HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_03-066_BelksFROM %EURE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7e48951201 Sep. 30 2003 10:33AM P2 Sep 30 0,3t M56a TOYN OF HOLDEN BEACH SjO042M5 p.2 acc�-o�9 UXW Govsre+rentr " PaInn WORDS, CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT K ataharzed by the, State of North Gwoista. Depenaaarl of Ewirontnent acd Na4.ol Rasuxrata and ilia Coastal Rewuress Commission for devshpmatr in mars. >f erKron„aa:al mnmrn persuant to Section 113A-116 of the n .1 /. General 3talutes.'Criadal Area Wzhagenlen_" •rrquesled:nrrv:pwmnac's appfcation. owed "this Pernik, issued on `'l-d'Ll-U -S is si.bj.:a ro mrsilwice with thv applica!ion and site drawing (whata mnsuo ant wish Flu: pwmil I, all applicable regulations and softie; coridutons and notes eetfosh beow. Airy, violation of tneae terrna may subject wrmiaee tc a title, �mprisonmenl or tot•: i action, or may oacse :no Perini to ba null and void. PERMIT TO INS7ALL SEPTICSYSTFM IO EE USED FORA SINGLE F'.iAMYRESIDENCE ONLYWHI, (1) All proposed development and'rssociulorl Tqbs matt be done it aecardabeearil6 the per itttd work plat drawings(s) mibromod oil (2) All cgaytrw4ion am conform to the N.C- Baili ioe Code requarmtoats and a0 other local, State and Fodcral regulabow and the local flood dome ytavatiiaa adleame as ragaired by the National Plood Insutaam Program. (3) Any change or changes io the piz for development, ctnswuedoa, or land use activities will require a re-oehtation and modification of this permit. (4) The total arnotlnl of land disturtriag activity shall not mooted or= acre. (5) All tmkxmsolideled materiel resulting ftgn associated grading and ltmdaeapidg almil be rotained on site by effective seditocntation and mosim control mcenow. (6) No fill maicrial will be placed at any time in any marsh or surrounding vast -cm No fill materiel is to be placed in federa! or caastal wedattds. Temporary n[orage of materials or wit in wetlands is strictly probibitred. No marsh Warss, vegetated we*dendc oe room water area: may be This permit acGgn nlav be appealed by the parnu-.ae u: otf:er gvalifed persons within twiny (2D) days of tta issumy da'.v. 1// n�/'1% 7e /1 p / p /A n From dla date of an appcal, any work. conducted undai mis pa-- '- 0 10 l� - bM) rut rn s' eaate until the apprd s resolved '?)s parmamusibe onthaprojsd Meandrxowiie!.:he l'Y\ tT� '`'oIdett ciJ QJ) pam6 olricerwvntna prpjse it rxpactac:cr v-np a+cr. name Any maintenance work or pro;aC mcdi.caticre •:a a+eted usdaf Ins mn porreqt e uafurther written permit aWavat rss 411 work must anust when this parm't aspires a, �aoroAa: 1 ,.K� kr_� h issuing fts pandit it :s apreed that this projm is r_ nsa:em w.C. the heal Lend Use Plan and ai applicable ordinarcos. Thit Pants mey n. . bit ine mranee to anothat p,'ry wa4ul -' '-- `— Pa�.rAee *W wT ::sn aM, . - V rl n. The D"100 01 :.OKI el h rae'a:r bbjntr�. (fRFz'h;ry toquir a IN eenalrons *be,* oop:y •A panne) FROh1.:EURE—DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7048951201 Sep. 30 2003 10:33AM P3 ,Sep 30 03 06:56a TOWM OF HOLDEN BERCH 9100429315 p.3 �Lura-'�va=rnrr�ent Perri t N,mb:, LAMA MINOR DEWLOPMENT PERMIT w aueottatd In, "State of IVcdh Carolina, flepamnaet of Embonmartt and Naaral Rewuna: and Inn Comm: peeounses 1!rnm1n'taattr tot diwebproer: 4 m onto, OF aw.ortmwtul wivern pwsiam b Section 113A-116 of the � , 1 i_ General Stet:utx,'CoestalAnaManagefripal- faquastwd in Via pertni8w's appicabo . dated This patmk. iswed on�. is r::injoot to compliance with the application and site drawing (where conxisten! widtthe parmf), nilapplieabla.YgullMonsand spacialr_rdtiont and nctaatea forthbokm Any vio!atiunntthew tames n.ay subject pe!mma• m a ere, lmprtxcnmant or civil action, or may caux the perma to be null and wid. (7) Ttre attar of the senlartant qumn+wl requires that the project is to xmpliance with 11-0306(c). la beeping with that regalation me direct or indbraer pabtie fends may be treed for dw proposed project. 11m sawleides acpenditures for cousbuction and perpetual matmenance of reeds, vatertmes, sewer Tines end associated facilities. Costs incurred in muntaet art roads and utilities shell be the responsibility of the developers and /or the Holden Beach West Property Owners Association. (8) Pursuant to IS NCAC, Subchgptcr 71 0406 (b), this permit may na be assigned, baasbured, or otherwise disposed of to a third party, except by tho Division Director. (9) Ui development will be subject tc the conditions and use standards for inlet hazard areas as described in NC4,C TI SA:07H.0310. (16) Pe mince is not authorized to commence work until the proposed adjm;eM road is complaW and the necessary otildics roe approved and mrUllod. (11) The structure must be sot back 60 feet from the first line of stable nertnel vegetacicm (FLSNV). The pemtittee is required to contact the Local Perim' Officer shortly before he plans to begin coenrualm to ansinge a stabadc measurement which will be effective fw sixty (60) days barring a major sbwelinc change. Construction anW bcVn withio 3iay (60) days of rho A•+emtination or the mcasurerricut is void and mttet be rodgvc. The permh action may be apporlad by the 04fmates on ether quaM:ed poroars wtlin Monty 123) says ol tha issuing data-. Foam the late cf an appeal, any work =dueled utdsf Ric per m:l nww, eeaeo Lints L'le appeal is resdvvtl. T110� parts mtAr. W On lee p *C1 Stet end a=W4i':'ra W'lK c•rm4 officer when the project a aecectac to cornpka . Any maintenance wore or proien mWJJ nalone not tester wnde- :him penny requirm lwdrer wrin•n Deana- apxavai. M work mist cease 7 1 exorm on Jecencar in axing 7is wren it i5 armed that drs pnwact it xnsictont wah tie loea: Land Use Plan and a� aadlxMa ortrnem ea Phis perrL May 1W x van.l•n•o a enoavr paty :N9.6it 11e written eppr-__Va,, of the Dlvn:jon o! Coaml manepa�morr. W h� a 4 to • It' ► Bba� �Jt /ell, �afr� "-.03 FROM 3EURE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO, :7048951201 Sep. 30 20W 10:34AM P4 Sep 30 03 06c57a TOWN Or HOLDEN BERCH 9100429315 p.4 11137...r LAMA a NParmumber Llupl C�vernmen' MINOR DEVELOPMENT /l PERMIT at aullhoni by li Store o' North Cargill Daprdnyad of Erwri ntrnant and Natural Resource& and the teasel Raseurol Commissbn for development In an a•ea of wrwirorvnaraa' arrcem purwant to Sairion 113A-119 of the General Steases. -CmoLN Arce atatagal p t, as itque.5forl m the pe rnlbea a apptcat". dined Till.; patmil, s s uad on—10.�'�; coubjcet to compliance, wit. the application and all wawing(where consistent with Uia permit), all Wplcliola rsoulatlons and spit l snd ltlons and notes se; tnrth below. Any u!olaliunollhvbelwuls maysubject parmlta2 to a fine, "nprisOnmem of civil action. or may uul the permit lobe null and Vold. (12) The W.M. (gal syme) mast be tocal mairolY off or 1l fi'oaAal dual and if • Ware y dialects presort, Lmdwad Ofthe crest of the praary dune. (13) Any tdtntcwe shag be =located or distrtanded when it bocarnes i> hire ly threafeead by changes in shoreliae conftgwation. The stracture(s) aLl be relocated or dismantled wkbin 2 years of the rime when it becomes imminetttly thma0eal and in aoY nave Ul its collapse or subsidence. (14) No imps nneal suffacc shah be allowed over any farletiotml pert of the cepoc syamn 'I SLTtic sysru al must In insWled according to Brunswick Ct�arUn autty He" DmBt � Y (19) Permanent ettltettm shill be pemk!W at a density of no man one Unit per 15,000 liquil feet of lad. (20) Only residential svacrures of four units or lean or inn -residential lbructures of Less then 5,000 squuo feet total floor arcs shall he allowed. This couditioa shall not ■l to the subdivision access roed- (22) THE PROPOSED RETAINING IW ALIS MUST BE KEPT IN G00D REPAIR 90 AS TO PREVb'NT FILL MATERIAL. FROM WI'EWNG THE WETLANDS Thi permit relion may be, appealed ply tits perml tea nof otner qualihad pal rdtotn Twenty (20; days of 'hi, isxm r2 ozw. '(u:n Ili eale 01 ar appeal any work ccnduclad undal par- mi m..st neast until the appeal is r3soNed. Ili& permh muss he on tip prol site and a-zassible to the perm cubes' when tye p:o:ect a impanel kit comiti'l . Anv maantenarl work or prop1 modihaw:ions no, oval .miser the pear; requires Ixuha: wriil Pointe appro.al. AN worts m t t when ritz dofmf 9�Yrn5 un I)ew:rl -- In isscinp 1 is perrit It m agreed tha the pryer, - corsstent wsh the beat Land jw Plar ano all applicable ad•nal Thu pa-mt o.ay not loll iran5i61red 10 aMlher pall;, w?hWr' the wd]er approval ot Coe Division ci Coal Managlxna.11. J n(.)r rtG name �hs2 Id -S+re= it . � � r� acereas Pet mull W (.ignil required it ap,,ul wndnion5 ell all to pe:mkl FAX NO. :7048951201 Sep. 30 2003 10:38AM P1 FROM,:EURE-DESIGNS--- J• Sep 30 03 00:SRe TOUR OF HD_DEN BERCH -EU.ncal01—C am" �d ►i tL r+l. c�'1 9109429315 P.//-5 �1PV umll Numaar CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as aUttw anvil by tla Stale d No1h Corinne Dopanrrlerll of Envronnum and Natural Rasotr.:es mrcf the Cwral Raao1rGes Cornassbn Mr dwvetpmenl in an area d spQ0nmertgl eondam purl uanl m Serbon 113N-11E of the .. j General Sun m.'Coastal Am'kanagWWC-' es Iaqur=A?9 M the penrril:ea'6 Yrnficaion, 'this parmll. Issued on t��-�hU 2 _ n slibjed to co.T.pliane6 with tlta appltcatrcn art tire dram"D (whore conaislanl with Iopwml). all appl:cabie repulatiom and special oonc igbr c and nolos sat tnnh below. Arly vbladnn of tt,ese tanne muy sUbjecl ,,,ammee to F. fine, inpriabrKnon! or eir+l =bn, or mar cause lno pe:mil ]'� be null and voH. (?- 09-03 (24) No LB mrieriN In to be. placed withle the ib font sera aetbael. as Lots 2W213. No laud datarheace or dose distarheact is to occur within the 60 foot setback C25) No retaining wall or NAkimads will he allowed bill the oceonfimt bit 200,213. (27) Driveways to oeeaatront cuts m is "tamp -up' to meet the elevation of the existing, mheal topogtipby_ NJaturel dims and topography 1s to be preserved to the gt-..atcst extent possible (23) No disturbance cf a dune a will be allowed when other tectefiyues of cuesbrtlet'ton cae utitized and ahomadve site io;acionv eaiu to avoid mmcess y drmc mipaets. (29) A6 development and arnatraetioe SMB meet all Cade "quilfemenb locased in the Code ornnlfaaeces for the Town of Hoiden Betel. 71im pd:naf datiun may be apoes!d by the p:rmlaae or other puel' n persons within twenty i20; daye of tea mcc-ng data. From 09 date of at,, arpaa, eny wrdk nteeslcrad ucaer It";m- mi m,at:tame u1:14 L'w ema"! is raaoted. This parmit must be on the project cilo ono avaasawc to the per't e£har when n:e vn:aet k muscled for compLdnce Any n•_:rcenanee wnA a p-a" !nadlieaSD:Y W. — v Tcf Urger 4:K Pw me. reauces IL"m wmtert par..'! apprnv6i- A1 work magi w we wtren this Penn. axai:esa. Cer . be, 31, —.. a o � _. In tears,,$ tnia permit h :E aardw lh8t eve pr ocl a. =mWent wen the h>ca! Land Uae Nan ord Or epal'rab!e erdi'mnae. ht parent may nut be iraneferree Z anat-te: pary 1MVI Rt Ih¢ w'itlof a{pr al d :he 7N'ten of Cesatd kttnwrment j '0—n . j1 name r C £,�T 7J�1t Parma K rsi3ne,yn; requeed i s ea. t�ndi:ons ae�ec apo'ry a 9dr: � u FROM.:EL1RE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :704B951201 Sep. 30 2003 10:39PIM P1 •. Sep 30 03 09:59a TOM OF HOLDEN HEFICH0109429315 6 AEC HAZARD NOTICE. Project Is In An, oats Lot Was Platted: Ocean Erodible Area _ High Hazard Flood Area Inlet Hazard Area This notice is intended 10 make your, theapplicmt, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with dhw-elr ent in this area, which is subjoct to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. -he rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and ackncavlcvge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. TheCcrmm L%unti s rules onbuiidingstandards,ocennfrort e:ekvcksatd dunealteraticeh aredesigneci ro:renimi u,b; t not diminale, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commisaiur does not fentee the safety of the development and aumec no mrts bllity for future damage to the drvi4eq:nwniL Tlmebcstaveilalrkunformation, a5 accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual ocean 2ern ion rare for the area where your property is locatod is feet per year. The rare was estabtished by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past 5o yeara. Studies a_IW indicate that the shoteltre could mow. as much as ert landward In a majorstora,. The llood waters in a n&4rstonn areprodicted robeabmi . feet deep in des area_ Preferred oceanfront protection mensurm are beach nourahment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control struciorms such as bulkheads, smwalls, revetments, groins, j0de% and brrskmwrers we pnohibited.Temporary devices, includingsard trigs, may be ailuvvftl ender certain conditions. 'rhis structure shall be relocated or dismanded w? thin two years of becoming hmminesdy threatened The applirxnt must acknowledge Ads in:ormathmn and rcgmuremtmLs by signing this notice in the below sp". Witholrt the prnrrer 4.naune. the eoolirnricm h -ai mr h. SPECIAL NOTE: 11his hazard notice is required for developamt is areas subject to sudden and tnnxsive storrnsanderosion. Permitsisbvedfordevelopmenlinthis area expire on December 31 of the third yeah following the veer in which the permit was issued. Shortly before work begins on lie project site. the Local Permit Officer will determine the regetatlon line ard-setbackcixtance at you. r site. it the property has seen little changeard the proposcl development can still meet the setback requirement, the rro will inform you that you may begin work. lMir:gw tant that you cheek with the LPObekire the pernut exprm for offiria, approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. federally, if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal may not be necessary. If substantial progress he-z not been made, the permit must be renewed and a new serback line emtablished. It is tmlawful to mntinim work after permit expaanon wi thout this approval - For more information, contact: Local Pewee, Obfeer l�o `.n Adtlress 11.A . 1 ; Z `f 4P Revised 11193 FROM :EURE—DESIGNS--- Sep 30 03 00:56a FAX NO. :7048951201 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH Sep. 30 2003 10:33AM P2 9100429315 p.2 ld1K) ch Lomi GeVe•rinBnl Venn ?&MOW CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT m arthor2&d by the &ate of North Garolma. Depannwrl of Erwirdnmarrt ard Neural Rasoarws wed Ifie Ccastal Resources Commission for davelopmen in antsreaa of arvl•tonnt rival conmrn fr.'rsuam to Section 113A-116 of the i -u. Gtreral3tamcs.'CatadalArea Maoapsewn_" •squealed n this permne is apolcatron, drtad Nit permit, issued orr "I d`-1'U J is subierJ in arrriliame with true application and site draw np (where coraislent w;lh'he pwwl),aft applicable repilations and snecial cendnior"s and note, eettosh below. Anyvielmionoftneselermameysubieet oormilee le a titre, mprisonmeet or u. i action, or may eacce 1ho pain# to oat 11411 and void. PERMIT Tit INSTALL SEPTIC SYSTEM TO BE USED FOR.! SINGLE FAVILYRESIDENCE ONLYUMI, (1) All proptaxed development and ausmialcd consitracion roast be dome in accordance with the permitted walk plat dnwiags(s) submincd oat (2) AB eoestractioa eat conform b the N.C. Building Code regnunateats and all father Beal, State and Federal rogdatlow end the local flood dust" paovatdoo ordinance as regaced by the Natitmal Flood Insurance Program (3) Any cheap or rLaoges is the plaw for developmelit, construction, or land use acdvitms will require a returipttdoo and modification of this permit. (4) The total amotmi of land disturbing activity shall not exceed am am. (5) All uoco¢uolielaied numrial resuhing from asaoeiated grading and landscaping shell be rembled on site by effective nelimentirtion mod etoaim coatrol manmm- (6) No fill material will be plaid at any time in any nwA or surrounding waters'lo fill maccriel is to be placed in federal or costal wetlands- Temporary, Komp of marerialr trr roil in w•atle ads a strictly prohibited. No marsh Xws, vegtnated wetands or opan water areas may be etxavaw Of filled avea temootaril- This perch action n"ay be appealed by the parn,ri,e u: outer qualified persons with", twenty, (^all) pays of tie issuing da.e. Frorr he date of an appeal, any wow xndueted ureter mis pa-- M. m_s terse until itc appari a resolved Ths permit nusl be on the project site and epC6m%ie r -.he parr,"I offcarwirr the project ire r-paped-or co.-np �xc Any miirlenarrx wpol or project medii:;.aline --qr =eored under the pornvt requires ladher written perms eala wad. All wnrk must zaSp when this pear'! expires o•- 1a ar:r:ln: In IssuFp fte Daniel u :s aprepe ma this projac !s wt,, the veal Land Use Plan and a9 aaplioabke woi!' S" Tim pormit may W. be varsie rao to arofrar pa-ry waeui 1M wr':en ap-t, -rvr." its Me 0-"m of icastal Msay-,:rant. 11ncThschdd !� {/' address Pe'anee (s"3-.e p "quit i! rci.a eendeuxu ex.e eopiy en perrrvr) FROM :EURE-DESIGNS--- Sep 30 03 08:56a FAX NO. :7048951201 TOWN of HOLDEN BERCH Twn c�4,� Id�� cis Luca: CavcmmihN Sep. 30 2003 10:33AM P3 9100429315 P.3 cY oc�3—Glt - Permh Numbr CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as edtgdrad by the State of North Cerekna. Uepaflmom at Erwbonmunt and NaWnl Rowsweec and tna Coasts: Resoureas Cnmm'serr br dweoprnent Iran area ei Nhsrironmahhtal candern pursuam b xdion 113A-116 at the G.nwral8trutoq'CcasWA•ea Manage mn1 JI- 1 LAC LA..a.. AI ("uesliNl in the pwmittW$ appfcaigr, This perrnd. issued On yr is 7. Fjact tp compliance with the appicalu!) and ske drawkV (whore wrvrlsten! wish the parmr.), till applicab,a 'egulavons and special cnrd:tiont aryl net.a nw forth babes. Any vio!aithun :Athese tamia n.ay subject p.'mlllaa w a fine, Rhpri: rnmem o, qMl anliun. Cr m.y -:elnc the permit to be nut and rod. (7) 11e terns of the settlammrt agreement requires that the project :s is xmplimce with "11.0306(c). In keeperg with that rWImu a so direct or fadliaet pab6e funds way be and for toe proprad project "fbis iaNadet mpenditum for construction amd pupeeal iamteeaace of mods, waeerimes, sewer Imes end associated famIties. Costs inemred to mainutp all roads and utilities shell be the respormibility of the developers and /or the Holden Bawl Weer thoperm Owners Assocutioo. (a) pursuant to 1 S NCAC, Subehaper 71 0406 (b), this permit may am be assigned, trams6errad, or otherwise disposed of to a third party, except by theDivisioe Director. (9) Ali development will be subject to the wnditioos and use swdmds for inlet hazard areas m described in NCAC TI SA:07H0310. (10) Permiuce, is not authorized to commence work mail the proposed adj&Am road is completed and the aecnsssay otili ics urea approved and in"lled. (11) The structure must be set back 60 firer 8om the dire line ofstablettetural vegeuvi<m (FLSN V). The permit is required to contact the L40d Permit Offi er shonly before he plans to begin eomartlaieo to artaega a sethock meesisemnmt which will be c8'idive few sixty (60) days barring a nt%ka dxt F= champ. Q.nswction etust begin widtm sixty (60) days of the -i,Mnaination or the memurtanmit is void and matt be red9kc, This permit Wion may be appoalad by the i eMmea au ether qualt:M par"& wtnin twenty (2:1) cays of the issuing du%. hom the date of an appeal, any hale mnducted under ttis Pat - Mat nnAt eeaeo uml talc appeal is raeoNva Th ; perma'mur W on ne pm;m etc and a=wu '�)a to 3 Q 30nna Officer when the prolect is inspaetad f or cernp" a-" -. Any malntOnamp wo(x or prows not Cnvwrm snde! this pOnrit requires hxthar wriaan perm,. aporovel. Al wwk must amew t rmI exor" on Deconi , Ir b%ing ;his wrrna it i. agreed thao d.a ptirut it xnci:tonl wish fine bee! Land Use Plan and ail Walisable de, -ye -pa "In pwme. rney nit so vanetenee ee enoavr cab--.vehevt He written amp - a! of the Damaion C. Caasnf Mrwpa�man_ ,,�.t l� _ adi•hhse Ferm t:es //��((''�r�'--rsigna:ure regi r iai ^-�rn[:i:7& ibve sppN is Pe�mgJ FROM':ELIRE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7e49951201 Sep. 30 2003 10:34AM P4 Sep 30 03 OB: 57a ` ,TOWM OF HOLDER BERCH SIDID429315 p. S jt�n�l�y'v �LJCSCV I �vw— t local Governmon PeRnd Number CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by Ma Slate o: North Gamfina. Department of Erwdomnent and Natural Rmmurces onto the (:eas.sl RaaeunCINa Commiesbn for development In an a•ea d ow annenUr tan em pursuits b Semn t i3A-119 of the i. , t j_ Gerrrei Staams,'Cmatal Arcs Managanpnt.• c?= ' - as rrque5tsd In the permatees appikation, dmea a Thk Pormil, issued on 01—*'1 0-:ki to nub. of to eomphanoet wilt, the application and site drawing (whoroeons stone wahtnaparmit),atlapplicable f9gulalonsand Special mndttlonsand notes set lnrlhhalnw. Any violaliunoflhebeWunbmay subject parrMte2 to a !Ina, imprisam emi m civil action, or may : ause l:',e permit to ne nuP and void. (12) The snucaoae (sgme syst®) mist be locatd r>dltely off of dw ffoatal dom and if a prkntwy dux is presvi, landward of the crest of the pr'vaaaY dorm. (13) Apy strtactrarc abal{ be relocated or disarantlW when it boom= bLVARC dlY tdtteaieaed by clsolees in shoreline fallfipraddis. -The atractrte(s) d W1 be refoc t or dismantled within 2 yam of the time when it bccomaa imminent4y threaleoed, and m aw save upon its collapse of subsidence. (14) No i iTeramable sr dwc shell be allowed over any faorsioml part of tie nP"lic .yamrn Septic syn= mint be installed acoording to Bnmawkk County He" Deparbmmat it (19) Pil maaem muettuoa abed be pemtieed at a density of no more than ox alit pot 15A" atloerc Feet of lend (20) Only residential caacmrea of four units m 1cs: or non-residanttial sitictu a of Los than 5,000 squat kit eotal floor area shall he 30owed. This coadwon dull not apply m the stdisdivisim WCC35 soetl- (22) THE PROPOSED RETAINING WALLS MUST BE KEPT 1N GOOD RBPADL SO AS TO pRM14T FILL MATERIAL FROM ENTERING THE WETLANDS This perms adios may tor• appealod oy t s permitttw ar ptner quallfoc per3ens cdthln twenty (20) days of the, sAu cg sat,. =rout the Cale d ar appeal any work mvidwled ender ass per- rai m,mt zime real the appeal is resolved This perm4 must be on tia projud sits and a:3qffsible in the pwwr ail,car when 140 p. pet is Inspected lot Corr J1lPince. Any rmmnlMartea work or prated ntodlknAxns nay c vered :xtder thi permit requires IsWer writon perms appm,dl. t All worw e:a�pfj�..� when the permf 9,pass Jn 7emmm, In iss.inp 1 is cenr:p IT is agreed that the pmoic: s N-S-stOnt xuh the local Land 11w Pler arc all applcabta rd•n4mus. Ttia pe•mh n-:ay not ee traweired 10 anold'ar party wthma the writs ajow" d i is Div,sron d Clash! !AaragemaM. Fame seeress Per mn'wr tsignatvre tagvrrw it specal concFtions e70ve appy 10 ?e:m0 FAX NO. :7048951201 Sep. 30 2003 10:38AM PI FROM :EURE-DESIGNS— - Sep 30 03 00:508 _ocal r+rrre:rtmrrnt TOWN OF HOLDEN BERCH 9108429315 p.5 Permit Nurnaar LAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as arMMi;ated by de, State of Nosh Cernlim. Dopartmo nt of Enmm vrona and natural Re: otr.',a9 end the Coas:ai Reao'xe•s ror mmsbn for devee.pment in an area d environmental conessm pumitam o Section 113A-116 ofthe . ' .. i . Genera! S1aua_. 'Coastal Area Managtrgert• Iatp.E4yt In lets pennCo s epplics n. lased This permh, issued on Z _. is subject to compliance with the apphoruen and Nto drwvino lwher• consistam wnhtt:epw,nt). all aopt:_ab!e, raoulabona and V9aWLorvlitw^s and nolouset forth below. Any vbiannn of lnEse tenna mu7 a�bjsct -ernetee to a fine, imprisormen: or this Wion, or mn- cauxr trte parmi: Ili L* null and von. (1A) No Gtl naaterlal b to be placed rrkhie tbx is f sid aver eeWael an Loft 3W213. No land ditarbtuce or dune distarbagts in to occur within the 60 foot selbacL tM No rewiel g well or bi lltbeads will be allowed on the octidatfiout iris:200 213. (27) Driveways to oceaslfront lots are tc'tamp-Up" IC meat the elevation of Sho exisfin& teal topog alloy. Nawral dunes and topag aphy is to be preserved w the g wiliest exita posssble. (23) No disturbance cf a dune ttroa wilt be allowed when rxher tectuuquas of wasbruciien cab utilized and anotr:adve sate 1uCanOnv Caits to avoid mroecns=y dsmc nopacis. (19) AN defelopmnt sled comtreetioa sba9 weft all bade rguiintleesLLf locawd is the Curie of Ardifrem for file Towle otHoldoa Beach. TIIis or::nf1 dCliun maybe appN*dby the prrmhtee w olgar pualifiec persons within twenty (20; Jaya a.. the ieseing date. Flom Me date of an arpaa, any w--& ntxdlvad war.:!s me must daub oral fw ap?eti is rewired. This pxmh must be em the project CAA Me 870esa!b!c 10, lne mrr-ri ot:barwhrn r! o r •e1 Is inspected for xltlrtam:e Any anercenaace wart d p'oyq rrt:rdix'aP'16.1-•.varad unoertis pwmr rsquirve fu^har wetaen pam� apprnral. At I lk r• uei rarase Wi en his permk cxo:'es M. irrrb eer 31, .._-. ;N? t4 In wminjl this permt 11:6 epreed that Nd pr4Nc2 is =xmialeM with the ha! Land Use Pian and aB a?o caber erAivenaeL fir par•wt may rol he trar.derrn2 z ararrs: par$ w.".tGu1 ors w•itldr awr_ard o! :he Jb�-ia, of Daxald Manugerrort ( yyt "lSr.G. Mere 1+6 Cv -r- 411to� �,, WMess . th � �r pNmIK hi3nelu• rcgo, d i s i t dcs r above :9 pw: i if FROM :ELRE-DESIGNS--- FAX NO. :7049951201 Sep. 30 2003 10:39AM P1 Sep 30 03 00:590 13 U TOUR OFF^ ,rtH2OLDEN BERCH .9109429315 ice' 6 wC S . AEC HAZARD NOTICE k) Project Is In Art: , Ocean Erodible Area_ High Hazard Flood AM = Inlet Hazard Area Date Lai Was Platted: This notice is intended to make you, theapplicznt, aware tit the special risks and conditions assoctated with m3welo ent in this area, which is subject to natural hazards wish as storuu, erosion and cvrnnts.: he rules a[ the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknrnvlccige that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. Theccmmmissirrti _ rules ormbuiidingstardards,oceanf. out ::ctbacks and dunealteration aredesigned to mmuni ze, twit txr. elimmale, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Crrmmisicrr does nx,t ttantee the safety) of the development and assumes no MIlity inn futuredarnageto the dvvelof;11 n11. Thubestavailableinforma.ion,aS aaceptedby the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annja) ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is a _ feet per year. The rare was established by ctuefud analysis of aerial pholoWitphs of the coastlme taken over the put 5o years. Studies aLW indicate that the shoreline could mow, a, muchas eetlandward Ina majorstars, . The llood waters in a mayorsmrn arepradicted robeabout `net tfeer in lhis area. P.eferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control Structures such a; bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and bushel atan me prohibited." Scmpolary-devXW,1mIudmgsami burs, may hvalluwrl! maser cerWir..-onditlons 'I his structure shall be. relocated or dismantled within two Years of becoming imminently threaatened. The applirant mast acknowledge :his ini'm matirm and rt.'quirCuterits, by signing this notice in the below. sktiice. Witbout the pmruer sholature, the saolication will rv,t ho SPECIAL NOTE: ',Ns hazard notice is required far development in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permits issued for devetoppmenlin this area expire oar December 31 of the third year following the veer in which the pernit was issued. Shortly before w xk lw.gim on the project site. the Inca! Permit Officer will determine tha vegetallon line and setback distance at yum; r site.lt the property has seen littlechangeard the prtrpnse_t development can still meet the setbacc requireme,t, tht ..POwill informYou that yoama begin work.ittairnpor tant that you cheek with the l-PO before the permit expires for ofhcia: approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. Ge eralty, if foundatinn pilings have beer, placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal may not be necessary. If substantial progress her riot been made, the permit must be renewed and a new setback line established It is unlawful to continue work after permit exptratio n without this approval For mire information, cont_ad; A fACaf PsrmilOdFcer Ink M111, W le t � � r• Revised i r193 NUTI raautoS 113A-1:L+ ba 3—b to NCG^ 113A-319(b), the (04 to m the areas of environmental concern, hereby gives NOTICE that on September 9, 2003, applicant Dean and Shelley Belk, ap- plied for a CAMA minor development per. mit to install septic system at 1364 Ocean Blvd. West. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by September 19, 2993, will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and con- sidered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Rhonda Phillips Local CAMA Permit Officer STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott R. Harrell who, being first duly swom, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that he is authorized to make this affidavit and sworn state- ment; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): September 11, 2003 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 11th day of September, 2003. 1 v' ................. (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 11th day of September, 2003. ;O�dtHY,��;�wctio,-- ffNoTggryy2 V _ i (Notary Public) ' A °t A Ci =GZ� �/BL1C+ J My commission expires: December 29, 2004. ,bcality %Jp o l`' 9Yd �dtn (�r�f� Permit Number lob kean Hazard _Estuarine Shoreline __ORW Shoreline _Public Trust Shoreline (For official use only) —Other — "YENERAL INFORMATION a y5&A-04a 1 (o AND OWNER 1`70 `4 -IqS la 61 lame I�c�N �- Sh�11u7 4�e1K5 ddress ity Lhy Yz E w C H State I•, C Zip _ 2-6 t 2 Phone UTHORIZED AGENT a= ddress a 63 frkf t^. _ rLv-i Ity — \ 1 State L - Zip IZ %"%" 2. Phone R y Z^? Y Z DCATION OF PROJECT: (Address, street name and/or directions to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the jacent wat erbody.) _ 3 ra V b I? d.,-.) ESCRIPTTOAT OF (List all tc 1 ZE OF LOTMARCEL: ,square feet and land disturbance.). acres 20POSED USE: Residential ✓(,' iMgle-family _ Multi=family _) Cortmmericalylndustria? Other DTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF A BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA,, OF �17MONMEI\"I'AL CONCERN (AEC): _ square feet (includes all floors and roof covered decks) ZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES IN THE :)ASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): square feet alculations includes the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, % that are within the applicable AEC.)(Atta:;h your calculations with the proj ect drawing.) Loose the AEC area that applies to your property:. (1)within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC Mwithin 575 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3)within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Of'.icer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) 'ATE STORMWATER A7ANAGEMENT' PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwatar magement Permit issued by the NC Division of Water Quality? YES NO yes, list the total built upon arWimpervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. square feet. Ek PERMITS MAN BE REQUIRED: The 3eli%1T%' you are planning may rcquire permits other than the CAIv1.4 minor development permit. .creire we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. We sueeest you check over.thc list with your LPO to nine if any of these apply to your project. Zoning. Drinking %Vater Well. Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste Treatment sNstem). Burning. . ical, Plumbing. Heating and.4ir Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conscn•ation. FIA Ccrtifieatron, Sand Dune. Sediment Control, vision Approtml, Mobile Home Park Approtml. Highway, Connection, and others. .TEAiEN r OF OWNERSHIP: undersigned an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or rson authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the on listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest be described as: (check one) owner or record title, Title is vested in t v9 W S �4 `� lbc Gt S ,see Deed Book in the t=r, County Registry of Deeds. _an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of bate was in County. if other interest such as written contract or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. ITIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: Irthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adj oining this property. I affirm that I have given . ;TQAL NOTICE. to each of them concemingmy intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit (N e) Address) G4 W+ f V-. rrt�lc h4ve�Sew 3'Z G�taf?,e Yxe bC Tk,411. ) �K 7 --,1,,_.., )RDEVELOPERS INOCEANSAZARD AND ESTUARINE AYARD AREAS: Lknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be sceptlble to erosion andror flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular zard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization Ld floodproofing techniques. ERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND: furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit o hcer and his agents i enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit �;ipiication. his application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of t`.;s application, the wnership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for S100.00 made payable to the locality, and any iformation az may be provided orally by the applicant The details of the application as described by these sources are rcorporated witlteutreference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation f any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without permit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. This the !6- day of 'e 0� 1.2063 -..... ..__... , . l�,a*tdotivna:or..pe='son auflioxzed=toarxas:itis_agent for -purposes -of. Miii -ik-C AMA application . DATE: q - 8 - o 3 To: FY"CJ[%-ktK 14"JS0a �2 Gh�h`KC..<Yte�rIKWrL f%K %001 This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned byat i3 k Y Q 13 kl (sfte addms) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488. Sincerely, (Owner or Agent) ? 2 $ TELEPHONE NUMBER: �/ 2 DATE: g —g - "' 3 To: 171HthN�- Cori` (o'-- Ccg(re tu L 9?d' DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by w �i S it 0 at I? 6 V 0& w (street address) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488. Sincerely, (Owner or Agent) TELEPHONE NUMBER: S Y Z -- ? 2 2 G 4i, A. ' + �i � 1 � .. iZghYilti�. i � , ., r • I f I 05/16/2000 00:52 9102532388 BRUNSWICK CO HEALTH PU6E E7; BnnsWidc County NlaaNh Depaetwynt AppUcaGon * e o -,SS C 3 `/ Environumn ial a WWII h Section Tax Parcel Y 2115 (30 0412/4 "I Major Copection, Tnaabnrnt Type - Sf4 and Subsurface Disposal System IMPROVEMENT PERMIT FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of ArUde 11 of Chapter 130A.. General Statutes of North Caroms, I SA NCAC IaA 19W et eaq., and other applicable Laws and Ruin PERMISSION 18 HEREBY GRANTED TO owner Address o fi 1 • r.1 Phol P.,11 FOR THE Instal latlon of a wastewater collection. traatnerrt and dmposol system to serve: Residentialt,BeQroan rw- Corrarhe�cie!_r,19 Eafpbroa r/� Mazooppar►Y� pursuarR to 1SA NCAC ISk IlOW)i1samended at in conformity with the applicationand other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the DEMNWor the Bnaawru k Cowry Harlin Department mid considered & part of tits parmt Fetity to he served: Hall AbdresalLacation Dssrscgvn Ti 4k Lc / rC AoUz/ The owner anal be subject to the tolJowkp conditions. ImaaW sot, Ord corwnxbwh requernanra for the installation and operation of has syown' 1. This permit is effective or* with respect to the speolfic design now facilities, and the nacre and volume of waste described in the Permit Application, and other supporting date. Changes in the Proposed use, waste flaw, nature or volume of waste render this Permit void. 2. Al domment z, inducing but riot inited to rim evaluation. design review plane and epeo74eeUors. Tgmty AgreemanIs, Easenrw n, and ad of legal agreements will became a pan of the Permit. This Includes ope siol and malremsroe procedure& and other Psrnerr documents reIstirg to syslo m operation and menMrlWm 3. The desgnurrbd repel area is b have no par", driveways. v other mpervxxis mson al IoCasad on.t 4. The Issuance of the permit dose not preduds fhe pernlase from corruppahg with any and all station, reguWbons, or ordnenhces which may be Imposed by Other goversrrent egaoee whidz heveju nadEon, or any other permits Issued by this depar hart 5. The perms shall become invalid If tiro information sbmllted in the application was faisened or changed, If the permit was blood on neccaade or Incomplete, Liam ftor , or If the denigrated sho Is altered- S. Before Autnr¢elion to Camsb= a Wastewaler Treatment and Disposal SyaMm is issued, at site moors.. piam specifications. draft legal paperwork must be oomrpletad and approved. 7. Skis requing complex designs for wastewater systems. may regrira ap Wovel at piers; end goadhoafcre bofore the knWavement Permit Is m oued_ PERMIT ISSUED THIS q %4 DAY OF19_ DATE OF PERMIT EKPIRATION_ �V - rI - O R / BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION !� R.S. PERMIT.STA h to aisT