HomeMy WebLinkAboutSC_05-62_CBK Properties LLCPEH-17—OM eW4:51 PM CHARLES.F.RIGGS.RLS Surf City/Pender 1Z. lut1J�� Local Covernment 282�► 910 455 90r3�3 P_02 FEgCAMA � H of - p �, LOPMENT COASIP L PERMIT So authorized by the State of North Coroliner paparlment of snvlronment, _ Health, and Natural Roaeurpe and the Coastal Reseurcos Cernrtllosion for development In an area of onvlronenent concern pursuant to section 117a-ass or the general statao@r "Coastal area ManasanNnt' Issued t0 C3K Prnnerj)Ee- LLC authorizing development In Ocean Hazard AFC at 1349 5. Shore Dr as requested in the parmlttee's application, dated 02_03-05 . This permit, issued on U-17-05 is subject to compliance with the application and site drawing (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject permlttee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void, SC 05/62 Permit Number ,pejif4T Ttr RFMOVt cynnyl�h the K INC ld a`I)�A LPLEY DWg LIN[ WITH LAI10 (,AmNL 6 DRWords, pEa 44-45. TAD PUT ''1l he structure shell comply with the KC 6ulldmg Codo, including tlu Canal and Flood pieta Coesuu<tion 5tandarde, Chap;or as-a5, 1000 Residential Building Code, and the Local Flood Domagc Pmvuntion Ordinance a required by the Notional Flood Insurance Program. Many provisions of the building paae of a flood damage prevention ordinance is inconsistent with any of the following AC•C stailderds, the more restrictive provision shall control, 2- The structure must setback 6o fact ham the first line of tisCo natural vegetation. 3. The stl uc tum must be located ontlwly off of Inv (romal dune, and ifs primary dune to present, behind the emit ofthe primary dune 4. Tho atructum must be elevated on pilings with a dismetor of at least a mdhe[ and the lewat horizontal strucluul member must mega the 100-ysor flood level olwatlon ofdeccrmined for this lot. e- Alt pilings shall have a tip ponetretlon of 16 foot blow ealating grade or d f"t below mean in level wh:ahaver Is :ass. Foy in... atrucWm so maered on the primary dune or naaror to the cocoa, zoo piling, must extend to five foot below mean tea level. 6. Dune divmrbsnaa Will be allowed only 1. rem ruuenT acccnary for development and if the dune, protoativo value is not weakened or mmm,d dllturbcd areas wad be Immediately stabilized. 7. This pomil may be renewed fnr one year if requundbelibm me expiration data. I. The permittoe Is required m contact the Laval Formlt Of car shortly before he plans to begin ounretuetlon to arrange a mlbaov. maetaemcr. which will be effective for Italy days barrins a major eharolinc chrinSc Commotion, muel begin within 60 days ofthe d nomiination of the measurcmom is void and must be rodent. 9. Sand used to strengthen dunce must be brought In from en outside saeroe old must be ofihe same Datum as die rand is the area In which It lr to be placed. No rand la to be removed Rom the tot. to. Sand hold in storage in any dune, other than frontal or prmnry dunce may by moved laterally in order to Iuengthpn eximting primary or (rental dunes if the work would enhance the ptmaetlad to the proposed development activity end the eared is hnmediamly, stabilized. 1 I- All development must be consismat with all-applleoblo. Fiercest, State, and Local standards. 12- My structure aummired by Into permit shall be relocated of dloNnlled when it becomes imminently threatened by chime :n the sboraline eonflguration. The structure shop be talented or dismantled within Iwo years of the time when it aecornes Imminently threatened. and in any ease. upon its collapse or subsidence. However, if nalurol shorellno raeovery or baoh m-nourshormt takes plan within live years of the time the structure beeoma immiorntly duestanad, so that me sltaoturo is no [eager Imminently tMaacnod, then It rid not be relocated or dismantled at that time. This condition shall not offset the permit holdor'a right to seek authanzation of temporary protective rneoauras allowed under CAC Rules. 