HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_03-067_Belks,FROM�:EUR5-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :704B951201 Nov. 12 2003 12:51PM P3 Oct CC 03I'0.1:51p TOWN Or HOLDEN BERCH SIOR429315 p.2 LrlCa1 Government cent: Nary. W r CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT oo \ Inc PERMIT ea authwaod by the Stare of North Carolina. Uapartm*n' of Envvahh art and Nmaral Reacurca_s and the Coastal Newur:ws CornnlLtabn lcrdevatopmenl in an area 61 env:ronmentai cunoem Parauam ON Section II3A-1 to dthe ..IL -_11/, Generat StalUes,`Coaalal Atree ktshaperpnl.- roqueded in the permihee's epplicaWrl. Tbc pain:"c, bored on _.J I I I y l U ) is e.LOVU to cvnlPliarex Win, the appfealgn and sit, drawing (wnere oonsister: veth Ihatewinn), allappticabW!9ov;gtien6andsmcial=o.•kfioonsand=*$s,ttorlh below. Any violationoIthous hemsm cubjea painieee to a fine, Imwkscnmer: or cm: azibr, m may c,,sa the perms Eo be Moll and void. PERMIT TO INSTALL SEPTIC SYSTEM TO BE USED FOR A SINGLE FAMILYRESIDENCE ONLYI!1!! I, (1) All proposed development and associated con must be done in accordance with the permitted work Plet drawinp(s) subatiued on (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Baildimg Code raquinetnents and all other local. Some and federal regulations and the local flood damage prevention ordinance as tegaitcd by the National Flood Insurance Program. (3) Any dung¢ or change is the plans for development; constrnetim or land use uB require are evapnLiun and modification of this permit �gl�1v "j ,V�, (4) The total amount of lard dismrbiag activity shall not exceed oro area. (('�1(S) All unconsolidated taawrial resulting fiom associated Trading and al mg IS 4& be, telaitled on airs by ctToctivc sedioentarion and ertsihah cornrol meastttes. y v I\'I 1SO4iA EMEND (6) No fill material will be placed at any tame in any machh or surrounding w1�'1jv.tH[".A Irwe vial is to be plaTemporary cod in federal or coastal wetland& storage of tttpteiiana or sail in wedands is strictly prohrbeed. No marsh grass, vegemeed wedanda or open water areas may be cuxvased or filled even teomorarily_ I Thit potmd senor may be Good -led by t•12 permihae or cthsr qua!itled Persons within twenty (30) dayr. of rho i:;a'ng data. from the date of an appeal, any ruolk conducted under t ra per- mit rust mass amt the appsa is reaoNed. This permit In= be on the prcier. vita and =,,-tibla 1c the pemlrt atlicer when the pro%e1 is n5peywi tar ecrnpix:ai. Any mantanars� work o: peo*d modazelana rmt=ve.ed red,- Inis perr..h raqulras hnha wnnae par?o approvai. AN work mist rases when this permit elµrr on Dore bar In uauina this patmit it is agreoo that Ihte prnjeCr is cat s slerr, wdh tho b„al Land Use Plar. and ed a;0catk arc:iar j. -hie parn.x mqy not tM vanste•rad m another Darcy wiNout the whMer epofaval cf due r)Fr.,mn eg Ccestal Nla,ga�m. ra�+e Pann;.;EF (^rgM1a due rep9 ad lDer]I!i Ib^dltiona slop%e aPP.y I[ peen'!; r .FROM:EURE-DESIGNS--- Oat 06 03 01t52P FAX NC. :704B951201 Nw. 12 20W 12:51PM P2 TOWN OF HOLDEN BERLH 9100429315 P.3 loea: women CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT fn wlhonxad by the Stateof Noerh Cerp{na. Dopamnaa o' Enviro .mom and Natural ftosrarrcas and the Coastal Resources Commission to- dowsi,pme i- n 7r: area Of endnormamd coneem pursuers u. 5octi3, 113 A 18 of the 'lC General Statulaa.'Ccaatal Area Malaga rL' calf (3-3—GLc��' Pormit Nun�er I •edtolV'f'1�YIQ—J,1'P`1f -� .. Fl.rnoramgdevohrpmmrt�n— Y1I� YU V 51.S�L: ` rcque":ei in Me perwrstee's appsraiir:, dared _ O� t�U3 'hie perT. Y, fo:eeed pn I ti i> "bigalt] rnnynlance With Inp application errs all drewylp !where drraslene wilh,hepwrnn), all appfieabls regdteeons and eWia• 10:91tons and rrcsease, felt be fnw Anyviolaaanctawr,ro1 may subpa p9rrtivee ID a nr1e, :ntrennmert a civil a:.cn, c,( may cause the paean to be nu:l and mid, (7) The tetras of the %edfjsment agreement requires that the project is ne complimrcc with 7H.D306(c). In keeping with that regutation no direct w indirect pttbejc funds may be aged fee the proposed project- This includes expendin rex for two3truesioo and perpetual muintenonoo of roads, waterlines, sewer lines and associated facilities. Costs inourrod to maintain all roads and utilities shall be der n:syonsibilf;y of the developers and /or the Holden Reach West Property Owner, Associatirm. (9) Pursuant to 15 NCAC, Sutichaptcr 7J OW (b), this perolit umy nut be awigued, transferred. Or orherwise disposed of to a thud party except by the 13ivision Nrertor. (9) All development will be subject to the conditions and use standards for inlett artgt: as dmaihetl in NCAC TI SA:07fL0310, \ (10) Perminoc is one aulhrrieed to commence work urail the proposed adjacent and the neceasuy utilities area appstwed and insWkd, eanrploded GOf (11) lire structure trust be set back 611 feet from the fire litre of stable natural vegetation (FLS1rV). The perrnitke is required W urrlacl the I,oca! Permit ()flicrr shortly before he pints to begin construction to arrange a setback mcasnfemeirl which will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline ahanga. Conswaiorr roust hegia within sixty (60) days of the rterrrmioatim or the measurement js void and mug be redone. Thic porms action "ley be appanlad by the permute- or =h4r qualNled persons wehm twenty (20) days of the tssuirgt dads, emcee the date of an dtrr,aa!, any work cond'J=ed under tine o ee. mt w.s: ooase umil :he appeal Is enoNed. Thin part mug be or rho projac, aka and acceco•ble Ic :he Parma otP:er when the projeeis inspar.+ad for r-nnl7nnea. Any maewenanpe work or prof r ,, rrnditoaaone not covered e::eda lhi. puma requires lurthe• wnson pernp. a;Mvat. 1 SAC �eN`eNT A9 we'ItafUst otCoose when this perms eXpCr" nr. Dn Mftbnr addto%% Arno In Issuing thi%parmn It it agreed :ha ante projtrt is eensrctert wrh the iouel Land Use Plan and all apdcaNt a/Ci.rwrxs. J 'rhs perm" say n . be ww"lowed b another pant **=ul n p�T m� nee writlm awro.•at o! the Division of Caeuul klanagorvm. '!"eve reG ' dap •ear pndnions above apgy tv;rs: - ri ,FROM�:EUR5-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :704B951201 Nov. 12 2003 12:51PM P3 Oct CC 03I'0.1:51p TOWN Or HOLDEN BERCH SIOR429315 p.2 LrlCa1 Government cent: Nary. W r CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT oo \ Inc PERMIT ea authwaod by the Stare of North Carolina. Uapartm*n' of Envvahh art and Nmaral Reacurca_s and the Coastal Newur:ws CornnlLtabn lcrdevatopmenl in an area 61 env:ronmentai cunoem Parauam ON Section II3A-1 to dthe ..IL -_11/, Generat StalUes,`Coaalal Atree ktshaperpnl.