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HomeMy WebLinkAboutVarinca, Sergiox XZW . r ZZN :11110: . p: :rTIT p: 30 3w: JLX 11 ❑ MODIFICATION UtXEMPTION Town of Oak Island CAMA Minor Permit Office As authorized by the State of North Carolina per the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 Applicant Name �5rQC4o Vr42tuC,4 Address —lc)�A. a 4mpg t,2 . City F.yAO-wA Phone # (9.1`0 'Ktog _ 6ZI Authorized Agent Type of Project Description of Activity Notes or special conditions: 15'A IVCAG. 0'7 k. 0,20 S,ee ❑ MAINTENAN (� VTM Permit # j�-1D Date previous permit issued FEB 2 COASTAL DIVISION _ Project Location Information Street Address Lio-Oti t y&(-14T Adj. Water Body, AEC BRCS ❑ OE ❑ HH ❑ IH LFQ 11A0AJC4 Owner' me (Pri t) LPO'Signature .Z / -7,6 5- /.ZZ-TY"4 Sign t Y wner or gent) Issuance date exp. Date Oak Island Development Services - 518 Yaupon Drive - Oak Island NC 28465 - 910-278-5024 LJ _ d jg-NCEIVET PLAT OF SURVEY FOR COASTAL DIVisio M t SERGIO VARINCA LOT 4, BLOCK 105, SECTION 7TH SMITHVILLE TOWNSHIP, BRUNSWICK COUNTY OAK ISLAND , NORTH CAROLINA 0 20 40 60 l- � A7LAN7IC rl2 EAAFE 3 Axs SA [u1 ATTn S \ N pLLUipAyREALLEE • 1209 S FT7.7 HOUSE APREA A+E 849A S0. I'�T. 8.71 SO. FT. ➢RIVE AREA • 15366 S0. FT. TOTAL IMPERVIOUS AREA • 3383.6 S0. FT, NOTE: PROPERTY SHCWN EIBIEN IS LOCATED M FLOOD HAZARO ZONE •AEI2 • BASE M'ATIO 12 W, F.IA.M. COYMUMTY Na 037=4 PANEL NUNBEA OOOJ S1Fnx •E • DATED o /BI . STATE OF N N CARONA BRUNSMO( COUNTY L ROBERT B. Me ENRY,.M. THAT THIS YAP WAS MAW I IS NOT 15T AI. OF r%F AIV �/ A, S.\Nark\050092.DMg VA7ER4gy >�UFFEROf7ATRAV nI. EN DECK ENCROACHES BY Z17' LOT 5 / JB/9q`�uSefF7 I,{,4 7�AE� LOT 4 1 595.7 SO. / 0.29 ACRE! //» 7.76 / FONT Sr. ` r] 1qc DRIVE METER �-6` DATE: JANUARY 25, 2005 S AVEY Or FMAA DRAMs Sr F.RgCKSO Of - EJOSTNO MO PIPE FOUND NP . NEW ROM PBE SET EM . COSTING MN ROD FWND NM . NEW IRO ROD SET IBM . TEMPORARY MqH YAAN LOT 3 AR LOCATOS Qi LRgERORgJNp UTUTES AS SIDMI NFAEN NIE BASTD N ABOVEs WOM O S A OR-CLp OH9 � UNOEAGIgJMO UIILJTES/STRUCTVRES YAY VARY FR'W LOCATIOS SHOWN F s$'w 014. MAYACCBE1AL BURIED VTIL/TES/SIMJC'RES MAY BE ENCWNTFRp. NO EItCAVATON6 SURVEY TOMADE O LOCATE BURIED UTI TESIS STRUCTURES IXCEPT AS SPECMC.ALLY STATED OR SHOMN O TFtls PUT. TNB SMNY GOES NOT PIRPNT TO RERECT ANY OF THE FOUOM MMO YAY BE APPLICABLE TO TIE SURJECT REAL ESTATE; EAAT CAME ONO MAN POSSIBLE EASEMTS THAT MERE NSBLE AT TIE TYE OF MAKING OF MI5 SJRAEY; BUILgNG;%Ap LINES AMD CURRIDEt ZMN60RtpT p UMp OSE IIECINATNCTkT AM MYI OTrn f SEARCH M �SCTLOSE. WALL I MN .30 FEET JOB NUMBER: 05-0092 IFlD BOOK BOOS-L MCHENRY SURVEYING PROFESSIONAL LAND SURVEYOR P.O. BOX 433- 009 E OAKISLAN'D DR OAK ISLAND, N.C. 28465 TEL.'910-278-9874 FAX: 9/0.27B$799 (.-=.� �, ��!�� �A �S � r tip, _�� q♦ �-�- 1 `� ry t.J l� � Y J ^j r -t �Y _ �/ _� -`.. ✓2-('t WED 0h:12 FM r^A�fNK CO HEALTH DEFT FA%:9102932388 , ?AGE 3 3runaivlck County Health D4parbnent Errvtroumarrlal Health aattlon Appllcatian q 0— A 3 79 Alternative Sewape Tmatrnent and Disposal system TsltPareet Y_ 2 a5L System Type S — AUTHORIZATION TO CONSTRUCT WASTEWATER. COLLECTION FOR , TItEATMIefdT, AND DISPOSAL 3YSTEYI, O In accordance with the Provielone of Arable 11 of Chapfar 13tIq GoMral S�tutee of Nd�t AND other applicable Lowe and Rules ended Owner_ Go as 4! Gall C PERMISMON IS HERODY GRANTED TO CO I �1S Addrese,�v .ox zi�G Sw'ehe �et�.5a C F. Phone ----•.