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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMills, Patsy (2)Is TOWN OF SURF CITY P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CITY, NC 28445 Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax: (910) 328-4132 A D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor Nelva R. Albury, Mayor Pm-tem MichaelH. Cudey, Council Member Date: Applicant Name: Address: City: 04-18-05 Patsy Mills 7 Cannonball Corot Greensboro, NC 27455 Donald R. Helms, Council Member Douglas C. Medlin, Council Member William J. (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member Exemption 11 112 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT(MINOR) EXEMPTION ACCESSORY USE 15A NCAC K.0209 PROJECT ADDRESS: 2009 2"" So ect, Sart' Cit.A, Ouslow County HIGH HAZARD FLOOD ALC; 1 have reviewed the ml;orniation submittedto this office in tiyow ingUiry concerning the necessary tiling of an ma ,applic;it on for a minor dc� clopmcnt perit ndct the Coastal Area Management Act. l lim cit% Nou propose, at1 existing sunroom, is cxcmpt troni needing a minor de%clupincnt peril consistent with your-wlC drawing dated 04-18-0�. and it also meets t below. If yourplan,� should change and your I i*ct kill no longer m contact me before pi oc ced i ng. ACCESSORY USFS I. The devolopmenl5nLI'A not (I stuff h ,i l❑i}d tyr a.:We i 2. The develt5pnientnuisinot .iitu,l�ctcntovaf,dattia w� endangeredamniEd of pl.uii,,pccies. 3. The developaicot nws( not altci naturally or arGIYCi 4. The developmoa mutt not -alter the landform or �'c 5. The development must not he v� iUun = b icel t,f niir G. The development must he couaisteiit Frith Al appl'ic plans in effect at the time the excmptioa is granted. it its king as it remains ie conditions specified )ct these conditions, please -e leet. of threatened or >cea(ed surface drainage channels. of of a frontal dune. .igh water levels. use standards and local land use This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of this letter. ,S!i cerely, Donna Reece Town of Surf City, LPO REC:EIIVED XM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 15 2005 Signature of 1st si. SITE I la Si. 'Rr . �(B Tnd sT. /) p U, LOT 11 LOT 12 M.B. 11, P. 31 DI ST. xd ST. M.B. 11, P. 31 SEBRON SASSER VANCE E. KEE S SPUR RAIL MOE I 1012 1st ST. VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE 1010 1st ST. I8 DP N 20' 7'S ' W 72.79' EIP 356 3.16 38B J— LOT 8, BLOCK r 8082.24 SO. FT. - 1 s I 0.20 AC. a I I -3.66 36 -3.B6 -1-3.� I I � 1ss•�.r_--_� i/ Y I% Z)Vy 11 I �V SITE DATA I" II Y> 16 I 1 I WODDI I SER- LI I FRONT - SIDE - ZV I Y1^ r211'4• SUmo 12'IV' REAR - 20' 1°i°A{, vr.' I PROPOSED s DWELLING/ of I m i• F.I_- 1 I,\I I 13 SIzmT.(.D./w I LOT 9 / o I vT F!•' "I' I�'w m w (M.B. 11, P. 31) o +o KENNETH BAREFOOT J 10.396 346F I 3.56. N 2013 2nd ST. UT O I OI I I ,D b WOOD DECK .0 _ ._ _�.. .L 10.B' z I L LEGEND: EIS - EXISTING IRON STAKE EIP - EXISTING IRON PIPE WM - WATER METER PP - POWEROWERPOLE LOT 5 VN SL SEWRITY MGNT R/WM.B, 11, P. 31 r' $ --E � RIdO OF WAY PROPOSED --E-- S SPOT I OWERONE JULIUS 1007 2 GRADING, INC. II DRIVEWAY +S.Aa - saor ELEMABM 2007 2nd ST. 1 , S 29111'13' E 71.96' R/W a-ei -T" J NOTE: 7 WATER AND SEVER SERMCES PM1 t. I A I I.1 P, ME TO BE PROMDED BY TOWN OF SMF CITY. EDGf aF PA4EMENT 1.80 J.26 J�2nd _3.>�1 STREET - 60' R/W — _ L 357 JT62 PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN & PER M.B. 11, P. 31; D.B. 1626, P. 812 PHYSICAL SURVEY 2009 SECOND STREET THIS IS TO CERTIFY IHAT THIS MAP IS A TRUE REPRESENTATION OF THE PROPERTY HEREON AS COMPILED BY ACTUAL SO ,JnYn THE PREMISES AND THAT 1TIERE AR \dl EN TS ACCO INC TO THE BEST O[JiAK XCEPT AS SHOWN. THE rzAT19,�B� mw . 9 . 0.000+. LOT NO. 8 BLOCK 36 SUBDIVISION OLD SETTLERS BEACH, EXT. TO SECT. 3 STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP-2N.SLOW COUNTY, N.C. PREPARED FOR: PATSY R. MILLS =zr4 sue' JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. �-E"1"'..''JV� 409 JOHNSON BLVD., JACKSONVILLE. NC 28540 JOHN L. PIERCE, P. rC,�l/ '' G6'P&�S(Ia�� PHONE: (910)346-9800 FAX: (910)346-1210 �H�/ 1�!,Lli•• Deo"Y` DATE: AUG. 9. 2002 SCALE: 1 20 F.B. 552 P 19-21 JOB M 22697 PnproJ¢c19\ULO SETTLERS BEACH L9 1136\dw9\PLUT PLAN.dwo 08/12/02 08N2d6 AN LOT FILE NO. RECEIVED na IANI NAINGTON, NC JUL 15 2005