13- All construction will be landward of the vegeladon Imo. 14- pumusid to I6ANCAC. Subomplst 7J.0406(b), this permit any notbe assigned, tranaRned, said or othemise dispacd of Io a ihlid-piny. This permit oclion may be appealed by the pormittes or other qualified persons within twenty (20) days of the leaving date. From the dab of an appeal, any work conducted under this permit must Coos@ until the appeal is resolved. This permit must be on the project ells and acceea!ble to the permit oNioor when the oroisot !a Inspected for compliance. Any maintMance wont or project modlACation Mt covered under this permit, require further written pormll opproval. All work must cogs* when he perm![ explres on December 01. 2009 In Issuing isle permit It is agreed that this project is Consistent with the local land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. Tho permit may not be Vanafened to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. Steve Padgett P 0 !ate 2475 C//LPe'r Surf City NO 28449 rn It (signature isquired If 1 nd410 Bove apply 10 permit) Locality Surf Ocean Hazard Y- GENERAL INFORMATION LAND OWNER Name CBK Properties, LLC J�--- ..., ... - - ,, .. — . (for official use only) City State Nam_ Zip 27312 Phone AUTHORIZED AGENT Name Charles F. Riggs PLS Charles F. Riggs & Associates i Address 202 Warlick Street. P Q. Box 1570 City Jacksonville State K _ Zip LOCATION OF PROPERTY (Address, sheet name and/or direction to site. If not oceanfront, what is the name of the adjacent waterbody?) 1348 South Shore Drive-NwHLiyTpsai Ponder Co Carolina af oTownship, DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT (List all proposed construction and land disturbance.) W)we,0%; it A dkuzlim5 +-6utld Proposed Duplex with Deck Walkways and Drive SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: 10,460 square feet 0.240 acres PROPOSED USE: Residential X (Single-family _ Multi -family -J ) Commerica thidustrial Other TOTAL ENCLOSED FLOOR AREA OF BUILDING IN THE OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVI- RONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): 4 500. square feet (includes all floors and roof -covered decks) SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BU1LY-UPON SURFACES W THE COASTAL SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (AEC): Attachment sq. ft. (Calculations include the area of the roof/drip line of all buildings, driveways, covered decks, concrete or masonry patios, etc., that are within the applicable AEC. Attach your calculations with the project drawing.) Choose the AEC area that applies to your property- (1) within 75 feet of Normal High Water for the Estuarine Shoreline AEC (2) within 575 feet of Normal High Water for the estuarine Shoreline AEC, adjacent to Outstanding Resource Waters (3) within 30 feet of the Public Trust Shoreline AEC (Contact your Local Permit Officer if you are not sure which AEC applies to your property.) STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT: Is the project located in an area subject to a State Stormwater Management Permit issued by the N.C. Division of Water Quality? YES NO X If yes, list the total built -upon wra/impervious surface allowed for your lot or parcel. NIA square feet. Sc OS -(-Paa OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you are planning may require permits other than the CAMA minor development permit. As a service we have compiled a list of the kinds of permits that might be required. We suggest you check over the list with your