HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_03-087_Banfield✓dU"i CUOA 1d:Oo zizoujvole rvuz" avn"^Ai� nova n. vvcr vv� Dec 23 03 01:12p TOWN OF HOIDEN HERGH �on e00-\ Local C+owmment laeued to 9109429315 LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as a00wnred by ttw Starod Naar Owd-a, D"W"a"ma of Envionmem and Natural Rues W4 the Coastat Retoulose Commission for derebPme t In an area et arrwoea+rarAd mrr®m Prostate to Sadbn t 13A-1t8 of Mre . �--. n . _ t Gerreml Statules.'ttAra Marm9' as requested In the permioee's awks7bn. dated This pnwmtr "-@don Q ' —O is subiact to complwnee whh tha application and site drawbV (whws wnsi.lent withit+e peter), act eropfCabla r09uhGorts andspecml tandiloraemdnaleesetlorlh below. Any violation of thoseMnns may s" bleat _ _ —�_ ._ _ � :_..w..........n..r �e,a aeyien or neap t91ID0 th0 perrrrR t0 bB mill and void. PERMIT TO CONSTRUCT HEATED SPACE NDERMATH EXISTMG COVERED A —All proposed development and aswcLVod eoaskucvon mum be dame in axorda*w with the p... gttc i Walk pig drawings)L dupes 1. No dune disaab�e of a dlmcs tea will b= allowed for this docavelopm=9 bem . pawoctave value would be welikMed or redttced, 2. All oososirwdon must coofoam off eC Iutamtdawl Swldiog Code =q==a=u and all odd local, State attd Federal regulations amd the local flood d=vV Revenwn Ovhm= as requited by the National Flood b=ance Ycoj;tam 3+ Any change or clime iu the plans f✓Dg develop. 0mestrucueto or lrad we activities will reqWim a reevaluation and m0&fi=fwn of this Pad- not be tsmasft rred. or 4. Pmsuant to 15 NCAC, Subchapter 7J. t1406 (b)6 this pmmtt one) od=wiae disposed of to a Owd patty+ exccPt by the Dtv'slon Director. 5. The suwu= meat be set back 69 Leek from the first line of stable uatrnsl vegetsuoin OLSNV)�G= , Tw pe is required to eotaxt the Local permit t7lf = shortly before he plms to bVio conguili tied to aaroW a setback met wbwb will be of vamc for spcty(60) days barring a major sho=J = ches8e. Co�rct<on moo begin w den sixty (60) days of the deter or e c me =anew is void and lea be redo>K- This pemrit action may be appealed by the pnrm1119e Or other qualbled paneons within twenty (20) days 0i the itsuinp data. From the deft of an appeal, ate wodr conducted under fib per - mil m..% 0,az0 urd the appeal is resolved The peneb must be oo the pnyact Me and asesslWe b fie PWTA donor when the pnoleH is wspected for oomPSarwe. Any mafinenwroe work or Project maddimtsms not covered .roar this permit reW a judher wraten permit approval- Aa wqLk mustcsssewhm ti+c pwmn axpk- on Deoomber 31, O In e:uinp the psmrs it at Woodthal the project "s consistent with the kx* Land Use Plan and as apocat" «dh wmea This pemNt may not be ugawbrred eb anal— PRAY W010ift the —1 an approver or the DMsion of Coastal ManagOmenl. WON e ,r 1 � •� Z1 LbU.ZU'ZUUd ld:do Z1GbojoDit runt LL 0111WAa14 *11.1 r.VV1/VV1 Del: 23 03 01:12p TONr/ OF HOLDEf1 BEACH 9109429215 p-3 i c;1 LoGai Gwemmen'. .� ,� � permd Numbs: CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PER as aufirorind W the State of NoAh Cambut. Department of Fawtronmstd and Natural Alale otdoe9 and the Coastal AB9acea Commission ter devetopmenl in an area oW f omfironmaal concafn Purstmnt to 5adgn 113A-118 of the Ganaral Staedes.`CosstalAres lrsued to )t�a l.!��VYI f'l A,t 1[I auhorfup�,�arebpmero in as regtmstcd in the Peonalee's 2WPbc2 bn, dated (where oonstoott This permit. issued on s subject to rorrtplIonce Ah the oWcetbn and site one" hits ;a permA), wd1 appfeablB regutotbneattd 3Pea.