HomeMy WebLinkAbout50-16 Minor Mod 2017 New Hanover CountyPermit Class y 13 14 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA Department of Environmental Quality and Coastal Resources Commission Permit Permit Number 50-16 RECEIVED JUN 27 7017 for X Major Development in an Area of Environmen ft-efii1HD CITY pursuant to NCGS 113A-118 X Excavation and/or filling pursuant to NCGS 113-229 Issued to New Hanover County, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, NC 28403 Authorizing development in New Hanover County at Carolina Beach Inlet & the Atlantic Ocean, Carolina Beach , as requested in the permittee's application letter dated 1/25/17, including the attached Figures 1-4, all dated Received DCM Wilmington 1/30/17. This permit, issued on June 20, 2017 , is subject to compliance with the application (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations, special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may )e subject to tines, imprisonment or civil action; or may cause me permit to be null and void. I) Unless specifically altered herein, this Minor Modification authorizes the extension of the authorized placement of beach -compatible dredged material from the Carolina Beach Inlet and AIW W crossing maintenance project to include the template of the coastal storm damage reduction (CSDR) project, and the 1000' gap area between Freeman Park and the CSDR project, all as expressly and specifically set forth in the modification request and in the original permit application. 2) All conditions and stipulations of the active permit remain in force under this Minor Modification unless specifically altered herein. (See attached sheet for Additional Conditions) This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be accessible on -site to Department personnel when the project is inspected for compliance. Any maintenance work or project modification not covered hereunder requires further Division approval. All work must cease when the permit expires on December 31, 2020 In issuing this permit, the State of North Carolina agrees that your project is consistent with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program. Signed by the authority of the Secretary of DEQ and the Chairman of the Coastal Resources Commission. ,V,., ;,P. �� r lcv2. Braxton C. Davis, Director Division of Coastal Management This permit and its conditions are hereby accepted. Signature of Permittee New Hanover County Permit No. 50-16 Page 2 of 2 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS 3) This Minor Modification shall be attached to the original of Permit No. 50-16, which was issued to the permittee on 5/5/16, and the Major Modification, which was issued on 6/2/17, and copies of all documents shall be readily available on site when Division personnel inspect the project for compliance. 4) The permittee and his contractor shall schedule a pre -construction conference with the Division of Coastal Management and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers prior to the initiation of any activities authorized by this permit. 5) The authorized project shall not interfere with the public's right to free navigation on all navigable waters of the United States. No attempt will be made by the permittee to prevent the full and free use by the public of all navigable waters at or adjacent to the authorized work for reason other than safety. 6) This permit does not authorize any permanent or long-term interference with the public's right of access and/or usage of all State lands and waters. NOTE: This permit does not eliminate the need to obtain any additional state, federal or local permits, approvals or authorizations that may be required. NOTE: The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers assigned the proposed project COE Action Id. No. SAW 2014-02006. NOTE: The N.C. Division of Water Resources assigned the proposed project DWR Project No. 2012- 0868. NOTE: A minor modification application processing fee of $100 was received by DCM for this project. ROY COOPER Governor MICHAEL S. REGAN Secretary BRAXTON C. DAVIS Coastal Management Director ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY TO: Heather Coats; Assistant Major Permit Coordinator, Wilmington FROM: Tara MacPherson DCM Field Spec ialis, Wilmington THRU: Debra D. Wilson Q DCM District Manager, Wilmington DATE: February 14, 2017 SUBJECT: Modification request, State Permit No 50-16, New Hanover County AIWW Crossing and Freeman Park Mr. Layton Bedsole, New Hanover County Shore Protection Coordinator, is requesting a minor modification of State Permit No 50-16. State Permit No. 50-16 was issued to New Hanover County on May 5, 2016 for excavation and beach nourishment. The permit is scheduled to expire on December 31, 2019. Mr. Bedsole is requesting the permit be modified to allow for the inclusion of an additional 1000 ft. of area within Freeman Park for beneficial placement of material. The applicant states that there is a gap in this location for any authorized placement of material and extending the project template would allow for connectivity and overlap with the USACE Coastal Storm Damage Reduction (CSDR) placement template. According to the applicant, the additional placement area would allow for maintenance material from Carolina Beach Inlet and the AIWW crossing to be placed in between the existing Freeman Park and CDSR templates within the same profile as originally permitted (see Figure 3, Item 3 of 5 found in the Shallow Draft Inlet-5 NCDCM Major Application, and Figure 4 dated as received on January 30, 2017). The applicant has submitted a check (check No. 365082) in the amount of $100. As proposed, this office has no objection to the proposed project. It is the staffs recommendation that the proposed development continues to be CONSISTENT with the Rules of 15 NCAC 7H. 0208 and 7H .0209. By copy of this memo, DCM is requesting that the USACE, DWR, NCWRC and Shellfish Sanitation provide any comment that your agency may have on the proposed project to Heather Coats of DCM's Wilmington office within 14 days of receipt of this memo. Enclosures cc: Tyler Crumbley, USACE Robb Mairs, DWR Maria Dunn, NC WRC RECEIVED FEB 15 2017 DCM- NAHD CITY State of North Carolina I Environmental QW11ty I Coastal Management Wilmington Office 1 127 Cardinal Drive Extension I Witnington, North Carolina 28405 9107967215 NEW HANOVER COUNTY Engineering Department 230 Government Center Drive • Suite 160 James P. laonocci, PE, CFM Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 County Engineer TELEPHONE (910)-798-7139 H. Layton Bedsole Jr., REM FAX (910) 798-7051 Shore Protection Coordinator 25 January 2017 NC Division of Coastal Management Wilmington Regional Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, NC 28405 Attention: Debra Wilson Subject: Carolina Beach Inlet & Crossing Freeman Park, Placement Extension Dear Ms. Wilson, New Hanover County (NHC) is requesting a Minor Modification to North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) Major Permit Number 50-16 (expiration date 31 December 2019). This Minor Modification request would extend the beneficial use area on Freeman Park by an estimated 1000 feet (Figure One). This extension would allow for placement of Carolina Beach Inlet (CBI) and Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) crossing maintenance material to overlap the coastal storm damage reduction (CSDR) placement template (Figure Two). The proposed extension would retain the beneficial use disposal profile as originally permitted in Attachment 3.3, Item 3 of 5 found in the Shallow Draft Inlet-5 NCDCM Major Application dated May 2015 (Figure Three). On October 8d' and 9 h 2016, Hurricane Matthew affected southeastern North Carolina including the beaches of New Hanover County. The Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach (CB) and Kure Beach (KB) CSDR projects did their jobs and protected public and private infrastructure, small business and local economic drivers. However, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) had recently (spring of 2016) implemented a CSDR maintenance event on CB and KB. The rock revetment at the northern extent of the CB CSDR project is a reach that provides ongoing maintenance challenges. The revetment runs from approximately 200 feet north of Periwinkle Lane to approximately 200 feet north of the Carolina Beach Fishing Pier. An approximate 500 feet of transition continues north terminating at the northern extent of the CSDR template alignment as depicted in Figure Two. Constructed by the USACE in 1973, the parallel rock structure does provide supplemental protection but can exacerbate erosional forces within the reach. As was the case during Hurricane Matthew, Photo One was taken two days before the storm and Photo Two was taken the day after the storm; both photos are within an hour of high tide. This reach has appreciably recovered; however, the immediate effect of relocated maintenance volumes is apparent. RECEIVED FEB 15 2017 DGM WILMIN'G ON, NC DCM- VHD CITY JAN 3 0 2017 The fact that Hurricane Matthew occurred during the first year of the CB CSDR's three-year cycle is a concern (Figure Four). Our next scheduled CSDR maintenance event is FY19; however, the next USACE AIWW crossing event with beneficial use on Freeman Park is scheduled for April 2017. If there was enough sand volume in this USACE AI W W contract, the volume could possibly benefit the Matthew effected revetment reach. However, the authorization for beneficial use of AIWW/inlet material within this reach is not federally or locally held. The USACE's budget and prioritization does not allow for authorization modifications within this inlet complex. Therefore, NHC would like to have the authorization capability for the Freeman Park placement area to overlap the CSDR template in the event AI W W and/or inlet maintenance volumes justify the increase in placement distance. NHC has secured a CBI maintenance authorization and a CB CSDR project authorization, both mimicking historical USACE efforts. However, an authorization gap (approx. 