LPO to determine if any of these apply to your project: Zoning, Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other sanitary waste treatment system), Building, Electrical, Plumbing, Heating and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Conservation, FIA Certification, Sand Dune, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Home Park Approval, Highway Connection, and Other STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP n I, the undersigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development permit, being either the owner7of property in an AEC or a person authorized to act as an agent for purposes of applying for a CAMA minor de�lWperwq permit, certify that the person listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in tWrPAI 0 property described therein. This interest can be described as: (check one) `r an owner or record title, Title is vested in see Deed Book -p;l 0 a tom. page in the County Registry of Deeds. y 9' �O an owner by virtue of inheritance. Applicant is an heir to the estate of probate was in County M. X if other interest, such as written contact or lease, explain below or use a separate sheet and attach to this application. Pq chasc to Contract NOTIFICATION OF ADACENT PROPERTY OWNERS I furthermore certify that the following persons are owners of properties adjoining this property. I affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of them concerning my intent to develop this property and to apply for a CAMA permit. (Name) (Address) (1) Ms Hreada Johnson Bowen_ 609 Belvin Maynard Road Harrells NC 28444 (2) Mr. John E. Dolansky 2209 Valley Haven Drive Ralciali. NC 27603 (3) FOR DEVELOPERS IN OCEAN HAZARD AND ESTUARINE HAZARD AREAS: I acknowledge that the land owner is aware that the proposed development is planned for an area which may be susceptible to erosion and/or flooding. I acknowledge that the local permit officer has explained to me the particular hazard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was accompanied by recommendations concerning stabilization and tloodproofing techniques. PERMISSION TO ENTER ON LAND I furthermore certify that I am authorized to grant and do m fact grant permission to the local permit officer and his agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in connection with evaluating information related to this permit application. This application includes: general information (this form), a site drawing as described on the back of this application, the ownership statement, the AEC hazard notice where necessary, a check for S 100.00 made payable to the locality, and any information as may be provided orally by the applicant. The details of the application as described by these sources are incorporated without reference in any permit which may be issued. Deviation from these details will constitute a violation of any permit. Any person developing in an AEC without a permit is subject to civil, criminal, and administrative action. This day of �48X�. 20 Of Land owner or person authorized to act as his agent for purposes o a CAMA permit application. C11ARLCS P. PIOUS AND ASSOCIATIIS, INC. 202 WAKLICK SIRLLT P. 0. BOX 1570 JACKSONVII.1,11, NO11MI CAROLINA M41-1570 TCI,FPIIONL: (910) 45S-US77 VACSIMILL': (910)455-9077 1 MAIL: riegslalld rr biuc rearm To whom it nay concern: I authorize Cluu leg F. Riggs, P WLl iou:d I.aod Surveyor, to act as wy agcul fur the application for all local, stole, mNI f¢deml pentuts. Sigt18(uN Printed Nmrx ezl/Nf��7. nddress � - )4�171-1 �A��Uc . 