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HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_03-025E_CrouchThe Town of Holden Beach Incorporated 1969 110 Rothschild Street Phone: 910.842.6488 Holden Beach, North Carolina 28462 Fax: 910.842.9315 Mayor: Jim Lowell Mayor Pro -Tern: Sandy Miller commissioners: J. Alan Holden Charlie Boyle Jack Smith TimTimmermann Town Manager: Steven M. WheelerOctober 7, 2003 James Crouch 136 Tarpon Drive Holden Beach, NC 28462 EXEMPTION #2003-025E Dear Mr.Crouch: The plans were submitted for your home at 136 Tarpon Drive have been approved. Enclosed you will find an CAMA exemption for the proposed project. This permit is being issued only for the repairs that are listed below. If there is any further proposed work to be done please contact the office for the necessary permits before construction begins. If you have any further questions please feel free to contact our office. REPLACE DRAIN FIELD ONLY11111111111 M (G.S. 113-103 (5) (B) (5) and 7K. 0209) states that structures may be repaired in a similar manner, size and location as the original structure. No expansions or additions are permissible. The repairs are limited to 501/6 of the physical value of the existing structure (septic system) per calendar year. Since the repairs the structure appears to be less than 50% of the value of the structure, you are authorized by this letter to make the repairs as indicated. Please note that this authorization is only applicable for the structure to be repaired as indicated in the information you provided. Sincerely Rhonda Phillips, Local Permit Officer Visit 09/04/2003 08:00 8424004 FRDEVINC PAGE 02 S41. N.C. Gvwd Cw*80 bq Licaee Na 30470 Un— LYNM CjgWWCsrmr"40VWW PU~ a Sewe. LbWQ N.C. Pak~ Cdrd OPaebo^ CWdamo w S a 0Pe1Vb' No. SS121M3 September 4, 2003 Att: Rhonda Town of Holden Beach 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 Reference: James Crouch 136 Tarpon Drive Holden Beach, NC 1891 HOLDEN BEACH RD. SW SUPPLY, NC 2B462 TELEPHONE tM0) se24007 FAX: (9101842•4004 Enclosed is a copy of the repair application submitted to Brunswick County Health Department for the reference property. Our company will be performing the repair to septic system. The nitrification field of the septic system is the area to be repaired. Sincerely, '0,61ar. Pl:'`- Melissa P. Lee Office Manager Enclosures 09/04/2003 08:00 8424004 FRDEVINC PAGE 03 Brun8N1ck County Health Department 25 Courthouse Drive N.E. Post Office Box 9 Bolivia, North Carolina 28422-0009 Bolivia 253-2250 Leland 763-1312 Southport 457-5281 Fax #910-253-2389 Donald l Yoasey Hea&h Director APPLICATION FOR EXISTING SEWAGE SYSTEM REPAIR )DAME OF APPLICANT: F a R ey MAB.INGADDRESS: 11101 AJ*- (lit•c� W+' SW CITY: Sw �, STATE: N C. ZIP: 8`! 4 2 HOME PHONE NO: WORK: SN t-4003 OTHER: StKz- VeeV PROP TY OWNER PREVIOUS OWNER OF PROPERTY ORI DIAL PERMIT # TAX PARCEL ID# # OF EXISTING BEDROOMS N OCCUP/EMPL SUBDIVISION: Fy RaCS LOT# 231 BLOCK SECTION ADDRESS OF PROPERTY & DIRECTIONS tlt.- -r&-- or- V►U-- LOT DBMENSIONS: FRONT i REAR _5-0 SIDE AO SIDE L (ACREAGE) WATER SUPPLY LOCATION: FRONT / REAR! SIDE_ (PUBLIC OR PRIVATE) gbh` L' DISTANCE FROM SEPTIC SYSTEM SEPTIC SYSTEM LOCATION: FRONT ✓ REAR _ SIDE _ (AGE OF SEPTIC SYSTEM DISTANCE FROM BUILDING FOUNDATION/DECKS, STEPS & PORCHES PROPERTY LINE DATES SEPTIC SYTEM PUMPED w uwJ DATES SEPTIC SYSTEM REPAIRED _ _ _ _►✓ A7 I CERTIFY THAT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. I AUTHORIZE THE BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO INSPECT THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED ABOVE FafR ID%%) - SIGNATURE (OWNERIAGENT) DATE �p; PLEASE USE THE BACK OF THIS FORM TO DRAW PROPERTY DIAGRAM/INFORMATION IF NEEDED. 