- roqueded in the permihee's epplicaWrl. Tbc pain:"c, bored on _.J I I I y l U ) is e.LOVU to cvnlPliarex Win, the appfealgn and sit, drawing (wnere oonsister: veth Ihatewinn), allappticabW!9ov;gtien6andsmcial=o.•kfioonsand=*$s,ttorlh below. Any violationoIthous hemsm cubjea painieee to a fine, Imwkscnmer: or cm: azibr, m may c,,sa the perms Eo be Moll and void. PERMIT TO INSTALL SEPTIC SYSTEM TO BE USED FOR A SINGLE FAMILYRESIDENCE ONLYI!1!! I, (1) All proposed development and associated con must be done in accordance with the permitted work Plet drawinp(s) subatiued on (2) All construction must conform to the N.C. Baildimg Code raquinetnents and all other local. Some and federal regulations and the local flood damage prevention ordinance as tegaitcd by the National Flood Insurance Program. (3) Any dung¢ or change is the plans for development; constrnetim or land use uB require are evapnLiun and modification of this permit �gl�1v "j ,V�, (4) The total amount of lard dismrbiag activity shall not exceed oro area. (('�1(S) All unconsolidated taawrial resulting fiom associated Trading and al mg IS 4& be, telaitled on airs by ctToctivc sedioentarion and ertsihah cornrol meastttes. y v I\'I 1SO4iA EMEND (6) No fill material will be placed at any tame in any machh or surrounding w1�'1jv.tH[".A Irwe vial is to be plaTemporary cod in federal or coastal wetland& storage of tttpteiiana or sail in wedands is strictly prohrbeed. No marsh grass, vegemeed wedanda or open water areas may be cuxvased or filled even teomorarily_ I Thit potmd senor may be Good -led by t•12 permihae or cthsr qua!itled Persons within twenty (30) dayr. of rho i:;a'ng data. from the date of an appeal, any ruolk conducted under t ra per- mit rust mass amt the appsa is reaoNed. This permit In= be on the prcier. vita and =,,-tibla 1c the pemlrt atlicer when the pro%e1 is n5peywi tar ecrnpix:ai. Any mantanars� work o: peo*d modazelana rmt=ve.ed red,- Inis perr..h raqulras hnha wnnae par?o approvai. AN work mist rases when this permit elµrr on Dore bar In uauina this patmit it is agreoo that Ihte prnjeCr is cat s slerr, wdh tho b„al Land Use Plar. and ed a;0catk arc:iar j. -hie parn.x mqy not tM vanste•rad m another Darcy wiNout the whMer epofaval cf due r)Fr.,mn eg Ccestal Nla,ga�m. ra�+e Pann;.;EF (^rgM1a due rep9 ad lDer]I!i Ib^dltiona slop%e aPP.y I[ peen'!; r .FROM:EURE-DESIGNS--- Oat 06 03 01t52P FAX NC. :704B951201 Nw. 12 20W 12:51PM P2 TOWN OF HOLDEN BERLH 9100429315 P.3 loea: women CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT fn wlhonxad by the Stateof Noerh Cerp{na. Dopamnaa o' Enviro .mom and Natural ftosrarrcas and the Coastal Resources Commission to- dowsi,pme i- n 7r: area Of endnormamd coneem pursuers u. 5octi3, 113 A 18 of the 'lC General Statulaa.'Ccaatal Area Malaga rL' calf (3-3—GLc��' Pormit Nun�er I •edtolV'f'1�YIQ—J,1'P`1f -� .. Fl.rnoramgdevohrpmmrt�n— Y1I� YU V 51.S�L: ` rcque":ei in Me perwrstee's appsraiir:, dared _ O� t�U3 'hie perT. Y, fo:eeed pn I ti i> "bigalt] rnnynlance With Inp application errs all drewylp !where drraslene wilh,hepwrnn), all appfieabls regdteeons and eWia• 10:91tons and rrcsease, felt be fnw Anyviolaaanctawr,ro1 may subpa p9rrtivee ID a nr1e, :ntrennmert a civil a:.cn, c,( may cause the paean to be nu:l and mid, (7) The tetras of the %edfjsment agreement requires that the project is ne complimrcc with 7H.D306(c). In keeping with that regutation no direct w indirect pttbejc funds may be aged fee the proposed project- This includes expendin rex for two3truesioo and perpetual muintenonoo of roads, waterlines, sewer lines and associated facilities. Costs inourrod to maintain all roads and utilities shall be der n:syonsibilf;y of the developers and /or the Holden Reach West Property Owner, Associatirm. (9) Pursuant to 15 NCAC, Sutichaptcr 7J OW (b), this perolit umy nut be awigued, transferred. Or orherwise disposed of to a thud party except by the 13ivision Nrertor. (9) All development will be subject to the conditions and use standards for inlett artgt: as dmaihetl in NCAC TI SA:07fL0310, \ (10) Perminoc is one aulhrrieed to commence work urail the proposed adjacent and the neceasuy utilities area appstwed and insWkd, eanrploded GOf (11) lire structure trust be set back 611 feet from the fire litre of stable natural vegetation (FLS1rV). The perrnitke is required W urrlacl the I,oca! Permit ()flicrr shortly before he pints to begin construction to arrange a setback mcasnfemeirl which will be effective for sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline ahanga. Conswaiorr roust hegia within sixty (60) days of the rterrrmioatim or the measurement js void and mug be redone. Thic porms action "ley be appanlad by the permute- or =h4r qualNled persons wehm twenty (20) days of the tssuirgt dads, emcee the date of an dtrr,aa!, any work cond'J=ed under tine o ee. mt w.s: ooase umil :he appeal Is enoNed. Thin part mug be or rho projac, aka and acceco•ble Ic :he Parma otP:er when the projeeis inspar.+ad for r-nnl7nnea. Any maewenanpe work or prof r ,, rrnditoaaone not covered e::eda lhi. puma requires lurthe• wnson pernp. a;Mvat. 1 SAC �eN`eNT A9 we'ItafUst otCoose when this perms eXpCr" nr. Dn Mftbnr addto%% Arno In Issuing thi%parmn It it agreed :ha ante projtrt is eensrctert wrh the iouel Land Use Plan and all apdcaNt a/Ci.rwrxs. J 'rhs perm" say n . be ww"lowed b another pant **=ul n p�T m� nee writlm awro.•at o! the Division of Caeuul klanagorvm. '!"eve reG ' dap •ear pndnions above apgy tv;rs: - ri 'FROM :EURE-DESIGNS--- FRX NO. :7048951201 Nov. 12 2003 12:53PM PG Oct 06 03 01:53p TOWN OF HOLDEN HEFIcH 9109429315 p.4 C�l Loml Government Permit Numhe• CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT a$ authonzed by I: ar Sraw of Norm Carolina, Dapanmart of Emwionment and Natorai Resources and the Coastal ResnuTas Commlrerrn for developme:N �^ to an area o1 anvironmamai conoatr pursuant to Seaton 113A-1111 of the l"�Y��o2. 