1000 ft.) restricts potential beneficial use between the Freeman Park and CSDR placement footprints. NHC is requesting the locally held CBI authorization be amended to allow AIWW/inlet placement along Freeman Park to overlap the adjacent CSDR template. New Hanover County requests a Minor Modification to Major Permit Number 50-16 bridging NHC's locally held CBI authorized beneficial use footprint to overlap the abutting CSDR footprint. New Hanover County appreciates the Division of Coastal Management's consideration and the processing fee will be hand delivered. if questions arise or additional information is needed, please feel free to contact me at (910) 798-7104 or at Ibedsole(cdnhc og v.com. H. Layton Bedsole Jr., R.E.M. r�Uk �l NHC Shore Protection Coordinator Cc: (via email transmittal) D. Wilson, NCDCM; debra.wilson(t� cn denr.gov D. Huggett, NCDCM; doug.huggettancdenr.gov RECEIVED J. Iannucci, NHC County Engineer FEB 15 2017 DCM- IVHD CITY dCvWILM!NGTON, NC JAN30Mi Figure Two. CSDR Template (northern extent) (1000 ft.) RECEIVED FEB 15 2017 DCM- KIND CITY RECEIVED DCM WILM'INGTON, NC JAN 3 0 20i7 Photo One. 60ct2016, before Hurricane Matthew High Tide / Photo: 11:39 a.m. / 11:00 a.m. Photo Two. I00ct2016, after Hurricane Matthew High Tide / Photo: 2:49 p.m. / 2:00 p.m. RECEIVED FEB 15 2017 DCM- NAND CITY FiEC•, JVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 3 0 26il Figure Three iEC _ VET 0 DCM WILMINGTON, NCco m JAN 3 0 [ui7 Payment Proccessing Confirmation Date Received I1/24/2017 Check From (Name) New Hanover County Name of Permit Holder New Hanover County Vendor BB&T Check Number 00365082 Check amount $100.00 Multiple Permits No Major/Minor Permit Number/Comments 50-16 Minor Mod Receipt or Refund/Reallocated RECEIVED FEB 15 2017 DCM- MHD CITY DENR CAMA Daily Check Log for WIRO Date Date Deposits Check Recei.tor Received d Check From Name Name of Permit Holder Vendor Check Number amount Permit NumberlComments RefundReallocated 8/9/2016 New Hanover County same BUT $100.00'. mimr mod ror permit 151-0imaaan Inlet Relowtion RM rct. 2350D Mv DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY WILMINGTON DISTRICT; CORPS OFENGINEERS, 69 DARLINGTON. AVENUE' wLmiNGTqN�,.,NORT9 CAROLINA 211463-1341 June, 13, 2017 Regulatory Division Action ID No. SAW-2014-02006 and State Permit No: 50-16 New Hanover County Government Attn: Chris Couddet and Timothy Burgess M- Government Center. Drive,, Suite 160 Wilmington, North Carolina 284,03 Dear Messrs; Condriet and Burgess: Through coordination, with the North Carolina Divigi6n, of Coastal Management. (NCI)CM), wehave learned of your request to modify the Carolina Beach Shallow Draft Inlet, permit (SDI-5)which currently authorizes maintenance dredging in Carolina. Beach. Inlet (CM), and the Atlantic Intracoastal Water Way (AIWW) crossing with nearshoreor side -cast disposal. The requestfor.modification to this permit is to obtain authorization to dispose of material below Mean High Water (MHW) into the existing Coastal Storm Damage Reduction, (CSDA)' borrow site, for future beneficial re -use. The name ofthis potential use site is:� the Ins ' here I Dredge Material I Management Site, PMMS), An. additional request (attached) to extend the autho rized placement of material from the CBI and AIWW crossing maintenance material to, overlap the CSDR placement template. (Figure. 2 of the attached request) and fill in a coverage of Approximately 1000 ft. The proposed extension would retain the beneficial use disposal profile as originally permitted in Attachment 3.3i Item 3 of, 5, found in the Shallow Draft Inlet-5 NCDCM Major Application dated May 2015 (Figure 3 of the attached request), Your proposals, as presented in the Major Permit Modification Application dated November,, 2016, and letter to the NCDCM dated January 25,20 , 0 (attached) coutinu6 to beconsistent with thp,provisions and objectives of general permit No. 19,800291. The permit is,hereby re -issued with the attached revised special conditions. If any change in your work is required because of -unforeseen or, altered conditions or for any other reason, plans revised to show, -the changeminst be sent promp#y to thisoffice andthdNorth Carolina Division of Coastal Management prionoperforn-Ang any such change or�altcrafion. Such actionis necessary as revised plans must be d revie' and the authorizatiph modified; The we,., expiration date of your DA permit is December 31, 2021. Received SUN 14 Z017 DCM -2- If you have anyquestion's or comments youlmay reach me. aftelephond (9r1b), 251-406 o e-mail. a=uft6I"@Qsdcb!. r, Tyler A. Crutubley; Project Manager WiliningtoARegulatpry Field Offlpo Enclosur6s: Updatdd Special Conditions:g])I-S NCDCM,Letter dated January 15, 2017 IDMMSPlans and Specifications (September2o, 2016). Copies Fmni§he& North Carolina Department.0 Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Attn' Ms. Karen:Iliggin§ Division of Water Resources, 1.650 Mail Service Center Raleigh, North Carolina 12709-11650 U.S.. Fishand 'Wildlife.Service- Fish, and Wildlife Enhancement 'Attw.- Mr. Pete Benjamin Post Offi= Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 National Marine Fisheries Service Attn: Dr. Face Wilber Habitat Conservatioa Service, Pivers Island Beaufort, North Carolina .28516 National Marine Fisheries Services A,ttn-; Dr. Ken Riley - Habitat'Cbrts-e.0ation Division 219 Fort -Johnson Road Charleston, South Carolina 20412-9110 -1. US EPA Region 4 Life Scientist Water Protection Division Attn: kAr. Todd Allenbowers 61 Forsyth street, SW Atlanta, Georgia .30303-8960 North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Water Resources Atm;.. Mr. Chad Coburn. 127 Cardinal'Drive Extension Wilmington, North Carolina 28405 North Carolina Department of. Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management Attn: Ms. Heather Coats 127 Cardinal Drive Extension Wilmington, North -Carolina. 28405 SPECIAL CONDITIONS r:. Chris Coudriet & Mr. Timothy fhy Burgess Carolina Beach Ifilet,SDI-5 SAW-2014-02006 IDMMS Modification Conditions As'part of the operation and:maintenance of the federally authorized project, the WAhvington. District routinely surveys -and dredges pprtlons,of the Ca'rq1ina,.Beqqh Inlet, complex including, but not limited to, areas: at its intersection with the AIWW- in order to assess and maintain navigability of the: Carolina Beach Inlet. Thepermitted must coordinate With the Navigation and CoastaLEngineering branches of the V.S., Army Corps, of Engincera, Wilmington District both pre- and post -construction when.use of-the,IDMM.9'iS-'.prppos,eA... U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Operations Division,.Navigdfio'n Branch Attention, Chief of Navigation 69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (9,10) 251-4822 160A&D.Bli "Ook U.& Army Corps of Engineers Engineering Division,_ Attention: Chief ofWater Resources ,69 Darlington Avenue Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 (910) 251-4867 Keviri:b.'-C6iin6i(a)usace.army:mil, 2. When maintenance dredging is scheduled to be, performed in darolina.Beach Inlet, the permitteel shall coordinate with the District's Navigation Branch to provide pre- dredging/plapeme,nthydrqgraphic(b,athy-metry),sur.,veys(BefQreDreOge,orBD) ofthe 'inlet complex (to: include: the borrow area, federal navigation channet and, Inlet crossing), at least two weeks prior to the commencement ofmaintenance dredging, This period will allow. the District time to review the survey of the, area that may be. potentially. affected by the proposed'maintenance.. The permittee shall coordinate with the District and obtain approval from. the District prior to initiating work on any, proposed project that involves disposal of material in the IDMMS. If the District Engineer; in his sole discretion determine&thatexistin 9 conditions indicate that the, modified activity (disposal ofmaterial in, the IDMMS)' will likely adversely affect the Federal Project, to include the borrow area and federal navigation oharnd, -5. or in the adjacent AIW W, he will notify the permittee of anylimitations on disposal location that Will m nl=C the potential for adverse: effects, or deny the request until more: favorable conditions- exist.. The, permittee shall coordinate with the District's Navigation- Branch to provide post- dredging/placement (After. Dredge, or AD) hydrographic (bathymetry) surveys of the entire inlet complex to the same extent as the pre -dredging survey listed above. In order to provide: the most accurate depiction of the effects of ,the placement, the AD surveys should be, conducted within 3-5 days after completion; of placement. Within 30 days of the end of construction or placement the permittee shall submit a final AD report to the District's Navigation and Water Resources Branches. 