HomeMy WebLinkAboutHB_03-049_Coble,7 �} a4 03 U4!24F1 TOWN OF HUL-DEN BEACH 51084ZS315 ✓ Permrt Ncmber CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the Slate of NoN1 Caroana. Department of Ervirormant and Natural Resources and the :Asata, Resources Cc mmrsabn for development In an area of am/tronmental coi aern puMaTt to Srx.:inn 113A-118 of me General Staua". —a.aaj!il Araa Managhlram.J requasted in the permiaee-'s application- dated This permit, issued o- �"- -;??- 03 is suoject!o camp.iance wdr lie applleatlur. and sie drawing (*')ire con; ern witn the permit), all applraole reguixOt ns and.peclai conditions and notes sat lorth below. Any vio1a11cn o` these terms may subipv permiltee to a `ire, ImprlaorlTen' or cNi' Pctlon. or ma'! cause M p:1`711110 oe nA end relQ. — PM%U TO CONSTRUCT A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, INSTALL sEPTICK SYSTEM, GRAVEL I DRIVEWAY AND UNDERNEATH STRUCTURE, AND INSTALL RETENTION AREAS. 1. Applicant qualifies for this exception because the lot was recorded prior to June 1. 1979, and does not meet the setback of 120 feet from the first line of stable natural vegetation. 2. This lot was recorded prior to June 1, 1979, and cannot be enlarged by combining it with a contiguous lot(s) under the same ownership. 3. The development is set back as far landward from the fast line of stabll natural vegetation as possible, such that the smwh= is a minimum of 60 feet landward of this line, and is entirely behind the frontal dune- 'Ms pwnait authorizes a structure tbat will be set back a minimum of 85 feet from the vegetation lire. 4. Al101 ings shall be at least eight inches in diameter. S. The footprint of the structure shall be no more than 1,000 square feet this does include the overhanges. 6. Driveway and puking area shall be constructed of clay. packed sand or gravel. 7. All development addressed in these exceptions trust be located landward of the first line of stable, nanrral vegetation. & The development must he accomplished in such a manner as not to aher the itdegrity of the frontal or primary dunes - This permit action may be appealed cy the penninea nr outer quala cd oc(sons nithin maray f20) oays of the issuing date. =rem ire tlme of an acpaa;. ary work mr4ucied under mis per- _ — 2s�?l -- - ... . ma mat came lyif'he appoiw is Faso rile. 'rern t O� e.• ;s gin:u e} This permit must be on t!'e project cite and agcoasioia to the �0 � ,_ 0 Ids_ ;_ &a C Yl perms officer when the pmiea is �mpenad tcl compliance naa+e Any inw-naenance work or project modMcanons not oorerad under th s ",.nn i,quire3 `ocher YYaten pW" I appyvel. Al: work must :e- a when 1h s parniI ezci'es on Cecembs, In issuing !his permit it a frgfo d that a i=_ proieo is rnnnictont with the lucbl Land Use plan and all eppfKable ordinances. This c8'me may not be trenslanad to tnotherpany scimou' Ir:e wrinsn aep,Oral ct'he 0 -*ien of Co[Fml \1Brlagenlen'. SCC'649 Ldem- reeU led d s_eoal pord.tions aA'/e flit W Jar 24 03 04:24p TOWN OF HOIDEN BEACH 910B429315 p.2 PERMIT as authorized by tho Stale or Nor! Carolina. Department of Environment aid Natural Ass urccs and the COaSrer Assor.,cea Cowell tw dNrNepnle:a in ao area of envlroninental concern pursuant to Section 113A-i 1801 a•R Ga-eral Stat.arr,'Coagal Area kta!rapemurL� , requested in the peennaws applicMn. Tl°`F oarnC. SSL ad On r7_ Ag— D 5 is subsct to eompbanee'o tt tie applimlior an., site drewieg (v11`e1e 0�rVIl14a with the palm:Pr. all apclicab le regilaticrs ant. snvcial cord coons and rolo5 sot ionh below. Any viols ion or these -or-Tit may auD act �ermitlea top line, mprisonment or cord action. or mey curse the permit to be null and void. 9. The structure shall comply with the NC Building Code and all other Federal, State, rind Local regulations, including the National Flood insurance Program. 10, The structure must be located entirely off of the frontal dune and entirely behind the landward toe of the ftomal dune. 11. The lowest horizontal member of the structure shall be elevored above the Base flood VL• with a elevation of 23 feet above sea level. 12. All eneloaed area below base flood elevation shall be constructed with breakaway walla and shall obtain a V-zone certificate prior to the Certificate of Occupancy that has been completed by a professiooal Engineer. 13. Please be advised that all areas located below Base Flood elevation shall be for panting and storage only. N O MARITAL SPACE IS ALLOWED. 14. No impermeable surfaces shall be allowed over any functional part of the septic tank drain field, or repair area All pilings shall be located a minimum of five fat from all portions of the septic system. All retention areas shall be located a minimum of 25 feet from all portions of the septic system. All water lines shall he located a mums ml of 10 feet from till portions of the septic system. 15. No dune disturbances shall be allowed for construction. 