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HomeMy WebLinkAboutB&C Enterprises❑ MODIFICATION N EXEMPTION Town of Oak Island CAMA Minor Permit Office As authorized by the State of North Carolina per the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 Applicant Address 77/ .V ?,Me, SA City %fuyG �7,�7/ Phone # ('J/0) 5 76 - f07 75 Authorized Agent 4 Type of Project Description of Activity: Notes or special conditions: 1r,, 0213 Owner's N me (Print) Signature (ewRer or agent) .r yxw p nn .o �: z ri _a ❑ MAINTENANCEA� RAP RT_,,� J1 jf� Permit # J Date previous permit issued JF EMENT Project Location Information Street Address__ /6�0_�I,(,' Adj. Water Body AEC ❑ CS ❑ OE X HH ❑ IH ztrcr LPOSignature 12. 3/- o3 Issuance date exp. Date Oak Island Development Services — 518 Yaupon Drive — Oak Island NC 28465 — 910-278-5024 2, � IE, ZVE 6,- OI-Exempt Oak Island 1Ld J� Jj JJ Permit Number Local Government MAR 2 e 2005 CAMA DlMINOR EXEMPTION C^A.SiRL MAN �q�.i PERMIT as authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environment, and Natural Resources and the Coastal Resources Commission for development in an area of environment concern pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Statues, "Coastal Area Management - Issued toB&C Enterprises, authorizing development in COASTAL HIGH HAZARD at 1604 E Dolphin Dr as requested in the permittee's application, dated 3/21 /2005. This permit, issued on 3/22/2005 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This EXEMPTION authorizes single family residential dwelling with associated development. Any other development will require additional permits or a modification of this permit. The following conditions shall apply: (1) The development shall not be located within the Ocean Erodible or Inlet Hazard Areas of Environmental Concern. (2) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted work plat drawings(s) dated received 3/21/2005. (3) All construction must conform to the N.C. Building Code requirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (4) Any change or changes in the plans for development, construction, or land use activities will require a re-evaluation and modification of this permit. Conditions continued on second page This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. From the date of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must cease until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project site and accessible to the permit officer when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered under this permit require further written permit approval. Al work must cease when this permit opires on December 31, 2008. In issuing this permit it is agreed that this project is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordnancas. This permit may not be translered to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Y2�L 605::�> Local Permit Official (signature) CAMA Local Permit Official Town of Oak Island Steven B. Edwards 8500 Oak Island Dr. Oak Island, NC 28465 (910) 2785024 Permittee (signature required if conditions above apply to permit) Name B&C Enterprises Minor Permit # OI-Exempt Date 3/22/2005 (5) A copy of this exemption shall be posted or available on site. Contact this office for a final inspection at completion of work: (910) 278-5024 (6) The development does not require any permission, licensing, approval, certification or authorization, licensing or approval from any state or federal agency. (7) The structure must be elevated on pilings with a diameter of at least eight (8) inches and meet the elevation requirements of the designate flood zone. (8) All pilings shall have a tip penetration greater than eight (8) feet below the lowest ground elevation under the structure. For those structures so located on the primary dune or nearer to the ocean, the pilings must extend to five (5) feet below mean sea level or sixteen (16) feet which ever is least. (9) No impermeable surfaces shall be allowed over any functional part of the septic tank system. (10) Dune disturbances shall be allowed only to the extent necessary for development and if the dune's protective value is not weakened or reduced. Disturbed areas will be immediately stabilized vegetatively. No development shall involve the significant relocation or removal of primary or frontal dune, sand or vegetation thereon. (11) Any structure authorized by this exemption shall be relocated or dismantled when it becomes imminently threatened by changes in shoreline configuration. The structure(s) shall be relocated or dismantled within two (2) years of the time when it becomes imminently threatened, and in any case, upon its collapse or subsidence. However, if natural shoreline recovery or beach re -nourishment takes place within two (2) years of the time the structure becomes imminently threatened, so that the structure is no longer imminently threatened, then it need not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not affect the exemption holder's right to seek authorization of temporary protective measures allowed under CRC Rules. (12) No excavation or filling of any wetlands or waters is authorized under this permit. 