3. If the'District-Engineer, in his sole discretion, determines thatthe modified activity, (disposal. of material in the IDMMS) has caused additional shoaling (above historical amounts, taking into account inlet dynamics and storm effects) within the Federal Project's borrow area and potentially effecting the federal navigation channel or the adjaccnt AIWW and that "such sections should be dredged in order to maintain.safe and efficientn'avigation,.hewill"so notify the permittee in writing: The notification will specify the extent to which additional" shoaling has occurred, the inlet feature that must be dredged, the depth to which it must be dredged, and the time frame within which dredging must begin (a minimum of'90 days will • be allowed). The permittee shall cause, the area of the.Inlet Crossing specified by the District Engineer to be dredged in the manner and within the time; frame specified in the notice; -either by contract or by providing contributed funds to the government. 4; If maintenance activities conducted by the Wilmington District result in stacking;.of material' that adversely affects navigation, the District WEI be responsibleforrer ediating'the stacking of material. Likewise, if the Permittee's contractor actions result in stacking of material that adversely affects navigation, the Permittee shall be responsible forremediating the stacking of material. The Permittee's plans.and specifications will, provide clear guidance and require oversight to ensure any required site remediation is successfully completed. The District Engineer, in his sale discretion may require -additional remedial action or revoke the modificat on.in the event that, surveyed data. reveals contours not consistent with federally authorized depths. A 90-day window will be allowed for any remedial action required to. restore the area: to federally authorized and maintained depths. EFH Conditions' forIDMMS' 5. The permittee shall ensure the implementation of pipeline monitoring for leaks at least•twice. per day while construction is ongoing. 903 6. All requests f6r dredging and placement activities outside the window ofNovember:l6to April 30, sh;11 be coordinated with NMFS and shall include an explanation as to -why the dredging. couldnot bo.conducted. within the work window (November : 16 to APO 30)Jfnece$sary, the permittee, shall provide additional, measures (determined, in coordination, with SAW and NMF$) to• ensure effects, to fishery'resources areminimal. driWn2a sjx_-5 Conditions 7. All work:authorized,by this perrait must be performed imstrict _ccimplidhc6witlr the attached plans-, which are Ei part of this permit. Any modification to those plans must be approwd'by the U.S. Ary CmJps of 'Engineers (USACE)�pribrto implementation. 8. Dredging activities authorized by this permit shall not in an wayinterfere withthe operations any of the: Corps' civil works dredging -and navigation prcjects- 9. The, peimittee shall require its 'contractors and/or agents: to, comply With the, ferms and conditions of this permit in the construction and maintenw oft ,d rispy9je c_t , �, and shall provide each of its contractors and/or agents associated with the.construction.or maintenanceof this pybject with & copy ofthispermit. A copy ofthis pdrinitincluding all conditions, shall also be available at the project site during .construction .and maintenance ,6f this project. 10. Except as authorized by this permit, excavation, fill or mechanized land-, authorlWtcraporary placement or dou or wetlands outside the permitted area. connected with this project. any USACE approved modification to this permit,, no acing activities shall take place at.anytime during.the, eject, within waters or wetlands. This permit does not ile hndlngof excavated or fitl material` within. waters This prohibition applies to 411 borrow, and, fill activities 11. Except:as,specified-in the plans attachedto this permit,, no,excavation,fill or mechanized land - clearing -activities shall take place at any time during the-6onstruotion or maintenance -of this: project, in such a manner as to impair normal flows and c="ul1afipn. patterns within waters or wetlands .or to reduce the reach of waters or wetlands. 12. All mechanized. equipment will be regularly inspected and maintained 'toi, prevent contamination of waters and wetlands from fuels, lubricants, hydraulic fluids, or other toxic materials. In the event of a spill of petroleum products or, any other hazardous,' waste, the permittee shall immediately repor(it to the N'.. C. Division of Water Resources at (919} 791-, 4200, and the North Carolina Emergency Management Office at. 1-800-858-0368, and provisions of the North Carolina Oil, Pollution and Hazardous Substances,• Control Actwill be followed. -7- 13. The permittee shall advise the Wilmington District, Regulatory, Division in writing at least 3.0 days prior toi beginning the work authorized by this permit. The contractor's name, phone number, and address, including any inspector's contact name and phone numbu must be provided to the Wilmington Distrietpriorto, any work. 14. A pre-constiuctionmeeting must be held with. Wilmington.District, Regulatory Division prior to conducting the work to ensure the contractor fully understands the.conditions of this permit. Meeting participants. may include, but are not limited to, representatives from the Corps Navigation Division, N.C. Division of Coastal Management;.. N:C. Division. of Water Resources, N.C. Wildlife Resource Commission, and U:S.. Coast.Guard:, 15. The permittee shall employ all, sedimentation' and erosion control .measures necessary to prevent an increase in sedimentation or turbidity within waters and wetlands outside the permit area. Additionally; the project must remain in full compliance with all aspects of the Sedimentation Pollution Control Act of 1973 (North Carolina General Statutes Chapter 113A Article 4). . 16. Violations of these conditions or violations of.Seetion 404 of the Clean Water Actor Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act must be reported in writing to the Wilmington Regulatory Field.Office, Attn: Mr. Tyler Crumbley; Wilmington District U:S'. Army Corps of Engineers, 69 Darlington. Avenue, Wilmington, NC 28403 within 24 hours of the perniittee's discovery of the violation. 17. The .permittee, upon receipt of a notice of revocation of this permit or upon its expiration before completion of the work will, without expense to the United States and in such time and manner as the Secretary of the Army or his authorized representative may direct, restore the water or wetland to its pre -project condition. 18. The permittee shall coordinate theplacement of all dredge pipelines along the beach with the N.0 Wildlife Resources Commission. 19. Prior to the commencement of construction. of the authorized dredging or, other work within the right-of-way of, or in proximity to, a federally maintained navigationchannel, the permittee shall obtain all necessary Consents to cross Government Easement from the Corps' Real Estate Division. The Real Estate Division may be contacted ats CESAS-RE-MC 69 Darlington. Avenue, Wilmington North, Carolina 28403-1343, tel. 910-251-4474, 20. Activities proposed within the Corps Easements for use of Disposal Areas may require approval prior to construction. Prior to commencing work associated with improvements or disposal on any designated Disposal Area, the permittee shall coordinate with the Corps of Engineers, Real Estate Division for any approvals needed to perform work within the. Corps H casement. The Real Estate Division may be contacted at, CESAS.-RE.-MC,, 69"Darlington Avenue. 21. If -submerged cultural resources are encountered during the operation; the pervittec shall, immediately notify the Corps so that coordination can be initiated, with the Underwater Archeology Unit (UAU) of the Department of Cultural Resources. 22. In issuing this permi t, the Federal Governmead . oes not -assume any liability fbr.4), Damages to the pernuitt-edproject or uses thereof as a result of other.permitted or urivermitted activities or fromriatural,causes;�b) Damages to the permitted project;or uses1hereof as -a result of current or, future Federal, activities initiated: on behalf of the general, public; c) Damages to other permitted I or unpermitted activities or structdr6s!�caused by the authorized' activity; d) Design. and constructiondeficiencies associated with the perinitted Work; e),bamageelaims associated with.any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit: 23. The permittee understands and agrees that, if fliture operations by the United; States require the refnoval, relocation, or other alteration, of the strdaure-or work.herdin authorized, or if, in the opiAion of the Secretary of the Army, or his autho dized,represeritative, said structure or work shall cause unreasonable obstruction to the fice navigation of the,enavigabIle waters; the, pernitteewll.bcrequired, upon due noticeI from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, ,to remove 3 relocate, or after the structural work or obstructions caused thereby, without expense to the United States. No claim shall be made against the United States, on account of any Such removal, relocation, or alteration. 