HomeMy WebLinkAbout04-20 City of New Bernlssued by DCM Craven County This permit action may be appealed by the permittee or other qualified peEons within twenty (20) days of the issuing date. This permit must be on the proiecl site and accessible to the permit officer when the pOect is inspected for compliance. Any mainlenance u/ork or prolect modification not clYeled undel this permit, require furtherwritlen permit approval. Allwork must cease when this permit expires on: December 31, 2023 CAMA MINOR DEVELOPMENT PERMIT as authorized by the State of t{orth Carolin., Depa ment of Environmental (luality and the Coastal Resour!€6 Commission for development in an atea of envimnment concem pursuant to Section 113A-118 of the General Stabtes, "Coastal Area l.lanagemenf 04-20 Permit Number NORTH Environnental Quality 84ad eo$dl Brad Connell NCDCM FIELD REPRESENTATIVE 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 ln issuing this permit il is agreed that this proiect is consistent with the local Land Use Plan and all applicable ordinances. This permit may not be transfened to another party without the written approval of the Division of Coastal Management. A rt ,1,NLWW PERMITTEE it) lssued to the Citv of New Bern authorizing development in the Estuarine Shoreline (AECs)at 604 S. Glenburnie Road, in New Bern, Craven County as requested in the permittee's application, dated January 16,2020. This permit, issued on Januarv 29, 2020, is subject to compliance with the application and drawing received by DCM on January 24, 2020 (where consistent with the permit), all applicable regulations and special conditions and notes set forth below. Any violation of these terms may subject the permittee to a fine, imprisonment or civil action, or may cause the permit to be null and void. This permit authorizes: a pa*ing lot, a restroom facility, a picnic shelter, and a paved water access path. (1) All proposed development and associated construction must be done in accordance with the permitted site drawing, received by DCM on January 24,2020. (2) All development shall be performed in accordance with the NC Division of Water Resources' Neuse River Basin Riparian Buffer rules. (3) This permit does not authorize the excavation or filling of any wetlands or open water areas, even temporarily. (4) All construction shall conform to the N.C. Building Code rEuirements and all other local, State and Federal regulations, applicable local ordinances and FEMA Flood Regulations. (5) Any change or changes in the plans for devetopment, construction, and/or land use activities will require re-evaluation and modification of this permit. (6) A copy of this permit shall be posted or available on site throughout the construction process. Contact this office at (252)808-2808 for a final inspection at completion of work. al Permit Conditions on P 2and3 (Signature required if conditions above apply to perm Name: New Bern Minor Permit # 04-20 Date: January 29, 2020 Page 2 ot 2 (7) All unconsolidated material resulting from associated grading and landscaping shall be Etained on site by effective sedimentation and erosion mntol measures. Disturbed areas shall be vegetated and stabilized (planted and mulched) within 14 days of construction completion. (8) The amount of impervious surface/coverage on this property shall not exceed 30% within 75 feet of the Normal Water line contiguous with the Neuse River and Bachelor Creek. (9) Pursuant to 15A NCAC, Subchapter 7J.0406(b), this permit may not b€ assigned, transfened, sold or othenrise disposed of to a third-party. (10) lf a couil of competent jurisdiction determines that a party other than the permittee has legal rights to any part ol the area approved under this permit, this