16. Tbls permit may be renewed for on (1) year if requested before the expiration dam •,it. pttrmit +'t:on Tray be appenlod by the pe,m:ttae o� other .uai ti._ owscna wehir twenty (20) days d the issui:ti2 date, t"O., the date & er. app,,,, amr mo•k censtuaed under thle per- mh nsr. ease until the appeal :s rosolrEd. Tfds narmr. crust oc on the croject silo end sccessibyv lit are firms o`aner M-p, the probe! IS inspected h,cor Valance. r my maintanaiy wntk or p•gnc : mOtl acatiors not covamd t: der hit permit requires further wmfen permit app(ove!. �± vrodr must ceaae wren min permit lrcwres on December 3: . 2 0 F2 'n grey lhls pem,d it Is ap,aed'Is t Or.., protect's Consistent -rh the oeai and the Ran and as applicable txd"wss. Ten pd cad may nct be transler-cd w anetr er party w tt at ,he rairtan approval of Its DrAs on V _nas-a Manaptmert. r atldrcas required is special cord"snons Boccie avz" A parrri!) ?Ul 24 03 04:e5p rDWN OF HOLDEN DFRCH 9tDB429315 p.3 PERMIT as authorized by the Stags of North Ce1e1in3 Departmen! of Fnvronmem and Natural Resources and the Coaslal Resources Coffr iss.on'o- davolopment to an area of anveorvnaraal WnCerp pursuant to _3earon 113A.17a of the Ganaral5+atctes.'C_agalAaa Manayef!en!.� , requested in the Cermiltee 5 spcllcaton, dated 'ha perms, isswd on _ is 511�Jee1 D =`hP:ier4C Wall the apgrdatlon and eilE drawing in hors von<,lram Nlln ll-v per.nni,all aopscabla i equtabcns and special dondnions and notes eat lnnn below Any viaaeon theselerr'13 r-tayautjec! peemirne to a file, imprisonment er Civic .x-ion, or naay cause Re perms iz be null and void. 17. The peirmittee is required to contact the Local Permit Officer sbortly before be plans to begin construction to arrange a setback measurement that will be effective far sixty (60) days barring a major shoreline change. Construction must begin within sixty (60) days of the determination or the measurement is void and must be re-established. 18. Any structure authorized by this permit shall be relocated o- dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structures) shall be relocated or dismantled within two, (2) years of the time when it becomes imminently threatened. so that the structure is no longer imminently threatened, then is need not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not affect the permit holder's right to seek autborizatton of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC Rules. 19. The construction shall meet all requirements of Chapter 157.060 located in the Town of Holden Beach Cade of Ordinances. 7t, S permit Acton may ne appea ed by the perminse of ether nua.ilied person. within uveru7 t.20J Gays of the Issuing Bate. 1-:w dale _f an appc-t, any W df.. cond:x--lad antler Ties per- ni; coos lha appeal - ie -esavec. Tnis perch! muse be on the protect sis and accessible is the olfivw when the protect is inspected for coraptanca. Am maimenaneo work or m.act retake ons co: covieril under @,. permit roglares iwher Hitter pernil approval Al{ w,r% Must ce e'when this porno espLas on Oecembor In iseu'nq -.his perms it is agreed that this pro ea is �nsistaw. •eon the kcal Land Use Plan and al• apdteabs adirwlces. ^Is patina May not be Ira-iarorred to a rho. per.! without 1,e it rnen app"ova. 01 :ha Oivsion N Coastal Management 1--. 5tlf revs regCirod i! speciaa condi'o.-.s ab: ve :g+phr to pv- ,: T. ,.... + .•Jul 24 03 04:25p TOWN OF HOLDEN BEFICH 8109425315 p•4 AEC HAZARD NOTICE project Is In An: ✓ Ocean Erodible Area _ High Hazard Flood Area , Inlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted: '1''+is notice is :nter.ded to rake you. the ayplicart, Mare of the special risks and conditirns associated with Jevzlopntent in this area, whidt is subject 10 na!ural hazards such as _corms. erosion mid ¢rrntr.The ones of the C:)asial Resources Connussioa require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice an: ackmwleeV that rgiice in writing be -are a permit for development can be issued. TICCCr'. tiSS'On'.�rttiesonb.:ildingstandar.'s.orean-runt wtbat'Irsand e.urte ahe, ationaredesi&ted to minfmize•but not eliminate: - .Iperty ;oss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Aesourcrs Cc.mmission dues not guarantee Ike sales • of the development and assu-nes no fiability for futuredamage to thedevelopment. -I _-e best available information, as accepted by the Coastal tesources Com"tiss_en, indicates ti'at the acnual ocean er rate for the area where you- property is located is feel pet year. rite rate was estab=isied b% zareful amalv?is cl aerial pf'olographs of the coastline taken over :he past SD years. Studies also indicate that the shaeane could move as to ocn akoo `eet landward in a major smrm. Trw flood waters in a ma$wstorm are predicted to beabout etiI fee, beep in this area. Preferred oceat:dront pro:ec:icn measures are beach nourishment and relocation of :i-.reatened structures. Hard erosion conho; structures such as bulkheads. seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohittited. 