24. The pertnittee shall notify NOAA/NATIONAL OCEANSERVICE SERVICE Chief Source Data Unit N CS261, 1315 E West HWYr RM 7316, Silver Spring, 20910-3282at least two (2) Weeks prior to beginning Work and upon completion. of work.. 25. The authorized project, must -not interfere with the public's, light to free .navigation on all .navigable waters of the United States. No attemptwillbe,ma.& by the peliittee to �prevent reve .the full and freense by the public of all navigable -waters.at or adjacent tothe,authoriied work for reason other than safety. 26. To address concerns from the United States -Coast Guard: Thefiollowing information must be provided 10 days prior to dredge operations commencing: ANYDREDGING OR OTHER OPERATIONAL -ACTIVITY THAT IMPACTS'THE 'SAVE NAVIGATION ON FEDERAL WATERWAYS L DATES (INCLUSIVE) OF OPERATION. 2. HOURS OF OPERATION (24 HOURS/DAYLIGHT-HOURS ONLY). 3. NAMES OF THE INVOLVED VESSEL(S). In 4. WORKING AND STANDBY FREQUENCIES. 5. SPECIFIC LOCATION (IvIILE;MARKER/CHANNEL). 6..ANY SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS OR CONCERNS THAT WOULD BE PERTINENT TO THE MARINER. (NOTE: WE CAN ONLY PROVIDE INFORMATION. WE CANNOT DIRECT THE MOVEMENTS. OF VESSELS: WE URGE THE MARINER TO ADHERE TO THE REQUESTED ACTIONS.) Submit the information to: USCG SECTOR NC WATERWAYS DIV 721 MEDICAL CENTERDRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28401 OR EMAIL ` NCrn`armeevents(a nsce.iiiil, 27. Should Federal Aids to Navigation need to be relocated to facilitate.this operation,. 30 days' notice is requested. The request will be sent to the Coast Guard District Five Office at: USCG DISTRICT, FIVE (DPW) 431 CRAWFORD STREET PORTSMOUTH VA 23704. . OR EMAIL CGD5 Waterways@uscg.mil 28. The permittee must install and maintain, at his expense, any signal lights and signals prescribed by the U.S. Coast Guard, through regulations or otherwise, on authorized facilities. For further information, the permittee should contact the U.S. Coast Guard Marine Safety Office at telephone, (91.0) 772-2200. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF USFWS BIOLOGICAL OPINION These terms -and conditions are,non-discretionary. Unless addressed specifically below, the: terms and conditions are applicable for the maintenance dredging and placement of sand for eachproject, for the life of each pennit. -> 0> Termsand. Conditions —All Species 29. For the life Othe permit, all sand placement;activities above MI Wmust be conductedwithin the winter work window (November 16 to April 30), unless necessitated. by an emergency, condition and allowed after consultation with_the Service. X. Prior to -sand placement,; all derelictmaterial, large amounts of rock, or other, debris must,be removed.from the beachto'the maximum extentpossible. 31. Conservation Measures; included in the. permit applications/project plans must be: implemented in the proposed project. KaReasonableAmd.prudent Measure (RPM) and Term and Condition address the same requirements the,requirenftts of the RPM and Term and Condition take precedent over -the Conservation Measure. 32. Predator -proof trash receptacles must be installed and maintained during construction at all. beach access points used for -the projcut construction and any maintenance events, to'n i-miye the potential for attracting predators of piping, plovers,; red knots, and sea turtles. All contractors conducting the work must provide predator -proof trash rcceptacl'es for the construction workers. All contractors and -their employees must be briefedonthe importance of notlittering and keeping the Action Aredlee of trash and debris. See the Appendixfor examples of suitable receptacles. 33. Piipelineplacement:mustbecoordinatedwithNCDCM,theeCorps,the Service'sRalcighFleld Office, and the NCWRC. 34, Access points for construction vehicles should be as close to the project siteas possible. Construction vehicle travel down the beach should be limited to the maximum extentpossible: Terms and Conditions Piping Plovers and Red.Knots 35.. All personnel; involved in the construction or, sand placemeni;process along the: beach shall be aware of the potential presence of piping plovers and red knots.. Before start,of work each morning, a visual survey must be conducted in the area of work for that, day, _to determine if piping plovers and red`knots are present. Construction operations shall not begin until.individual piping plovers or red knots have exited the work are for the day. -ll- Terms and Conditions— Sea Turtles 3¢. Only beach compatible -fill shall be placed on;the, beach or in any associated. dune system. Beach compatible fill must be sand that is similar to a, native beach in the vicinity of the; site that has not been affected by prior sand placement activity. Beach compatible fill must be. sand comprised solely of natural sediment and shell material, containing no construction: debris; toxic material, large amounts of rock, or other foreign matter: The beach compatible fill must be similar in both color and grain size distribution (sand grain, frequency, mean and median grain size and sorting, coefficient) to the native -material in the Action Area. Beach compatible fill is material that maintains thc:general character and functionality of the material occurring on the beach.and.in the adjacent drake and coastal system. In general, fill material that meets the requirements of the North Carolina Technical Standards for Beach Fill (15A NCAC 07H .0312) is considered compatible. 37. During dredging operations;, material placed on the beach shall be inspected daily, to ensure compatibility. If the inspection process finds that non -beach compatible_ material, including: large amounts of shell or rock exceeding the state sediment criteria (15A NCAC 07H .0312), is or has been placed on the beach, all work shall stop immediately,,• and the NCDCM and the, Corps will be notified by the permittee and/or its contractors to def ermine the.appropriate plan of action. ' 38., Sea turtle nesting surveys must be conducted within the project area between May 1 and November 15 of each year, for of least two consecutive nesting seasons, after completion of sand placement (2.years post -construction monitoring). Acquisition of readily available sea turtle nesting data from qualified sources (volunteer organizations, other agencies, etc:)' is acceptable, However, in the, event that data from other sources' cannotbe acquired, the, permittee will be responsible to collect the data. Data collected by the permittee for each nest should include, at a minimum, the information in the table, below. This information will be provided to the Raleigh Field Office in the annual report, and will be used to periodically assess the cumulative effects of these projects on sea turtle nesting and hatchling production, and monitor suitability of post construction beaches for nesting. Please see REPORTING REQUIREMENTS, below. -12= Parameter Measurement. Variable Number of False Visual Assessment of Number/location offalse crawls;fn nourished Crawls all false crawls areas any interaction of turtles with obstructions, such as sand bags or scarps, should be noted. False Crawl Categorization of the Number in each of the following,cate"gories: Type stage at which nesting. a) Emergence. _ no digging; was abandoned b) Preliminary body, pit, c) Abandoned egg chamber:. Nests Number The number of seaturtle,nests in iourished. areas should be noted. Ifpossible; the location of all sea turtle nestsi should be marked on a project map, and approximate distance t& scarps or sandbags,measured.in meters. Any .abnormal cavity morphologies should be: reported as well as whether turtle touched sandbags or scarps during nest excavation. Nests Lost Nests The number of nests lost to inundation or erosion or the number with.lost markers. Nests Relocated nests The;number of nests relocated and a,map of the relocation area(s). The number of successfully hatched eggs per relocated:nest. Lighting Impacts Disoriented sea turtles The.numberof disoriented.hatchlings and adults. 39. Visual surveys for escarpments along the Action Area must be made immediately after completion of sand placement, and within 30 days prior to May 1, for two subsequent years after any construction or` sand placement event. Escarpments that interfere with sea turtle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a distance of '100 feet: must be leveled and the. beach profile must be reconfiguied to minimize scarp formation by the dates listed above. Any escarpment removal must, be reported by location. The Service must be contacted immediately if subsequent reformation of escarpments that interfere with sea turtle nesting or that exceed 18 inches in height for a distance. of 100 feet occurs during the nesting. and hatching season to determine. the appropriate action to be taken. If it is determined that -13- escarpment leveling is required during the nesting or hatching season,the Service or NCWRC Will provide a brief, written authorization within :30 days that describes methods to he used to reduce the likelihood of impacting existing nests: An annual summaryof escarpment surveys and,actions taken must be submitted to the Service's Raleigh Field 'Offi=, - 40. Sand compaction must be evaluated at least twice after each sand placement. event, once in the project area immediately after completion of any sand placement event and once after project completion between October 1. and May 1, Out -year compaction inspections and remediation are notrequired if the placed material no longer. remains on the dry beach. Within 7 days of completion of sand.placement andprior to any tilling (if needed),, a field meeting shall be held with the Service, NCWRC, and the Corps to inspect, the project area for compaction and determine whether tilling is needed, a. If tilling is needed, the area must be tilled to a depth of 36 inches: All tilling activities shall be completed prior to May 1 of any year. b. Tilling must occur landward of the wrack line and avoid all, vegetated areas that are 3.square feet or greater, with a 3-foot buffer around'.all vegetation. c. If tilling occurs during the shorebird nesting season (after April. 