—_QY�o w 52 y< G �%%%///���,,� to vonsSww-* ct, rn"alft8n a tewape trastmBedrooms and disposal system ae daerlbed below. �0 To Serve: Reslyential,y�yg�roamo 3 Comme re*Commerk, Oesorlbpan:. 3L4R c ;l4, -- aEmPhryses� Max, oceupeny G�22 SUBCM310N LOT___ BLOCK tly Il�erldrhat —`y O ADDREBSILOCATION_ > SaCTIONZ_� The Nyatl In components conysm of: Type awsm--mikS-911-1, PeJF" O PEAT DIOPILTBR, TYPE A I. • COLI5CTION SYSTEM; CON. DoorVENnoNpEFI p,UpgM- 4AM (MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE BTATEAND LOCAL IK.LAMBING L TANPAGE; A. SEPTIC TANKS) 9Ob GALLONS WCII Y CODES) Is. PUMP TANK /ooC OALLONSCAPACITY D, map th"AnAwr ..�-L-n . ... ALL TANKS, FORCE MAINS, PR E9UIg jUNps TO 0E LEAK•7 TP=-Ne Mona PARTtR'S.,AII table end rYsn than ba tamed to be wtrtra AND CERTmmom tit' APPROPRL'IATS Priort'sytstsm startup, A water )oval dhanpe of+). % inch ofMman, hour hydtoegttic let) a feet oonduc9ut at the aha be ovine for failure of the test MW 34 hours, or W"I obsorvatlon of leake0e shall ACCESS 1E18 NIS E GLARED ON ALL INSPECTIONS 6 SERVICE HATCHES ON TANKS -RISERS TO EXTEND MB" ABOVE FINISHED GRADE ON PUMP CHAMHER:DOSING TANK A. DI)SING.PLAVP(8): SIZE, MAK9, MODEL•te: T>_ ether NLYytEER OF PUMPS REQUIRED; S. DISCHARGE PIP%NO: SIZ°:;—INCH MATERIAL TSCH 40 PVC7 OA 1 L' VALVES: YES INT allor CHECK VALVE: U UNIOND16CONNEC-T: ARTISIPON HOLE'YES r3/tEtIN.1 IUFCRAW OR RDPt: `1E5. NON.COatanan e N. DOS1b O MAIN: 8 • �= diP.9p V. CONTROL PANEL: ice'' ZT1?t b �` GQH 4D ' " y/ur.,O:�CLEANpUTS CIRCL TO INt:WDH: NPUMP EMA 4XENCLOSURQ, IMANUAL DISCONNCT3tBRBgKORS POR PUMP AND ALARM $IMPL RS F�_WTjjA D ALNA,T hi-0,A SWITCH. ALARM 1AUDIBLEAND.M61JELE) _-__WRN ALTERNATOR AND LASPED TIME CC UNTElt3 /,E'VLNT COUNTERS FLOATS; OFF ✓ • ALARM ILAO ✓✓ (MUST COMPLY WITH ALL APPLICABLE STATE AND LOCAL ELECTRICAL CODES) V. PEAT 111OPILTER: � _ P&F MODULES RLQIRBb MANIFOLD SIZE INCHlES �MODUL.ES t4UIPED FOR PDULES SQuIpriD opt BbUD PIPE COLLE0111p HOLES AT ON SYSTEM TYPE I. INSTALLATION: SAMPLE CHAMBERS NEXT TO MODoiLpe TYPE C INSTALLATION: SAMPLE POINT QOLLEOTICN/ IB ION SYSTEM Vll. DISPOSAL FIELD: LTAf� _0 8 TRENCH pHPTM_r P�•+er 1 . �M v ' rrtu"Ct �p xu , Audi uEFT FA}::416i53�66 PP., q MMD 'L: TOPS TC R SAC"ILL: TO BE INSTALLED OVFr? GRAVEL BFD3 AND NEKT TO �c INCHcB. 9<,CK''aN AT BINCHES AlOVE FINISHED gRgDE, MIN COVER OVER ROCK BEDS 115 8 I L TO et! INSTALLED WITH A SICESLOPI! Of' AT t.BAST 1:< $,.,,,SLOPE A TYPE A• 1. UTILIZING OF q ROCK BED U0ND" EACH MODULI, I'D LENOTH L'CPTH OF ROCK USED POR BED (81N MIN.) B' _ INt:N '� �FT• W DTH CRRlmetl'QS AeatattHlw t�.i.w_ ... B. TYPELENGTH Op LINES: — 1: C.