HomeMy WebLinkAbout85173B - Mistclich Family Foundation gimcsCAMA DREDGE & FILLN� 85173n�f�cD7 ! Y-'GENERAL PERMIT 7•pfl139� Date presvloums 1ptermlt lssued�WA New ❑Modification ❑Complete Reissue 0 Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North CarolIna,Department of Emerenmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: ISANCAC`lN./3� / /e/5�/ �.El attached.Applicant �Gerva/Pk he Rules availableatthe rollowtgWY:� Applicant Name 6341,/e1 ..a Authorized Agent 'L e.. Address /s? fit Aril Project Location( ry): aM 1 e_n Cry //I�L�a.ske._ StateNC.- ZIP Ze 7 StreetAddresslSate RoadMe R(s) de dC9 Io /I�l:Ma / Phone*(aryS '2 -5772y 33 Email - Subdrow.i c ` _ s. any. , o ue" ��Z)IIP l�ppp Ir�7/�e�,�' Affected ❑CW gEW , JPTA ❑ES ❑pn AdV.Wm Body eta do '/ f/MCJ (rutf�nk) AEC(s): ❑OEA Dim ❑uw ❑sPIAU ❑PWS C6sest Na.l Wm.Body tc PA / ORW:yes9 PNA:yes/ p / l y rypeofProjett/ACHvltyy 4ayo/e..-.L / do/Sas -4 I.w / /63 &c' a.d e" tp` J).,./uc/ 4.raa-E' f aaoo'' X .D`w.cip dtrnGp/t -Ards( (Scale:J%b ) Shorellnelength t 3/g' Access Length -c 4' TOW 3 P3AA, bit Pier(dock)length .-Itr Food Platform(s) 1Y JJ floating Platorm(sl r`( 1 )af w f )� Y y L Huger pler(s) It ry/ �' y Total Platform area _(^ y .7 V 1% , Oroinlerglh/tl / it t Bulkhead/Moran length (/// .Ir � . It �r r�,, • Avg distance ofhhore Breakwater/Sill s -D« Maxdlsance/length IC -r 1iCC (, I�)� J Area . Basin,khan 300' (" y Cuhkyards G 3 3 ' W ( Boat ramp fie" Y Boathouse/Boadlh / 5ftr` (^ egfite Beach Bulldozing ©1 Other .p- r3IYr A SAY observed: yes CID PS Moratorium: n/a yes 2 �f Site Photos: 9 .4114 Riparian Waiver Attached: no P)4) r4 A building permit/zoning permhhTalf%required by: /Mill] CO ,f Permit Conditions Saki fat IC'wlsi.(e $E 7. ' Ylo..-. AlCeJL watt TAWP y : FPER(circle arol Hb4Aa//f . 41 r U'°o'/ p/4ca cD/ 4e••+ NW/--t9'a. 0SeenoteonbackregardingRiverBasinrules wing ` T' "'� ❑seeaddldonai notes/conditionson back N ;fr. 4li s I AMA STATUTES CI U1E5 ANDCONOm NS TNAT APPLyTD THIS PROIEQ AND REVIEWED•• Pun' YE NT. (Please coital) 6Y1 6}11�.1PC� .. -".t " Agent orApplka RI QED Nam Pe t• - / Dina ��..r Signature read compliance statement onbackofpermits' 5gna re 4,a cp_. ego - ins .SA/ . /S a,,zt.— n. 5Sl zoz3 Application Fee(t) Check 0/Money Order D (Dd sulnte Ea�Hol Date Created with Scanner Pro ' AGENT AUTHORIZATION FOR CAMA PERMIT APPLICATION Name of Property Owner Requesting Permit: ill'ACV 1; CL\ 'I r17 Fc-44.404.41v, Mailing Address: 1. 31 b J( tIL•- 3) t." � � tI� WS3-7 Phone Number: j[ Email Address: t' �(Gnl 1'•J�VCOCN�^ f�'t C'c • to^7 I certify that I have authorized dcDovet, QYk- Agent/Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying for and obtaining all CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: 1000 d3 m //"`Gtn"1elICACrt 5)‘C/904(.,, P N ( t,aA1- r2-h( 0 I ,� at property located at 15-3 I /v il.7 33 in G/"‘ t C ` County. ! furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. Property Owner Information: Signature GSA- Print or Type Name 1\ipfN Per Title 1 I (In I f\-7 " Date r\11 �� This certification is valid through I 1 ! N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED or HAND DELIVERY (Top portion � L completed by ovyner or theiragent) / Name of Property Owner: / `t J r ()EG G 1 J�'J F6-44 dp-7`j`J./7 Address of Property. kr 3 / /t/c •�J 33 Mailing Address of Owner f Owner's email: /� Owner's Phone#: Agent Is Name: RAv� 0AV«1)orf-- Agent Phone#: p S-2-_3 Lti Agent's Email- ► O AJ l V e C7 CPc✓ 5 c 1. co.—% ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION Bottom portion to be completed by the Adjacent Property Owner) I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property.The individual applying for this permit has described to me. as shown on the attached drawing, the development they are proposing. A description or drawing, with dimensions, must be provided with this letter. I DO NOT have objections to this proposal. I DO have objections to this proposal. If you have objections to what is being proposed, you must notify the N.C. Division of Coastal Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice. Correspondence should be mailed to 943 Washington Square Mall, Washington, NC 27889. DCM representatives can also be contacted at(252) 946-6481. No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail. WAIVER SECTION I understand that any proposed pier, dock, mooring pilings. boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, lift, or groin must be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me (this does not apply to bulkheads or nprap revetments). (If you wish to waive the setback, you must sign the appropriate blank below.) I DO wish to waive some/all of the 15' setback Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner -OR- I do not wish to waive the 15'setback requirement(initial the blank) Signature of Adjacent Riparian Property Owner:` - /l Typed/Printed name of ARPO: CO I e l EA)I- L Lic__ G`f O j I L J Cv' Mailing Address of ARPO: 10e 3 W1[,M 0 -C, r f2N43.1 ei L /AJG 2 /6/S ARPO's email: Lc 1 b- *4.r f ARPO's Phone#: ci 4- (. 1 - Date: 'waiver Is valid for up to one year from ARPO's Signatures Revised July 2021 N.C. DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATIONiWAIVER FORM CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT ^(E011ESTE cr HAND DELIvER" ;Top portion to be corn Ietea oy oDer or neir ageen.t) i 41- I / LI Nary 1rarol>E►'� ()woe, U ref I ch t'a�l l Lc:�.MrJrt ft. 0r`, MaresS ;if Prc.perty 1 c 3 `j /.' . -4-'`� 3 l '0c L. F�C Al( Marling Address ,f )„vr.r� f Jwner s email owner s Prxrnea Agent s Name �Aj OA I ii�iieNa'e-� ; -3` 2 --C-74 Z TT -- Agent Phonc�tt Agent ti E rtran r- y / r — ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER'S CERTIFICATION Bottom portion to be completed by the Adiacent Property Owner i hereby cer,t. .rrat I.',wn property adjacent• 'tie above referenced property The rndw;dual applying for th•s permit rtas Jebertben to me as shown on the attached drawing the development they are proposing A desalt:ttpn Jr orawrr,with dimensions joust be proviueu with this letter OSJ , CO NuT 1•„.;.. ,biet:tv,ns to tnrs proposal * I DO have objel'trons tr this proposal If you have objections to what is being proposed. you must notify the N C Division of Coastat Management (DCM) in writing within 10 days of receipt of this notice Correspondence should be mailed to 943 Washington Square Mall Washington NC 27889 DCM representatives can also be contacted at(252) 946-6481 No response is considered the same as no objection if you have been notified by Certified Mail WAIVER SECTION I understand ;nat any Drc used pier. d. • "noorrng pilings boat 'amp treai,w,. -r boathousr lift or groin must be set back a minimum distanr..e. of 15'from my area of riparian access unless waived Dy me Ithis does nut apply to bulkheads or rrprap revetnewIts I I•you wish to waive the setback you must lion the appropriate blank below . I DO wish t,; *arLr some ail;>f 111 '�' wit ,i..K S. rattnn. ul Aulacent Riparian Property Owner . do not wisn to aa,dr;the s: setts ► •eq, 'e❑,ent t n!:ai the olankl ti:jr'atu'e of Al7:ar-e'tt I;ipa''an Pr)1 .r1, Onrel Typed/Printed name of ARPO L( cJ v 3 L L G Q/ VI.A"i OC-OJ � �1� Marling Address pf/ARPO 3 c c�8. F...