111 ! KS General Stawtae,'Caaatal Are. Maanagem nl., Is hoc dare' i - n [ at_j3 ►S .. v , �)I c LA tIyLStihnx; re�ealeo n+tlla permilaeaa applicaGun, doled This perms. -sw;od on is eubjeCt to co ... ik nm wah the applr..aGon and sine draahnp twhwe mnaiswnl will-]Ienarma). zllapPllem.la ragUlalfonsandspa0iW'Qndiho.15ana notessellcrthnetr%. cry rldlaLon of lnase leml5 a,ay su�i pa•mittoe to a fine, imprisonmbm or cr,0 action, al may Muse lap pamat M be quill and void. (12) The strtsdm (septic syslva) must be located entirely oft of the frontal dune, and if a primary done is present, landward of the cn:st of the primary dune. (13) Any struct=s shall be relocated or ilmm ded when it becomm imrtintni ly drreatonccl by changes in shoreline configlaatfon. The structure(s) shall be relocated or dismr ided wAbin 2 yeah of The rime when it bectrmrs imminently threatened, and in say case upon its collapse or subsidence. (14) No impermeable surface stall be allowed over env flttactionai part of the septio system Septic system trust be installed according to Snanwk:k Coucq• Health Deparonptt d dQG- da oto �;I' (!9) Parmamrrt sttttcnues shill be permitted at a density of no tnfrre than meunitper 1.5,A00 _ square feet of Ittod. �: r (20) Only residential amtcturos of four rafts or lass or non-pesfticatial strucnces of less *7 r')�� 5,000 square feet total floor area shall be allowed. This condam shell srot apply to the \\vt .subdivision access road. 00 �S (22) THE PROPOSED RE fAINMCr W AI .i S MUST BE KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR SO .AS T8 P$1 p, PREVENT FILL MATERIAL FROM FNiERP46 TTIF, WETLANDS. C1 This perms action may be apooaled by the permisae w other qua.f',al Pwsons w.thin twenty (20) days of !fw uw4inr, :cafe_ � rum Inc taL of an opwal, any work rgndxted under In.% ppr- m' n.,s: cease uncu cue appeal iC •esoved. Tr-fs perm-t r:: t be rr :he. proka sea arnd alxassa:, :c :he perm' o:frsr wher. %e Projac a inspao:ed for canpl n. , Any maimonance work or propel modiiraticns not Covered under :his pe•mff requires tulher written permit a,tpm at, A`. wok mustws whenthin prm t thin an Dacarzbvr Ir ewinQ this parm1 i; is xyaed :hat 'hi:: profs Is mnsistenr ..?i t! a Iot* ! zrid Use Plan and 21I applicable ordinan_es. ?he ce•ma .mav rot be 6ancferred to ancum, partf r ..i v, �. wnren aupro,a: of :� lavcor, of Coaa:v:l laaa�::rmrs Lora' Permit Ci*iCer Bryn Imo) non rf� 4c0d , �� Ch n1r1e adC�ess X �Q�ia , lek— I_ ,a pa..rm«e }�-siS.iaturc refired if road ;inns above aopb• n: pr--+:•, FROM :EURE—DESIGNS--- Oct 06 03 01153p FAX ND. :7048951201 Nov. 12 2003 12:52PM P5 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH Sln64?S315 p.5 +c1�C�2N�rvFQul Local Gmernrnent CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as WASOrZed by the 5121e of North Carolina, Department of Envimrmont and Natural Resourcas and the Ciastai Rasoutcec Commission for davrNopmam or. an area of aavitcri mirtal concern pursuant to Section 113A•1 ;6 u: he 1 f r�J I U , General S:atuftes.'Coastal Area Management, 0Q3— Dlc Permit Number ;7=1141 II aW.r r 1 11 It ♦ 1 r + • . 11 v �, a' tau reglrrryed in the yermawa epplretirn, datW T`tls perrtlh. issued or, _ is Nliblec:1 to Compliance wi1.9 the a?alirationt and site drawing (where zonsislent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special rnnditm its and notes set lonh be!ow. Any vblaoon of these terms may subject parmittaz to a fine, imprisonment or civfl aetior, or may cause the permit Ic be nu!! and void. (24) No 60 antenna a to be Plseed witNa tie 60 feet mean Setback on fAb 2W2a No land di tarbeace or dome disturbance is to occer within the 60 feet rut m*- (2S) No rts"'ing wall re la'"eads will be slowed oa the oceenftaat loft 2011-213. (27) Driveways to coean5ont lots arc in -nunp up" to Riess the elevation of the existing, natural topography- natural dunes and topngraphy is w be preserved to the greatest extend Possible. (28) No disntrbaoce of a dune area will be allowed when other techniques of construction cffi1 trollmd and al0aouive site locetioaa exits to avoid unnecessary duce impacts. (29) All devebps,ew sail conaroeuoa #liar reet a& code farlsirs�emislactated In ffit Code of Oriilia■ces for the Town of Utilities BSeciii. •,. _ 1 hie permit oclion may be xppealon by the pami men at oltter ;Iuaetied persons within twenty )20) day£ IN the iswing dace, cram the dale ct ar appeal, any work cnrto!;cted under this pa, mi In-sl :ease umi the gipped is raSalve(i, This perms must be Or, the project sin anp accec_:b% to his pe'mil tdficew when theproject a inspected fer anirp6ance Any mnlrlenance work or pmjam modificalions nit, covervi under Y'IiN permh requlfes further wrinen psrmil approval All wort mu U e iwr.:ha pvnni expires tat-ece:M.E: in usuirg this Do'nti1 it i� agreed lea::hc proj w wnvt;i 5; w?+the .oral! "Jac 7101 and all eopl:cable ordrveas. Res pnrmh Inay nor he trarsfl.red to ano�},er penv wihuit t6€ wriren approval of the Division cl Coastal iAar•::go�enn-,. name In(/ add+ens perm tree 0 i,Ir - re required ff 'e iai cold -ions ecae apply, to pe•m? -FROM :EURE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7049951201 Nov. 12 2003 12:52PM P4 Cot 06 03 01:54p TOWN OF HOLDEN 9ERCH 9100429315 p_S 13 55 00�eari -B3 vd , lveST hy, 4 AEC HAZARD NOTICE Project Is In An: _ Ocean Erodible Area __ High Hazard Flood Area �nlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted: This notice is intended to make vou, the arr.lic_-n,., aware of the special risks and contL•'tions associnted with cevel;ypmerit in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erwaon and currents.-11e ruses of qle Ctc,"tal he:iwri•e: C_llmnussion regnirz that you r.xvive an AEC Hazard Noice nisi aeknwwledge Ihat mintier: in writing l fore a permi- for devnU;['mrnr can be issued. fheConnnisgton's rules onbuildmi;s tandards, oceanfront setbacksand dunezli eration arecfesigned to minimize, but :+tit eli-ntnate, -.ropaty lizss from hazards. By y,+rantfno permits, t*tc Couatll Resources Commission does not r�uarartee the safety '_4 the rievelonment and assumes no liabali ty for future damage to the development. The best available infurmarion, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Cornmission, indicates that the annual ocean rosion rate to: the area where your property is lcxated is r-rZ—, feet per year. The rate was established by careful arla!_._is ,)I aerial hutog:rphs of the coastline taken over Oic -_psi D years. �;urdics also indicate tha. the sklore'bne cor_id mzive as much as; 3�feet landward in a neap. cturm. The flood waters in a major stain prep e?ictrd to he ahoy t _ feet deep in hum area. -referred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of tbreatr_,led stuciures. Hard erosion control structures such as hulkl pads, seawaL's, revetments, groins, jetties and bn,akwoters are prultibited. TemlxnaIy devicei, ire bud inn! ssnd ha�r<, may I- aAowed under certain condihors. This structure shall be relocated ov dismantled w;r ii n two years of becoming imminently threatened. the applicant must acknowledge this irdomulon and recluircnents by Stetting iltis rntlit.e in +he'.tehay space. Without late propvT signature, the application kill not be complete. SPECIAL NOTE: This haraird notice is required for development in areas subject to sudden and massive sfoansand erosion. I'crauts issued fordevetopmentin IN, areaexpirecnlD reilfl�91oftheEtirdyearfollowingthe year in which the permit was Ssued. ShorOvbeEOre work begins on the