^NYILN T IONAL• BrZE;,__g4. t• i a ripl�DB: ThICH 'DISTRIBUTION BCY/FLOW DMDER. VVI PRE"UFM MANIFOLD: SIZp: TAP BI FF 2. LOW' ppEgOUPB:PtPE SI�'--- 22. -- BCH 40 317? NtAhjIFOLD:ft HQI.E SPACINQ: SCh 40SC 80 SIZI! HOLES: p `-- LE HEAD y:0 9CH 80 _ ($addle to So F!Wn NLATERA,S: fn� i WIDTH,, F SIZE: LATVtA_ PfP p3.LSANOLrML SCH 40 V.4LVINGL- !?RE89'JRt: HEAq 'Ljk AOLIrTlONAL COlvplE;Iyi; . «._.._. $CH 80 $OR `, VIII• APPUR NAN GTENAN GTE 8C'Tp. BYSTP,hGg; -�` A .SU31iURYACE.DRAgt(AQZ: TYPE:__ - -- S. AREI� FILL., PILL DEPTFt: P INSTALLEA., WIT 8EE I -ILL PLAN FOR ADDITIONAL DEALS ANDpy�178 O ErZE__ Cp�AwFc -3�� CR MACHINDRy SHALL IIS ALLOyyED OV" TIi: EXPOS! D fiN QR TN A r$Y6TEA yp pOU1P T C. tANDSCAPINCi : ALL SITES SHALL BE L4tJDGCAPED SUPIryCttlN7 TO PROVIDE $tlRl'ACE RUNCFfr AND � PMMNT PONDING OP RAIN OR OTHER SU"ACE WAT6.RS, C. COMA "M - 817E IAObIhICATrnr ra e� � O The Owner shall be sub a -� 1 Otto the followirm oondtione., Jimiiadcre ageism: and oonstructlan requtremants for the inwalladon of this 1. This suthDrizatlon Is efrfagve•onlyvtth Mottta theapecMedeeif;:nfto*-atxt•r=011es; and In$ mturo, end voluma or waste deuorlbed In the pertnft AFPI,b890n, and other uWPodn; delta. 2• This Permit bnot tranafersbie and muetMrAapPiled'for•afaueh.11nofao�tmenhlp,or•alanAgementckanpac. 3. The duJI;heted repel, area Is to have no Paridnp, dllvoW*yp, or Otter lmpaMeuc fires Is protected, reserved and malrtenonaelna-nahrrnl4fte., matxial locat'atl an It. This 4, All subsequent owners of this property and "swage ayatom, shall exacuts a .mttrict bet", the owns. ens an at fir: time,t. approved managernsm shiny before the operetlona permit IL larvi,d. S. All contracts between owner,,Mdnagament of rho sewer eyat®rn to be provldad maRagamenEeRttty(PubNc or?tivate before bj; or Haab Dept, Shag k+o nvdewed.and: pprovad ei10 aceepted. s. A properly eorttfrsd Operator #hall b-proVded•as lntilceted: WWII Subsulface 9y81em operator _)it 7. The Issuarat of this PertnE riots net preclude thl.permittse.from 4ompiyit8.wtth any end.all statutes,• rraulat ens, fir ordlnancer which maybe Imposed by othergovemment agendse wnlah have)urlsdlctton, or any other parmra lasucd cy this department hIs $. coor iWastewater thein system shall the InW lied by a t1Orltractor authart>:ed In YvMng by the manufacturer, who chall coordinate the lnetanauon with the designer andthe-mfinuGettrreryr Aeldrepreserdstive. >a. Por Owe ri quirinp evaluation by a oertifled soil solentlst or.profaosicnal gsob'&t, said ad adentitt /,geologist shall ba permittra �M 7 ME RIGHT ELEVATION `' Z VKAWING TITLE ELEVAT Tnr\ic DRAWN BY: on Y ■ Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete hem 4 If Restdcted Delivery Is desired. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you.>I ■ Attach this card to the back of the malipiece - or on the front If apace permits. ;+; , _; .4 1. Article Addressed to: 7 •� 40 8 ` Y4 LU 1lJS 7GA1 SA�j1iJ r /U� _ a7�o6 2. Article Number --- (f)anstertmm service label) 7004 {.i PSFgrm3}1�18 1' Lgust2ool'1111: blj SDoh�sttcFj ll L A;r a re ❑ Agent ''-❑ Addressee &ecelved b/ (Printed Name) C. Date of Delivery D. bdelMeryadd Yes F if YE3, Enter '� 0 Express Mail Cl R etum R handise ❑ Insured M 1 4.'. Restricted Deil . ❑ Yes ,350 0000 0062 9878 1 ■ Complete Items 1, 2, and 3. Also complete .W— If Reshicted Delivery Is desired.