1.), shorebird surveys are required prior to tilling per the Migratory Bud Treaty Act. d. A summary of the compaction assessments and, the actions taken shall be included in the annual report to NCDCM, the .Corps,, and the -Service's Raleigh — Field Office.. e. These conditions will be evaluated and.may be modified if necessary to address and identify sand compaction problems. 41. A report describing the fate of sea turtle nests and hatchlings and any actions -taken, must be submitted to the Raleigh Field Office following completion of the proposed work for each year when a sand placement activity has occurred. Please see REPORTING REQUIREMENTS, below: REPORTING- REOUIREMENTS An annual report detailing the monitoring and survey data collected during the preceding .year (required in the above Terms and Conditions) and. summarizing, all piping plover, red knot,and sea turtle data must be provided to the. Raleigh Field Office by January 31 of each year for review and comment. In addition, any information or data related to a conservation measure or recommendation that is implemented should be included -in the annual report. -14- The contactfor these reporting requirements is: Pete Benjamin, Supervisor. Raleigh Field Office U.S. Fish and Wildlife: Service Post Office Box 33726 Raleigh, North Carolina 27636-3726 (919) 856-4520 Upon locating a dead, injured, or. sick, individual of an endangered or -threatened species; initial notificationiiiusthemade tothe Service's Law EnforcementOtMcebelow Additional notification must be madeto the Raleigh Ecological:Services old Offrceidentifred above and to theNCWRC at (252) 241-7367. Care should be taken in handling sick or injured individuals and in the preservation of specimens in the best possible state for later- analysis of:cause of death.or irijury. Jason Keith U.S. Fish and.. Wildlife Service 551-F Pylon Drive Raleigh; NC 27606 (919) 8564 786, extension 34 ESSENTIAL. FISH HABITAT 42. Based on consultation with the Habitat Conservation Division of NOAA NMF.S Lockwoods Folly Inlet(SAW 2014-02007) is subjectto"the following condition: To the extent practicable; dredging will be from November 16 to Aprll 30,,. 43. Based on consultation with'the Habitat Conservation Division of NOAA NMFS', Shallotte Inlet (SAW-201.4-02009) is subject to the following conditions: To the extent practicable, dredging will be from November 16to April 30. All-hardbottommust be avoided. HOPPER DREDGING NMFS (SARBO) 44. Permittee. Use of SARBO. a. Hopper dredging is being approved. under the South Atlantic Regional Biological Opinion (SARBO) dated 1997, which can be viewed on tbeERDC web site atthe following link; http://el.erdc.usace.army.miVseattirtldslreh- -1'5- bo.cfm. If the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Wilmington District is contracted to perform the work and .utilizes the vessels MERRITT, CURRITUCK, or MURDEN; these dredge plants shall be subject to the attached supplemental consultation to the SARBO (dated 9 March 1999) which stipulates the equipment/operational standards of. the SAW Shallow Draft Dredging Fleet. b. The SARBO: includes an Incidental Take Statement (ITS) issued to'the Corps. Under the SARBO/ITS, incidental takes are. authorized on a Fiscal Year (FY) (October t - September 30) basis to be meted out by the Division Commander; South Atlantic Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the southeastern United States for Corps civil and•military projects, The Permittee:is hereby advised to avoid any incidental take, in that suchtake may trigger the cessation of hopper dredging for the remainder of that.FY. The Permittee understands and, agrees that, even where: it is in full compliance with the, terms and conditions of the SARBO/ITS incidental take by the Permittee may require suspension of the permit by the Corps. The amount of incidental take that will trigger suspension, and the need for any such suspension, shall be determined at the discretion of the Corps. TheTervuttee understands and agrees on behalf of itself; its agents, contractors, and other representatives, that, no claim, legal action in equity or for damages, adjustment, or other entitlement. against the Corps shall arise as a result of such suspension or related: action.. c. The, Permittee shall immediately notify the Corps Regulatory Project Manager that an incidental take has occurred. The Regulatory Project Manager responsible for this project is Mr. Tyler Crumbley who may be contacted at the Wilmington Regulatory Field Office, 69 Darlington Avenue, Wilmington NC 28463, and by telephone at (910) 251-4.170, or e-mail tyler.crumbley@usace.army.mil. Dredging operations shall immediately cease upon incidental -take of any sea tint le, speciesor Atlantic Sturgean,,which is not covered under the SARBO but is, addressed in a 7(a)(2)/7(d) letter; until the District Commander, or his designee, notifies the Permittee. to, resume dredging. The Sea Turtle or Atlantic sturgeon incidental take data -form will. be filled out by the Observer within 6 hours of the take event and. e=mailed: in pdf format to takereport.nmfsser@rroaa.gov and the Regulatory Proj'edt Manager. In accordance with the RBO, all hopper dredges shall have an Observer on board who meets the guidelines as established on the website listed in Special Condition 46 below. -16- 45, Pre -Dredging Submittals. a. No dredging shall be performed by a hopper dredge without the inclusion of a rigid sea turtle deflector device. ' The Pemiittee shall electronically submit drawings to the Regulatory Project Manager prior to commencement of'dredging, showing the proposed device and its attachment. These.drawings,shall include the approach angle for,anyand all depths to be dredged. during the dredging. The Permittee shall not commence hopper dredging until approval of the sea turtle deflector device has been granted. by the Corps. b. The Permittee shall electronically submit detailed drawings showing; the -proposed drag head grating system(s) and drag head(s), gird documentation that supports grate sizing such as dredge pump manufacturer's recommended maximum particle size dimension(s),, etc. c..The _Permittee. shall electronically submit an operational plan to achieve protection of sea. turtle$ during the hopper dredging operation. These operational procedures' are intended: to stress the importance of balancing the suction pipedensities and velocities in order to keep from taking sea turtles:. d. During turning operations the pumps mpst either be shut off or reduced in speed to the point where no suction velocity or vacuum exists. No dredging, Work shall:be allowed to commence until approval of the turtle deflector device has,been granted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; Wilmington District. Sample Turtle" Deflector Design Details are available on the,website listedin Special Condition 46. A, copy of the,approved drawings and calculations shall be available on the vessel during dredging.operations. 46. Pre_Dredging Inspection. Within 3 days from the date of initiating the authorized work, the= Permittee shall provide to the Corps; the completed Hopp'& Dredge Startup Inspection Checklist form.with amritten notification of the date of commencement of work authorized by this permit.: An inspection of the hopper dredge will be scheduled and performed by the Wilmington District inspector after receipt of the notification ofcommencement. Inspection ch6dklists are. located on. the website listed in Special Condition 46 below. 