09/04/2003 08:00 8424004 FRDEVINC PAGE 01 N.C. Gw l Comacan0 Lit No 30170 UI14mited Clans kMon: Highway: PU (Water A Soww Lines) N.C. PoBwon Conaot Opanaon Ceh4aWn S OpwdwNo SS 12043 Date: _ 'I /i/ A 3 Subject: IVA p. Message: ?,Sol IVNA m m m 1 a81 HOLDEN BEACH AM. SW SUPPLY. NC 28462 TELEPHONE (910) 8424003 FAX (910) 842-4004 FACSI ~� To; [t12yg rRANSX2SS2OiV 2 _ 9i1r¢ Praia. � s Z7+c1� �11 if all 27fis 0+1e; 0 842-4004 BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Authorization For Wastewater Systani Construction Permit BCHD a 90 —1r35 7R Plan review by A . DATE 'F -/- - 0 3 Site evaluation by C-1- DATE 4-.I'--03 Site modifications, completed and inspected by DATE AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT ISSUED THIS Zb rk DAY OF pis BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVRONMEMAL HEALTH OP4160H R.S. �y P✓►� !e - fa - e J MHO ecluired— Pre^-construction conference for site by: _(_ Date: ,_ Present for conference (list): CI,.;, 4.,,� r C..,..� Pre -construction conference for construction of system by: Date: Present for conference (list): a1A5103 pemtitaut s/97 a H11tgH nn NorMSNn?R 88EZESZOT6 6t:L0 000Z/8T/90 SYSTEM OR ITS REQUIRED SETBACKS. INSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS 1. The installer shall be currently registered with this department 2. A ore-nstallalion QPOW-c C is to be held on the site prior in beaihnhihe any site modification or cot nwilon Of the PMDOW structure or fine sewage Collection tresirnent and disposal System. Amending Chase confp9noes shatl be representatiyaspf the Stale 8/or Local Health Department project erhgsheer or designer, ooniractor. budder; proposed system operalorhrstaller, and the owner or this authored agent. 3. The contractor shalt be responsible for notification of to ergihea and the BCHD for system inspection in stages as required and prior to backfiing any portion of the system. No portion of the system shall be backfilled or placed into use without prior approval of the BCHD. 4. The system shall be installed In accordance with the approved $et of Plena and sPecitieations- Any demation in site moddications. plains. specification. 1pyouk materials or other system component shall be approved by the design engineer and the Munwick Cohnty Health Ueparunent prior ID ista WWn of the systen'I. Fadhae to do so may result in delay or refusal of final approgl Of the system. and may render the Parmti nuM and void- 5- The system shall be irslalled in a timely manner and staged so as to avoid unnecessary emosure to weather. 6. The location and identification of all property lines, easements, water lines. and other appropriate utilities shall be the responsaiily of the nstaller. T Other.• OPERATION PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 1. An Operation Permit shall be issued by the ECHO Prior to placing the system into use, or making any cormectiorts to the system. Z Prior to issuance of the Operation Permit-. - Mre system shelf be carhpkted, installed, and tested in accordance with the approved design. including proper abandonment of tanks ezaling wells, and other components. The ooftified subsurface system Operator for the syaaatn shaM be present for the testing and starblp of the installation. final Iandscaping, water divhs WM devicesand vegetative cover requirements and pressure adjustiment shalt be oomplete0, - the Engihea, Designer or applicable responst le parties shah submit aabull Pfau b fine ECHO, the plans shall reflect any charges or alteratoru f m Mine aa.approved plans. The flint PUMP delivery rate for the Installation "I also be delem i ned and pro%*W to BCHD as pat of the final CarWkabD h. 3 For inhales tut required evaluation by a caroled sod s or proeecsional ghsokhggf a written CettifsSUon shall the shabmAcd that the site syahxth installation was 10 in accordance with that epeafietl si6a0instellation regt cements For systems that have . 