project site, the erica: penni: Offitrr wi❑ determine the vegetation line anti set,�ack distance at vou., site. If the proper tyhas seen little change and tiwln; qn+set+. development can stil. meet the setback requirement, the LPOwill informyou that youmayy dnwork.Itisimpor- tant that you check with the LPJ':efore thepermit eaptres for official approval to continue the work after the permit has a pired. Generally, If foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progresss is continuing, permit rertewat -aY not Ix necr ry_ I( %uhs:erttiat progress his not been made, the permit niust to renewed and a new aetba,k line estahlisherl_ It is :mlawful to eontinue. work after permit ex cirahon without this approval. F re r infrxniatimi, mmntact: 'ocal P9r�,m{T-'C"dice f lIUG Address Revised 1 P,93 I dmt Permit Number :can Hazard _Estuarine Shoreline _ ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Sh eline Other (For official use only) ENERAL INFORMATION 4.ND OWNTER ame �s19w �Sl��ty !iY/k ddress ity 14%­V S dState &Q- Zip Y` 2 Phone UTHORIZED AGENT lame address ?y -� S l9 i 'State L Zip � ` C 2 Phone 8LvQ-tp '',OCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not ocn�m�o e D uljacent waterbody.) —r ]ESCRIPTION G�ist and land disnaoanne.) SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: square feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential—,`- l-family_Multi-family_) ConmmericaUlndustrial�Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF,A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF EN1rMONTMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE i COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof driD line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc, that are within the applicable AEC.)(Attach your calculations with the project drawing .) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property:, (1)vrithin 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2)within 575 feet of Normal high Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adj acent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC T (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a Sta: torfriwat:., Management Permit issued by the NC DMsion of Water Quality? YES_ NO ✓ I i If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. sgtre feet, L� OF COAS T.AL -w� ,1i- Ek PERM ITS ?tAl BE REQUIRED: The action you are plannine max, require permits other than the CAMA minor develonmenl perrrlit.. .ewice the have compiled a listing of the kinds or permits that might be required. We suggest you check over.the list with your LPO to nine if am• of these apphv to your project. Zoning. Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system). Burning. teal, Plumbing. Heating and .Air Conditionibg, Insulation and Energy Conservation. F1A Ceniftcation, Sand Dune. Sediment Control, vision Apprtital, Mobile Home Park Approval. Hightcay, Connection. and others. TED4ENT OF O«rNERSFIIP: e undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC "or rson authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA mirror development permit, certify that the :on listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein This interest be described as: (check one) owner or record title, Title is vested in 9t `' -`_ -t-S L-t (�� ��� • see Deed Book e in the a tt �,\ v- S County Registry of Deeds. - _an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of bate was in County - if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. )TMCATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OVtrNERS: urthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adj orning this property. I affirm that I have given . TUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA.permit. (Name)(Address ute %� 0a� e5 Uo5 G.) 4-�nS Ute v i+y A�A�lar� a G'4 3oczz . OR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN EAZ_4RD AND ESTUARL a HAZARD AREAS: acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be usreptible to erosion andror flooding- I ackmowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular Hazard problems associated with this lot This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization nd floodproofmg techniques. ?ERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: [ furthermore certify that I am author=-d to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit n-'a` and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application_ This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership stwmoment, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $100.00 trade payable to the locality, and any . information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated wifnout reference in any permit which maybe issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is SuDIect to civil, criminal and administrative action. This the day of , 20 G La*tdotivnaDzpersonaIud5onzedtoactas- - agent for Purposesvtfilin;-.a:CkMi tapplicafion.,' DATE: N- � �ti-•{-.eY�r�a-�S (� 7G r�w t-• Qi l �Ic� DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by 1) 't- S (�1 Qf1 kS at 135,!�(i UkJ (steel address) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have an comments on the proposed ro ect lease contact Y Y P P P j P Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild fA. N 2 2ZI �� Holden Beach, NC 29462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488. COA AFL NAOF 4 N 7. sincerely, a (Owner or Agent) 77 Z G Ln TELEPHONENUMBER: SC'c12- S o- 0 0 O O m 0 0 r` DATE: Q - V - I;Z'3 To: t err? m. bouts ch-I U S U\44<vS 'Styo.WA-7 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by X-Ai - A-S f'-t 13e 16(5 at l (Metaditss) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488. Sincerely, n Postal Service,. (Owner or Agent) l +— CERTIFIED MAILT. RECEIPT TELEPHONE NUMBER: gY2�%�6 L'n 7003 0500 0000 8894 5386 Ir � , 7-Yc...7 Co Postage $ . 0 O Celffil d F O J I O Retum (Endorsement R¢ i C3 Q- ere Restngetl Deliv - Ln (Entlorsament Re C3 s Total Postage 8 $ 3 o C3 1 Senr rg7�J�i'Cry— A A 1/27/03 WtUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT "2000055622A C• STEM P.I.N.: 245C3A04210 FILE NO.: 2003042062 _ 20m REC. FROM -- AMR. PO. TAX PAFtaEL 903 SABBATH HOME RD SUPPLY NC 29462- ( 10 $42-72: ADDRESS i CITY ST 21P PHONE ROBERTS C VIRGIL ET CAROLYN_ / HOLDEN BEACH WEST / 209 / / CURRENT PROPERTY OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT il.K SEC PROPERTY LOCATE), TOWN/CITY/AREA/ _ DIRECTIONS TO PROPERTY ..NO ADDRESS rASSIGNEr) ,ILUTM BOA-1ION FOII WASTEWATER CONSTRt1�7, ION PERMIT NEW —$— REVISION RELOCATION UPGRADE REPAIR " PAIR Design Flow: a o gpd. Septic tank size: �� a a gal. Type: �_. No. Bedroomsg_' No. occupants/.errlplty e I z Max. Trench/Bed Bottom Depth: 19 inches No. Lines:Length each: —<L7.' Bed dimensions: "'- 7� Fill Check: Apprmmd- _ DealAuthodzstl Arent PERMIT ISSUE DATE: %�� F- a 3 ._ Permit expires 60 months from date of Issue unless otherwise specified ❑ 30 days from date of issue ❑ Other (date) Authorized Agent Signature: /��• Z �� Registration: 34 _ NOTES: PERMIT IS SUBJECT TO DCATION IF SITE PLANS OR THE INTENDED USE CHANGES. IMPROVEMENT PERMIT CONDITIONS MUST.BE MET _ C Wastewater System Installer. Comments: (tank info/barrier approved) Date: NOTES: 1.Septic Tank shall have an approved effluent filter and access devices as applicable. 