mbmimed plat dared 03,Y19;04 is tkm located wnbin the marsh. 13. A copy of this permit shall be available onsite for regulatory ir, ",,p It. PRIOR TO INITIATING LAND-UlS't,URBING ACnVITIES, AD OUATE SEDIMENTATION/EROSION CONTROL MEASURES MUST BE EMPLOYED TO PREVENT THE MOVEMENT OF UNCONSUIIUA"rFD MATERIALS INTO THb MARSH OR WATER. THIS MEASURE MUST REMAP� IN PLACE UNTIL SUCH TTMF AS THE AREA IS PROPERLY STABILIZED WITH vEGE7ATED COVER. I5. The innovative stormwatcr plan authorized with dais permit must be rnaintanied for the life of the strucane addressed. 16. 11 u noted Ebel COMM marsh a mts on the property. and that the proposed develppmew adthcssed an the submitted plat dated 3.2-O4 is ant located wAin this nlwsl,. 17_ It is noted that there are federal wetlands on this propert5 . as delineated by,'shown on the plat dated 03.V9104, and that the proposed development addressed at the s l-mined plat dated 3.O1lV& is ant located within these anshr I& The alas proposed 1jr grading within the 3fr belle; form the no.-aal high water coraoTrr'nomul wean contour mnar uprrcdiateiv the vegetatively stabilized, and must remain in a veComil stnte- This petal lClOn (na)' be appeatad by he psir am or atter C-abGne Parsons ntlsn rrenty Qj) days d tha asuthp dale 1=mn the We of an ait ed. say ruck mnd#ed order awes oem:t mat Ome tiell be SPMSMeoaad This cant mug or m the;mutt slit ass arzeaeUe tc the ptamt Gfter who he p *W is insxdai far=%dianoe Ary dhaRetanm •bat or =jeer moddcKW, ant caa,,ed wdei Nit pl?mit require fmraa widen perrd approval. al area anal Caise whm ass Pamt ts�bs m der 31, 20(li la itatuq Lis perm[ a is agmedt o %s pipet[ is otrsillorrt wte he Natal tad tar war are an Vocable �6naa:w. Tlds fa1161 try not be tanstra d to aAber party athat ew written appram date Oivison ct Coastal hlanagmieta. Lo:* Penmt 0ft" lageahae) -armada chalk" CABII Irroi peens Oaial fr�vwnn.wrtwa�uunTpaweow... _ PHONE NO. ' 910 0939e9✓ mar-. 17 zuoq 11: 119i1'� t' FROM L� t, U, ❑V,aUp IUwti LIT 11OLLE'14 11EPLti 9i08iC43i5 p,^ AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In Ar.: _ Gcean crodiole Area ✓ High Hazard Flood Area_ Inlei Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platled: This notice i9 it end d to omke: vs Ow a Scan-, ztyare of be spechzl Fibre and consi on, a0matoct wiih de eInpmect fn this area, wIddi is sobjec7 to nnrural 'iazardz soon at sturms, amsion and camahs.':'hc r ius of the coastal Rmwun: cc:nmiss or rectu;re Fria- v„u receive an ARC Hazard f,lotice and a:clkno,,dedge :%tat n:;ti_eirwriti'g -eiorv: a pera:ii fci :;tvelnp_nent t..n b, usm2d. �Uihdimm ncs: Inceamm"n t �e:GalK52r1� � Jne aAtG.atiDnaT�'1C97 � 5p`d ['J :'}];11rT,1ZC.l"'h nNt elimlrlale, prr, s+rty ins;. m- .- hR,e 1:t. _q grr'ae'"n, pnT mtts, _he Coastai Resources Lam}rl5sion Aan no± eja:a: is i'i iafYh' 0-- O)c dp,\ vpineT; 8:1_ esmme- T,n r=' ihm-ior furtce d_•ra.-e to the tfneelcpment. new a:ta, �-cr4trc;s Cun-,n:ssio t m .a*_ -a`'he ann a 3Cenmt ®_ _feet per yem r'iF 1Vet sw_z_ s-i-eg by ._furl an •2£t= ml&! Y - 'natatzn _ _ _. - r ! E,.e7.tt t}`i` 1dl.TSttl aTaret' editt._r )T. me .....". t.. `�n }. e.•itr F ,- c. r.--, xior'.xs tttr r and retocatum cs threabm,ec •Tu urc;, b1.',:d er ntm r_ures > - , e CPe�14. se_w,a:ic,rece--Ans.=":n+.•a5, verges and ^,^`.,y.:"�'�'.w=a�'.�,.'�i'If2i,iTr�i:ir:._!'+2n�i ('"^•,�`_. __ ?watt:?,.•- =nnnxi can -arm, cony cma. the ape Ucam m,2,, ac>,row'iedp Nis aria "^. mod 'a:J31i.: e.ZiY-+iL- r+y ie-;n_;•, tt','„^ nUGG�'a.:) Oe b6c.1 b.dce. : tliflGUt t e p�r�' Siff:lD:Jfr., t:zP e^tulles`-tit,T :+'1L !i_^t '_+F_ SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard nuti-P. is required ii, 6evelC:iunen• in x-ea> ,mbject tt: sodden and IIta}:f-ye Wm rsanci mranon. Permis issued to: 3evelpp:nen tin this areaerPireonT:e ember3'of tt:.rtl,!rd year :ullo}aingthe year in which the perrnht was issued. Sliordy hifort Zurr !wg:m on tht poitla Site, tiff ?ar__7 Perm-t Ctiiicer wall taet'iminc :t+e t age a tiun Irv. and setGac.: c.ist±ncc at vc:ur SiRf-. It th>prr)-rcrti.h?53e!s-. 