�-�,,,1,. ARPO's email• '4DCz�G fe,ftlii.f<-T ') 'Rh' 'ARPO s Phone# t'!d"I) 7rl(i -rl' 71 Date 5111 22. 'waiver is valid for up to one year from ARPO s Signalers' Revised July 2021 Nlator -r - * �� - Untitled Ma x w{. -' ', _' �, r Legend Write a description for your map. T., .' l+ 0 Beachside Bikes r 9 Chasin Tails Outdoors Bait& Tackle � °` o Feature 1 .,� lima�. a►- q Feature j eature 2 156 o X j o f 1./ Feature 4-' 0% SETBACK X a 444 A Google Earth 400ft Untitled Map '' ___. Legend 9 Beachside Bikes Write a description for your map. .. 1 . 9 Chasin Tails Outdoors Bait & Tackle ate. ,�' - .3 Feature 1 • L? Feature 2 Feature 3 .? • SETBACK t • r- . • F . c j C J ii " rt •$ , 041:. : t'1,11. 4161.' ;341111c4— s ;r • r 3111Pr ¶T . f Goo Earth ,..de " 4.. N ,,�' " i 80 ft / \ >S- ' 1 C-N ( -,.,., -,'', \ „" \ z(\ 7 .___ cg ( -)is • -\\. Z _____) --'r- "'C' a _ -A--n 1 �_ x r• r� 5 �- > w ",_ \ ` \ \ `\ \ \\-Al - Z ! 01. /- (/ ' - -( r— / 1 >.- .!:- c C4V 74- `,0S x.S1--.(,, ik ct ( '- / r6 / _ 4_. 1 / \ \\ Vaughan, Kent D From: Ryan Davenport <ryansbigblueocean@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2022 8:17 AM To: Vaughan, Kent D Subject: Re: [External] Hobucken CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify.Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam. Kent, I forgot about the river buffet but It will be no problem keeping the spoils 50' or greater from the basin. We can get a Minor Permit to spread them if the owner wishes to but it is my understanding that they do not wish to plant the impoundment at this time. • They plan to maintain the canal by walking a mini excavator out on logging mats and transport the spoils with a side by side and trailer. We know this is a very inefficient method but the owner has free labor through a non profit rehabilitation organization. Connecting water depths in Jones Bay are-4'MLW but the owner is only wishing to dredge the canal to -2' MLW. The intent is only to get a small skiff out of the existing basin and ramp. My calculations at this depth resulted in 963cu yd. Feel free to reach back out to me if you have further questions. Best, Ryan Davenport Sent from my iPhone On Aug 29, 2022, at 8:31 AM,Vaughan, Kent D<kent.vaughan@ncdenr.gov>wrote: Also how are they planning to dredge and are they putting the spoil in the impoundment? If they do it will need to be placed 50'from NWL unless DWR does not claim the canal. If he plans to spread it in impoundment he will need a minor permit for that as well. But if he is planting the impoundment I would not do that. Salt soils will kill the crops From: Ryan Davenport<ryansbigblueocean@gmail.com> Sent:Thursday,August 25, 2022 1:27 PM To:Vaughan, Kent D<kent.vaughan@ncdenr.gov> Subject: [External] Hobucken CAUTION: External email. Do not click links or open attachments unless you verify. Send all suspicious email as an attachment to Report Spam.<mailto:report.spam@nc.gov> Kent, 1 Thanks for calling me today. Looks like I did spell your last name wrong in the email address. Give me a call at 2523425722 if you need any further information. Thanks, Ryan Sent from my iPhone 2