1'emporary devices, Inci -iding sa,d bags. may ae allowed under ter tat . cond:tions- 1. is structure, shall be relocated ar diasnantied within Nvo years of L'eeo:'iint; imminently threatened. Ttie applicuv must ne'tuwnledge :t•is information and requi.ements by signing tleis notice in the below space. tt'�tw,u! the proper signature, the application will notbe SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard mitice is requirrtd let development in a-ms subiect to sudden and atasst-.e stormsand erosion. permits issued for devcopmen: intki area expire on Deceraber n of the third year followi:,g the )ear in which the pemit wass isstu'd. slur_ tly before stork begins on the project site. the Local Permit CNficca uili detemurie the vegesetk:r. lane and sett•a3 distance at yn,r site.IFthsoroper.hasseen¢:[:ec:angcand!tapropose:= development can std; meet the setback requirement. the Lro wilt inform you that t-uumay) l.evin work- It is impor- tant tlta- you .heck with the LPO befrite the permit expires for official a�pro�at to continue the work after the permit has expired. GrneraCy, if foundation picngs lave been placed and substantial pmgress is contutuitw- Poem,;! renewal may not be necessaiv..: s:rbstm tial propgess hss not been made, the perm:•: must be renewed and a new setback line established. ft is unlawful r7 continie vrork after permit expiation without this approval. Revsed 1',W Pursuant to NCGS_ muni is pality of Town of Holden Beach, locality authorized to issue CAMA permit, in the areas of environmental concern. hereby gives NOTICE that on June 16, 2003, applicant Jim Cable, applied for a CAMA minor development permit to construct a single family residence, septic, gravel drive at 293 Ocean Blvd East. The application may be inspected at the below address. Public comments received by June 27, 20M, will be considered later comments will be accepted and considered UP to the time of Permit decision Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided up- on written request. Local LAMA Permit olfic;r 110 Rothschild Street Holden Beach, NC 28M (910)842-6488 June 19 lob -, & q 9 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF BRUNSWICK AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION Before the undersigned, a Notary Public of said County and State, duly commissioned, qualified, and authorized by law to administer oaths, personally appeared Scott R. Harrell who, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: that he is Publisher (Owner, partner, publisher, or other officer or employee authorized to make this affidavit) of The Brunswick Beacon, a newspaper published, issued, and en- tered as periodical mail in the Town of Shallotte in the said County and State; that she is authorized to make this affidavit and swom statement; that the notice or other legal advertisement, a true copy of which is attached hereto, was published in The Brunswick Beacon on the following date(s): June 19, 2003 and that the said newspaper in which such notice, paper document or legal advertisement was published, was at the time of each and every such publication, a newspaper meeting all the requirements and qual- ifications of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina and was a qualified newspaper within the meaning of Section 1-597 of the General Statutes of North Carolina. This the 19th day of June, 2003. �#' ....... �. .............. ....................... (Signature of person making affidavit) Sworn to and subscribed before me this 19th day of June, 2003. (NAary Public) E My commission expires: December 29, 2004 NorAgy °(/BUG jtti Locality GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name Address 1 V ahtL'eState M —Zip o? 1 _Phone city Number Roo 3—O`f AUTHORIZED AGENT Name _ OIq 3&j-aa Address �� City State 1� C Zip �a Phone I LOCATION OF PROJECT ATE l�C CO-0 IUtryl 5 (If not oceanfront, is waterbody natural or manmade?) A" loci -V t DESCRIPTION OF PROJECTS c AREAS OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC) CLASSIFICATION (To be filled in by the Local Permit Officer prior to completing application.) Ocean Hazard _ Estuarine Shoreline _,ORW Shoreline _ Other PROPOSED USE Residential _ Commercial/Industrial _ Other SQUARE FOOTAGE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT -UPON SURFACES (such as driveways, etc.) within 75 feet of the shoreline (575 feet of an ORW shoreline) 1©(5`l') r SQUARE FOOTAGE OF TOTAL FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING I^I 5(or SQUARE FOOTAGE OF SITE ��OQ OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. As a service we have compiled a listing of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggest you check over the list with your LPO to determine if Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other