47. Hopper Dredge Equipment, Hopper dredge drag hcads; shall be equipped withsea turtle - deflectors which are rigidly attached. Deflectors shall be solid with no openings in the face. No dredging shall be performed by a hopper dredge without an installed turtle deflector device approved by the District inspector. Sample Turtle Deflector Design Details',are on the web site; indicated in Special Condition number 46 below. a. Deflector Design. (1) The leading. V-shaped portion of the deflector shall have an included angle of less than 90 degrees. Internal reinforcement shall be installed in the deflector to prevent, structural -17= failure of the device.. The..leading edge ofthe.'defleotor shall be: designed.to haye`aplowing effect of at least 6 inches in, depth when the drag head is being operated. Appropriate instrumentation or indicator shall be used and kept in proper calibration to insure the critical "approach angle." (Information Only N6te: The design "approach angle", or the angle of lower drag head pipe relative toahe average sediment plane, is very important to. the proper operation of a deflector. if the lower drag head pipe angle in actual dredging conditions varies tremendously from the design angle of,approach used in the development of the deflector, the 6-inch plowing effect does. not occur: Therefore; every effort should be made to insure this design "approach angle" is maintained with the lower drag pipe.). (2) If adjustable depth deflectors are installed, they, shall be solidly attached to the drag head using either a hinged aft, attachment: point or an aft trunnion attachment point in association with an adjustable pin front attachment point or cable front attachment point with a stop set to obtain the 6-inch plowing effect. This.arrangement allows fine-tuning the 6-inch plowing effect for varying depths. Mice die deflectorisproperly adjusted there, shall be no openings between the deflector and the drag head that are more than 4-inches by 4-inches. b. In -flow Baskets and overflow screening. (I) The Permitted shall ensure that baskets or screening, are installed ,over the hopper, inflow(s) andoverflow (s) with no greater than 4-inch by 4-inch openings. The method selected shall depend on the construction of the -dredge used and shall be approved by the District inspector prior to commencement of dredging. The screening shall provide 100% screening of the hopper inflow(s) and overflow(s). The screens and/or baskets shall remain in place throughout the performance of the work. The turtle deflector device and inflow/overflow screens shall be maintained in operational condition for the entire dredging operation. If during dredging operations; the Permittee cannot meet the requirements.of the inflow and overflow screening, the Regulatory Project Manager shall be contacted'immediately. (2). The. Permittee shall install and maintain floodlights suitable for illumination of the baskets or screening to allow. the Observer to safely monitor the hopper baskets or screening during non -daylight hours or other periods of poor visibility. Safe access shall be provided to the inflow and. overflow baskets or: screens to allow the.Observer to inspect for turtles and Atlantic sturgeons, or parts thereof,, clean,thc, baskets or screens:for the next loading cycle, and document any screening deficiencies. During periods of time when observers are performing inspections of inflow and overflow baskets or screening, proper lockout/tag out procedures and fall protection shall' be implemented. -18; c.:Drag head grating. (1) Draghead grating may, be used to prevent over -sized. objects (relative to respective pump and distribution system designs) from reaching and becoming lodged or damaging;, the dredge pump and/or slurry distribution system. The Permittee may not use a drag head' grating system that. Would prevent turtle, remains fromentering the Hopper inflow .screening: Detailed drawings showing the proposed drag, head grating system(s) and drag head(s), and documentation that supports grate sizing; (such as dredge pump manufacturer's recommended maximum partole size dimension(s), etc,)' shall be submitted: No dredging shall begin until the District inspector has approved all grating and screening. 48. Hopper Dredge Operation. a. The Permittee shall operate the _hopper dredge to minimize the;possibility of taking sea turtles or sturgeon and to comply with the requirements stated.in the Incidental Take Statement provided by the NMFS:in-its SARBO'., b. The turtle deflector device and inflow/overflow screens shall be maintained in operational' condition for the entire dredging operation. c. Wheninitiating dredging; suction through the drag:heads shall be allowed just.long enough to prime the pumps, and then the drag heads must be placed firmly on the bottom. When lifting the drag heads from the bottom, suction through the drag heads shall be allowed rjust-long enough to clear the lines,_and then must cease. Pumping water through the drag heads shall. cease while. maneuvering or during travel to/from the disposal area. If the required dredging";section _includes: compacted fine 'sands or stiff clays,: a properly configured arrangement of teeth may enhance dredge efficiency, which reduces total dredging hours, and turtle takes. The operation of.a drag head with teeth must -be monitored for each dredged section to insure that excessive:material is not forced into the suction line. When excess high -density material enters the suction line, suotion velocities drop to extremely low levels causing conditions £or pluggiirgof the suction pipe. Dredge- operators should configure and. operate their equipment to eliminate all' low-level suction velocities. Pipe plugging in the past was easily corrected, when low suction velocities occurred, by raising the drag head.offthe bottom until the suction velocities, increased to an appropriate level. Pipe plugging cannot be corrected by raising the drag head off the bottom. Arrangements ofteeth and/or the reconfiguration of teeth should be made during the dredging process to optimize the suction velocities. d. Raising the drag head off the bottom to increase suction velocities is not acceptable, The primary adjustment fox providing additional mixing water to the suction line should be through water ports: To insure that suction velocities do not drop below appropriate levels, the Permittee shall monitor. production meters throughout the job and adjust primarily the number and opening sizes of water ports. Water port openings on top of the drag.head or on raised standpipes above _49- the drag head shall be screened before they are, utilized. ovthe dredging project. If a dredge section, includes sandy shoals on one end of a tract line and mud:sediments on the other end of the tract line, the equipment shall be adjusted to eliminate draghead pick-ups to clear the suction line. e. The drag head shall.be buried a minimum of 6 inches: in the sediment at all times to maintain drag head efficacy m reducing incidental takes. Maximum borrow area dredge-deptbs_idenfified in the attached plans shall not be exceeded to achieve this effective plowing, depth:.. _f. During turning operations the.pumps must either be.shutoff orseduced inspeedto tho point . where no suction velocity or vacuum exists. 49. Dredging Quality Management. Dredging and dredged; material. disposal and.monitoring of dredging projects using the Dredging Quality Management (DQM) system shall be implemented for this DA permit. The Permittee shall ensure that each hopper dredge assigned to the: work authorized by this DA permit is equipped with-DQM, previously known as `Silent.Inspector',. for hopper dredgeg reatteri DQM sy systemmust tbeen,e eby the DQM Support Team within one calendarypo��in of he dredging/disposal.Questions- regarding certification should be addressed to the DQM Support Center at 251-690-3011. Additional information. about the DQM System can be found at httpi//dgm.u§we ar ffY.ft il. The. Permittee is responsible for insuring that the DQM system is operational throughout;the dredging and disposal project and that project data are; submitted to the DQM National Support Center in accordance with the specifications provided at the.aforementioned website. °The permittee-shall, contact the National Dredging Quality Management(DQM) program (htto://dgm.usace:aWm milO' to assure that project information is loaded and data is being; appropriately transferred prior to project commencement. 50. Sea. Turtle Non -Capture Trawl. Sweeping: In. order to minimize or reduce taking of turtles. during dredging, non -capture trawling may be required if the Corps determines that it is necessary to reduce entrainment risk. This type of trawling is designed to use non -capture type trawling equipment to sweep.in the proximity of the dredging operations in order to stimulate sea turtles to. move out of the dredge path. No sea turtles will be captured using this trawling technique; Non - capture trawl sweeping may be performed 48 hours, prior to initiating dredging and may continue. throughout dredging operations. Conduct non -capture trawl sweeping operations :in the vicinity of dredge operations, but maintain a safe. distance from the dredge. Trawl, equipment used (e.g. trawling nets) and trawl sweeping operations shall be conducted: such that no -sea turtles: or other marine organism by -catch are captured. As much as possible, non -capture trawl sweeping shall be conducted to maximize the amount of time during each 24-hour trawl day that the trawl equipment (e.g. trawling,nets) sweeps the bottom sediment in the vicinity of the dredging operation (i.et: maximize the bottom time with the trawling equipment). Such.trawIing in the vicinity of the dredge shall be conducted continuously, stopping after. every 4 to 6 hours to check the condition of the trawl equipment and assure that no turtles have been captured, ' -20- a.Non-capture Trawl Sweeping Period. Non -capture trawl sweeping shall be conducted as described belowr (1) A day of non -capture trawl sweeping shall be defined.. as 24 hours of continuous trawling. (2) Non -capture trawl sweeping may be conducted, as 24-hours of trawling as a continuous trawl; however, twoseparate crews must be available on board to work two 12-hour shifts. b. Turtle Handling; and Endangered. Species. Permits. No, sea turtles are to be intentionally captured during non -capture trawl sweeping operations. No endangered species peirnits'To handle sea: turtles are.required for non -capture trawl sweeping. Should a sea turtle become entangled in the trawling ,nets; the nearest in facility must be :notified for arrangements• to be madeto transfer the anhnal, as needed. c. Reporting, A daily log, will be kept for each non-captui�trawl. sweeping operations. The� non -capture trawl sweeping log will be submitted to the Regulatory Project Manager at the completion of the project. Data to be Included with this;log daily will include; (1) GIS coordinate of trawl locations at the start: and end of each sweep.. (2) Times recorded for the duration of each trawl, sweep. (3) Description of dredge proximity during7each sweep. (4) General notes as appropriate (e.g: condition of equipment atthe end of each sweep, snags occurring during,each sweep, incidental debris,, etc.). (5) Water Quality and -Physical Measurements: Water temperature measurements shall be taken. at the water surface each day using a laboratory thermometer. Weatherconditionsshall be: recorded from visual observations and instruments on the: trawler. Weather conditions, air temperature, wind velocity and direction, high and low tides, sea state -wave height, and - precipitation shall be recorded on the Trawling Form on the website indicated;inSpecial Condition 46 below. a. Non -Capture Trawl Sweeping Equipment:, To reduce the chances of sea turtles becoming entangled and caught in the net webbing, during non -capture trawl sweeping,, the Contractor shall use standard flat -style shrimp trawling nets. Nets shall have one to two-inch webbing holes, the webbing.should be made of nylon material (preferably dipped.) 