■ Pnnt your name and address on the reverseso that we can retum the card to you. <;- -1 •Item.4 Attach thla card to the back of the mallplece, - or on the from h apace parirlts, � ', 1 ArWe Addressed t0' ` 'a^ *.�,.•-.., r/�,1*a D. Is delivery eddy It YES, enter d, t /�"`\,�4/a,�. as 'CoV� • • • 102595-02M-1540 BAN I ?00 t» 3. mice Type Certified Mall 0. ❑ Registered ❑ Rat Merchandise ❑ Insured Mali ❑ C.O.D. Restricted De9vaqR (Extra Fee) ❑ Yes - 2. Article Number _...._ _ _ _..-_— _.. _- ,M6=11arlhanaeMcetaboo 7004 1350 0000 0062 9885 of Delivery Yes P ohn 3811, August 2001 Domestic Return Recelpt - 1025s5-02•M-1540 i��ll 1 i1 u, FZ32 ^ !; COASTAL+V1�I�.IY Vf MANAGEMEtV7 ^TO : S ieVE EOw 1 2al)S vwC»vcp9 Cc : LEi rEo2S To AvelrHsov21 PERMIT Ag1-lC,'4T1o1V. LJO-0 4 Ell -FT `IMCHT M. ECEIVE FEB 2 3 2005 Df,Sj'drp)-� D COASTALaMANAGEMENT avV� 1�c��a�ce Oh lot '-1 o - o►y e lT 'f Mtai D2 . )Je.,Z,4— HVMfj Ci2T TO E CP4ZVE FEB 2 3 2W5 OF COASTUAI IMAONAGGEMENT 01- 05- o T- P,jraQa.,%V GTi cop6-1&4&m*vc6 .i d..-, hoii��w s✓t 10%- dv', OgKrtcAuD w�.�, � a��ac �p 0 U r �� I a�2✓►G� 1 /00 k joru,-J 4-o betfl� �&vv- N 0 0 If C3 r ir �=` .. .: �� � S,. � :_ ' ���`-�� • �) � \' y} +� �� �_ 3 •-`Y}! �� �v .. 11 �. � �� ISA NCAC 07K .0208 SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES EXEMPTED (a) All single family residences constructed within the Estuarine Shoreline Area of Env led which are more than 40 feet landward of the mean high water mark or normal water level, and in tt within the 40 feet buffer area are exempted from the CAMA permit requirement as to tmp isTo st with all other applicable CAMA permit standards and local land use plans and/or ru i t fe time the exert is granted. This exemption does allow for the construction of an access to the water not xcix'folt ' dth, (b) Within the AEC for estuarine shorelines contiguous to waters classified as Ou mg R�ppttyypce Wate CAMA permit will be required if the proposed development is a single-family residet )t�{�}y area 25 percent or less and:44,4 m+p8rt� rea (1) has no stormwater collection system; and NgGF (2) is at least 40 feet from waters classified as ORW, 44F/V) (c) Before beginning any work under this exemption, the Department of Environment, Health, and Natural Resources representative must be notified of the proposed activity to allow on -site review. Notification may be by telephone, in person or in writing. Notification must include: (1) the name, address, and telephone number of the landowner and the location of the work, including the county, nearest community and water body; (2) the dimensions of the proposed pier, bulkhead with backfill or the area dimensions to be covered by placement of riprap material; (3) confirmation that a written statement has been obtained, signed by the adjacent riparian property owners indicating that they have no objections to the proposed work. (These statements do not have to be presented at the time of notification of intent to perform work, but the pekmittee must make it available to CRC agents at their request.) (d) In eroding areas, this exemption shall apply only when, in the opinion of the local permit officer, the house has been located the maximum feasible distance back on the lot but not less than forty feet. History Note: Authority G.S. 113,4-103(3) c; E-(f. November 1, 1984; Amended EJf. December 1, 1991; May 1, 1990; October 1, 1989. 