-1 conditions and notes satturth bebw- Any violation of amselemtsmay pem;�,ee to a ine. imprisonment of eivr action, of may cause the permh to be null and wid. _1 6- Any atbadere shall be relocated or disamrntled when it becomes imtaiatstq rimmed by Changes an aberehae rnadgaratiolL The atraetera(s) shalt be relocated or dia wetted within 2 years of the time when it bee I a fa °rupee !i) f its collapse or subsidence functional Pon of the SOPW Us'= 7. No i>1lpameable surface shall be allowed Duet nay i septic System mast be installed aoc;ordm8 W llt k Colniq Health DcputDcM All pilings must be located at least 5 feet fiem any portions of the Septic *ate=- Watetliae must be iocared at least 10 feet fitym all portions of ibe Sephe sysWn. All =WVA n areas shall a miaimnm of 25 fed seper0ti0D hOm all pottiness of the septic sYsum'- g, lit acootdemce vd& T15A NCAC 71L 0308(a)r no seawall or rtPtap Tevt'tneats well be j allowed in the figure sboeld any skucbae become threatened fiom w0sion. i 9. All consboction Shall meet all requkemots of ebaptrr.15T.060 and Chapter ISM located in the Town of 1io18en Beach Cade of Orditmmes and any other sections them applY to the i coosbndim of the single ft+ aft residence' 1 19. The shat%nre mast be elevated on pilings with a diameter of at least 8 bxt and tits first j floor level of the sills and joists most most the lW-yew flood elevation level of 17 feet 1L The hthat Pelt of the strutdam per the Taira of Holden Reach Gde of f de6eltlo' shad be no higher thus the amaia6 reef GeA. 12. The piBuajps shall be installed at lrisf tagtrt feet below nodis orbed must be maintained for the i M Tbr iatdvaAve stomwacer system authorized with this 1�ie 1 4fie of the Stratum a&bessed. i ..z Porrnk anion may be aPpoWed DY tho Pe Ittoo or other pWH,ed persons wuhm twenty (20) daYS of the tsming date. From ate date of an appeal arty wolk oaathxJW under this pat- Permit er (signaure) and nww eansc way the appeal is resolved. Ths permit roust be on the pwlnct sec and accessIDb W the W mit officer when the project s iryrerted1w compiancs. Any maintemetes work r project nwdalcations not covered under thb pemit rewres fu Vw IN, utwt Permit approval. AM work must mesa this pemrit wMms on December 31. in e9un9 this permh it is agreed *kV this Project is COWW ort .Yoh the local Land Lfto Plan and and 3pp1c2U8 ordvtarcBs• . This oormh rtray not be uunsferred to another parry w1thout tie wftan approval of the Division of Coastal Management - (I (1J1 1 name addre99 l -act nC. r Pa7rtRtee t�as, <'�� se e bprxmi) Dee 23 03 01:12P TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 5108429315 p•4 1 I�0 o f .W AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: —Ocean Erodible Area nigh Hazard Flood Area r Inlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted: This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special rises and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erasion. and currents. Therule<of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development Gut be Issued. TheCommission'sruk sonboddingstardmds,oceanfromt setbacksand dunealteration aredesigatedmminunize,but not eliminate, pr'opaRy loss icon Ftara By cruet permits, the Coastal Resources Commission does not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no Liability for future da ge to the developmrnc The best available ioformation.as meted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual ted is ocean erosion rate for the area where your proper Y l feet per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past 50 Years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as�eet landward in a major storm. ood waters in aatajarstorrn arepredicted to be about feet deep in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of dueammed structures' Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are pa'ohibitW. Temporary deviceb,fn dudatg $and bags, may be allowed under certain cotditions- 7Ns struchu'eshall be relocated or dismantled withintwo years of becoming imminently threatened. The applicant oust acknowledge this information and rreeqqu in:xnents by Signing this rmticc in the below space. Without the proper signature, the application will not be SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is requited for development in areas subject to sudden and massive stormsarderoston.pernutslssued fordeveiointhis axes expire on December 31 of the third yearng the yy��r in which the �errmt was issued. Shordr before work will deter in the a �n li and setbackdistancee Local Permit �aattyour due -fifth a the ropers sttaiEtitepropertyhas seenlittlecltangeand t � development can still meet the setback requirement' Lrowininioam you that yo"rmttaaryy begm work.Itistmpov tantthatyoucneckwitht LPObeforethe pelmr.expites for official approval to continue the work after the permit !