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HomeMy WebLinkAboutPierce, Jimmy A.TOWN OF SURF CITY P. O. BOX 2475 214 N. NEW RIVER DRIVE SURF CITY, NC 28445 Telephone: (910) 3284131 Fax: (910) 3284132 A D. (Zander) Guy, Jr, Mayor Donald R. Helms, Council Member Nelva R. Albury, Mayor Pro-tem Douglas C. Medlin, Council Member Michael H. Curley, Council Member William J. (Buddy) Fowler, Council Member Date: 03-22-05 Exemption # 110 Applicant Name: Jimmy A. Pierce Address: P.O. Box 2704 City: Surf City, NC 28445 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINORS) STUCTURAL ACCESSWAY 15A NCAC 7K.0207 PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRX sS: EascineAbetween 2512 & 2514 S. Shore Drive AEC OCEAN HAZARD 1 have reviewed the inlurulatiofl submitted to this of ice in � om inquiryconcerning the necessary filing ol'an application far a minor development permit unJcr the C ua tnl Atca Management Act. I have determined that the activit.N }OLI lii'opose is exempt front nccdmg a m nu ii dcvelt).pmeni permit as long as it remains consistent with Nom. ilc drawing dated 03 22-0l , and it also iiiccts the'Cbudilions specified below. Ifyour plans should ChIlli-C and yourproject will nolooiNi meet disk conditions. please contact me before proceeding. STRUCTURAL AC(41 SSWA)` EXEWIN,] 1) I. The access waN, MUM pot uvcccd 6 Ieel in idlh and must he for priN Idc residential or for public accesstoi the beach. 2. The access lea, unist be comlrucled sn as to make no uns to the IIontal dunes that are not uecessaty to cqust� act the access �tia�, "I hi, melts thal a� here e!Kcr possible the access Way mast I7C GiI15 tl'lletl ll (�Vl`I li1C IIU1118t dUnC A� 11lriiUl all) dheratj6ll ofthe dunes. In no case shall the dutiC be altered su as to its Caplicity as a protective barrier against flooding Intl crosiCin. Driving the linings into diC dunes shall not be considered alteration of the dune foi the pmpoww of(his III) 3. Tate access way shall conl'nnu lu ma applicall I 'aYO building code standards. This exemption to CAMA penuit rcyuuCmeuls not ((a��lle/v/I/atO.T I, �n� of your obtaining any other State, Federal or local authorization. This ex no❑ e�GO day�'frll�la to of this letter. ''r 6 Sincerely, CO,gs O/1// Aw Donna Reece Town of Surf City, LPO Signature of Tq� MgtvAt �op FM FNT frets (9Ao00. RECEIVED MAH 2 2 nun /11 iti. tee r 7/3 /1c /< L,., 1—ff. rC Ca r IJ-pn SET¢ L'JPc.C� 111Crr s) /lewd Y-�-o UIJ 8 6723 7793 lob 21 ca-15 0703 ----- ----- s 03 Ile32226 s° �' 7319 32?40 9760 yo 7 6669 -9 8639 1 y° s° 32Z25 ,>1 S2247� 23 y° 6 6695 s0 2 °9615 32246 27 5 76s3o2224 >108671 yo 3 '>° "y 23 110 32245 "p 4 8506 roo 27 32244 7572 31 27 0520 y°ry1 314961 boy 9476 ` 15 31497 26318 77 9433 2 yo6" zo \ ' ^y 26317"' 314983 >s 5307 1 p O� R/ ' 8399 y o, V y ey ,� LJ � 3'6 227 y"9 2 > 8364 26 °Ys 12654 2220 /(, 8320 4288 �y oo J 2 0° °y °S 26 7276 �498 "y "6' °y 26779 5 o M 733 7231 yo 00 �y 6169- "" 26 no ,g ,18280 17 o° 5195 '`'s 18 17515 ,y 1111�� 503 i APR 06 20�i 16787 19 DIVISION OF wts<' COASTAL MANAGEMENT 20 once Pender County o�Nrr u� Scale : 1 Inch - 87 Feet. 4 GeoBlocks CD . Date: 03/23/2005 January 2005 Release r _� f Tllis map is prepaed h the n'renhny of realpropeM lounil I�ii�mcwn. mid is canytiled M1onl recorded deeds. �1 } (� v plats and 0':'r pabrkr as and tlala. Users oflhis map \ are hereby noobed lhal ft a Ml sW aned paWic prvnap nr l01-AOA sources slloWd be consaBed la vehFcAon ai lbe pBA inloaabmlcohWiedoa Nismapv. The counlyr USl assmres aoy le9a'responshility f, the inlprnlallan conl1l on Ihls map.