1. The bag end of these nets shall be completely cutout so that the nets remaining on the rigging are approximately 30 to 504eetlong, The nets shall be long enough to -21- provide a trailing length of net in the water to "stimulate turtles" to move butnot be long enough to be able to twist, when: 1) being pulled in the water; 2) being pulled up and onto the deck; 3) the vessel mstationary; or 4) the trawl vessel turns while trawling. Thismet length may shorter or longer depending on the specific configurations. of the trawler and its rigging, but must be set up to specifically prevent the twisting of the net., The nets should be installed and adjusted such that organisms are not being collected (turtles and other -by -catch). 2. The bag• end of the nets shall be, cut.awayto create a large open' end on the nets. The webbing shall be monitored so that tears and.rips do not.occur in the remaining webbing that might.entangle and capture organisms.( particuldily "turtles). 3. To. ensure: that the lead line and mouth of the trawl nets maintaiir contact with the seafloor as best as possible, the lead line of each net shall be rigged with. weights, mud rollers,, tickler chains and/or trawling cookies (as appropriate for, the environmental conditions and sediment;type). For the first 48 hours after beginning non -capture trawling operations, pull and check the nets every hour to evaluate and document the: a. Status of the nets (particularly twisting ofthe: tail end). b, Net contents (turtles and. other by catch)' and, after the first 48-hours and appropriate net, configuration has been established, gradually increase trawling times to a maximum of 2-3-hours. e.. Trawler Equipment Breakdown: Should -there be a breakdown of trawler equipentthat would cause the trawler. to leave the area where dredging is underway during any period of time: when non -capture trawl sweeping is required, the dredge may continue to operate for'up to 48 hours; as long as no turtles are taken, and subject to the discretion. of the Regulatory Project Manager. Should there be dangerously high seas that would cause,the trawler to. leave the dredging area when non -capture trawl. sweeping is required, the dredge may continue to operate, as long as no turtles are'taken; subject to the discretion of the Project Manager. 51. Endangered Species Observers: During dredging operations; observers approved by the NMFS for sea turtles, Atlantic sturgeon and whalesi shall be aboard to monitor for the presence of the species. Observer coverage shall be 100 percent (24hr/day) and shall be conducted year round. During transit to and from the disposal area, the; observer shall monitor from the bridge during daylight hours for the presence of endangered species, especially the Northern right whale, during the period December through March. Records shall be kept of the date, time, and approximate location of all marine mammal sightings. Care shall be taken not to closely approach any whales -22- or manatees observed during dredging. The observer shall serve •as a lookout to alert the vessel Pilot of the occurrence of these animals: If any are, observed,, collisions` shall be avoided either through.reduced "vessel speed, course alteration, or bath. During the evening hours; when there is limited visibility due to fog, or when -there are sea states of greater than Beaufort 3; the dredge must slow down.to 5 knots or less when transiting between areas if whales. have been spotted within 15 nm, of the vessel's path within 24 previous hours. If'a right whale is sighted,, the, dredge operator shall'maihtain a 500-yard buffer between the vessel and any whale. During, dredging operations, while drag heads are submerged, the observer shall continuously monitor the inflow and/or overflow screening for tgwes and/or turtle parts and Atlantic sturgeon and/or Atlantic sturgeon parts. Upon completion .of each load cycle, drag heads should be monitored as the drag.head is lifted from=the sea surface and. is placed' oil the saddle. in order to assure that sea.turtlesthat may be impinged within drag head are'not lost, and `un-accounted for., Observers• shall physically inspect drag heads and inflow ,and overflow screenindboxes for threatened and,endangered species take. Other abiotic andbiotic debris found in the screens:during their examination for sea turtle or sturgeon parts shall'be recorded and then disposed of so as not to impede the functioning of the screens. during themext load cycle. a.. Monitoring Reports. The results of the monitoring, shall be, recorded. on, the appropriate: observation sheets. There is a sheet for.each load, a daily summarysheet,.anda'weekly summary sheet. In addition, there will be a post dredging summary sheet.. Observation's sheets will be completed regardless of whether any takes' of Atlantic sturgeon, whales; or sea turtles occur: In the event of any sea turtle. or Atlantic Sturgeon take byft dredge, appropriate_ incident reporting. forms shall be completed. Additionally, all specimens shall be photographed with_a digital camera. These photographs shall be attached to respective reports for documentation: Dredging, of subsequent loads :shall -not commence until all appropriate reports are completed from the previous dredging load to ensure completeness and thoroughness of documentationn associated with the incidental take. Reports shall be submitted to the Corps within 24-hours of the take. Copies of the forms must be legible. Observer, forms may be accessed on the web site indicated in Special Condition 46 below. b. Endangered Species Observer(s). A list of endangered species observer -biologists (ESOs) thathave beenNMFS-approved to monitor tlueatened/eirdangered.species takes.by hopper dredges can be obtained by contacting.NOAA Fisheries' Southeast Region, Protected Resources Division. b. The Permittee shall provide. a digital camera, with an image resolution capability of at least 300 dpi, in order to photographicallyreport all incidental takes, without regard, to species, during dredging operations. Immediately following the incidental take of any threatened or endangered species, images shall be provided, via email, CD, DVD, or USB (thumb/flash/jump drive) to the Contracting Officer's Representative in a•,-7PG`or .TIF format -and shall accompany incidental take forms. The nature of findings shall be:fully described in the incidental take forms including references to photographs. -23- 52. Manatee, Sea Turtle,; Atlantic Sturgeon -and Whale,SightingReports. Any take concerning" a manatee, ,sea turtle, Atlantic sturgeon, or whale; or sighting of any injured or incapacitated manatees, sea turtles; or whales shall be reported immediately to the Corps; by notifying the personnel indicated in the list in Condition 38 above. A copy ofthe.incidental take report shall be provided within 24 hours of the incident. The Permittee shall also immediately repo"rt any collision with and/or injury to a manatee to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the National Marine Fisheries, Service, and North Carolina, Wildlife Resources Commission. If a sea turtle and/or Atlantic. sturgeon is taken by the dredge (live or°dead); the, Permittee shall. email a PDF version of1he incidental take report to NOAA=Fisheries Southeast Region at the following email address within 24 hours of the •take: takereport mfsser@noaa.gov, also providing a copy to the Regulatory Project Manager. 