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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrown, JeromeTOWN OF SURF CITY�Mw MNGTOND P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF C C Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax: (910) 328-4132 3 2005 A D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor Melva R. Altimy, Mayor Pro -tern Michael H. Cudey, Council Member Dalc: Applicant Name: Address: City, State, "Lip: 06-01-05 Jerome & Sandra Brown 6992 Kings Lynn Loop Fayetteville, NC 28304 Donald R. Helms, Council Member Douglas C. Medlin, Council Member William J. (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member Exemption # 119 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINORS) SINGLE FA NI RIESID>! NCES W1T1-IIN TIJF, IIIGII HAZARD FLOGD :AREA OI L"\\ IIZON11ISN I':NL. CONCERN 15A NCAC 7K.0213 Project Location/Address: L71O N. Nevi 12iccr Drive. tiarl'(-'ity, NC 28445—Onslow County l have reviewed the inlurnultion submitted to this 0111cc in � our inquil v concerning the necessary tiling of an apt) lication for a miumI. u gi development perinder the (',),it.iI Arcu Management Act. I determined that the activity you propose is exempt f iom necdili , .i minor dev clopment permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawin dated 05 18, 5 and it �Iko nicety the conditions specified below. Ifyour plans shonld change aiid your plojcct v%ill to Binger meet Ih, s' om,lif ions, please contact me before proccedhiL' SINGLEh'A�111N Rt SWUNCCS NN'Tf111N I Ill, HIGH 11:1Y.:AItU I I.00D AREA OF I,NN'IRONMI N'hAI.('O1( I, ItN;LXLN11'14.1) All single famildre,idcnces, lncludin l associalcd inliustruclurc. ac4c„0n'i structures or structural additions to an existing,,inp,lc fagllh strilclulc. onurruclrd �v itliin (lie I li h Rlzard Flood Area of Environmental Conccrn:Irecxenipl Ilom thu (.AAlrA prrmil rcyuilcnlc I(x l)1ncldgd the development is consistent with all othci .lppllc.lhlc AA1.;\ Imillo aml usle plans and/or rules in effect at the time (lie exemption I, �'iitlll d illCllldlll.1., the Ins i(lndlllUnn dlld'lin]tatlons: 1. Developlircnt shall nol he loe,ltcd within the Ucean I,lndlble & the filet Hazard AEC 2. Any buildine shall be Oil Amps iiud colnph w idl the North Carolina Building Codes and the local flood damage or lin.lnca, as rcquu-ed by the National Flood Insurance Program. 3. The development does not rcquirc any permission, licensing, approval, certification, authorization or approval liven auysEate orfedera( agency. 4. A signed AEC hazard notice indicating that the property owner is aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area. "['his exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption to one nr.from the date of this letter. i Sincerely, r Q)lJYutlC`.Pjd/-/ 121�� FF �c� )gatureofApplicant/Agent: ��r0%i�Vvzp)eG(r� Donna Reece Print Name/Company: "Town of Surf City, LPO f I Ic I r 4U—.— --. _ 9104331064 P.0210,� JN-09-2005 'a 0 'a Project 13 In An: .Ocean Erodible Area _ -t, High Hazard Flood Area, Inlet 16:27 FAY. TRANSIT DEPT. AEC HAZARD NOTICE Date Lot Was platted: This notice is intended to make you, the applicant, aware of the special risks and conditions associated with development in this area, which is subject to natural hazards such as storms, erosion and currents. The rules of the Coastal Resources Commission require that you receive an AEC Hazard Notice and acknowledge that notice in writing before a permit for development can be issued. The Commission's rules on building standards, oceanfront setbacks and dune alteration aredesigned tominimizebut not eliminate, the property loan from hazards. By granting pgeuCommission does not axanttee the safety o ttResources e development and assumes no liability for future damage to the development, The best available information, as accepted by the Coastal cates that the annual ocean Resources rate for the