salutary waste treatmen Burning, Electrical, Plumbing,) I Air Conditioning, Insulation an ner v Conservation, FIA Certification; Dia Sediment Control, Subdivision val, Mobile Home Park Approval, Connection, and others. r= • t IV any of these apply to your project. STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor development permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) _ an owner or record title, Title is vested in , see Deed Book page in the County Registry of Dee S. an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County. if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. V�V,,A --V(�) ►-1,i Irk a nor r qC9- LA-') NOTIFICATION OF ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. i A aA-.e FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and floodproofing techniques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do in fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this ap- plication, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for $50.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a per- mit is subject to civil, criminal and administrative action. This the i3day of �(� 7083 . Land wmer or-pers6n at0thorized to act as his agent for purposes of filing a CAMA permit application. -DATE: ns To: n t mn k jijoxid /C i. f Iran DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by at (street address) HoldenBeach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. - If you have --any comments on -the -proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 -Telephone -(910) 842-6488. Sincerely, (Owner or Agent) TELEPHONE NUMBER: m m m m s S CO O t7 t7 O r9 vt rL M [7 -DATE: (0- �1`�7� baS ia�� I Wr- M3 ) DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by J IVl1 Cc6Lat U'C13 03C (street address) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -(910) 842-6488. Sincerely, 14, (Owner or Agent) ` TELEPHONE NUMBER:(1 j0 �� 1 .0 ti M S S C3 O M O O r-I Ln Rl M 0 O N Sent To Sheet, Mt orQ___. Po Box No. ..... zoo - SN :rt �DATE:l9• � rU'�j To: F1Ien �ZcrxgS - Vnturc� 1 ruc 5?%-500 DEAR ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNER: This letter is to inform you that I have applied for a CAMA Permit on the property owned by ce6t' at !;93 O6c (sv ct address) Holder Beach, NC. I have enclosed a copy of permit application and a copy of the drawing of proposed project. If you have any comments on the proposed project, please contact Rhonda Phillips, Local CAMA Officer, Town of Holden Beach, 110 Rothschild St. Holden Beach, NC 28462 - Telephone -( 910) 842-6488. Sincerely, (O er or Agent) TELEPHONE NUMBER: Sent TC - = ' ----Q - - ---------- -------------------- - St t, Apt. No., Os w Po S. No. cc ..���JJ1 CfA: ftm, ZIP+I ____. f-e.!___..___ __ _ ---- l-L7.._...____.__------------------- a$3 0 EastG"bn a '--w Waal Elavaft asw �••r . Aresldetace fO'r.- 29.axe, HeW<KLiCM• N 0, 294i ivu Coble PO SOX 121.3 Burtikgtor>y N.C. 2Y22 5 l ellre Hewett eowstmotiow, laic.` 2626'Holders Seaeh Rd. S.W. Ofitce 920&f2-3111 ?O SOX Sdgx f'aX _910 8•f2 -3jg9 shallow, N.C. 2g+,g i EPage3of5 North EbvYbn a r.r rtsldence fOr 2930.8.E NpW[nlexM, N.C. JP463 im Goble PO BOX 1213 8urliv�gtOri, N.G. 2�225 S"Elsvetlnn m v-w kellre, Hewett cowstmctiakL. lkw. 2625 "oldew Bench Rd s. w. O flgce _910 842 3911 PO BOX 16J,7 FaW _910 842-.39V shgllatte, N.C. 2845� Page 4 of 5 RICHARD A. WINKLER, P.E. 239 OCEAN BLVD. EAST HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 (910)842-606S JIM COBLE 293 OCEAN BLVD EAST HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. TOTAL LOT AREA 5,027 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA HOUSE (INC O/H)................................... 984 SF 984 sq ft x 1.5 / 12 = 123 cu ft of stormwater containment required. Utilize gutters and downspouts draining to a 6" perforated pipe centered in a 3' x 3' stone -filled trench. Trench capacity per lineal foot = 4.60 cu ft / ft. • Length of trench required = 123 cu ft / 4.60 cu ft / ft = 28 ft. Trenches must be located a minimum of 25' from septic system. 6" PERFORATED PIPE TRENCH DETAIL nts I" - 2" STONE k 6 ,gyp �03 TOP OF CONCRETE SLAB ELEV. = 9.3' RICHARD A. WINKLER, P.E. 239 OCEAN BLVD. EAST HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 (910)842-6065 50.71' 1 9.7 + 9.5 FT PT ++ COBLE 8.8 9.0 293 OCEAN BLVD EAST m + PROPOSED HOUSE m 9.3 SLAB EL = 10.0' rn 9.1 I i! u + 8.5 OPEN DECK + 8.5 ELEVATIONS FROM A SURVEY 9 2 + GRAVEL GRAVEL 8+ BY McKIM AND CREED 9.1 DRIVE DRIVE DATED 05-16-03 + 8.6 8.7 + SCALE: 1 ' 20' 9.1 asuw1uu 49.97' ��`� GAR 'QxEEgSI% O: e° 60' SETBACK FROM SEAL ATLANTIC AVENUE FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION _ 5312 t 'mu P,�` a,Neia.