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HomeMy WebLinkAboutCarney, Alex?ZZN :x ; 1P: : ❑ MODIFICATION ❑ EXEMPTION Town of Oak Island I IV CAMA Minor Permit Office As authorized by the State of North Carolina per the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 Applicant Adaess 8' 5� y City 6red5L lle Phone # (�+(.) z, 3 3q 4 o y Authorized Agent Type of Project Description of Activity Mo. 4AArP - 5A, Notes or special conditions: Owner's �c ?ZZT P: 30 ��� L- Yir "AINTENANCE AND REPAI DC iCE1 VED Permit # �GTON, NC Date previous permit issued MAY = 2005 Project Location Information Street Address ,5�) J Ly.'3coc Adj. Water Body 4t AEC ❑ CS VOE ❑ HH ❑ IH f4 LPO Signature (owner or agent) Issuance date exp. Date Island Development Services — 518 Yaupon Drive — Oak Island NC 28465 — 910-278-5024