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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPierce, Jimmy A. (2)JLd -7 7 V E TOWN OF SURF CI APR L1 J5 P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CI . C 28445 I V S I O N C) F Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax: (910) 328-416.2 DIVISION I L M A N AG E M E NT http://surfcity.govoffice,com Donald R. Helms, Council Member A D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor Douglas C. Medtin, Council Member Nelva R. Albury, Mayor Pm-tem William J. (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member Michael H. Curley, Council Member Exemption # 110 Date: 03-22-05 Applicant Name: Jimmy A. Pierce Address: P.O. Box 2704 City: Surf City, NC 28445 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINORS) STUCTURAI, ACCESSWAY 15A NCAC 7K.0207 PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS' Eatiancut betty ecu 2512 & 2514 S. Shore Drive AEC OCEAN HAZARD I have reviewed the inlbrm ma ion submitted to this office it, your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application tot a minor dceelopment permit ander the ( oastal Area Management Act. I have determined that the activiri you propose is exempt h-0111 ucediug a minor dc�elopment permit as long as it u remains consistent with yor site dtawing:rdated 0, ? -o�. and it also meets the conditions specified below. if your plans should chan,.,c ,md your project «ill lit) ,lon e, uucz these conditions. please contact me before proceeding. STRUCTURAL AC,GI SSWAt I XEMPTED I. The access t%°av must not exceed 6 feel in rtiidth and nnut he lot li n ale residential orfor public access 11) the hunch. 2. The access way must be consiructcd w as nt quake to altcndions to the frontal dunes that are not necessan to construct the access'way. "I his mcaus that Miele ever possible the access way must bo constructed over the I'rimtaQcbnic without uns alteration ofthe dunes. In no case shall the dune be altered so as to signiticmuly diminish its capacity as a protective barrier against flooding mitt erosion. 1), k ilig the Illings into the dunes shall not be considered alteration ofthe (little Ibi file purpowe of this rules 3. The access way shall conlorm to any applicable; local or state building code standards. This exemption to CAMA permit requiiettteiits does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 60 days from the date of this letter. Sincerely, aVu'IVtI Donna Reece Town of Surf City, LPO Signature of prcce RECEIVED MAk 2 2 2005 ECEIVE APR 0 4 Ms DIVISION OF ""?STAL MANAGEMENT Cc, -5'rTBAC i�Pac � /�ccCsS F�� �;���•� SfTe4cX _ Y h 8 6723 'o — 779 °� 21 s� io 0703 S° 32?40 7319 32226 s7so y° 7 6669 S8 8639 ^° `�° > ss 3225 sa �,y 2 , S2247' 6 6695 ss 19615 sm , 322�24 '08671 32246 y 4' 6 7630 ^O "" "y 32245 l ti0. 4 8506 i° 32244 s 7572 yy °" 31, 27 0520 �`)) y0ti1 31496 00 9 15 yA9y 31497 0" 26318 9433 2 P- 420 ^"' 314983 26317 Q� 8399 1,0 5307 1 �- \ ^Q\ 's° �1` �'s� :%&17 'i"y y 2 1, S ss 12654 2220 8320 4288 ay 285 99 '9B �0 y 26 7276 Y> y '(36) 4y 1y ''' 26779 y° 9498G" 8733 7231qp w t� yy ` 1y 6169 �V ' 18280 17 26 yy 5195 Alb > ,,AM It 18 17r515 Inv �h 5037 'tiy 16787 19 h ppR 0 4 2 4082 OF 20 [)I\/ NAGEMENT Qnc17 15 — ---C STAB M -- Pender County 4013p7v DScale : 1 Inch = 87 Feet. N GeoBlocks CD } Date : 03/23/2005 January 2005 Release * witnmm unsdktioo andoimnaledentory (malporded teens ry J emncdmaomrewrsed amass. } } plats arehendoihw ubfkmcordsaimdata. public t Nmmap d!eatiOn nettledthat dteeconslnedfr winkpf:Tdfyhe tmma[mn soe�eez shoals bt consulted (w vThe nri .-0 of r a InyagaoreVonsned of lhls map.noWnco are an assumesap pFNDi: any le,z: responsibliy har mein(wmaUen conWnetl on this map.