� �"t The Town of Holden Beach, North Carolina 0 Zoning Permit Application . Section4: Basic( Data (Information to be provided by the applicant) � Name: 1 CQ. nn Telephone: (laa�-o Holden Beach Property Address: Lot: `� Subdivision:' - --}-I +669" 2, Jr" yu.)'fN\ Permanent Mailing Addr Print'Sa�me' if local address above applies) Street Address: � cr'i xgK I a I -i CitylSlat-0p Code: Mc 15 zzz Type of Styucture: (Check applicable box below) New [�' Alteration 0 Repair 0 Relocate (Move) 0 Driveway 0 Fence 0 Other � Property Use: (Check applicable box below) Single family ©� Two family = Apartment Condominium Townhouse 0 Other 0 Zoning Permit Soecinc Criteria rewired tp stcrt application approval: Type of driveway mM aterials: �, Driveway area in square feet �� Plated area in square feet Off Useable area in Square feet per Survey: Required front setback in feet ` Required (ear setback in feet a Required side setback in feet Lowest grade elevation below building in feet Ip in Finished grade elevation if fill is to be placed on (eet: Piling depth below cricinal oracle in feet 1 feet above MSL Highest point of inished building in feet 3s- Is fiII material required on the lot? (Check box) Yes 0 No [r 11` yes, state depth of ill if more than 3 inches: Designated around level' in feet above mean sea level as specified on Stormwater Permit (if applicable):._ yj -a3 c IC5 'Grourd level is a measuring point per the fcllawing: '1. F=PM, flccd area 'AC : Measuring point is minus 10 feet from the base flood elevation. 2. F=SIA ticcd area'VE: Measuring point is -minus S feet from the base flood elevation. 3. FE to ficcd are_'Ac and WE'where the minus 10 and 9 fool measurements from the base flood elevation is below undisturbed soil: measuring ;tint is the lowest cricinal soil under the structure after the undisturbed soil has been balanced (see Town Ordinance for definition cf'balana= ). 4. FEW flccd area'X": Measuring point is to he the lowest original soil under the structure after the undisturbed soil has been balanced. (see Town Ordinance fcrdefinilicn of'balanced'). ' Certification to be completed by Applicant: 'I ceriy that any construction, alteration or replacement of building and or use of land shall be carried out in accordance with f 'nfornaticn and Zoning Permit c iter.a listed above.' Authorized Signature Printed Name Date Section to be completed by ToyKn ojWfolden Beach Zoning Official CAMA Permit Required? Yes No Stormwater Permit Required? Ye No Zonin District determination rpro 9 Res denial District (R-1 Zane) Re ' District (R- a Commercial District (C Zone) (OctZoning. Official ApprovalSignat re: Q A,(in Date: cO RICHARD A. WINKLER, P.E. 239 OCEAN BLVD. EAST HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 (910)842-6065 JIM COBLE 293 OCEAN BLVD EAST HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. TOTAL LOT AREA 5,027 SF TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA HOUSE (INC O/H)................................... 1000 SF • 1000 sq ft x 1.5 / 12 = 125 cu ft of stormwater containment required. • Utilize gutters and downspouts draining to an EEE ZEE LAY drain system. Capacity of EEE ZEE LAY system = 3.75 cu. ft. / ft. Length of system required = 125 cu ft / 3.75 cu ft / ft = 33 ft. EEE ZEE LAY system must be located a minimum of 25' from septic system. 2 . Drainage Bundle Without Pipe °N CAROB , 3 4 �- eo ESSIOyq� �v SEAL s 5312 r _ EEE ZEE LAY DETAIL rr��c FNGINE,r v: nts H OD A`N,� 7-r6-a3 12" Drainage Bundle With 4" Dia Corrugated Perforated P.E. Distribution Pipe Drainage Bundle Without Pipe J U L 17 2003 TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH RICHARD A. WINKLER, P.E. 239 OCEAN BLVD. EAST HOLDEN BEACH, N.C. 28462 (910) 842-6065 50.71' .7 ST H 9.5 PT + + COBLE &S B 9'0 293 OCEAN BLVD EAST ONN 4Z �SSI -Z�_ . , - I'l " ro `Oio 4 t + PROPOSED HOUSE 9.3 EL = 10.0 TOP OF CONCRETE SLAB Alq + ELEV. 9.1 Pei 8.5 OPEN DECK + 8.5 67 -f(O ELEVATIONS FROM A SURVEY GRAVEL .2 + BY MCKIM AND CREED 9+ DATED 05-16-03 9.1 DRIVE GRAVEL DRIVE + 8.6 7 SCALE "' ' W 9.1 JUL 17 200310 1 49.97' 60' SETBACK FROM ATLANTIC AVENUE FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH runswick County Health Department ivironmantal Health Section ternative Sewage Treatment and Disposal System Application # 97 y`%Z76 Tax Parcel# 23.2 - y>i n( 7 System Type - SA AUTHORaATION TO CONSTRUCT FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM in accordance with.the provisions of Article 11 of Chapter 130A, General Statutes of North ND other applicable Laws and Rules wner. 514,-. ic <_ ddress: P a /3 K, JU.. hone: ( ) - ) construct, install a se age treatmel o som e- Residential T Bad of ;omments, Describtion: v PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO 29 system as below: �2w Employees JUN 0 =3 -:l TOWN OF HOLDEN BEACH -he system components oonsists of. Type system-1wV>1S-2DOD-3, Ecoflo TYPE A Peat Biofilter System .. Design Flow. - 14 R D GPD COLLECTION SYSTEM: CONVENTIONAL PLUMBING (MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL PLUMBING CODES) 1. TANKAGE: A. SEPTIC TANK(S) o a GALLONS CAPACITY B.'PUMP TANK GALLONS CAPACITY C. GREA$E TRAP GALLONS CAPACITY D. OTHER: the seotic to k shall be eouioped with an effluent fitter at the outlet or eeun Illlranon ALL TANKS, FORCE MAINS, PRESSURE'LINES TO BE LEAKTESTED AND CERTIFIED BYAPPROPREIATE PARTIES. All tanks and risers shall be tested to be watertight by a 24 hour hydrostatic leakage test conducted at the site pfor to system startup. A water level change of +/- % inch or more over 24 hours, or visual observation of leakage shall he cause for failure of the test ACCESS RISERS REQUIRED ON ALL INSPECTIONS & SERVICE HATCHES ON TANKS. THE RISERS MUST EXTEND 4-6" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE. THE RISERS MUST BE DESIGNED AND MAINTAINED TO PREVENT SURFACENVATER INFLOW. III. PEAT BIOFILTER: Du � #OF MODULES REQIRED (OPEN BASE MODULES) / TYPE -A- INSTALLATION: 1SAMPLE CHAMBER NST/ALLED���QUIREDFOR O�aL�— /1 `✓a�»�`1��� i� Wp N. DISPOSAL FIELD: LTAR as TRENCH BOTTOM DEPTH d Q. `I r��ti�o—" /a y �.r, BACKFILL: SHALL BE INSTALLED OVER THE GRA M ALONGTHE SIDES OF / THE UNIT, WITH THE UNIT LID REMAINING AT LEAST TWO (2) INCHES ABOVE FINISHED GRADE MINIMUM BACKFILL DEPTH OVER ROCK BED SHALL BE 6 INCHES. BACKFILL TO BE INSTALLED WITH A SIDE SLOPE NOT TO EXCEED A RISE TO RUN RATIO OF 1:4. A TYPE A: 1. UTILIZING A ROCK BED UNDER EACH MODUL BED LENGTH 20 / 2 FT. WIDTH FT. DEPTH OF ROCK USED FOR BED (BIN MIN.)INCHES comments : eotexfile fabric (capable of removino silt s¢ed particles) is to be use on all emosed surfaces of the rock . . . I ., hin,.nn n W?K1=ov rM=nl IIPMr-NTFHAII RF permitilt 5/97 V. APPURTENANCES TO SYSTEMS: DEPTH: A SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE: TYPE- - INSTALLER: S. AREA FILL FILL DEPTHf MA I tKWL: SHNU / Lvnrvi i 0r,11 � - SEE FILL PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL DETAILS AND SPECIFICATIONS. FOR TYPE A SYSTEMS, NO EQUIPMENT OR MACHINERY SHALL BE ALLOWED OVER THE EXPOSED SITE. C. LANDSCAPING: ALL SITES SHALL BE LANDSCAPED SUFFICIENT TO PROVIDE SURFACE RUNOFF AND TO PREVENT.PONDING OF RAIN OR OTHER SURFACE WATERS. D. COMMENTS: PLEASE NOTE THAT THE ESTIMATED LIFE OF THE PEAT MEDIA IS CURRENTLY 8 YEARS. THE MEDIA MAY NEED TO BE REPLACED, IN PART OR IN FULL, IN ORDER TO MAINTAIN SPECIFIED TREATMENT STANDARDS. E. This system must be installed per the required conditions listed in this permit and the State innovative Wastewater System Approval for the ECOFLO System. A copy of that approval is attached to this permit and should be reviewed by the owner and the septic contractor prior to installation of the wastewater system. . The Owner shall be subject to the following conditions, limitations, and construction requirements forthe installation of this system: 1. This authorization is effective only with res ect to the specific design flow and facilities, and the nature and volume of waste described in the permit Application, and other supporting data. 2. This permit is not transferable and must be reapplied for at such time as ownership, or management changes. 3. The designated repair area is to have no parking, driveways, or other impervious material located on IL. This area is to be protected, reserved and maintenance in a natural state. 4. All subsequent owners of this property and sewage system, shall execute a contract between the owner and an . approved management entity before the operations permit is issued. Management of the sewer system to be provided at all times. 5. All contracts between owners, management entity -(Public or Private), or Health Dept shall be reviewed and approved before being accepted. 6. A properly certified Operator shall be provided as indicated: Certified Subsurface System Operator YES 7. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the pernittee from complying with any and all statutes; regulations, or ordinances that may be imposed by other government agencies that have jurisdiction, or any other permits issued by this department 8. This wastewater system shall be installed by a contractor authorized in writing by the manufacturer who shall coordinate the installatioh with the designer and the manufacturer's field representative. . 9: For sites requiring evaluation by a certified soil scientist or professional geologist� said soil scientist / geologist shall be . present and supervise any site modifications, and critical phases of the wastewater system installation. 10. This authorization shall be valid for 60 MONTHS from the date of issue. The shall become invalid If the information submitted in the application was falsified or changed, if the permit was based on inaccurate or incomplete information, or if the designated site is altered, or expiration of this authorization, a new application shall be. submitted to the BCHD with updated information, as may be applicable or requested. 