2.Maintain all set. back distances for septic tank sys- tems and walla. 3.AII components of the septic systems shall be located 100 feet If possible but not less then 50 feet to all existing and future wells en this parcel and adjacent par- cels, OPERATION PERMIT: _ Date: Authorized Agent Signalure Actions of local health department reprwantatives or the State engaged In the ovaluatlon and determination of measures required to affect compliance with the applicable laws and rules shall in no way be taken as a warranty that Sewage treatment and disposal systems approved and pannkted will function In a satisfactory manner for any given padod of time. The Issuance of this permk does not preclude the Permtttee from complying with any and all statues, rules, rooulatlons, or ordinances which mov be imposed by other eavernment soancles (local, .state, and federal) whirh have jurisdiction. CAMA PERMIT NOTICE Pursuant to NCGS 113A-119(b), the municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on September 9, 2003, applicant Dean and Shelley Belk, ap plied for a CAMA minor development per- , mit to install septic system at 1355 Ocean Blvd- West. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by September 19, 2003, will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and con- sidered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request Rhonda Phillips Local LAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28462 (910)942.6499 Sept. 11 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott P. Harrell who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): September 11, 2003 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 11th day of September, 2003. Ir ................................. ............. (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of September, 2003. QD ,OTAR)- 9yt (Notary Public) �UBOG My commission expires: December 29, 2004. ''�.,,�CK C0�?,,..�`� FROM :EURE—DESIGNS--- Oct OC 03 01:51p FAX NO. :7049951201 Nw. 12 2003 12:51PM P3 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH $100429315 Lrx;alGoverrtma�v CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authxaed by the &ate of North Caroln a, Uspadmare of EnvronnaM and Natural Aascvrtats and the Coastal tiaseurtas Commlaxbn brdevetopmant in an eras of env:ronmentai concern pursuant In Section 113A-11R of the 1---1_ 1 L/, Ganaral Strrsxes, `Coarotd Aran alannaerrranr ar�-t�l� alnW. Nambar ra.: roqueeted in the permtlee's aPplmcalctn. dated Lf"a (�G,3 TM; proms, marten an is G1AW lu mmplonce Win. the appscation and sec dmwn _... w!fh th, Itwma .all a ("'hare mnsisler;; applleabq rasulatiana and`uo,eial �.nrabonsand rotas utfortPilnluw_ Any vloavion ages, termanaysubiea WTlitre to a fine, knxlttMm►r^ or c:vi: a:Non, a nay ea:ee iha permit b ba null and void. PERMIT TO INSTALL SEPTIC SYSTEM TV BE USED FOR A SINGLE FA AM Y RESIDENCE ONLY!!!!!!, (1) All proposed tkveklpnreet and asutcietud con�must be done is aceordsom with the pennitted work pint drawings(s) submitted on Ala/0-3 (2) All construction must conform w the N.C. Deilding Code t,quj,,,,eraS and all other bat, State and Federal regulations and the load flood damage pmanion ordinance as rcgaitud by dte National Flood lnnrance program. (311 Any change or changes in the plans for dovebpment, construction, or land use activities will rt:guirc a to-eval all in and modification of this permiL (I) The total amount of hind dismrb:89 attiviry shall not exceed one am. 45) All rmeonsolidaaed trnnerial resulting from associated grading and landscaping shalt be retained on situ by effective sedirneaypion and rstniun control resell urea. (6) No fill material will be placed at any time in spy marsh or surrounding waters. No till muerial is to be ptaced in federal or coastal wetlands. Temporary smraLx of materials or soil in wetlands is strictly prohibit. No marsh Vasa vegetated wetlands 01 open water army may be cx=vxmd or filled ever tmoorarily. Thit polmri Damon may be appealed by rte owm;hea or ether ganlieed persona Whirl !wanly (•,o) oayr. d the i;aa'mg data, from the data of an aapeal. MY wok eondl rted antler toms pe- nit n,..st maw a me the appea is rawlseC. This perms mars be on the pmjeC! tits and aseavibia is the pemri officer when dw pto:e_t is itfil)bl . ifar rc.�piancr. Any malnro'anes wart o: proieel modicatcns no; wye.-ed :mda-mis perch rwquiras hnh?r wrier parnil appa jai_ All work mum ceae� 'when *a permit esppra on Cenambw 31, R r)o t/som. --- . M iaauim3 this permit a is ugraw that thm project is tnhrirarr, taO tho beat Land Use Plot. sad el appicatk we.lsjrcee. -h5 PGOnt may net be tranale'red TO arwther party withoo! tht written aWrwat Of the Dhrsion at Coastal M:era�{arn5m. JM� `x,�.LJS.1--Acir�IV l! Tl'Q r n Penmr;�., (^rgna are TCU ad loeClai CO-4b�ons above aoo.y to pernq; FROM :EURE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7049951201 Nw. 12 2003 12:51PM P2 Oct OG 03 01:S2p TOWN OF HOLDEN Il 91004ZS315 p.3 n T!��c Ids; / 1Aea' Gtwemmenl Permit Nun�or CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as ttanlltooMil try the $tab of North Carolina. Dopamnaru d Envi apmem and ryyurAt Resources end the Coastal Resources CAmntiaaion to- davabpmmf� In an area of onAtermamat conoam pursuam Ilia Sdafar t t3A to of ate j ( �,} 1 - GOMnl Sfalffla,'Coaztal Area M.mapa ct' 1 ad tcr,j nndej ftl (j .