4. e been agYheered or designed by a private eonsdterq . the designer or engineer (as applicable) shall catty in hurling to the Brhrwa ck Cprshly 1IealMn Department, that he has inspected the ndaltatorh and that it has been named according so the approved plans and specifications. Any necessary easements, Plats, or other documents shall be recorded with the Register of Deeds and copies submitted Io the BCHD, - The owner and a Public Management Erhtay/Supaaface System Certified Operator shall execute a corhtacy which addressee all of the requirements for maintenance, monibring, and repodinhg in Section .11181 and the requirements of the Schedule Of Operation and Mairdenance to be a part of the Operaton Permit for the jaciMy- Pmvaiorhs of said Corhtied shell be in effect for as long as the system is in use. M0T CECFE*"TCI4THSAUftORQATiDN99MRSYEVMM M MrMF—RMnA3ECFMa'S. LF FBWVVTM7N OOD-M7HECLBdfSFMLLOI>MPLywT"ALLCML%UMtNAPPIraswEReOL A7IDML/MIB,ugh ETC4TH 'WBEeRBC►wATTIATyM UM W ,49QUgiEµDerno ALpF&FARATK,4aloREOgFLp( tA/$tE1MTER8YS116A1S OPERA CNANDMMME/WOCER MPW1 7FWATMO f,ETC THISODl1DRE31LTN LESSAffAfnRTHEHOMF,RyLWCiLOV&RtMMij&#MMOR�OEVELnPM fLWr4k,lo S permit.aut S/97 cn nor» ul-M7-1 M >MMCM-VR BSEZESZO16 r r:te 000L/8i/90 Brunswick County Health Department Environmental Health Section Alternative Sawn" Treatment and Dloposal System Application 2 • R/3-e r 1 NJ -.25533 z� Tax Parcel 0 y System Type- SA AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of Chapter 130A, General Standee of North Carolina as amended, AND other applicable Laws and Rules PERM6SM IS HEREBY GRANTED TO i to conspuct install a westrnerN and disposal system as destxbed below. To Sarre: s, Dev M181 s r merealN//i S&nployeesN 7# O�ypany C Cammen�, Deserbtion! P--',. � 1.•.... f �r/.. � r_ �� The ft'61em components com"alc of Type sysbm— WWS-W1, PURAFLO PEAT BKIFILTER, TYPE A Design Flow -J L o GPD 1, COLLECTION SYSTEM, CONVENTIONAL PLUIIABNG (MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE MG CABLE STATE AND LOCAL PLUMBCODES) IL TANKAGE: A. SEPTIC TANKaY S) GALLONS CAPACITY 7 fix.,'y D. PUMP TANK L GALLONS CAPACITY/ D. OTHER: are asotic tank 4hAl h....,.r.. A .". ALL TANKS, FORCE MAINS, PRESSURE LINES TO BE LEAK TESTED AND CERTIFIED BYAPPROPREIATE PARTIESJJYI tanks and risers Shall be trusted to be wabrSW by a 24 hour hydrostatic leakage test tort kxAod at the $as Prior to system $Mrkrp. A water krel chsnge of +I- % ffmh or more ow 24 naffs, or visual oblarl/dti0h of10ekage shall be cause for blure of fire UsL ACCESS RISERS REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS & SERVICE HATCHES ON TANKS -RISERS TO EXTEND 4-6' ABOVE FINISHED GRADE IY. PUMP CHAMMERIDOSNG TANK - AL DOSING PUMP(S): SIZE, MAKE. MODEL tfr1 y> AIn n i i' I z Y, pti ( .S. T 5- 1 0 NUMBER OF PUMPS REQUIRED: o.� B. DISCHARGE PIPING: SiZE�INCH MATERIAL' SCH 40 PVC GATE VALVES: YES INTERNAL CHECK VALVE: YES UNIONMISCONNECT: lLS/= LIFE CHAIN OR ROPE: VFS H ^ ROSNE ANTISIPON HOLE: YES (3f16IN.1 N. DO G MAIN: DOSE VOLUME SIZE s DRAW DOWN DEPTH: i • 5 wcHES ► t- f o(doses per day � MATERIAL: SQU 40 PVC VALVING:`CLEANOUTS,�— V. CONTROL PANEL:: TYPE: Drla,l o H APR f x i w� TO INCLUDE: NEMA 4X ENCLOSURE, MANUAL DISCONNECTSOREAKERS FOR PUMP AND ALARM (SEPARATE CIRCUITS FOR PUMP AND ALARM), H-O-A SWITCH, ALARM (AUDIBLE AND VISIBLE) SIMPLEX X WITH ALTERNATOR AND ELASPED TIME COUNTERS! EVENT COUNTERS FLOATS: OFF X ALARM ILAG X (MUST COMPLY WITH'ALLAPPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES) VI. PEAT BIOFILTER: _#OF MODULES REOIREO MANIFOLD SIZE _ - INCHES 2 MODULES EQUIPEO WITH WEEP HOLES AT BOTTOM TYPE A INSTALLATION: SAMPLE CHAMBERS NEXT TO MODULES