11. " A PERMANENT BARRIER SHALL BE PROVIDED AND IN PLACE AROUNDTHE SYSTEMIREPAIR AREA 'BEFORE THE OPERATIONS PERMIT IS ISSUED. 12 ALL.APPLICABLE SETBACKS SHALL BE MAINTAINED, NO IRRAGATION SYSTEMS, STORM WATER PONDS I pe®itmrt - - 2 5/97 BASINS, SURFACE/SUBSURFACE DRAINAGE SHALL BE LOCATED IN THE AREA OF THE WASTEWATER SYSTEM OR ITS REQUIRED SETBACKS. NSTALLATION REQUIREMENTS I. The installer shall be currently registered with this department �_ A ore installation conference is to be held on the site prior to beginning anv site modification or construction of the proposed structure or the sewage collection treatment, and disposal system. Attending these conferences shall be representatives of the State 8dor Local Health Department; project engineer or designer; contractor builder, proposed system operetorhnstaller, and the owner or his authorized agent 3. The contractor shall be responsible for notification of the engineer and the BCHD for system inspection in stages as required and prior to backfilling any portion of the system. No portion of the system shall be backfilled or placed into use without prior approval of the BCHD. 4. The system shall be installed in accordance with the approved set of plans and specifications. Any deviation in. site modifications, plans, specification, layout, materials or other system component shall be approved by the design engineer and the Brunswick County Health Department prior to installation of the system. Failure to do SD may result in delay or refusal of final approval of the system, and may render the Permit null and void. 5. The system shall be installed in a timely manner and staged so as to avoid, unnecessary exposure to weather. 5. The location and identification of all property lines, easements, water lines, and other appropriate utilities shall be the. responsibility of the installer. 7 Other OPERATION PERMIT REQUIREMENTS 1. 'An Operation Permit shall be issued by the BCHD prior to placing the system into use, or making any connections to the system. 2. .Prior to issuance of the Operation Permit - the system shall be completed, installed, and tested in accordance with the approved design, including proper abandonment of tanks wdsting wells, and other components. The certified subsurface system operator for the system shall be present for the testing and startup of the installation. - :final landscaping, water diversion devices, and vegetative cover requirements and pressure adjustment shall be completed, - the Engineer, Designer or applicable responsible parties shall submit as -built plans to the BCHD, the plans shall reflect any changes or alterations from the as -approved plans. The final pump delivery rate for the installation shall also be determined and provided to BCHD as part of the final certification. 3. For sites that required evaluation by a certified soil scientist or professional geologist, a written certification shall be submitted that the site / system installation was / is in accordance with their specked sitefinstallation requirements. 4. For systems that have been engineered or designed by a private consultant, the designer or engineer (as applicable) shall certify in writing to the Brunswick County Health Department, that he has inspected the installation and that it has been installed according to the approved plans and specifications. Any necessary easements, plats, or other documents shall be recorded with the Register of Deeds and copies submitted to the BCHD, The owner and a Public Management Enthy/Subsurface System Certfied Operator shall execute a contract that addresses all of the requirements for maintenance, monitoring, and reporting in Section .1981 and the requirements of the Schedule of Operation and Maintenance to be a part of the Operation Permit for the facility. Provisions of said contract shall be in effect for as long as the system is in use. FermitsiY` 5/97 DTICE OF EXP1RATtOP4-THISAUTHORP_ATFDN EXPIRES BD MONTHS l5YEARSI FROM DATE OF I5SU"-_. IF EXPIRATION r'CURS, THE CUENT SHALL COMPLYWIi (HALL CHANGES INAPPLICABLE REGULATIONS, LAWS, TECHNIC-ALASPECTS, TC,THATNIAYEEEFFECTIVEATTHATTIME7HSMAYRrQUIR-=ADDMONALPREPARATfDN,MORZ-MMPLEX p5TEWATER SYSTEMS. OPERATIONAND MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS, PRE-TREATMENT, FTC. THIS COULD RESULT IN ESSAREA FORTHE HOME, PARK NL-4 LOVIF-R WATER USAGEAND FURTf•icRD�-Vr1 OPMENT UhAffATYJNS. BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ALTERNATIVE SYSTEM Authorization For Wastewater System Construction Permit BCHD%Z7� Plan review by CL DATE G'" 1 ' a Site evaluation by: DATE ",)`' 3 Site modifications, completed and inspected by —DATE — AUTHORIZATION �-�T.Ip� AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT ISSUED THIS AY OF � ' �. .L Dz 3 --BP.UNSWICK - COUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION 4us6'ast/� R.S. "' Req fired' Pre -construction conference for site by: Date: Present for conference (list): Pre -construction conference for construction of system by: Present for conference (list): PermiLa t 5/97 unswickCoty,HealthDepartment' Application# R7-�/727�6 rLr mjPonmental,Health 'Section Tax Parcel ,232-/>2%o I J astewater Collection,Treatmenf Type r ind Subsurface Disposal -System IMPROVEMENT PERMIT FOR WASTEWATER COLLECTION, TREATMENT, AND DISPOSAL SYSTEM In accordance with the provisions of Article 11 of Chapter 130A, General Statutes of North Carolina, 15A NCAC 1 BA . 