� expare� Get�xallY• if foundation pilings have been placed are substantial progt'e+s is antintdng• permit renewal may not be necessary. if substanh' al progress not been made, the w t mtat be renewed and a new setback line established -it fs unlawful to continue workk after permit expiration without this approval. For more information, contact: Local Pemtlt ONrce� JL AW1eSs 14, l to LoOaafrti' h �d Phone Ell C�-' c "" t"L�ni 3 12 3 71 COASTAL ' Revised 11193 Ncry 13 03 11:2Ga TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 9108429315 p.4 calin -*0 — perrnitNumber 1' x7 ,aji Hzmrd _Eswarine Shoreline _ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreiine__Other. (For official use only) ENE RAL INFORMATION AND OWATER ame P 1 l/ ¢ Ca ro l X n k70� n ddress ity Mout\fi IiiSCD _ _State_ NTZip ID5+9 Phone 914 -.a**- 3�-15 .UTHORiZED AGENT lam-- IYl t K CO— MMA tddress as b1 l,, ' e�j iJ 12 S State t\) . C. Zip a8 q-62 Phone ,OCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street nme and/or directions to site. 1 not oceanfront, what is the name of the idjaccut waterbody.) DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction and SIZE OFLOTRARCEL: 56 x too square feet Sppp-l7acres PROPOSED USE: Residential —/(Single-family �l"ulr+-family _ ) Comm' icaladtutrial _ Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING IN THE OCEN M ZAR -AAREAznOd rroof covered deck) EA1 IILONMENT.AL CONCERN (AEC): sqn7 SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT ANT OTEER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON' SURFA CE square IN HE feat JJ COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENn"RONNMNTAL CONCERN (.AEC): rt--- (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered ipIg -) concrete or 1-1,.,ry pa s etc. that are udthin the appliceb1c AEC.)(At'.ach your calculatiors with the project draw ipF -) � , i 0 N JO F Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: - p 1 - S (1)uithin 75 feet of Normal Hilt Water for the Estuarine Shoreline ABC CO,' AN ACa E NT (2)within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Esma-ine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Reso.irce a rs (3)uitoin 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contaci you Local Permit Officer if you are not su. c whicb .AEC applies to your property-) STATE STORM" ATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an arca subject to a State Stormwater lvlanaee n t Permit issued by the NC Dig^_sion of Vat-. Quality? -v7—S — If yes, iisi the total built upon a-ea/impervious Surface allowed for your lot or parcel. r NOV 1 8 2003 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH Nov 13 03 11:27a TOWN OF HOLDEN BENCH 9108429315 P.5 .;PERM ITS ?1 al' BL REQ1l REU: Th: xtivity %-ou are planning ma%' rcouirc permits other than the CAM A minor dnzI vmcm permit., vice,cc ha,v eornpiled a listing of rile kinds of permits that might he required- tt�c 91eee51 you Cheek o,•cr.thc fist airs your LPO to tc i(L•m of incse appl>' w %nV ptoieCL Zoning. Drinl'ing tt'ater ttidl, Septic Tank (or other sanitaq' ,cane trCZLMC n systrnt). Burning. al. Plumuine. Hrzting and .Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conscn•mion FlA Ccnifwarion, Sand Dune. Sediment Control, lion Approval, Mobile Home Part: Appmval. Highn-ay, Connection, and others. _ TMEN7 OF O«YNFRSHIP: undersimed, an applicantfor a C AMA tninor development permit, being either the ovmc of property in an AEC or on authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAIJLA minor development pemut, certify that the listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest described as: (check one) m � I gap � 1 owner or record title, Title is vested in I fR.M in the �f uLn5 w i (k el j see Deed Book e << County Registry of Deeds. ;;��{( �� as owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of ita was in County. DEC 3 1 2003 I JL if other interest, such as write-n contract ar lease, explain below or use a s:Pwt� d attach to t�svapp�icatCSi CIPTC_4TION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY WAINERS: T thermors certify that the following persons are ov mers of properties adj otning this property. I affirm that I have given I CT AL NOTICE to each of them concetnitt� my inter, to n-velop this property and to apply for a GAMA p it. (-Narn-) (Address) a &V evLonn� F Bon�tomw. a 4D'13 flte�ncin Wau Melbourne 'F`l , 3�934 I I Sfo Dg� t R DEVELOPERS IN OCE-k" F14ZARI1 AND ESTUAF:� E RAY -410 � ' ;larowledge that the land owner is aware. that the proposed development is p12-Tmed for an area which may be ceptible to cosign md/or flooding. I aclaowledge that the local permit off cer has explained to me fne particular and n oblcros associa?Ld x i It his lot. This cplz*ta5on was accom2anied by recoran=lotions concerning stabilvation 1 floodproofmg =hnques. :RMISSION TO ENTER ON I.AND: theinore c^ Try that I am authov'd to get and do in fact crash permission to the local permit' •' hc.r and his agen*s torts on the aforementioned lands in connection ac^.th evaluating information related to this permit zpplicalion. us application include:_ general information (this form), a site drav✓mg as desc_i ' on the back of t�;s application the vn sin sta_mcnt, the AEC haurd notice where necessa y a cheer far S100.00 made payaoL^ to he locality, and any s of the application as d formation a: may of prozrided orally by the applicant The detailesc toed byThese sources are coroo zted ,ina rt reference in any pc wit which may be issu-.:. Deviation from these details a611 cons-tute a violation any perm t A ny person developing Li an AFC without pcmit is csoj ec_ to civil, crirno pal and admitissztive zcrion This tilt /8*day of NOV eML!pr. ZO o3 L;axtd oJ.ter n-person aufri�riien tp Lrrashs ag�tt Eo q? P=ses 9t Ortk.a::C 3FusutapPhca on : Nov 13 03 11:27a TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 9108429315 p.7 DATE: / / - 1-7 - D 3 To: /�iS:UMo/lal F Qon/Jonr.ne 51073 X-Tt a4 li!ar /YIe/iourne FL.3.2931- DEAR ADIACENU PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA P ermit on the property owned by at MOD C)QlJ (6reet addtm) Holder Beach, NC. I have =closed a copy of permit application and a copy c drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Co C3./ "�� Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer; Town of Holden Beach, 110 Roth�ss// ?�3 Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 942-6488. `MAN Sincerely, (Owner or Agent) TELEPHONE NUMBERI -Vfd-•98/2-- r v t to M 0 M1 Nov 13 03 11:27a TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH DATE: //-/7-D3 To:— A err C .5Ch4qr11n9 114 z o dw d�l�6 2 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OTW NER: 9108429315 This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit an the property owned by Aill &&re% ed at 11426 d B Ccl (=v addn=) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 119, othschild St Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488. t� Sincerely, 19 CEC312w3 COAS A/V I SICti O (Owner or Agent) TELEPHONE NUMBER: e-P9 - 9�/Z L MAA - F r U.S. Postal Service, CERTIFIED MAIL, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) rr, m m 0 0 0 0 O O Ln O m 0 0 M1 M Nov 13 03 11:27a TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH 9108429315 p.6 The Town of Holden Beach, IJorth Carolina- c Zoning Permit Application 0 Section is Basic Data (Informatior.lobe provided by the applicant) 3 "'- 2 /� ,C� m c Jame: fJvt11�•—�- l(�tb�V r, �.K�rl.