3 CZ, VZ NR2a2005 cogs AL M NAOF NT Signature Date oa/Ztlzauo lo: oz 19185723288 SHILOH STABLES TACK PAGE 81 FRCM : RRT SKIPM FtEPL.TY,:NC. MCNENO. : 910 278 19M Mar. 22 2M 12:5550M^ P2o� P3 aoC.' .31A d,,. _ a"-.Cbis Arms —Z�USh 16 at?AkM*d Dina Da19 Lot was xz4 34.. T'ais =t=^s 7s `z...,.dsd to auks ryoc4y +.sapp�i aims. of the special risks a:ld.cordi=nA Modated with devaloyiMest In tka a=ea. W.Nab is anbj to Mez—ai kaz&%Ssuch asattiamz,etvsicnadC=re ts.'1'hamiseof the Coastal Resct."'eae Comud7go t nqulre.tlW recqou waive as As.Ea C aard Notice and ae'aletvledge fiat Melee1.1 w.r!t!nf W= a P for &VOkstaani as be 9seuecl. TimC==L, l4ft t aet'aacksmxi'daxal aztid edtoa&dtize,i:ut mot eilassatr,�ra loos imp rFading �By pelaits, t4a Ccaarl do= rot �lsara: taa few uEety of the deveiowmest and aass=p, ao me �e � 72-WbMav4ablcr.� as Re80st4m CCc:s.9sdon, h-AeatmlbVtbv� acst� rat. fat tya as' w3,a>'eyctix'tyis klaetad b �„feetgeryaa:. saes has wsU.'-•l:" by cat...d analysts,oi ptaotogaphs of ean+sL'ne takan ovmsttspastso yaws, a'F_d: as slam j .4cuis ess} the ahccat a could save to mum oe 3a s tee!:acd:ra:d In xMiorst= i°u£aodw:.'ssL^.a�a}crsh�icsy�q�gobga:oLs 1(a„t:Qt car, tins arm Preferred ocesafronz protaet°o=t =ft rarer Ce b:rh r.or ipn -.tart a: d salocetfon ditastmad atrxi7•-es. FT.tt1'd aroaaa CQr&ol sbSuct=u such As'bulkl=ds, 9Eak*a�a, IE9R r D S, *-IN and bnakyab= an prokttdtad end devicee,indtldingaaadbags auy . ba allowed nmder oaesa#A.�. low 31 TSfa Nam l write Iss'e¢ ars subleet a "don and maw om Yetrtawlllchthe wasiseted S' beEatewaou' IidxetealinetIM he pro tietfmt' &aa I Cf:5= W2 =.-^s1.r MvhWmayrotberAckieaq.0 Ipxn `— aoe bs en m9 w *A* be zanerred ar�aer setback lime ee ai It is 11a swfsl to con tue met Fa: non ic-a, conit� 17 L`Y- co:aPra7-RC�sr . Sae .&4iC A��iresa. —� �rrk _Zslc r� -`C YES Laa/4y �'—'-- Fhcvte MAR 2 8 2005 . CpgS AL A4 �A�p ENT Rrias: •-:r; 1. James P. !bray Jr. airtify that thi plat was dmwn u r my supervision prom BIG DAV CANAL an actual x y made u r my xupery um (dexcription lbok_jxz_ ape REP ); that Ue boundaries not aunwWd an clearly iruticatsd as drawn J1om inJbr tian Iburd in Book Jief.; that the n io of procisian as cWcWaled is 1:10.000; that srtD Y this plat ens pnparW in acco .. with "Sea. .1600" ac amended Witness my artpirW signature. npsrtm9um number and xeW this 2eth day of October. A.D.. 2004. Get Dolphin Dr 1. SURV6r02_ __ P6. No. Ir 98 a NOTE Revved 11-30-04 to show PRELIMINARY PLAT sl Beseh Dr. Proposed residence and driveways, and impervious calculation D.B. NOT FOR RECORDATION - CONVRYANCES OR SALES I VIC 1 Lot-35 i Lot-34 i 381 Seeie I ----------- (37.5') S 80e16' E 50.0' (37. 11? 8 (72.18•)---- EIR 1 (25') ( ih. 6 /Ift r.. I eQ I bf. � 25.14` 1 I FN: Jw42-2 IMPERVIOUS: Lot-10,000 S.F 309.=3,000 S.F Res.=1,923 S.F Driveways= 997 S.F Total=2,820 S.F Does Not. Exceed 30% Lot-1 RRFR.RF'Nrs. lot-2,B1k-42,Sec.-3 East Long Beach Map Bk-I,Pg-98-99 Bruns. Co. Reg. FIE -exist. iron pipe Ma -iron rod set EM-exist iron rod FEMA FIRM 04-02-91 375354-0003-D 7DBe- AR-15, AE-16, V6-16 a Septic Area lylJll As Per BCHD /95/041834A ---------- ; m 1 LOT-2CV 0 � CV 3I 1 I � � Y C) a3 10,000.0 S. F. 1 ¢ a er 0.23 Acres ; o 0 O i I 0 CV N � i 1 W'PROPOSED- a ° y RESIDENCE W MIRON a o t PU E �; Z FOUNDATION.. 31.. Ira Cov. Oeck: � a' ac _ - _1 yA-. 1 Lot-3 SETBACKS: 26' Front 20' Rear 8' Sides (May Vary) (50') —I 14 OU'10 tY<'. OU.0 _ 88.75' to Rw I g IBth Place East J v� '^ (110.74') (50_)go . - --O- ,--EAST DOLPHIN DRIVE L Boney Land Surveyors, Inc. 4922 E Oak Island Dr Oak Island, NC 28465 peYpPD 11-:]{l-u4 DRAW By D.B. DAM 10-28-04 c1mr130D sr J.B. ISCALS 1"=30' PRELIMINARY SITE PLAN - F'O R- JEFF WILLIAMS 1604 East Dolphin Drive —OAK ISLAND— Smithville Township Brunswick Co., N.C. t I� 705 nF =WENT B & C ENTERPRISES 371 N BILHEN ST. PH. 910-572-1225 TROY, NC 27371 PAY TO THE ORDER OF TROY NORTH NORTX LAROUNA 9311 FOR/0I" � �� Z Gr4� 11,000022411I• ':053104568l: 0010349awn a W U Lu 2241 DATE /Sr`� 02/ ��S-458/53f i $ DOLLARS 8 = — DATE \J^ I, \ 105 No. 51.71.56 RECEIVED FROM v `!�`�o "� Q $ O FOR RENT ACCOUNT OCASHI QCHECKI. OMCNEY ORDER PAYMENT — BAL. DUE DOLLARS I NOW - 6 V T MAR 2 8 2005 COASTq� DISION OF MANAGEMENT