273i Teloph,im /0�/�— Dote Sc C)6-ua, Sc, o5-(oa CAMA I NOTICE OF FILING OF APPLICATION FOR CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT Pursuant to NCGS 113-119(b), Town of Surf City, a locality authorized to issue CAMA permits in Areas of Environmental Concern hereby gives NOTICE that on 02-03-05 CBK Properties, LLC applied for a CAMA permit to move the existing dwelling and build a duplex dwelling in the Ocean Hazard AEC at 1348 S. Shore Dr. The application may be inspected at the address below. Public comments received by 02-17-05 will be considered. Later comments will be accepted and considered up to the time of permit decision. Project modifications may occur based on further review and comments. Notice of the permit decision in this matter will be provided upon written request. Steve Padgett Town of Surf City PO Box 2475 214 North New River Dr. Surf City, NC 28445 (910)-328-4131 Please publish on 02-09-05 c°gsr'14 � / ti °os ���CFMFNT sc U.S. Postal Service.,., CERTIFIED MAILr,., RECEIPT ru (Domestic Mafl Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) For delivery information visit our website at wvnv.usps.com„. 117 CEI .I CUJU 0600 1 (Endomeneent Required!) rq ® 02/0312005 FU �, or x- ' VM CIA - ' PS Form 3000. June 2002 Sec Reverse for lnslruetione SO U.S. Postal Service.,:, L..� CERTIFIED MAILrr, RECEIPT (Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) Ir Cc HQLE MF244 L S E IF, Postage $ o certified Fee $2.30 0600 O I3 Return Reclept Fee (EndorsementRequired) 20 POSMW k Here 41.75 Ln Restricted Delivery Fee (Entloraemerd Required) i0.00 m total Postage s Fees, $ $4.65 02/03/2005 rU M1 dq --h�o"'�"J gR;K- i;fW ------------- - ---- ------------ --------------------- Wilk ph, Z/PW R Gas :rr2002 P----------------- C. ej- FEH-IO-BS 0s:o3 PM CHARLES_F.RIGGS.RL.S 910 455 9038 tea FROM :LARR`,' FIC[ CONSTPLJCTION CO. FA`/. NO. t Fab. 10 200S G2!94PM P3 F trD-ae�e6 e8t7T NI'1 CMRRL65.R.RIGGss. RL9 via 49S 947E P.02 AMC HAZARD NOTICE P►eleet la In Ant K Ocean BreadlIAe Area _. HIsh Haoard FloeeJ Ana _ Inlet Hatrerd Area Date Lot Wass Platiod: :'ears nonce is Intended to make yyou, the aDpucont, aware of the special risks and conditions esseclated with da ielel-ment In tl•3s area, which Is subject to natural .hararLs ouch As atorms, erosion and currents. The rules of !be Cuaaml Kcsources Commission require that Sou mccivo an ABC HaaArd Notice and acknowledge that "tics In writing before a permit for development can be issued. The CornMI$ston'srutes onbul�q�tSstandarde,oceanfront setbacRs a:ul d,ute aiterallon are dealgred to minimlrs, but not euminaev, propary loss from hazards. Dy �rant;ng permits, tke Ccastal Itasowws Cornmiulon pas tlot Rukra ntee the "IstPp of the dovala ment and assumes no ual.31ty lot future darrtaee to the development. "he boot avallable information, as accepted by the Cr■■tnl AHoumes CortlrnLesion, Indicates that the aivuraJ ocean er slon rate for the area where your property Is located Is -&_feet Per year. Tlut rate was estabLtshed by careful analysis of aertal pinotoptepho of the arasillne taken over the pest 50 years. sradiu a!so ardfcate tree the rhorallna could move as much a Meet landward Ina major &form. Th Aoad waters 1n a major storm Ara predicted to be about y feet deep in this area. Preferred oeeanhont protecHrn measures are baacn nourlahment and relocation of threatened structures. Hard erosion control structures such as bulkheads, seawalls, revetmerte, amines, letues and bye aayI��water& are pprohlb;ted. Temporary devices, InClUdlrlf aeni bnga,rnay be, Wowed under earboir. conslitfons. Vue structureahail be relocated or dlamantled n:•ithln two ytsn of becomina Irruninentiy threatened SPECIAL NOTIIII Ude hazard notice is ree•q�uired fet dwe.opment Ira areas sub'ect to sudden And mA14M s torm s , red emston. renm!s Gpued for develnapmenti n this sees expire on December S1 of the third year.o:lowLxg tl:e