1tC%;'. Cna; <� e.'.n[i Lhe )trope:SNu the Ze!.�A": requiTemew, :tlE PowO, 1pso.rrn t`u N:at youmal L'esn Nvorl'. li isiolp r- `a^: rltat}'oc F v; tt•: tae isPOltifore ate rfm -P,, es fare Picot acprU•ru? tc continue thew r% attt_a ths-pe.xui 1 fJE K I t Lf f c- 4' }ta=, �v }! �+� n_,.,. v, — �P,aR, oa par-,g> have Geer. -�ia±'e_ _n . >Ut35• •SC't Toh i5: caniinuing. `.,Tee j '- "ot_�. ..^..Z•J l.t e 7n� - ?` Rti.a-tintla; Pr(`n[5€ liar TRf\t I'x W ^'tAele[Go wDrMA rrmQbs lml•:N'& Oil a nor, } UUUr vdJrL for pJe..... e3 Lratmn s,. _... .-.-a appgova.; kh, NA �1' IA �Q I�4lJ sluff C p�V1S! �sa=-r''�': _ j 0H1. . C�1 I. : 1 t 1 r.e VISS 7 :10;4 CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS llaA-119(b), the municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on March B, 20K applicant Mary Lou Matthews, ap- plied for a CAMA minor development per- mit to construct a retaining wall at 624 Ocean Blvd. West The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by March 19, 2004, will be considered. La- ter comments will be accepted and consid- ered up to the time of permit decision. Pro- ject modifications MY occur based on fur- ther review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be pro- vided upon written request. _ Local CAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 (910)842-6488 Mar. 11 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK -24f Z'ZIF- 035 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott R. Harrell who, being first duly swom, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): March 11, 2004 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 c of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 11th day of March, 2004. J� , 1 .................... (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of March, 2004. „",,,, HyPAN My commission expires: December 29, 2004. NOT4 MEMP a9 Permit Number -'T;3 Ocean Hazard _Estuarine Shoreline ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreline Other (For official use only) ( EtNEitAIIfiF�RTIATI TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH LAND OWNTER 110 ROTHSCHILD STREET HOLDEN BEACH, NC 28462 Name / -"° �7 '6� — wz� ti Address City �i�' y State yL Zip S- SQL Phone �� - G 3 AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Address /J Y O/f '-- city State i1/ e— Zip Phone LOCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacentwaterbody.) &�.734-0' zt!�tic o?fr5lC OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: o r ll square feeds C S !� acreil MAR 15 2004 /, PROPOSED USE: Residential (Single-family _ Multi -family _) Commeerical ( _FOther TSTAAL A OF ENVIItONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square MANAGEMENT TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILD G IN THE OCEAN e f feet all floors and roof covered deck) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC.)(Attach your calculations with the project drawing .) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (I)within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2)within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES � .;V L I If yes, list the total built upon area/impmwious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a brson authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in_ths_real property described therein; This interest be cfescc�ribed as: (check -one an owner or record titl Title is vested in/'/�-7�,_ /�/,� jy� /-, see Deed Book page in the 6r., a-�c County Registry or Deeds. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMMA permit. (Name) (Address) ;2)e:5:.Tf ;3) .4) 'OR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREA •�� acknowledge that the landowner is aware that the proposed development is 1 ea which )e susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit f cer has e 1 me e )articular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was acco nied pgeV d- H oncerning stabilization and floodproofing techniques. MM 'ERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND pp DN�S� NpGEMENT furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permissio1Q9&e local permit officer nd his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this ermit application. his application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this ap- Ucation, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for 550.00 made payable to :e locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as !scribed by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which maybe issued. Deviation om these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a per- itis subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. its the day of tmntroiNm6r or'person au thorized to act as his agent for purposes of filing a CAMA permit application. r n Z r- O n a r 54 Date: 2-25-04 To; Gary S• OPPito -._- - - --Y0746`WeatlierstQne R_,,, - -- -,_-_ - Loveland, OR 45140-7404--- DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: VEAPPLIED�WSATI6 4 THIS LETTER IS TO' NFORM YOU TD yIRY LOU MA PERMIT ON THE PROPERTY OWNS CH, N.C. ENCLOO5TED HE PR POSED F OCEAN BOULEVARD WEST, HOLDEN BEA OCEANPERWT APPLICATION AND A COPY OF THE DRAWING PROJECT.pROjECT, PLEASE ANNA COMMENTS ON THE PROPOOFF D ICER OWN OF HOLDEN IF YOU HAVE A PHILLIPS, LOCAL CAMA CONTACT RHOND BEACH, N.C. 28462 - (910 842-6488) SINCERELY, BRIAN MATTMWS PHONE # 910-279-4353 E��� MAR 15 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Date: 2-25-04 To: Jim D. Griffin Jr. - --- - Holden Beach-En-- 3711 Windy Point Rd. SW Supply, NC 28462 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: THIS LETTER IS TO INFORM YOU THAT I HAVE APPLIED FOR A CAMA PERMIT ON THE PROPERTY OWNED BY MARY LOU MATTHEWS AT 624 POCEAN ERMIT APPLICATION ANWESTD A COPY OLDEN F TIE DRAWING OF ENCLOSED PROPOSED PROJECT. IF YOU HAVE ANY COMMENTS ON THE PROPOSED PROJECT, PLEASE CONTACT RHONDA PHILLIPS, LOCAL CAMA OFFICER, TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 - (910-842-6488) SINCERELY, BRIAN MATTHEWS PHONE # 910-279-4353 CLINE li MAR t 51004 v DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT U.S. Postal Service CERTIFIED MAIL RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) �) 511PPLY MIC 284b7 . � _ .: • - � + -_ Poelege $ 0470 certified Fee 09 Pcatrnem Retum Recell)l Fee Here (Endorsement RequhQl $0.00 Reemded DelNery Fee (Endorsement R000lmd) $4.b5 03NS/2004 Total Postage 6 Fees $ 11 OLOIELANFOH 51C i A L V S G I Postage $ $0.60 I _. I 0470 Gemmed Fee 09 t $1.75 Pwt 4=calirt Pea ReQulred) i Hre Reutrkted DePnny Fee MAO (Endorsement RagUIR4 Total PPstege 3 Fees $ $4.65 03/05/2004 j of To Na NOV38 N3010H 30 NM Ol A SEAL =. RICHARD A. WINKLER, P.E. MAR 2 4 2004 O 5312 239 OCEAN BLVD. EAST HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 910-842=TD63 �cyARD N,%% O' � �aJ � 1 '��' n0 H1t`'V �.I,J dvcc��nent7s 3 , a MATTHEWS e1 �(�sect 0 �REvfs6v> 624 & 626 OBW �Is-�, I,e. ERB RETAINING WALL 404 LINE FLAGGED ELEV = 9.0' BY THE U.S.A.C.E. LOCATED OCTOBER, 2003 s a�� 6 FLAGGED CAMA LINE 2 _ OCTTOOBER, 2003 �NRB + I 6.7I L 7 I 90 + 9.Oi I + 8 5.a I VACANT 5.8 I LOT rn A 1+ 7+ + +co s.s J I \ W 1 ; � TjIq TIN s 5 VACANT MAR 115 LOT i �.0 i I 8.5 + c COA dj/IS�O OF 6.7 B' �EMkD4T I Tp 8 ERB _ — — �i 50.00 — — carvo J NR8 �A +8.8 LEGEND: e„ ES ` 5 .00 +6.8 EXISTING ELEV. NRB 8.8+ SIDEWALK 9.0 FINAL ELEV. 8+6 s.5 FINAL CONTOUR 0 8.9 8.8 ASPHALT PA`4NG SCALE: 1" = 20' EDGE OF 8.9 + 9.0 t SURVEY INFORMATION FROM s.o SURVEYING NDATED 2T BY U110W104 97 BL\/p. WEST OCEAN VIEW