��C .hu:hsrgmg devobpmrt tn�/1 I 4'-aal�&VCT�tr V 5 requearei in Mrm e peitei s appacwor:, dsttttl �'r'P( (p'4t7, 7hic pom!it iowaid on— is sobigctm mrrtptwrtco with [ha application ord asr. draMap (whwe com;istarn with the paint), aH applicable regslalems and spadip' eo:dgons and taus set foot. boom Any vloo"on cithon, tmm may subject p.rtniaae to a tire, tmpretromert or civil 3--lM of may racse the parry! to be nu:l and void, (7) 71t teens of the sattlemcru agttxdteat requires that the project is as cotraiiencc with 7H.0306(c). In keeping with that regulation no dimd or ittefircer pablir funds may he used 'or 'Lc larapaaed project- This includes expenditures for ooasbuctioa and perpetual mifffento oo of roads, wattxlinea, sewer lines and associated facilities. (=else iatwred to maintain all roads and utilities shall be drr TeSponsibility of'tho developers seal is the Holder Beach West Property- Owacra Association. (lit) personal to 15 NCAC, 5ubcImptcr 7.1.OW (b), dris permit nary not be ifulgned, trrwfetted, tar otherwise disposed of to a third patsy, exct pt by the Division Direnor. (9) All development will be subject to the conditions end use Standards for inict hazard areas as described in NCAC TISA:07H.0310, (10) ptxmiace is lux autlaxieed to c»mmence wet urail the proposed adjacvrt road js completed and the 11ccMSady utilities area Wpttrved and installed. (11) The structure must be set back 60 tea from the first line of stable natured vegetation (FLS),lV). The permitta is required to co_qtact the Local permit Officer shortly before be plans to begin conslnmtim to arrange a setback rocastuematn which will be effective for sixty (6o) days barring a major shaelinc Offa ge. Construction aunt begin within sixty (60) days of the d►neaninacan or the maasraement is void and must be r-..done. 7hie perms action ntay oo appaeled by the permitle� err 7.har quail lad pa-aons within twonty (20; days of the isouinp doe. cforn the data of do dppaa!, any work conduaod under iliv twr. me m,a: epase until :he appeal is roaofv d. This ll must to or rho pinion cep and oca,,3 la t :hr p9en.1 Off:-Qr whop :he proloe fa inaperned for mpl•ance. Any makrtortance work or projom rraditreaor-s not covered fz'rdor ma porno reltr ea Infil wriall permt! a:provaL At we.' tat caaae when this perms exazas on Dnarnbpr In sluing this perms it it agrool :hen thle project is ecnsietorl w0 the ioual Lend Use Plan and all aoolcab;& arcing rxzv. 'rho perm' may nn ba braxnerred :o araewr pally w•ldreal fro vrrinen &w Wfi t o! the Division of Coastal htanagervm �Z !Qt,t2ni-4—_ + 1 I dip m c.�1 ram& � a�d/tlrrss /taik- 'Sigrtal.nB tee `'a it :?2ipnditiort52bpvi t t'ert,rnplr W ap*!o;re:-ri FROM : El1RE—DES I f1,15— FAX tom. : 704B951201 Dot 06 03 O1:53p TOWN OF HOLDEN HERCH Ncv. 12 2003 12:53PM P6 9108429315 PA 1-tical Maier LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as aWhorizad Ly t;rx SraW of North Caroltia, Department of ErTrionmori and Nitarai Raoouras and the Coastal Ftasuu•cas C;ommiseirn to, development In an area of envrmnrnema; eoncarn Purauart to Saelipn 113A-118 of the �a y,� Genaral 3tIn"WE,'Coacial Area N�anagem. nt., I ;y it lf" I KS aunnr davaepm l m ~ n pe ' ate_ v t11�11t was r eateo rn aqU the permiltee's epplr tiun, waled G'2?-060;2 Permit Nurrim, This pema, +saved on is eubjtct to cengllianna wah he appli" ,0f% and site dra ghno fwhWe comialent will•$i:a oerme). all appsrebla roWLromr and special oMftions and mlt set fcrintuna Any vinWtnn of [rase terms navy subrea pa•rniaee to a fine. impnsonmem or "n" anion, ar may puss i:lo pormd Z be null and void. (12) The structure (septic system) must be located estircly off of the frontal dnmc, and if a )rnmary dune is Pre+ent, landward of the crust of the primary donne. (13) Any structure shall be relocated or dk: nerdled when it becomes immioeaft[y threatoncd by changes in shomline tonftguration. The atrlrc:ture(s) &hail be relocated or diamarttlpl within 2 yam of The rime when it becomes imminently threatened, and in any cave upon its coflapx of subsidence. (14) No impermeable surface sluli he al:uwed over env functional Part of the septic system septic system must be installed according ru Brtmswitdt Ctruey Health Department g�1 a Clc J (19) Partnanent structures stall be pemti=d at a density of tro mrrrb Linen one unit per 15,000 square feet of land. (20) Only raidrntial eavetura of fear nails or lass or run-tssittntial structures of less than S.000 sgttsre feet total floor Area shall be allowed, this condition shall runt apply to the .subdivision access road (22) THE PROPOSED RETA(NING WAIJ S MUST BE KEPT IN GOOD REPAIR SO AS TO 1 PREVENT FILL UATERIAL FROM ENTERNG THE WETLANDS. Th - Permit action May apooalad by the pormihse or uthur quasi eni pennons w.t!fin Iwemy (2D) days of the iesairy #ue. Ftom Ire dote of an apoeel, will, work coadww-j nnttxr In, po, my- m„r cease ulee:he appear is •eso ved. T"r:is pemnt rt be rx .he ported it, and axnsb:s ;c :he perm : offs, wher.:he pnlac: is irspk::ad for cot-4nliav^c. Any mainwnance work or pro)act modiimticns not Covered under this Pe -mil requires f"her vwinen permit agx,,val. k reo-k rin-3i �?Fq when the, Partni expires an Decarnbor ;• In is.ane this perrms iE !: ayeec' :hat ?hix prttje:! h oersiatont Ish the local Land the Plan and all appliC.rhle ordinarca, 'he ee•mil tna. net be eanslarred fe,-cure• party- W"100 •'.e aw:nrr+ approv?' of :n3 Qvgipn of Caal59� rlaaa�anwn �f Luca! Perrnt Gy'iCnn sqn ue) 'v__4rildvro Bch nar�a ��G=���-Fhsr�j��l�l _�r�•cT � �s���,,, b( `Per(s,5notu¢ req::.red if dui ere zpph• tv p'rmr! FROM :EURE-DESIGNS-- Oct 06 03 01r53p FAX NO. :7048951201 Nov. 12 2003 12:52PM PS TOWN OF HOLDEN MICH 9100425315 p 5 ' . TI' �i lcie�J each LocalGovernmcm CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as aur!ror;zod by the 51afe of North Carolina, 'Department cl Enviror:mant antl Natural Resources and the Caa itai gasibutces Commission toy devalopmem ir. an rea of envircnmartW oor em p:rsuaNto S6dbn 113A.1:e o! Vie 0 _ I U,(:ieneratS:Wea.'CoaslalArea AlartaoemenY Permil Number It - lie requr_Sted ire the iaerm3tee s applcatirn, dated �a % This earmh. issued or. ,__,,, is aubiff-3 to Compliance with the :}v!imlioo Zinc Zito drawing (Where consislent wilhlha Parini!). all applicable reaulationa and specin! eundifions and notes set fonb below. Any vbla:ron otthase terms maysublect pprminaa to a tine, !nprisonmant or 7vll actor., or may cause Iha pormil Ic be nu!! and void. (24) No fin material is to be placed withta the 60 Fast oaeaa nellback on Lob 200-213. No kind diistnrbstu a or dune d sturbismoo is to occur wiit►ha the 60 feat aetbatk. (25) Tb mining wall or bun&eads will be allowed as the 000114101A toft 20(1-213. (27) Driveways to oceanfront lots arc Intamp W to ob M the clevation of the exi ding natural r topography. Natural dimes and toltograp}ry is 10 be prdsarved to the greatest extent possible. (2D)' No dntabance of dune area will be allowed when odrcr tedniques of catstruCRon cart otilbad and alternative site location a cx1ts to avoid unnecessary dum impatts. e (29)' AD development sad eongibluctioc aWl mete an code rirpitta�ts Inwted ka me Code of Ord®aam for the Town of lFFelden Basch. I hb permit anion may be appeal,, by the pe.:miace x other Waillied persons widdn twenty Pit) dayt Of the icezzing da%, rrom the dais el of: appeal, any work aene,ned under INs pef- mk m,.sl saaar unit the sppsel is resolved. This rernh must he on the project site Zinc rreourc!e to air Pe -mil OMW when lire project is insoect derr corpF.anco Any mairtanance work or prejam modifications not covervl under Ibis permit rwjulrps further written psrmil approve, ,t All wore mul Refwh er, ;he pe.-rth expifes on a;M:nhe: m eswng this Da'ridt rt � apraed fY.a: lho prnjwn ie tuns :ix..: wt0 the .oral Land Uao Plan and all appl:cab!a ordYiar. ;as. :enc pnrmh may flat h[ Irar alerted to anotor deny wllhoJt the write, approval of the Division of Coastal Ir1araq.TDn;. name T- ali ress Par': pee ;-Vr—iired requg pe lei ondsione above apply to pe•xrt. FROM :LURE -DESIGNS-- FAX NO. :7049951201 Nov. 12 2003 12:52PM P4 Oct 06 03 OI:S4p TOWN OF HOLDEN HERCH 9109429315 0.9 13,55 &!P� Qrl 'iB 1 vd , 41eST 9,-r-t e N• Q2 4 a - Project Is In An: Date Lot Was Platted; AEC HAZARQ NOTICE Ocean Erodible Area-_ High Hazard Flood Area LL In1e1 Hazard Area This notice is Intended to make vou, the arplicnt, aware cl the special risks and conaitions aa><niated with rem.1lopment in this Brea, Which is subject to natural hazards such as ,forms, erosion and currents. The sties of t'.'te Gtattel kr, wnmes Caimrni- kin require tha: you rxdve an AEC Hazard Noise and acknuwledge root ❑otim in writing 1k tore a permit for cicvv4;rmenr can be issued. TheCcnwmtssim't• rulesonbu:ld,r,psiandirds, oceanfront setbacksanddune>•lierationareclesigned tummimize,but rail tihninate, - ttpaty loss from hazards. By l,�,uvins Permits, t_'%C Conan Resources Commission does not •uarar:tre the safety tf the drw+•k,ranent and assumes no liebdity for future damage to the dcvclopmcnL The best avaTabe information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Con:rnissioa, icdiceics that the annual ocean zrodon rate for the area where your pro-,ecty is located is �_. feet Fir year. The rate was established by car ltil anal:•ais ;,f atrial hukmg:alAI-- of the coastiine taken over t)x: ,)ast ;0 yc its. Studies al indicate that the shore=.hie crn_id tn-ve as -,utb as,Ieet landward hl a iilajo. ThcEluod watzrsin a nwA�oa cta•ru areprr.'.i.ir:d to M alxmu t feet deep in tnia area Preferred oceanfrort protection measues are beach nc,tuiehmen! and relocation of threattamed stluctures. . tart! erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, je'.ties and br:alcuaters are prohibited. Temporary devices, inn lvdine sand ba- , may I— allowed urder certain conditior�. This structure shalt be relocated or dismantled w;r:it:i two years of becoming imminently threatened. 'Ile applicant must acknowledge this in;'arwtion and reytrirrwen:s by sighing "A, rmtite in rh a lx:luw spa - lsrithoat the _w,Pcr signature, the application w6l not be conpletr SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for development in auras subject to sudden and massive sto.-Insanderosion. Verntits issued tordevetopmentin thi< MC11 VXPA1' on D : emimirr 31 elf the hard yGtr f0Jtuwing the ?ear in which the permit was issued. Shorth• Ixhfre work ins on the project site, the Inca: Per,ai: 611(r.r will determine the vegetati rn line an-1 setback distance at your site If tite�ropatyhasseen li[tledmangeand t)v(x: gx.irte. developr:tent can still meat the setback requirement, the ...-..-- rant fhat you check with I Lf'O _ ore ttr t expires for ufficiA approval to continue the work alter the penr.:t has egxmd. Generallv, If foundation pthrgs have bet: Placed and subsmnfial progress is continuing, permit renewal n,ay tmt be neee�wry. if stttwaintial progress hav nut been made, the permit must be renewed and a new setback line esahlishrr',. It is Unlawful to miditum work after permit expiration without this approval. F re :nfarnution, contact; Mal Farm? Officer Q?/�CnT 0/LTY. Y e <5 o f S Revised 1 1,93 The Town of Holden Beach Incorporated 1969 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, North Carolina 28462 Mayor: Jim Lowell Mayor Pro-Tem: Sandy Miller commissioners: J. Alan Holden Charlie Boyle Jack Smith Tim Timmermann Town Manager: Steven M. Wheeler Certified Mall Return Receipt Requested October 28, 2003 Dean & Shelly Belks 14901 Black Farms Rd. Huntersville, NC 28078 Dear Mr. & Mrs. Belk: Phone: 910.842.6488 Fax: 910.842.9315 'ECEIVED OCT 3 0 2003 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT The CAMA Minor Permit application #2003- 067 to install a septic system has been placed on hold. The permit was faxed several times and has not been returned signed as of this date. The permit is not valid until the homeowner and the Local Permit Officer has signed. Please be advised that no work shall take place until the permit has been returned with signatures. Please feel free to contact me at (910) 842-6488 or you may e-mail me at rLh&lli s a,atmc.net if you have any questions. Sincerely, " Rhonda Phillips Local Permit Officer CC: Ms.Caroline Bellis-, Wilmington CAMA Office Mr. Steve Evans Visit www.hbtovvnhall.corn Permit Number' D-6 ip :can Hazard _Estuarine Shoreline _ ORW Shoreline Public Trust Shoreline Other__ (For official use only) a5� o51. ENERAL INFORMATION AND OWNER r / ame q)S'►9 w 1` S k ,( ty CiC ! k, ddress 15 5 5 o rs'k-) ity State tiL Zip Y6 Phone UTHORIZED AGENT fame aq-%r S Adress S 3 �' " � Xp :ity D \Y State C— Zip 'r `f 6 2 Phone �� ? .00ATION OF PROJECT: (Address, strerst name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the djacent waterbody.) )ESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposedreonstruction and land disturbance.) _ iIZE OF LOTIPARCEL: square feet acres PROPOSED USE: Residential �(Single-family _ Multi4kroily _) Commencal/Industrial — Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF,A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENNYMON -NITAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet (Calculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable AEC.)(Attach your calculations with the prof ect drawing .) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property: (1)v%rithin 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2)within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3)witbin 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit C)fficcr if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STOPMSTi'ATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a Sate Stormwater Management Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES NO ✓ If yes, list the total built upon area/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. square feet. I I'ER>1IT� ?1.