ywrin which the oermtt was issued. Snottlyybefore work bens on the FtdJece s!ea, the Lora: permit Officer w?l: ofertn!re the vegetation JU1¢ and setback distance atyou: site. It thepropertybas seen little .i,,aatntio and tharproposed de.ebyment can still meet the setback requirement, the LPOwE informyou thatyoumayybeettln work.It isimpor ant that yov check with the 110 bafo'fs the t cap,: es for official apEroval to continue the work Zee has *-eked, Generally if foundadon pUinas have beer• placed and substantut� progress Is contll1]lutN, permit renewal may not be necessary. If substenfiai proyass lief not been meldc, fine, permit must be renewed And a new =01ack Ilne eagbllshed It In uruawft4 to continue walk after permit m plretlon without INS approval. For more Information, contact; �E ✓e- TpdcgG�}• Aobnd �'- ta9urFGis� , NC vl8yii� _ scab - _... 10-,Ja-.glal P one 0010 To'�Fe�4 q� S/O 9 P'44'� 11,93 ��T PEH-10-03 93:9a RM CHARLES.(=.RIGGS.RLS rFOM I LsiRRY R MEC COF76'TRUCT I OI I CO. MI4 IJO. t PEa-ee-9E eet,e an CHARLES. P. Rr GGS. R.LS 910 455 9033 GO-OI5 I/ _� Fab. 10 22135 02! 53PM 92 l[� 91'9 4Sf! 903E P. 95 BEFORE YOU BUILD Setting Back for Safety; A Qulde to Wlee Development Alona the Oeeantsonl :+'ben )rou bulid along theoraarttrvn: oata)ssa Calculated risk. piaturAl (ereaa of eater mad wind collide with tune of force, eyat on calm days. lfon-madealruCluref Cartrlot oe guaranteed to *Arv:ve the force of at hvrrlcans. Long-term eroslcn tvr barrier UWAI 17111 Veal a. A, e00rief O7 later, wlL thruwn .xeai-.front atiuC- turae. Thast m,e the hate of LL!e for oceanfront property owntrs. -i,e Coeytal Rcty-=Tee Commlaalnn (C1tC) hat Adopted r,aes Inr bwlding atai a the oceanrun:. The ru.tz are ln- ;au!to to AIt pm li unrLI private flakro for Andp1otale and to Jmlt public And privet! losses from rtonn�` end !n:-4. term ernslon. These rules legion but do not eUnAnate th.� ele/nan•: of flak lia oca[Nront dovefoyiTtett. At you consider bwidirtg along the oceanfront, the CRC .veal a you to understand the rules and the risks. Wi dt this knowledge you can enak v a more irdofined dectskon about whore and how to build In the coasw aren. The hulas Whim "U b.uld along this OCeardnatt, coastal Manage - sent rules rsqutTe that the structure be sited to Pt safely Into the boacl: anvjrrillmen t. Sn•act ut•as along the oceanfront must It* behind the Iconto! doe, landward of the area! of the Pr•fmary itura and sat .lsack from the 8xvt ILne of natural sable volaotatlon a dla- meceee ual to 20 times the annual eroaton raVo (a mlNmum at 6C 104o. Largastructuraa Onll!tWAMVyreddentta: struc- lure$ grtator than S,000 square feet and ton-refidential 9trur9n•es grearer than 5,000 square feet) mast be Oct back ,roe., the firar line of natural stable vegeta Uun a diatanrc @I -&I tz 60 rimea the annual erosion rate or 12J feel, $ETa ACK e[TaACK I tb— -----' K tF MAST hits OF fr AON �).p lee. ANNUALI 70R ANNUAL I ON IOf10N I ARosiom AR0110h [IAT NATURAL vECSMHON i�;Te 1 E i rr.� pt )11^.t Y I' 1:•.tub-. i whlthaver Is greater 11 tM as vafost rstt 1. gr�sa7er trsln 01 feet /yaw, the setback is 3o tunva the eroe ion rote pl,.s 1.01 teat. The Reeeons The beachfront is an ever changing Wul nin The batch a:-.d the dur.to ars necural "s!+cek absorbers', takli!6 :he beat(n colth•w!r.dsandwnveennd ots.'t1n $}tea m'.d areal, liy setting back 30 of 60 times K aoou;119n xom. eroslor. raw, you have a good chance or w.jo9ykg t Icl: life of the stru c turr, At Nee t, it seems very Invi in% to Budd vamp dream ]souls as uloce to tlw beach asossih.e. bul In five years yoo could fln3 the drmn Too bazumv a nightmare Rs h;gh titles and sterrn tides Lhretaw., your taveetntent The Exception The Coastal Resources C9maniaalon reCogrized ihar thoa rules, in'tlally peased in June of 1979, m!g1,t pruve a hardshiprccs.dPle ro}+et:yowners. Tharefo:e, the, esmb. 1:sha i an exception lof lots which cs misfit meet the ietW dt rvnqutt'caner;t11 teexcryUorkIkUowebuL.dh,gsanfronto(Olt astbark line If the follows g conditlor.r appl y (1) the lot must have been platted as cl Jlate 1, ;979, and no tcapab;eot !