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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrandt, JosephTOWN OF SURF CITY P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CITY, NC 28445 Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax.- (910) 328-4132 http://surfcity, A lv (Zander) Guy, Mayor Mayor Donald R. Helms, Council Member Nelva R. Alburl Mayor Pro -ten Douglas C. Medln, Council Member Michael H. Curley, Council Member William J. Date: (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member 06-15-OS Exemption #i 122 Applicant Name: Joseph E. Brandt Address: P.O. Box 2368 City: Surf City, NC 28445 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION ACCESSORY USE 15A NCAC 7K.0209 PROJECT ADDRESS: 32() 1,itIt(, htnslbrt ESTUARINE S110RI,:I.I�VI: IZo.uI. Serf Citi,,,NC /Peuder County -�C:c' Description of Project: Build a12 ft. x 12 It, uncoca'cd dccl, adith stairs off rear of dwelling. Deck will be loc itetl 50' from the bulkhead. I have reviewed (l(c uil'ormation.submiucd to this otjiccill )'pur ingI ;ity concerning the necessary filing oPait tpplicalipnfor annnotcicvelowllcrlIle Coastal Area Management Act I h n e determined that the activttp you p opdSe is e�cnt�t _Iirom needing a minor development p tntit tis long as>tretuains-con&istnFtivlthow Stle drawing dated 6-15-05, and it also meets tbc`amd ti ons speetire below. If yolu plluig ahould;changc and your project will no longer mcc( thew Conditiou9, piCigecot2ttrcC me Lc1'bre procecdulg. ACCESSORY USES 1. The devcl ,pniciit rui,� lo, ("'itn b a land .uca uiea(ci thin 200 square feet. 2. The descl opulent Ill [],I not inntbc Ictnmal d i`,c of de-strucfion ofthreateued or endangeic�i ,ininin� ui plaiit,perica: 3. The developlimit lml not ahcl nawrtfR of .itiiliciodk united surface drainage channels. 4. The developntcn( inusi 117( altci tlto landlorm of Nc,_clalioii ofa frontal dune. 5. The development muse nt,r{)c �� itlun 30 het of noini:il high water levels. 6. The development must be cs,nsislcni with all applicable use standards and local land use Plans in effect at the lime the excniplion is granted. 'Phis exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity ofyour obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days front the date of this letter. D Sincerely, J C/L ,1NGTON, NC Donna Fleece I� 1 5 2005 �^ ^� Z07N Town of Surf City, LPO Signature of Applicant/Agent: "- j�oe gra�l� LOT /5 FLlN/71G' L— OA 71 �7 I H W N SCREW d C4P I nwuc/r ArCA9EAQ AV B49AWAO OLO May RRIY 5J'T/W'W AFW 'ate• N1i "3t� I 3J' J MIL SGBR'Y/SA Y .CRS L AAVJW MA AxN' J HPGE 57 PE LtX.svTYREG/STRY O./7P.P AGFES' a UL tl 444 O �3 U q m2 � � FitMEp DMELLISC 2.9' ftM�'eAaxwcREser ate' saev 5 M' — xc Awr. if i sti rtc 1 KG Nwr 6Y JlEM G7rr No sceLe YK.IWTYMAP [OT/T LOT /6 /S /OCArf.O IV A S,-MW AZ OW tWARC" AREA. SEE,14 M f.[R.M. RIAEL A-ti*aY7I • OI E'•O OArW FEAM/AR.. BO,LXI• f •ate---- DCM WILMINGTON, NC ja 15 2005 3 � O / /TTf E K/NSMN MOAO