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HomeMy WebLinkAboutDavis, Ronan__LTIg ?II_1 �: PE: ?IIT Pam_. ;0 , rR= ?I ❑ MODIFICATION ❑ EXEMPTION Town of Oak Island CAMA Minor Permit Office As authorized by the State of North Carolina per the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 Applicant Name Address IZ7ya�ner, �c Mcr,n City-41), Phone #(u`F3) Authorized Type of Project Description of Activity: Notes or special conditions: Au Owner's Name (Print) (( Signature (gAOer or agent) IE'MAINTENANC D REf' IHI d V Permit # Date previous permit issued nPliql D COgS7gL MANAGEMENT Project Location Information Street Address 3277 rats 17:-C w 0;< sS+. ,,o Adj. Water Body A'T �-,A nj T , t CG C &A 1,J AEC ❑ CS VOE ❑ HH ❑ IH 4 /z r L•PO Signature Issuance date exp. Date Oak Island Development Services - 518 Yaupon Drive - Oak Island NC 28465 - 910-278-5024 ;,fig rTZ_IOR PE ❑ MODIFICATION AXEMPTION Town of Oak Island CAMA Minor Permit Office As authorized by the State of North Carolina per the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 Applicant Name a "(4bel Address 92 N1e land ¢}Je- City ltAA4 Ts cas#gP Phone # ( ) Authorized Agent Type of Project Description of Activity: r tr 4GL Q Nt��Y%S' Notes or special conditions: r L/ XTZT PR 30 r: w X11 C�MAINTENANCE Al Permit # Date previous MA permit issued OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT Project Location Information Street Address V-A- Ca,sTgsaet+ � - Sir toe 2T*15 Adj. Water Body AEC ❑ CS "E ❑ HH ❑ IH -JZA,-t EPO Signature 1,o 5 ;d, o 5- Issuance date exp. Date Oak Island Development Services — 518 Yaupon Drive — Oak Island NC 28465 — 910-278-5024