-t1- BE REQUIRED: The anicit%• �•ou arc planning may rcauire permits other than the CAMA minor de�tlopmcm permit. vice r.c have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. We sugeest you check o%.u.thc list with your LPO to TIC if anv orthese apPly to wur project. Zoning. Drinking Water Well, septic Tank (or other sanitary w,astc treatment wstnm). Burning. al. Plumbing. Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conscnati•on. FIA Certification, Sand Dune Sediment Control, ision Approtal, hiobile Home Park Approtrel. Highway, Connection. and others. " -EMENT OF MN NTERSHIP: undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC' or ;on authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the n listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property descried therein. This interest e described as: (check one) m Downer or record title, Title is vested in �� � �S Lt S�� �11S ,see Deed Book in the 13 f2 �_k S County Registry of Deeds. an owner by virhre of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of ite was in Cotmty. if other interest, such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. CIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: thermore certiry that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given . MAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit (Name) (Address a-%' os (N+1 Iti (Address "ri �IHrc 1 Gt4 3°°az lJ ia,^l�rrvc; tD6 �n� ,>, oval �Y� L R DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARD:,-E HAZARD AREAS: ;knowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be ceptible to erosion antd%or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular and problems associated with this lot This explanation was accompanied by recommepdations concerning stabilization i floodproofmg techniques. MMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: ) trthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local pe nit o leer and his agerts eater on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit =pp iication_ ns application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as descried on the back of this application, the vnership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for S100.00 made payable to the locality, and any formation as may be provided orally by the applicant The details of the application as described by these sources are corporated withoutreference in any permit which maybe issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation any permit. Any parson developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administr tive action. This the day of 20 G )ra*td-oivna_or person itiffiorize3lo �actas 2us agent# for purposesf5lutg.a-CAi:IAecau a9plicafior_ DATE: �i _g 3 J4 Z E V 4---Vp atS To: ^- I n% W,3. NC. Zyqc2- DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by i p S at t (shmd 8ddrms) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -(910) 842-6488. Sincerely, (Owner or Agent) Z G TELEPHONE NUMBER: S`Cl2- DATE: qg "`,3 bouts O O S tjA4<rs YS�r�ws y P l DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by .tX*1 - A-S W (_1, 6e ikS at i 3 S c9 (� w (shxetaddmss) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 -Telephone 4910) 842-6488. Sincerely, it, L (Owner or Agent) . TELEPHONE NUMBER: g � 2 —? C, 1/27/03 BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT '2000055622A NSC eTEVE P.I.N.: FILE NO.: 2003042062 200 245GA04210 REC. FROM 903 SABBATH HOME RD _ AMT. PO. SUPPLY NC TAX RAROEL 2e462- (�10h 842-72; AtwRESS orry sT ZIP PHONE ROBERTS C VIRGIL ET CAROLYN_ / HOLDEN BEACH WEST / 209 / / CURRENTPROPt3nv OWNER SUBDIVISION LOT I FIK SEC PROPERTY LOCATW, TOWN/GRY/AREA/ DIRErTfoNSTo PROPERTY: bin ADr)lR q_Q ASZJ 1uED miaQRIZATION F01:1 WASTEWATER CONSTRI.LCTQN PERMIT NEW __X_ REVISION RELOCATION UPGRADE REPAIR AI,R Design Flow a C.gpd. Septic tank size: J_� 0 a gal. Type: �_ No. Bedroomss_t No. occupants/at *ifees 11 z. Max. Trench/Bed Bottom Depth: ► 9 inches No. Lines: 9r— Length each: -(0-2 r Bed dimensions: P'T,U4_ FIII Check: Approved DM Approve Aamr PERMIT ISSUE DATE: j^vi (-0 3 Permit expires 60 months from date of Issue unless otherwise specified ❑ 30 days from date of issue ❑ Other (date) Authorized Agent Signature: e, (tea.. Registration: 3G ly ECT NOTES: PERMIT IS SUBJTO DCATION IF SITE PLANS OR THE. INTENDED USE CHANGES. IMPROVEMENT PERMIT CONDITIONS MUST. BE MET Wastewater System Installer: Comments: (tank info barrier approved) Date: NOTES: 1.Septic Tank shall haw an approved effluent filter and access devices as applicable. 2.Maintain all set- back distances for septic tank Sys- tems and wells. 3.AII components of the septic systems shall he located 100 toot if possible but not less than 50 feet to all existing and "ure wells on this parcel and adjacent par- cels. OPERATION PERMIT: _ Date: Authorized Agent Slgnalum Actkms of local health dapanment reproacmatives or the State engaged in the evaluation and determination of measures racuired to effact compilance with the applicable laws and rules shall in no way be taken as a warranty that sewage treatment and disposal systems approved and permitted will function In a satlafactory manner for any given period of time. The lesuanoe of this permit does not preclude the Permittee from complying with any and all statues, rules, reaulatlons. or ordinances which may bo imoowd by other government aaancles (local, .state, And federal) which have jurisdiction. n- m m 0 0 0 0 0 m ui 0 m 0 O M1 a CERTIFIED MAI1,M i*LL;L i- I (De^satfc Mall Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) m n- m Ln zr u- m Co 0 b C7 O O O Ln O 7MIF-7 I See Reverse for Instr.01. � rursuant to NCGS 11aA-119(b), the municipality of Town of Holden Beach, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on September 91 2D03, applicant Dean and Shelley Belk, ap. Plied for a CAMA minor development per. mit to htstall septic system at 13ss Ocean Blvd West. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by September 19, 2003, will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and con. sidered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on farther review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be Provided upon written request. Rhonda Phillips Local LAMA Permit Officer 110 Rothschild strant Sept. 11 c>940.3_0o-- 7 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott R. Harrell who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): September 11, 2003 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 11th day of September, 2003. '. r (......................... ........ (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of September, 2003. ,,,,.tttitittt„rt, ,,,,,AA•�% BgF�tt�'�'% (Notary Public) _. G , °UBUC' 2 My commission expires: December 29, 2004. `.rh.a,'/ CK C&""t � C� "