15A NCAC 07K.0209 EXEMPTION/ACCESSORY USES/MAINTENANCE REPAIR/REPLACEMENT (a) Accessory buildings customarily incident to an existing structure 2P6'specifi6ally excluded from the definition of .,'.development if the work does not involve filling, excavation, or the alteration of any sand dune or beach as set out in G.S. .OITAT(SMAccessory buildings shall be subordinate in area and purpose to the principal structure and shall not require, or consist of the expansion of the existing structure as defined by an increase in footprint or total floor area of the existing structure. (t�+q�lilflitli i"fd'6fDtliif oi:1Q�.ua`re teef f,71P�TQF;tr'tie�rxri�-_•r- w-� .•.. _-._ . to) Accessory uses as detned in Paragraph (a) of this Rule and that are directly related to the existing dominant use, but not within the exclusion set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)(b)(6), and that require no plumbing, electrical or other service connections and do not exceed 200 square feet shall be exempt from the CAMA minor development permit requirement if they also meet the criteria set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. (c) Any structure or part thereof may be maintained, repaired or replaced in a similar manner, size and location as the existing structure without requiring a permit, unless such repair or replacement would be in violation of the criteria set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. This exemption applies to those projects that are not within the exclusion for maintenance and repairs as set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)(b)(5) and Rule .0103 of this Subchapter. (d) In order to be eligible for the exemptions described in Paragraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this Rule, the proposed development activity must meet the following criteria: (1) the development must not disturb a land area of greater than 200 square feet on a slope of greater than 10 percent; , (2) the development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species; (3) the development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels; (4) the development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dune; (5) the development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level or normal high water level; and (6)9?>relojf it f�fil7itii'3t. ' --"SFCtlA2tst2rit'i+1t1,"al1`a�r±il�el;Ixvt .=a:, a r1 x__� 7.. ,ram HistoryNote: Authority G.S. 113A-103(S)(6); 1134-1030)(c); 113A-111; 113A-118(a); 113A-120(8),. Eff. November 1, 1984; Amended EJf. August 1, 2001; August 1, 2000. 15A NCAC 07K .0210 NOMINATION CATEGORIES EXCLUDED: MINOR PERMIT EXEMPTION The minor development permit exemptions in this Section are not applicable to the "Areas That Sustain Remnant