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HomeMy WebLinkAboutJohnson, Junior (4)RECEIVED TO N 1V OF SURF CIT IVCM WILMINGTON, NC P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CITY, NC 2W 2 12005 Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax: (910) 328-4132 A. D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor Donald R. Helms, Council Member Nelva R. Albury, Mayor Pro -tern Douglas C. Medlin, Council Member Michael H. Curley, Council Member William, J. Tudd) Fowler, Council Member Date: 06-17-05 Exemption �23 Applicant Name: Junior Johnson Address: 2384 NC 50 S. City, State, Zip: Benson, NC 27504 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINORS) SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE HIGH HAZARD FLOOD AREA OF ENVIRO �i141lENTAL CONCERN 15A NCAC 7K.0213 .................... Project Location/Address: 1803 N. New River Drive, Surf City, NC 28445 / Onslow Co. 1 have reviewed the uaforuiattofl submitted to this office 10 your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a� pmc7r::tlq V.opment permit under the Coa,ih I Aica Management Act. I have determined that the activtt ypilprpj'ose is exempt from needing "a miner dc\ elop rent permit as long as it remains consistent with your sitedrawing dated 06-17-05 and it also meet, the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and }tour project mil no longermeet the e conditions, please contact me before proceeding. SINGLE FAIYIILY RESIDENCES WI IIIIN TIIE HIGH HAZARD FLOOD AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL (ON( ERN EXF:MP"Ila) All single ftmih residence,. includint a„oriatcd in(iastntcturc stnictures or structural additions to an existing single famik suucttirc. aon;u'ucted within the High I laiard Flood Area of Environmental Concern are exempt twill the c A% 1;1 permit tcquircmcnte pi m ided the development is consistent with all other applicable ( MA pcimit,laudmch and local land use plait; and/or rules in effect at the time the exemption i, granted including the IAlomne condition> and limitations: I. Development ,,hall not h, located %�ilhm the ()cean Erodible of the Inlet Hazard AEC 2. Any building shall be on piling,, and comph N� ith the North Carolina Building Codes and the local flood daiitage ordinances a, ieguned by,the National Flood Insurance Program. 3. The development aloes not rcyuirc ❑M pet nu,sioh. licensing, approval, certification, authorization or approval from am ,gtae of Icdcial agency. 4. A signed AEC hazard notice indicating that the property owner is aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires one (1) year from the date of this letter. Sincerely, Town of Surf City, LPO RECEIVED AEC HAZARD NOTICE DCMwILMINGTON, NC �/ J, N, 2 ? 700K Project Is In An: _Ocean Erodible Area-)(—HighHazard Flood Area Inlet Hazard Area Date Lot Was Platted: This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules onbuilding standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune alteration are designed to minimize,but not eliminate, property loss from hazards. By granting permits, the Coastal Resources Commission does not guarantee the safety of the development and assumes no liability for future damage to the development. The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal Resources Commission, indicates that the annual ocean erosion rate for the area where your property is located is 1), feet per year. The rate was established by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the coastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as f 3_ feet landward in a major storm. ThA flood waters in a major storm are predicted to be about feet deep in this area. Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters are prohibited. Temporary devices, including sand bags, may be allowed under certain conditions. This structure shall be relocated or dismantled within two years of becoming imminently threatened. The applicant must acknowledge this information and requirements by signing this notice in the below space. Without the proper signature, the application will not be complAe. App ant's Signatu 0-//&7 04i— Date SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is required for development in areas subject to sudden and massive storms and erosion. Permits issuedfor developmentin this area expire on December 31 of the third year following the year in which the permit was issued. Shortly before work begins on the project site, the Local Permit Officer will determine the vegetation line and setback distance at your site. If the property has seen little change and the proposed development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will inform you that you may begin work. It is impor- tant that you check with the LPO before the permit expires for official approval to continue the work after the permit has expired. Generally, if foundation pilings have been placed and substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal may not be necessary. If substantial progress has not been made, the permit must be renewed and a new setback line established. It is unlawful to continue work after permit expiration without this approval. For more information, contact: Local Permit OfficU Address 8(rFC� Locality 910-3a8-gi31 Phone Revised 11193 %9d3 N. NEW ZI V R DMZ NC 10, 0-tokiaea P4. qv Vic.