1900 et ;q., and other applicable Laws and Rules -PERMISSION IS HEREBY GRANTED TO: Owner Address o� C cc�` L'✓+,•�Pr�i�Jssteh�C., 4'39 yyg e/ R Rd _ /IlC i2�ile Phone FOR THE istallation of a wastewater collection, treatment, and disposal system to serve: 2asidential Be�lr mom A f Comm ial N Employees 24 Max Occupant' �omments/Use r� , 5' � �c g / s 3ursuantto 15A NCAC 18A.1900 s amended and inconformity with the application and other supporting data subsequently filed and approved by the DEHNRIor the Brunswick County Health Department and considereda part of this permit Facility to be served: Name /� Yf— AddresslLocation�, s 4 Description owner shall be subjectto the following conditions, limitations, and construction requiremems of this system: I. This permit is effective only with respect to -the specific design flow facillbes, and the nature and volume of waste described in the Permit Application, and other supporting data. Changes in the proposed use, waste flow, nature or volume of waste render this Permit void. 2.. All documents, including but not limited to site evaluation, design review plans and specifications, Triparty Agreements, Easements; and other legal agreements will become a part of the Permit This includes operation and maintenance procedures and other pertinent documents relating to system operation and maintenance. of node anA nroof of filina submitted before tine v UJOLIV,M7 I o„,,,. -1 r.•••••••.�_._.. __ _ 3. The designated repair area is to have no parking, driveways, or other impervious material located on IL d. The issuance of this permit does not preclude the perrnittee from complying with any and all statues, regulations, or ordinances which may be imposed by other government agencies which have jurisdiction, or any other permits issued by this department 5. The permit shall become invalid if the information submitted in the application was falsified or changed, if the permit was based on inaccurate or incomplete information, or If the designated site is altered. . 6. Before Authorization to Construct a Wastewater Treatment and Disposal System is issued, all site modifications., plans, .specifications, draft legal paperwork must be completed and approved. 7. Sites requiring complex designs for wastewater systems, may require approval of plans and specifications before the Improvemen Permit is issued. PERMIT ISSUED THIS aY ZZ DAY OF DATE OF PERMIT EXPIRATION 3 `.2 BRUNSWICK COUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DIVISION C 17� R.S. 11/10/197 PERMIT.STA - - m LOT 12 N 84�58'46" W IRF 50.18 LOT 9 ELEVATION OF CONCRETE SLAB AT GARAGE = 9.32' LOT 11 19.7 9.0 9.3 9.1 '9 IRF449 g5 9.2 Ea 87 N 84'4720 49.97 W)RF N 85.08'50' 8 9.2 j FROM EDGE VEGEI 8.8 92 _ /9.1 0 # 9.0 CONCRETE SIDEWALK EDGE GRA TLANTIC AVENUE T FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION NOTES: 1. THIS SURVEY IS OF AN EXISTING PARCEL OF LAND 2. ALL DISTANCES ARE HORIZONTAL GROUND UNLESS HOLDEN BEACH iii6/ I VICINITY MAP — NOT TO SCALE ym 9. 9.5 m 00 ol I m ol 3 11 - M L n 8 O Q N '0 ' T ' 1 �H � , 50�00 SIR$ N 85'03'32"W B.4 4 8.3 60' SETBACK ONE FROM FIRST LINE OF VEGETATION OTHERWISE NOTED. LEGEND 3. SURVEY DEPICTS EVIDENCE FOUND IN FIELD. IRF IRON REBAR FOUND 4. NOT PREPARED FOR RECORDATION AS PER LP LAMP POST GS 47-30 AS AMENDED. WA WATER METER 5. THIS PROPERTY IS LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE VE 23 WV WATER VALVE AS SCALED FROM FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP BUILDING SETBACKS ARE FH FIRE HYDRANT COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 375352 0010 E AS FOLLOWS: EB ELECTRIC BOX DATED APRIL 2, 1991. FRONT 25' WM WATER METER 6. ALL ELEVATIONS ARE BASED ON MEAN SEA LEVEL REAR 20' CP CABLE PEDESTAL (MSL) DATUM NAD 83 FROM NCGS MONUMENT SIDE 5' TP TELEPHONE PEDESTAL STAMPED "HIGH". ELEVATION = 6.12' 10.9 SPOT ELEVATION R/W RIGHT OF WAY OT 10 SECT 18 J.H. HOLDEN SUBDIVISION I.B. 1154, PG. 502; P.B. 2-1/2, PG. 118 LOT SURVEY OF IRUNSWICK COUNTY REGISTRY. LOT 10 SECTION 18 HOLDEN BEACH EASTERN EXT. °f191119u�a FOR CA ..... � 0�• JIM COBLE ySS/0 293 OCEAN BOULEVARD Al l SHALLOTTE, INC 28459 >EAL LOCKWOOD FOLLY TOWNSHIP - BRUNSWICK COUNTY - NORTH CAROLINA _ 72 ;fie DATE: MAY 16, 2003 JOB # 01909-0017 o�;,�.A,upA • ,or• V,,iV�iQn/t�'c� ,,,,,�A•11 '11f1111f°a 3987 BUS. HWY. 17 EAST BOLIVIA NORTH CAROUNA 28422 S IEEE:; ' E: 910 253-662 DATE' ` FAX: 910 2 253-66 SCALE: 1" = 30' 0 15 30 60 90