permit shall be null and void as to the area the court determines is not owned by the permittee. This conditron shall take effect on the date such murt judgment becomes flnal. ln such event, the permittee shall consult DCM prior to initiating or continuing any further development under this permtt. x lh aru' tr]crruL,'DATE i- 30 -aDSIGNATURE PERMITTEE t North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality Division of Coastal Management Braxton C. oavis Director BUFFER AUTHORIZATION CERTIFICATE FOR CERTAIN CAMA TIINOR PERMITS IN THE NEUSE AND TAR-PAMLICO RIVER BASINS A riparian buffer authorization is required for activities designated as "Allowable" within the Tar- Pamlico & Neuse River basins per Division of Water Resources (DWR) regulations 15A NCAC 028 .0259& .0233. The riparian buffer begins at the most landward limit of either the normal water line (NWL), normal high water line (NHWL) or the coastal wetland line and extends 50 feet landward measured horizontally on a line perpendicular to the surface water. Certain activities permitted under a Coaslal Area Management Act (CAMA) Minor Development Permit have a Buffer Authorization from DWR as long as they comply with all conditions of this Certificate. lf any condition of this certification cannot be mel or if the project falls outside the activities listed below, then the applicant is required to submit an application and receive written concurrence from DWR prior to beginning any work. A Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) application for requesting buffer authorization and the corresponding 'Help' document may be obtained on the DWR web site: http://portal. ncdenr.orq/webiwq/swp/ws/40 1 /ri o a nan bu ffers/authorizations variances Those activities covered by your Coastal Area Management Act (CAMA) permit have received Buffer Authorization as long as the project is constructed in a manner that meets the "no practical alternatives" and diffuse flow is maintained and the project continues to meet all of the conditions listed below. Failure to obtain or failure to comply with this Buffer Authorizatlon may subject the property owner & the party (contractofl performing the construction &/or land clearing to a civil penalty by DWR of up to $25,000 per day per violation. l Allowable activities as described below: . Bridges o Clearing and grading in Zone 2 only provided that all disturbed areas are re-vegetated immediately and Zone 1 is not compromised, which includes maintaining diffused flow of storm water runoff through Zone 1 . Decks in Zone 1 and 2 provided that they are open, uncovered wood-slatted decks with a finished floor elevation of at least 8 feet and the area under the deck remains vegetated o Driveway crossing on single family residential (SFR) lots that disturb greater than 25 linear feet or 2,500 square feet of riparian buffer . Greenway/Hiking trails o Non-electric utilities lines non-perpendicular crossings in Zone 2 only o Non-electric utility lines perpendicular crossings that disturb greater than 40 linear feet of riparian buffer and with a maintenance corridor of greater than 10 feet . Non-electric utility lines perpendicular crossings that disturb greater than 40 linear feet but less than 150 linear feet of riparian buffer and with a maintenance corridor of equal to or less than 10 feet . Overhead electric utility line perpendicular crossings that disturb greater than 150 linear feet of buffer a Any activity listed as Exemot in the Table of Uses in 15A NCAC 028 .0259(5) & 1 5A NCAC 028 .0233(6) Page 2 . Periodic maintenance of modified natural streams (canals) and a grassed travelway on one side of the surface water when alternative forms of maintenance access are not available . Playground equipment installed on lands other than SFR lots or that requires the removal of vegetation . Protection of existing structures, facilities, and streambanks when this requires additional disturbance of buffer . Railroad crossings that impact greater than 40 linear feet but equal to or less than 150 linear feet or 1/3 of an acre of buffer . Road crossings that impact greater than 40 linear feet but equal to or less than 150 linear feet or 1/3 of an acre of buffer o Streambank Stabilization . Temporary roads that disturb greater than 2,500 square feet provided that vegetation is restored within 6 months of initial disturbance . Temporary roads used for bridge construction or replacement provided that restoration activities are conducted immediately after construction. . Temporary sediment and erosion control devices in Zones 1 and 2 to control impacts associated uses approved by DWR or the Division of Coastal Management (DCM). . Water dependent structures as defined in 15A NCAC 28 .0202 . Underground electric utility line perpendicular crossings that disturb greater than 40 linear feet of buffe r Pre-project site conditions bulkhead and lawn orasses lhor, ldarrcru Agent or Applicant Printed Name Signature January 29,2O2O Age or Applicant Signature lssue Date Permit Officer's t Anv structure (includinq but not limited to: house. commercial buildinq. qazebo. deck. qaraqe. shed. etc) or activitv except as described above which is located within the rioarian buffer is not covered bv this authorization. By your signalure below, you agree to be held responsible for meeting all of the above listed conditions and verify that all information is complete and accurate. Questions regarding this process should be directed to wetland/buffer staff of DWR or DCM staff. !Saad Qarudl c^Jvuw CAMA MINOR PERMIT #: 04-2O l"t[El.s ;;=;;EE E E E <a i ; i I, ? l. i .l a.H\; ; FF: x {rz_E Gl+e t1-+6: 5; ErEEe YY$YYA 3Ee:E== 3:e35e i.EaEEnG 4o:roh d= EiEqi rr+rB1 EeF=s;f; €3FrA; *5 ES ?dE fiEfslg cl f Ii'E ? pIiFr"$ EBc=1li :i3-i* -* llii: 5ie iE ?i?a=" I;: I 3 = E EF9 o i ; e 3E: 3 q: : ag 5 FH E dH E I ;'-a r gE 9e g a z-l i.z €EExi {;'l'l ii*Ei?I i':r =€ii:; 3E E +i! 1E iE rl=>i3 i e{ E;[*t1il ?{;'*E : iE 11 5;E I a ! 9 != t =: a;-d€i9i1 !t:rfi-Eig: -1:>6a € 3P 3 SiiEEAi 1; 3.!iigr?E-=g;isiiE ! 9: r; : gi i'it e<i'!i:EEi iB € ;.63l!: r dsi$5 ;iE=1 * ii* x E i r! ai F t Fr liigi= I r = 1eE SiPEI-i i: i !.f a I ge 1a ls:iiiAF g+li* =i!:: :1.1ii + =: ii:; e t1i5: t!E:Srt EleSix=6 ! 31^=:> E =r rs al!af1s;-=1 lir:i ?E r .lGlz1 l>II t E' q. P=' =< ! 4E: a +i :fi = {i :1 3a 6i :r ;!2Z x! c3 Ei 1; :Eia 3a !E' o 6 3. E I :! E. I F E. I o g P ! 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I tr addimic l!tum ftrlri, see a l.bl .Amtdr.trhnfltrfr.E iCht6. '_ dssii.ble lbr esslsFrEa.To mc.i,6 a firplicab r Eoclutk y{rincdo0;daftrry d,![atrlpiad lrt n ocohtl0 m adddold tq Fo8rtttrh IEPSO-pclnaf€d catnod [bI ,t aigt b to .l.J ol et*" na,a, t",mldr" |lbilasso'iat!' ;i;;*) 0d t-,ifi',.d br'tr'dfis;ce" - Relthld ddi y t€'$cs. trilt Foid.. d;;rr"d;".bd_ ' dellr0rybhladdru$e.9.dn0dlylEn,r-'--'-- :-'- -'- to llo adl,lrsr'! fillnttd rCrt'inryArtRefutatde - Itutt6ignat 66dric6,rit r6dnsti.. You ma] Ffth.r Crtfl.d Md ssrylco ui$ dgn 6 b r. st test 2] Fars ol ag. (nol Erst-qe ailt, EBt-C1rss Prcrrgs S.rvicr, avsltalto st r6E10. or Pnodt Mail. !8lvc'. - ld{tt srg}abn |r t{cfad d€twr} s!hc, vrtldlr Ccrtll€d Mail servlco b ,Dl amlhDh lbr nqulr.s lle sl{n6lD be at lsE! 21 F6rs ol ila lrienatjonal ti|. sr{FoJid€.doltvarybtlradn8e3p€dfd r lm{rafte covoriga b mfadbDl! lbafltdrrF !y ftNm6,oab trB 3ddrs6! efiEtstd 4ol1t wltt Csriili€d lilall $rvic'. Horr'd!'rr, tr prrclE o (not svdilaDl6 at Btlil). olC6nifodlldl3efih8doo6notcfElEh.. . To dl{JrB ilat yur Cdiithd l|dt llcstpt h hEurancs cov€raio aubmatcal, hdud€d wilt acc€@d .s teial Ewt ot mallltc, tt stiol,td ied, a ceiain ftiflity Mail ibnu. usps pctil6rk r yo [ooE [rs a po6fiErr mI for .n ad{ithnll lEs, &d trih . p.Aor &i Csrfii€d liht r8crigl ple&ro !