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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBrian & Beverly Buyers (2)TOWN OF SURF CITY P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CITY, NC 28445 Telephone: (910) 328-4131 Fax: (910) 328-4132 A D. (Zander) Guy, Jr., Mayor Nelva K Albury, Mayor Pro -tern Michael H. Curley, Council Member Date: 03-15-2006 Applicant Name: Brian & Beverly Buyers Address: 4992 Route 52 City: Ripley, OH 45167 Donald R. Helms, Council Member Douglas C. Medlin, Council Member t L (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member COASTAL AL MANAGEMENT 108 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINORS) SAND FENCE 15A NCAC 07K.0212 PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS: 2110 South Shore Drive, Surf City, Pender County AEC OCEAN HAZARD I have reviewed the information submitted to this oflice in } om inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Aica Management Act. I have determined that the activity von propose isexempt from needing a minor dcv clopment permit as long as it meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and vourpi oject will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proccedurg_ SAND FENCE EXEMPTED 1. Sand ferrcesnuishnot exceed >j'in height 2. Sand fences must be placed as far landward as possible to avoid impeding turtle activity and public unafEic. 3. In no case ma} the fencing exceed 1 p' beyond the furthest ol'the following: the first line of stable natural \ Cgetat on the loe of the frimtal of pi imary dune or the erosion escarpment of the dunc. 4. Non-functioning, damaged, or unsecured sand fencing shall be immediately removed by the property ow ner. 5. In no case shall sand fencing be located or placed on the wet sand beach. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of this letter. Sincerely, .&"I G� Donna Reece 1-7 (kt 1, i"A) flel CRI MAR 8 S t M ON OF \_ I VI pi wNT IO2 ft. � �wwl r