Permi.aut 5r97 TO 39dd HiIV3H 00 N00IM5Nnd9 88£ZE5ZBT6 6T:L0 000Z/61/90 Vt. DISPOSAL FIELD: LTAR—L-d TRENCH DEPTH �o..M—f° W — 4'^ 5i- BACKFILL: TO BE INSTALLED OVER GRAVEL BEDS AND NEXT TO MODULES. MODULE TOPS TO REMAIN AT 61NCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE MIN COVER OVER ROCK BEDS IS 8 INCHES. BACKFILL TO BE INSTALLED WITH A SIDESLOPE OF AT LEAST 1:4 SMESLOPE A. TYPE A: 1. UTILIZING A ROCK BED UNDER EACH MODULE, 13ED LENGTH AFT. WIDTH f y FT. DEPTH OF ROCK USED FOR BED (81N MIN) INCH comments: 900taIdie fabric (ceoable of remaNnci sit seed oarticlesl is to be use on all a anww surfs r4 e,..w* VIII. APPURTENANCES TO SYSTEMS: A. SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE: TYPE: DEPTH: INSTALLER: B. AREA FILL: FILL DEPTH: MATERIAL- SAND/ LOAMY SAND SIZE OF BASAL AREA- WIDE x LONG SEE FILL PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL DETALS AND SPECIFICATIONS. FOR TYPE A SYSTEM$, NO EQUIPMENT OR MACHINERY SHALL BE ALLOWED OVER THE EXPOSED SITE- C. LANDSCAPING, ALL SITES SHALL BE LANDSCAPED SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE SURFACE RUNOFF AND TO PREVENT PONDING OF RAIN OR OTHER SURFACE WATERS. D. COMMENTS, SITE MODIFICATIONS, ETC., /%.f:,,,s The Owner shall be subject to the following conditions, limitations, and construction requirements for the installation of this system: 1. The authoraabon is effective only with resoeu 10 Nis SP=ft deeipn flow and 18C11"s, and the nature and volume of waste descrhbe0 in the Permit Application, and other supporting data 2. The permit is not transferable and must be reapplied for at such time as ownership, or management changes - 3. The designated repair meats 10 have no paAtig, driveways, or ether mpervpus mabrial located on it This area is to be Protected, reserved and maintenance in a natural state. 4. AN subsequent owners of this property and sewage system, shall exeeule a tontrad between the owner and an approved management entity before the operations permit a issued. ManagemeM of the sewer system to be provided at all tsnes. 5. All contracts between owners, management entity (Public or Private), or Health Dept shall be reviewed and approved before being accepted. 6. A property certified Operator shall be provided as indicated: Certified Subsurface System Operator J= 7- The asuance of gm permit does not preclude the permttee from comptyng with any aid an statutes, regulations, or omV=wes which maybe imposed by other govemmeM age aim vhdhioh have )urtsdicbon. orany carer pennds issued by this department 8. This wastewater systarn shall be installed by a contracbr authortted in writing by the manufacturer, who avail o00rdn9ts the installation whdh the desVier and the manufadhrees field represenfatve- 9. For ales Mquiig evaluation by a certified sod scientist or professional geolo K said sot scientist / geologist shall be "am* and supervise any site modifications, and cndcal phases of the wasbwobr system insfaNatiorh. 10. This autlhareabon shag be valid for 60 MWW from tiro dab of sue. The autar¢ation shag become irvalid I fhe Information submitted in the aPPlIcatiCi+ was fabified or charged. it the permit was based on inaoc rata or Lhcanplete information, or 9 the designated site is all red. or eilpimlion of this authorvation. a new application shag be submitted to the BCHD with uPdetad idgmation, as may be applicable or requested. 11. •• A PERMANENT BARRIER SHALL BE PROVIDED AND IN PLACE AROUNDTHE SYSTEMIREPAIR AREA BEFORE THE OPERATIONS PERMIT 1S ISSUED, 12. ALL APPLICABLE SETBACKS SHALL BE MAINTAINED, NO IRRAGATION SYSTEMS, STORM WATER PONDS / BASINS, SURFACE/SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE AREA OF THE WASTEWATER permit.aut Z 5/97 zo ageA Hi7V31-1 00 NOIMSNf R:H 88EZESZOT6 6T:L0 000Z/81/90