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HomeMy WebLinkAboutMills, PatsyTOWN OF SURF CIT����I� APR 2 2 P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CI , 28445 2005 Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax: (910) 3284132 DIVISION OF http://surfcity.govoffice.r,om COASTAL MANAGEMENT A D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor Nelva R Albury, Mayor Pro-tem MichaelH. Curley, Council Member Date: Applicant Name: Address: City: 04-18-05 Patsy Mills 7 Cannonball Court Greensboro, NC 27455 Donald R. Helms, Council Member Douglas C. Medlin, Council Member William I (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member Exemption # 112 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) EXEMPTION ACCESSORY USE 15A NCAC K.0209 PROJECT ADDRESS:,2009 2"" :Street, Surf Cit.v, Onsluw Collin, HIGH HAZARD FLOOD ALC I have reviewed the inlorniation submitted to this ollicc in voutinquiry concerning the necessary filing of anapplication for a minor dcvclopment lict-luitunder the Coastal Area Management Act. I I'm c determined'that`the actin 6 %ou propose_ titt�ich 1 x 154" deck to existing sumroom, is e.xcnrpt from needing a minor dc� el(Tulcngpe, mit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated 04-18 05, at it alko meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your hi`Oject will no long cr meet these conditions, please contact me before procceding. ACCESSORY USES I. The development muvt not disuu b a I,uul nut "I Cam thin 200 square feet. 2. The develo0menlnuitit 1101`unnl�e "eniow,rl, d:iinagc, of dcsluicYion of threatened or endangered animal or plantspecies. 3. The development unit not alter naturalh or attiflcialh created surface drainage channels. 4. The developnicut mutit not ailterthe landform or ve,etation ofafrontal dune. 5. The development "lust riot be �`, ithm 30 leer of uormal high water levels. 6. The development must' be consistent will; all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of this letter. Sincerely, Donna Reece Town of Surf City, LPO Signature of BROADWAY SEA: 4gpn ' JT LOT 12 M.B. 11, P. 31 VANCE E. KEE 1010 1st ST. up LOT 5 M.B. 11, P. 31 JULIUS RANKIN GRADING, INC. 2007 2nd ST. SPOT RAIL MOE r —1 "SHOEDDD LOT 11 M.B. 11, P. 31 SEBRON SASSER 1012 1st ST. LOT 8, BLOCK 36 8682.24 SO, FT. 0.20 AC. I I I I jj PROPOSED °SIN RA,(.�/y, I rrI Ip°m IA 0 3.46+ I m b WOOD DECK 40.0 J- _ — -L9 PROPOSED DRIVEWAY sT. I VICINITY MAP - NOT TO SCALE L 6V J.86 u SITE DATA N ZONE - MHS SETBACKS - y FRONT - 15' SIDE - 7.5' REM - 20' LOT 9 (M.B. 11, P. 31) KENNETH BAREFOOT 2013 2nd ST. LEOEND: EIS - E%ISRNC IRON STAKE EIP - E%ISBNG IRON PIPE WM - WATER METER PP POWER POSE SL - SECURITY LIGHT g Rill - RIGHT OF WAY --E-- - OVERHEAD POWERUNE +3.46 - SPOT EEEVABON 5 2971'13" E 71.96' 0s R/W I,. J NOTE: WATER AND SEWER SERVICES n <- I•F-P 19 I%. ME TO BE PROMOED BY TOWN OF SURF qtt. EDOE OF PAVEMENT 3 26 2nd STREET - 00' R/W 3.74 L 3.•5 — y42 — -- PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN & REF: M.B. 11, P. 31; D.B. 1626, P. 812 . PHYSICAL SURVEY 2009 SECOND STREET MAP IS A -RTY HER[ OF- THE P[ JOHN L. PIERCE, LOT NO. 8 BLOCK 36 SUBDIVISION OLD SETTLERS BEACH, EXT. TO SECT. 3 STUMP SOUND TOWNSHIP ONSI.OW COUNTY, N.C. PREPARED FOR: PATSY R. MILLS JOHN L PIERCE & ASSOCIATES, P.A. 409 JOHNSON BLVD.. JACKSONVILLE. NC 28540 PHONE: (910)346-9800 FAX: (910)346-1210 DATE: AUG. 9, 2002 SCALE: 1"= 20' F.B. 552 P 19-21 JOB P 22697 RH EDT FILE NO.