� \E. Telephone: \\ ti r w WotU e n � :`—�C -1dlden Beach property Address bD 3781s o t x Lot: — 11-7 Subdivision: S' „•— t m permanent Mailing Address:(Pririni'S^mE' VIOL ladddresoboveapplies)n r\ Snr. Lwnp — SlraI Address: _='- C!fyislzI=- Code: N• Contractor who vAll pe fo `m wor: , Does w +mil co L, a g (a 2 Telephone. gia2 `iB�L r Address: Contact Person aL Contmbrs: Type of structura' (check applicable box below) Fence Other C1 Maw Ej Alt=J=tlon [aRe?air [a R81o�!e (Move] Dr veway r Pro?er',yUse- (CCh/a:k2pplicabl=_box below) Condominium rownhouseOtherED Single fourly LJ Two follyL�] Arerbnent0 Zoning permit Specific Gri;=_ria require'_ to support a?glicaton approval: Type rf ddvavray materials: ]rivuuT are; in scuare feet • useable ar_a m square gee1 per rvey Pised area in s}uFm fact Required 'satbE& it t_=act R- Lind rear setback in ieat =. P.aquirad want szcack in ize_ aq Lowast grade a!alr_on below buildine in feet Grr 3 i 2003 Finishad grade alevalidn ff All is to be placed on lot in ;Bet piling depth below cricinal orede is feet 4-4—feat abou 'SSL' Richesr paint or anishad building in feet 0 (f es, stzL= d8p ti of nil f tnc f� is f f, nai.0a' required on the IoP (CheCk hox) Ya i� ...PEGfO on $tdrmwata:r Permit (if apph:zble): ANrvr A�LcMENr Descna_A arcunC lever in fzet above mean sea level as '=rural ievelis s measuring point ser die icllovkg: r flood elevation. i. =:'Ara=.',xd a�..a'n= : Me;=swing point is Winos 10 tzet film the '>z 2 F_?Ai..kcd sna'VE: 6laasudng point isminus 8 iset film the base rood ale�rdtion. ;. F-�!,� dCcd_',�,^ ard'VE where the nines 10 and 8 t1dl measurements iron the base flood _le• stpn is below undisturbed soil: measuring ,tint is the lowest cric'mz! sm1 under the sW:tura Biter the undisturbed soil has been balanced (se° Term ordinan¢ for desiniticn ai'talz;red'). 4. FEMA flood area':': Me_-suring pain! Is ip bathe lower, eri_inzl sd8 under the s W:lura a'ar the undisturbed sal has been balanced. (See Tmvn Drcinar= h.,r definition o"belan—MCII Cert;ficsilon.tc be completed by Applicant: end or use o' land shall be cariad out, in accq?dance with_. . 'I cerdy that any construction, alteration or rzplacemen! of building It,e iniomzG� and =ani g P It tzaa 6stzo abov>_' P , D Printed Name Dat Authorized signature Sactioe to he conpie'ed by Town. pf 4clden teach -fining Dr. foal ,--� stormwate: Permit Required? Yes )� No -AMAPe.nnit Required? Yes a No = Zoning District deteoertymp: =one) Commercial Disuict (C Zone) l� ?,zsidanSJDis!r!d;(-1Zone) El ResidentalDistic.(R Date: Zoning Oifi=ial A?praval signature: Pursuant to NCGS 113A119(b), the anicipality of Town of Holden Beach, a ;ality authorized to issue CAMA permits the areas of environmental concern, reby gives NOTICE that on November , 2003, applicant Bill and Carolyn Ban. oId, applied for a CAMA minor develop- mt permit to construct extending heated ace under covered area at 1160 Ocean vd. West. The application may be inspected at the low address. Public comments received December 4, 2003, will be considered. der comments will be accepted and mn- iered up to the time of permit decision. eject modifications may occur based on rther review and comments. Notice of e permit decision in this matter will be ovided upon written request. Local CAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 (910)842E4M Nov. 27 DEC 2 TOWN OF HOLDEN 020o 3—DV STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott R. Harrell who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and swom state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): November 27, 2003 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 27Yh day ozov�erson MONAGE. ......................... (Sng affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 27th day of November, 2003. ..klm4Notary O Public) SGykt UBL1G My commission expires: December 29, 2004.'%��CK C0" U 4F: