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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWilliams, George30: ❑ MODIFICATION ❑ EXEMPTION Town of Oak Island CAMA Minor Permit Office As authorized by the State of North Carolina per the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 Z E: ;rIZT p: ; ar: -r.rl �MAINTENANCEAND CEIVED 1 1v1 WILMINGTON, NC Permit # Date previous 5 2005 permit issued Applicant Name PO/cif Address /0%3 S. city 9A11n ogJo Phone # (33LV-1.3—Sc20I2' L Authorized Agent Project Location Information Street Address 2oogpVU. pri(nuh Cyr F 754c7 /v- C, 2 Adj. Water Body A/,Ga � < AEC ❑ CS d OE ❑ HH ❑ IH Type of Projectse I■■'Viii:�'i�ll�iiiiiii���i� I■nw����ii���i�������i ■ Oki S0,14h i■1L������������������ I■OMMOMMMOMMMOMMMOMMOM Notes or special I■MOMMMMMMMMI MMMOMINOMI■ conditions: 6 6 � D. �V. h.g,h5 Owner's Name (print) Signature (owner or agent) LPO Signature .S- /I Q S /2.3/ o S Issuance date exp. Date Oak Island Development Services - 518 Yaupon Drive - Oak Island NC 28465 - 910-278-5024