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HomeMy WebLinkAboutSimmons, NorbertR TOWN OF SURF CITY P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CITY, NC 2844P/ 0 GT�N /, Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax: (910) 328-4132 ZOOS C A. D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor Nelva R. Albury, Mayor Pro-tem Michael H. Curley, Council Member Date: Applicant Name: Address: City: 06-29-05 Norbert Simmons 2501 Isaac Drive Goldsboro, NC 27530 Donald R. Helms, Council Member Douglas C. Medlin, Council Member William J. (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member Exemption # 127 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MIN OR) .%IA INI I . NA \C I \ ND REPAIR 15A NCAC 07K.0I03 PROJECT ADDRESS: 710 Roland A cuue,SurtCit).NC-28445/PenderCounty TYPE AEC: Estuarine Shoreline I have reviewed the intoi natioii submitted to this office in coin inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an applicant for a minoi dvcdopment permit under the (oa tal ,1rea V anagement Act. After making a site inspection on 06-29-05, I have determined that the aictn it% y Mi pr opose is exempt from needing aminor devela tdrit long ;is itremnflscansktentN�ithcoui,ite(It awing and italso meets the conditions specifted below. Ifyour plans should change and NOW pi olcct nttill no longer meet these conditions, pleasr!`uolt#act ine before procccdins. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 1. Remove and ieplacc sect oii of bulhhcadimd bacldilIto stop crosion' 2. Additional Dc,ciilit ion iSec attached swvy) 3. No other deg clopment is author i/Cd This exemption to CAV:A peinut icquuememsdoec not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal, orLocal at"lto Hatton I hi, exemption expires 60 days from the date of this letter. Sincerely, Donna Reece Town of Surf City, LPO t of Applicant/Agent: &, " qi Print Name/Company: Darrell Erny/Lighthouse ins O.eeos. SOUIHEW"PHOT0. OREENSOORO N0004 17 GllnulA L of -fom[L gomv HLAN I1I411 JJA14 (a06 Ipcp'(�aN OF GufKllLpv crr, Sul°3o'Ir111� 55o°i � 6- A,Irllg f �0pv 23.z 4p 0000, Irid?+v _ li I yTar1Y m I DF�V\'+ 118�� 1�fTCtl1n II 1 I xlof5p 11 II I \a IpICAcpF4jpl, I � ti v✓AlteyvL�( � kf4 3o IueK�.�, wP�°s � u(UTY t�.LM�i fA u Lec,Wv: pis - wKlI)r, No hJIAr, w = GoHrok r0lt lll I HOL` HIUIMVI1 gul`r At. UIIG 29H.�q (o r;Pk AT tJDyT) Wv OF BR IM WW_j vq: r1,6. �h, P-6y, ,�.4q� PHYSICAL SURVEY LOT NO. BLOCK THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THIS MAP IS A TRUE p REPRESENTATION OF THE PROPERTY HEREON AS SUBDIVISION IIA%hDe r01U�E �RLV.) COMPILED BY ACTUAL SURVEY OF THE PREMISES IV fgAIL- AND THAT THERE ARE N WMR ENTS ACCORD- TOWNSHIP COUNTY, N.C. INO TO THE BEST OF 0 CEPT AS I,, 'I SHOWN. THE RATIO /p .000+. PREPARED FOR: FIoHE[0 0 -0 lAlih'(8 UC"�OrI, IIl!'' �. L 9 y SEAL JOHN L. PIERCE, P.L.S. — JACKSONMLL.E, NC 409 JOHNSON BLVD.. JACKSONMLLE, NC 29540 JOHN L. PIE S. y 96� PHONE: (910)346-9800 FAX: (910)346-1210 ' F,I'i I S Z0o0 10' DATE: 1 ,I SCALE: 1 • _ /////rylllllllllllllll\\\\\\\\ F.B. 44 P. �q JOB # 2D50 SJ o 2b q i o Roland kr- . i1ttr ++mm.- 45t3 0 ♦ 5 ���.,. 13T3I�J5 6, 12291 23930 nw10, n t� 'nY2% ,5 t0468 .y � 92352 '^, 15641� , 1••,0r33181 �.� . • � w 3013 T4323 rw.3fi946 1 v ''^M44d . F• nA 11M8^ IT �" 'Yt650 rn.riJ19S .F �f'. �^ ^"2352 � - TOPSAIL SOUND 11l1 w 1182 23828 ` • ,rw +. "r18118 1. 'd"' a 950 f Ns I 12882' —2022 . S 2092 ♦�. �� c, n 3443 "+93338 15406 ,r ' its e 23811 • �rATN d�524 1 • .1 �• " 9*2 • 45202 YJf66Yu0- ♦1051„ , .gip+'- w ♦TOPSAIL 11 ' YY20t SOUND ' 231B3: t ' b 10225 w 2340E- 26794 w' ,• 1039 ♦ ^n •.11 15208 118W' i M!<JO+ 91 n^13504 23918 �t10508 IJRBt. - ♦ ''�105'Id , 23*4 ' 2 a�✓ 2i;l 3 I3533 ,.^ 23799" 101r0.. Q281i ^ ;i1091 22353 �1053 9 , 39361 52 ♦ , 1031 10 20260-107 31 B945R 's 19592 108 B8124 ` 993 r e 4m• // 5 x . n.- ,38112.. ♦ C �ai6ie 2 38t86 n ' ,30362 5 i ♦ Br 32382