-shag et•.)arged bycomb: ning wlth ad;oilung )end under the acme vwna•htp (2) devc., menl nuut bra sa far back on the :;parry as etahe ar.Wiin sup cue loss Shan 60 feat landward of tlSit a•ag•:allon lisle, (1) no developmm+t can take place or, the (route: dune W speeal wnatruetlon ecendards vnpiling dapplhaad •q:atv lostaEa must be met and (3) all other C1A, sate and `gal zeg:aaticne must bs met. rna a=lvytwn >a root avi fi _sin she Iislet Iirza r3 A: za. To detetrtins e11giblif ty for Alit titcepuon, the Lxnl P eraf h Officer will make those mcatmromonts and obse:vs-ictw requ(red setback/root wge)at(on line esc'epibe avbarkhnax(ntum fra+(bir', _..•__� rear p)operiy 11" eetb.:d Max e))ewsbfe sgtli)re foa)ete or. feuar; ,I, er foot era a! ea kuto red )4eta vet rig Alon 11r.d or)ing ;e.,gt h need ad to extort it 6 jam, hr:va, A: !: ea4•f[Rtl1T •Ta Vcruasi INAOE9WTI ears ACK TsAa CIRUOT9.AL: - TORM arACN fyCrtLeTqlAT■ rOlTWORaofACM rROiit f I-ON9 V9AA APIAR YTO AMpLACN aaeViLDiAO Afja-the storm, the hoNae nil the dune wiC be tone. The oihrr haes0 has A "tuck better chance of awtvitell, P(CT�? 17 CpgST L `g„�rV tM ENT Sc o5 -loa g. ATLANTIC OCEAN IFLOOD APPROXIMATE ,S54'30'00"W 66.66' 'MEAN HIGH UNE NMP NMPgMWA'NC.WM• OCEAN F STABLEGETATION 1 __ ; _-- VICINITY SKETCH RIFlBDT ( F�_-`__=pNOT TO SCALE DUNE j( "VE' 1 l ANYAPPROXIMATE WERAND DELNEATION M - r -1�4\1 M APPROXIMATE MEAN RICH WATER UNE N) �-13\ \ SHOWN IS NOT CERTIFIED & IS SUBJECT f6') J JIB;\ 1UD TO BOTH RENEW 6 FINAL APPROVAL BY U 1 CAMA A THE U.S. ARMY CORPS Q APPROXIMATE F100D LINE /L _ (' .-. ENGINEERS. _ . — FLOOD ZONE "VE" LOT 9 (ELEVATION 15') p ��/ //' 1 o \ I 1 o M.B. 1, P. I A 60' CAMA SMALL M 6/ UNCOVEAW DE I baJ I NOW OR ERLY STRUCTURE SETBACK ,[) __ _._.---___ .__. 7 I �_ JOHNSQ —(TO BEVERIFlED)—M - 25.0 25.0' LOT i rn N PROPOSED DUPLEX � ,� ? 9 V M.B. 1, P. 55 NOW OR FORMERLY DOLANSKY EAVES D.B. 1205, P. 231 8.31 Ll\ 1 I 10460 Sq. Ft. 0 --/ ------ 1' I _13 N54Z7'12'E 0.240 Acres unuiY � 6L7z' PEE / Y MBL�` 11— SI EIR MIS v N5492YB'E !/W EIP 51.70• EIP 60.05' 61R N54'30'00"E 66:fi6' IST EIR 76.22 EIR R/W 53830'11'E �9k4r5210 91, 0.51' CHI TNT. S ,pyt'J24r/ o PERVIOUS DRIVE \\ 0.91' N.C.0 IHGHIWAY 50 & N.C. HIGHWAY 50 & Y 2I_0' `n �--r9 FAIRYTALE LANE LOREFN DRIK OU _ �----- -- EDGE OF ASPHALT nF 554'19'26'W 47.66' N54'33'47'E 41.13' \ 1,154Z]7SE 71.10' EPK SMN NAIL W/ z7.o7' EPK EPK (CC) (CC) CAP (CC) (CC) (CC) N.C. HIGHWAY 50 — SOUTH SHORE DRIVE 60' R/W (ASPHALT —PUBLIC) OWNER& STANLEY P. MOREYNOLDS & WIFE, MARIA P. MCREYNODS TITLE m,Rtx. ZONED R-5 D.B. 1431. P. 41 SETBACKS REFERENCE& 51� T - ] 5' D.B. 1431. P. 41 REAR - 60' CAMA D.B. 415. P. 179 M.B. 1, P. 55 N2m um PROPOSED DWEWNG & EAVES - 2279 S,i.FL PROPOSED DWELLING & EAVES - 2279 S4F1. PROPOSED DRIVE - 700 SR.FL PROPOSED DRIVE 0 5 FL PROPOSED TOTAL BUILT UPON SURFACE - 2979 SR.FL PROPOSED TOTAL IMPERVIOUS SURFACE - 2279 S4F1. TOTAL LOT AREA - INGO S9.FL TOTAL LOT AREA - IMO S%FL PROPOSED BULT UPON AREA - 26.5i PROPOSED IMPERVIOUS AREA - 21.= LEGEND CC - CONTROL CORNER ECM - EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT (FOUND) UP - EXISTING IRON PIPE (FOUND OR - EXISTING WOI ROD (FOUND EMN - EXISTING MAGNETIC NAM- (FOUND) EPK - ELSIING PARKER-KALON NAIL (FOUND) ERRS - EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE (FOUND) MBL - MINIMUM BUILDING LINE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS THIS PflEIIMINARY PLOT PIAN IS SUBJECT R/W - RICHT OF WAY LOCATED IN FLOOD ZONE fVT r�-VARIESS WHICH TO BOTH RENEW &APPROVAL BY THE SCM - SET CONCRETE MONUMENT (CONTROL CORNER) 15 A SPECIAL R000 HAZARD AREA AS LOCAL .AIRISDICnON. SIP -SET IRON PIPE DETERMINED BY THE fEOERA EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT SR - SET IRON ROD AGENCY. AND THE NATIONA FLOW INSURANCE PROGRAM. WN - SET MAGNETIC NAIL (CONTROL CORNER) COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 1348 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE SrPK - SET PARKER-KALON NAIL (CONTROL CORNER) 1 nD0{ E AN NARY 22 1998 L - CENTERLINE ,1ufn RA,q 1, OIAR.LES FRANCIS RIGGS . PROFESSIONAL LAND 04-12-26 BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY, & SURVEYOR, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE SURVEYED THE PROPERTY AS SHOWN HEREON IN PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN FOR ACCORDANCE W TH THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE FOR LAND SURVEYING IN NORTH CAROLINA THAT DEC. 15, 2004 CBK PROPERTIES, LLC THE RATIO OF PRECISION AS CALCUUTED BY LATITUDES AND DEPARTURES IS :1. 10.000 PHEbMINAhI` PLAT X9Y LOT 8, TRACT I, NOT FOR RECORDATION, m SIDBURY ESTATE CONVEYANCE OR SALES. TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NC - CHARLES F. RIGGS & ASSOCIATES, INC. IND./3 P.O. BOX 1570. JACKSONVILLE, N.C. 28541-1570 202 WARUCK STREET, JACKSONVILLE, N.C. 28540-1570 30' 0 w' .rNX TELEPHONE: (910) 455-0877 1" — 30' FACSIMILE: (910) 455-9033 E—MAIL: r)ggslondabizec.m.com SHEET 1 OF 2 se, DIG - coa CAMA F CA dLE DR1'T`' St SON 4 H1pTWAY � m cloc VICINITY SKETCH NOT TO SCALE ANY APPROXIMATE WETLAND DELINEATION W APPROXIMATE MEAN WON WATER LINE SHOWN IS NOT CERTIFIED & IS SUBJECT TO BOTH RENEW & FINAL APPROVAL BY CAMA & THE U.S. ARMY CORPS OF WONDERS. .. ZVED FEE) I § 2005 COASTAL )S) N OF M NAGEMENT STDSY P. MCREYNOLDS & WIFE. MARIA P. MCREYNOLDS IFOSND 7ONm R-S CC COMROL CORNER RT1E SOURCE: D.B. 1431. P. 41 SEIBaCG£ ECM EXISTING CONCRETE MONUMENT (FWND) FRONT 15' DP EXISTING IRON PIPE (FOUND RFFFREufFc' SIDE a JS• OR EXISTING IRON ROD (FOUND D.B. 1431. P, tl .REM - W' CANAL EARN s EXISTING MAGNETIC NAIL (FOUND) EPK - EXISTING PARKER-KALON NAIL (FWND) D.B. 416, P. 179 M.B. 1. P. 55 ERRS . EXISTING RAILROAD SPIKE (FOUND) MBL - MINWUM BUILDING LINE THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE SUBJECT PROPERTY IS THIS PREIJMINARY PLOT PINT IS SUBJECT ft/W RIGHT OF WAY LOCATED IN FLOW ZONE ! �VARI T WHICH TO BOTH RENEW & ARFROVAL BY THE SCL1 : SET CONCRETE MONUMENT (CONTROL CORNEA) S A SPECIAL FLOOD HAZARD AREA AS LOCH JURISDICTION. SIP SET IRON PIPE DETERMINED BY ME FEDERAL WERGENCY MANAGEMENT SIfl SET TRW ROD AGENCY, AND THE NATIONAL FLOW INSUflMCE PROGRAM. WN - SET MAGNETIC NAIL (CONTROL CORNER) COMMUNITY PANEL NUMBER 1348 SOUTH SHORE DRIVE SPK - SET PARKER-KALON NAIL (CCNIRW CORNER) AN R 1990 % - CENTERLINE .M PRCFESSIONALLAND 04-12-26 BOUNDARY, TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY, & �s�B PRELIMINARY PLOT PLAN FOR "WYW. DO HEREBY CERTIFY TNAT HAVE SURVEYED THE PH THE S AS SHOWN HEREON AC IN C FOR LAND VEY THE STANDARDS OF PRACTICE DECO FOR IATI SF PRECISION IN AS CALCULATED CARWNA THAT DEC. 15, YW4 CBK PROPERTIES, LLC THE RATIO AN PREPARW AS OO BY MDNDES AND DEPARTURES IS : ]. \O.OW 1Y'DY LOT B, TRACT I, SIDBURY ESTATE fYUf i�iFti_(�Uf3DATiO4 TOPSAIL TOWNSHIP PENDER COUNTY NC COtVVE MAiVCE OR SALES. CHARLES F. HIGGS & ASSOCIATES, INC. IND./3 P.O. BOX 1570, JACKSONVILLE, N.C. 28541-1570 >rMF 202 WARLICK STREET, JACKSONVILLE. N.C. 28540-1570 30' 0 w' TELEPHONE: (910) 455-0877 FACSIMILE: (910) 455-9033 E—MAIL: riggsland®bizec.rr.com SHEET 2 OF 2