53. Disposition of Sea Turtles or Turtle Parts. a. Turtles taken by hopper dredge (1--) Dead turtles - Upon removal of sea turtle and/or parts from the drag head or screening, observers shall take photographs to sufficiently document major characteristics of the turtle or turtle parts including but not limited to dorsal, ventral,, anterior, and posterior views, For all photographs taken, a backdrop shall be. prepared to document the dredge name, observer company name, contract title, time, date, species, load number, location of dredging, and specific location taken (drag head, screening, etc.). Carcass/turtle parts shall also be scanned for flipper and Passive Integrated Transponder (PIT) tags. Any identified tags shall be .recorded on the "Sea Turtle Incidental Take Form" that is included in the "Endangered" Species Observer Program.. Forms" located onthe web site indicated in.Special Condition number-46 above, 'Turtle parts which cannot 'be positively identified to species shall be preserved by the observer(s) for later identification, A tissue sarnple shall be collected from any lethally taken sea turtle and submitted under the process stated in the. Protocol for Collecting Tissue Samples from Turtles for Genetic Analysis found in the website listed in Special Condition 46 above. All genetic samples collected shall be submitted to NMFS .within 30-days of collection and verification of submittal to NMFS shall be provided to the Regulatory Project Manager: After all data collection is.complete, the sea turtle parts -shall be placed in plastic bags, labeled as to the time, date, and dredged reach of collection, kept frozen and transported to the National Marine Fisheries Service Laboratory in Beaufort, North Carolina. If no local facility is capable of receiving the sea turtle/parts, they, should be marked (spray paint works well), weighted down and disposed of under the direction of the Regulatory Projeef Manager. (2) Live Turtles - Observer(s) shall measure, weigh,: scan for Passive Integrated,Transponder (PIT)tags, and photograph any live turtle(s) incidentally taken bythe dredge: If no tagging was identified, observers shall tag the turtle using.Iconnel flipper and PIT tags if they are qualified to do so. Observer(s) or their authorized representative shall coordinate with the Regulatory Project -24- Manager to -transport, as soon as possible, the live�turtle(s) taken by the dredge to an approved rehabilitation facility in thb:Project Area. 54. Report Submission. The Permiftee shall maintain 4 log, detailingincidents; including all, ntsj sightings, collisions with, injuries; or, killing of manatees, sea turtles, Atlantic sturgeon,, or whales occurring during the -contract period, The data shaH be recorded.on forms available on the website as indicated in Special Condition number 46. All data -in original form shall be forwarded directly to Wilmington District: within 16 days of collection. Following project completion;, a. report summarizing the -above incidents and sightings shall be submitted to the following: 4. Wilmington District Regulatory Contact: T.,yler..Cruinble-y@usace.army.mil c. South AtlantiGDredging-Projects: Jennifer .t.aweris(a)usate.atMy.Mit c, National ' Marine Fisheries, Service Protected Sppcies,Management Branch 263 13th Avenue South— St. Petersburg,,Florida.33701 d. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission Matthew Godfrey 307 Live Oak -Street. Beaufort, North Cuolina,185 16 55. All necessary precautions and measures will be implemented so that any activity wig not kill, injure, M I urep capture, pursue, harass, or otherwise'liami any protected federally listed species (sea turtles; whales, manatee, Atlantic sturgeon, acidpiping"plover). While accomplishing the authorized work, if the Permittee discovers or, observes-a-damagW or hurt listed endangered or threatened species, the Corps will be immediately notified so that required coordinadon.caribe initiated with the U.S., Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), and/or the National Marine Fisheries Service (NWS). NEW HANOVER COUNTY EugineeringDepartmeat: 230 Government Center Drive • SuitQ'160 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 TELEPHONE (910)-798-7139 FAX (910) 798-7051 25. January2017 NC Division of Coastal Management Wilmington.Regonal Office 127 Cardinal Drive Extension. Wilmington,NC28405 a Attention: Debra Wilson Subject: Carolina Beach Inlet &'Crossing FreemanPark, PiacenientExtension, Dear Ms Wilson, James P. lanuucdj PE,, CFM, Counognglneer R Layton Bedsole Jr., REM Shore'Fro1ecAon,C00)•8i11at0r New Hanover County (NHC) is requesting a.Mnor Modification to North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (NCDCM) Major Permit Number 50-16 (expiration date 31 D`.ecember 2019)., This Minor Modification request would extend the beneficial use area on Freeman Palk by an estimated 1000 feet (Figure One). This extension would allow for placement of Carolina Beach Inlet (CBI), and Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (AIWW) crossing maintenance material to overlap the coastal storm damage. reduction ,(CSDR).placement temp late",(Figure Two The proposed extension would retain the beneficial use disposal profile as originally permitted in Attachment3-3, Item 3 of 5 found in the Shallow Draft Inlet-5NCDCM'Major Application dated May2015 (Figure. Three)„ On October 81h and 9th 2016, Hurricane Matthew affected southeastern North Carolina including the beaches of New Hanover County. The Wrightsville Beach, Carolina Beach (CB) and Kure Beach, (KB) CSDR projects did their jobs and proteoted public and private infrastructure, small` business and local economic drivers. However, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE),had. recently (spring of 2016) implemented a CSDR maintenance event on. CB Arid KB. The rock revetment at the northern extent of the CB CSDR project its a reach that provides ;ongoing, maintenance challenges. The revetment runs from approximately 200 feet north,of Periwinkle Lane to approximately 200 feet north of the Carolina Beach Fishing Pier. An -approximate 500 feet of transition continues north terminating at the northern extent of the. CSDR template alignment as depicted in Figure Two. Constructed by the USAGE in,1973, the parallel rock structure does provide supplemental protection but can exacerbate erosional forces within the reach. As was the case during Hurricane Matthew,, Photo One was taken two days before. the storm and Photo Two was taken.the day after the storm; both photos are within an hour of high tide. This reach has appreciably recovered; however, the immediate- effect of relocated maintenance volumes is apparent. The.fhct that Hurricane Matthew- occurred during, the: ast year of the _CB CSDR!s thrdemyear, cycle. is a concern (Figure Four). ,Our next scheduled CSDR ariqpevent is FY19. I however, the next OSACE AIWW crossing event, with. beneficial use on Freeman Park is scheduled BbnApril 2017. If there, Was enough sand volume in this USACE AI.WW contract, the volume could possibly- benefit the. Matthew effected, revetment- reach, However,. the, authorization for' beneficial use: of AIWW./inl6t material within this reach. is; not: federally or locally held. The USACE's budget and prioritization 4 1 o0s notL allow for authorization ingdifications within this inlet complex. Therefore, NHC would like4o ha: ' yeAhe authorization capability for the Freeman Park placement atea,tb overlap the CSDR tehiplatoin the:. event AIWW and/or inict,maintenancevolumes justify the increasein placement distance, NHC has secured a CBI maintenance authorization and .4 CB CSDR projoO authorization, both mimicking historical USACE efforts.. However. an authorization gap (apprc4. I 0001L) restijcts potential beneficial use between the Freeman -Park -an& CSDR. placement footprints. NHC is requesting,the locally held CBI; authorisation be',amended to. allow .AIW-W I n /in etplAceme- t along Freema,nPaik to overlap the adjacent CSDR tqlpplate:, New Hanover County requests a Minor Modifidaiton to Major Permit Numb 50-16 bridging Number .ging NHC's locally held `CBI authorized beneficial' use footprint to.. overlap the: abutting CSDR footprint. New Hanover County appreciates. the Division of Coastal Management's consideration and, the processing; fee will be hand delivered. if questions arise- or additional infbrination is needed, please -fdel ft&e to contact me at (910). 798-7104 of at H. Layton BedsoIe Jr;, R.E.M. A/ NHC Shore Protection Coordinator Cc: (via email transmittal) 0 D. Wilson, XCticm;,-debra wilsgnOncd6nr.ggv-- D. Huggett, NCDCN J: lannucci,NHC County Engineer eA LV• C.,.e+.... a , I r High Tide Photq.,-' 1 7 1:39, am.. 11. 1:00 a:.,m�, Photo Two. WW2016, afterrHufficane Matthew High Tide / Photo,, 2:49 p.m, P.'M.. mmuw o[nx.. Figure. Three r .j NEW 'HANOVER COUNTY INSHORE DREDGE' MATERIAL MANAGEMENT SITE NEW HANCivEx. COU114 I Y, I\JUKI,tl L-AKULLI\18 sHEET-IND I COVER SHEET PROJECT a CrT OVERVIEW '3 VIEW .4 CSORIORRMW=2020'SEE I'DMMMSSPPP'�'DREDGE8ATHYMEMYPLAN VIEW 5 CSDR BORROW A ROPO EDID MS POST -DREDGE aATHYMETRY PLAN VIEW 6 CSOR BORROW AREA/PROPOSED. RMS CROSS SECTIONS A-K & SSW GENERAL NoTEs.. .1. COORDINATESARE IN FEET BASED ON NORTH'CAROUNA STATE PLANE COORDINATE sismm, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983, (NAOR3).-, 2. ELEVATIONS ARE IN, FEET REFERENCED TO NORTH AMERICAN VERTICAL DATUM OF.1988 (NAVD88). 3. PRE -DREDGE HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY USACE MARCH 10, 2016. ,4. POST DREDGE HYDROGRAPHIC SURVEY PERFORMED BY USACr APRIL 9, 2016. S. AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH DATED: MARCH, 201b.' LEGEND :0 7500 159bo ?!� CSDR BORROW AkWpRoposED iDmms GRAPHIC SCALE N FT CSOlt BORROW AREAIPROPOSED IDMMS COORDINATE LOCATION AND M RAMGli 11 CHARLOTTE' WE RATTERAS -c� CKSONYJLLE- DREHIAD CRY j CAPE LOOKOUT PROJECT SITE ... CAPE FEAR ATLAN71C OCFAIV NOT, FOR CONSTRUCTION IFMREGULAMRY REVIEW, ONLY CS.— yam1 1 ' • M r ;'! 4}tot t.h � Yf *` � I � � fJ�y` .. p, - • `� y Z •r�4* .a,•.YY' �-, �.t fuw ,. < t' IL�; t a . 4f `4 14 1 1170 Figure Four IIEC _iVEU DCM WILMINGTON, NC JAN 3 0 207 v T m m m n . m T cri o 0 M v 'a