area where your property is located is A feetperyear. The rate was d by careful analysis of aerial photographs of the bcoastline taken over the past 50 years. Studies also indicate that the shoreline could move as much as I W-feet landward in a major storm. Th flood waters in amajor storm are predicted to be about Ii, feet deep in this area, Preferred oceanfront protection measures are beach nourishment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetments, groins, jetties and breakwaters axe prohibited. Temporary devices, including sandbags, may be allowed under certain conditions. This structure shall be relocated or dismantled within two years of becoming imin nently threatened. The applicant must acknowledge this Information and reeqquuemenis by signing this notice in the below space. W(thr the proper signature, the application will not be complete. (Atfp-lioa Signature KZ /g1. / Date [ SPECIAL NOTE: This hazard notice is development In areas sub ect to sudden storms and erosion. Permita issued for devel ire— December 31 of the third yew r area exp year in which the permit was issued. Shordybefore work begins on the project site, the Local Permit Officer will determine the vegetation line and setback thePceaty our site. ifthepropertyhas seen little chang dPour development can still meet the setback requirement, the LPO will utformyou thatyyou matq beginwork.Itis impor- tantthat you check with theLPObefore thepermitexpires for official aonroval to continue the work after the permit has expiced benerally, if foundation pilings have been placudpand substantial progress is continuing, permit renewal may not be necessary. If substantial progress has not been made, the permit must be renewed and a new setback line established. It Is unlawful to continue work after permit expiration without this approval. For more information, contact: 01.10 Local Permit Officer �b fix- 2�f"75 Address Locallii mlo) 3aS- cfl31 Phone Revised 111.93 TOTAL P.02 r1, ,ws.w V� cv 1u 11n w, 1.o, rrvl•A�Av1o:nTxv 1r J LOT 6 1 LOT 5 LOT 4 ii ���0* VICINITY SKETCH NDT TO 9 PNVLNED DSELHO • EAIEs . 14Y sin PIKF09D DI[K D ssli Tor, tID TpTK swnNTou[ 61116AfL • 1N[ W[ TOTK l0T AKA . s1[S Lll PNDP09FD NsuMoua AIG -Tan ILL n1aPvxa D1tl01R1110 , EAPFS 111122 ao°ie. PI IM igrK %[ T UPpN SAIFA-.2:aK1 s4PL IOTK IDT ARA - [AM Wl PNDPO® SLIT IiDN ANlA . xm LOT 17 LOT 16 8496 Sq. FL. 0.195 Acres — —R/WI (EH NEW RIVER DRIVE — N.C. HIGHWAY 210 100' R/W (ASPHALT -PUBLIC) -[mare MAT EPK—_—EPK — — — p i (CO) _ (— `C I �Q�j lm9 rl jN(al i s1101H ! WT: CD - 4isTTIIOL CgNG (FUND) (W) sNaHA A BT10YM ETar - FrisiNO CUY.1ilE lltt]1 N-a EH - EAsI[IO RRI PIPE rum SERIAM EH E%STIq HW NOD 8 POD mW - 15, Eu1 . EIssTHO Y/A1ETI0 (a BOAim KM . ip' - 610E 75 T DA 12M P. M - Y nM,a - �oniworNA[no4oa[a ) ( )a) 1 1E/)►.. Wl1a[1 sUleflO l[( ILO. P, P. )D SOI . w OAIGQI[ Mor11111Ofi (GL) Ms Is TD R[IIPT INAT THE TN[LECT PN 7Y Is W - w NDII PP'C TMI T LpG�RD H R�Oa020N[ A9 lD 6pm NEM[MY �APPIIWKiY m[ gMil . SCT YAOIETC NK (DC) 0[T[ CII sY I1a YkDk1V1 FLFNODIDY YANA4LEN! ll%YL 1RSDICThMI.� s[T PNaTG-= NAL (CC) 1 AUNC1'. AND nE NATIONK 0.p0p [6LRAlai f41WRA1L r - CENTENt11E m i r uY T ,we 1710 NORTH NEW RIVER DRIVE �� NMa, pS�q_, PNpFEasaK uND 05-04-28 BOUNDARY SURVEY do PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN FOR 9M1e�PRJP�IT� pMN '1 '� JEROME S. BROWN & WIFE, AUSM,DAIM Mm I STANDAr96 Or ILH I �YW H I m cANaw` MT WY 19. m SANDRA A. BROWN mmw— THE M110 a CALCUTAICD n unlw[s AND ?o Ta/i ,µCAR S LOT 16. BLOCK 22, SECTION 3, OLD SETTLERS BEACH r _ EAL �L STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP, ONSLOW COUNTY, NC CURLES F. RIGGS & ASSOCIATES, INC. INO./3 P.O. BOX 1570, JACKSONVILLE, N.C. 20M1-1570 202 WARUCK STREET, JACKSONNLLE, N.C. 28540-1370 :o �_ TELEPHONE (910) 455-0877 I- 30• 1 FACSIMILE; (910) 453-9033 E-MAIL' r199NaDEO01z�,ff.c 05-20-2005 19:04 HOMEWORKS WILM 9103327103 PRGE:3