{€s€lt you €ldffsomfftdr tL F4deco, y00 nEy r€ql61 oftned Man fiBm da Pod tilc6-hr the r.llo'dlg 6€.re . p6tmr8n!. tt)oo Oo'l ned, postmrtfi $b - Rtuft Gcelpt 3.lllct, $icfi E0vt€6 a r6cod C.Itfrod lldt l!c!h( ddran fu hflrod€d portar ot d.livay (ndodllg tu raclddts dgnatnB). of tlb hbol, Elft( lt b tlo |ndpb.6, .CCty ttu car r.qu6l a h€n copt ltt nre"lpifil[l apprwEb poafa{o, a1d do0odl tr. ndhl.ca. aloctonlc v€xior. for a Mnlcory rEllim r6@G complet6 Ps hfln 381l, &fl,otr rrtlr, i?dcrptatEdl Psfom 3811 b yr(r melpi*oi miEf,t5.r.rBr*at Frfir Pa Fad 3800!lp.02or5 (n !r'r,,P8x7tlo-@aooeaT A NEWBERN ----r PARXS A RECREATION Arf,& /nd d,/fii dft ,+rs [aAldermen Sabrina Bengel Jameesha Harris Bobby Aster Johnnie Ray Kinsey Barbara J. Best Jeffrey T. Odham Foster Hughes, CPRE Director of Parks & Recreation 1307 Country Club Rd New Bem, NC 28562 Office 252 639.2901 Fax 752 63MI38 Dana E" Outlaw Mayor Mark A. Stephens City Manager January 16, 2020 Donald R. Messer 104 Bayer CT Havelock, NC 28532 Dear Mr. Messer, This letter is to inform you that, on behalf of the city of New Bern, I have applied for a CAMA Minor permit and General Permit on our property (Martin Marietta Park) located at 604 S. Glenburnie Road, in craven County. As requir€d by CAMA regulations, r have encrosed a copy of the permit apprication and proiect drawing(s) as notification of our proposed proiect. At your ealiest convenience, please sign and return the enclosed Adjacent Riparian Property owner statement for CAMA Minor Permit and the owner Notification/waiver forms in the self addressed stamped envelopes. lf you have any questions or comments about thls proposed project, please contact me at 252-539-2915, or by mail at the address listed below. lf you wish to file written comments or objections with the LOCAI GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor permit program, you may submit them to: NC Division of Coastal Management Brad Connell 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 Foster Hughes, CPRE Director of Parks & Recreation If.:r I r r), r, l] I RECEIVED JAN 2 4 2020 DCM.MHD CITY Sincerely, t7t- \+"/'*- r \"; GERTIFIED MAIL . RETU RN RECEIPT REOUESTED DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER NOTIFICATION,YT'AIVER FORM Name of Property Owner:No,,rr Br^n l-oo e R hJ r (Lot or Stre€t #, Street or Road, City & County) 0 at,hts 9 qt tleru [3xq,,N0 trsr,3 ot by ca lng 1{88.|RCOAST. notltied by Certfiled Mail. I do wish to waive the 15' setback requiremenl. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. rlUI Agent's Name #: Agent's phone #: I hereby -certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached diawing_ihe development they are proposing. A description or drawino. with dimensions. must b€ providA with this letter. _ I have no objections to this proposal. _ I have objections to this proposal. lf_you heye oblecaons to what ls batng proposd, wu mus/, now the Dtvlston of coaabl ,r.n.gemont(DCu) ln writlng wlt rin 10 days of rccelpt ot thls notico. c;nbct lnfonn.fron for DCU ofrc* rc WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lifr musl be set back a minimum distance of 15'from my area of riparian acoess unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you !!!g&!!!g! the appropriate btank betow.) Signature (Property Owner lnform on) adL (Riparian Propefi Chrner lnfomation) n4 Pint ot Typo Name to.{+UT City/State/Zip Telephone Number / Email Address u e Pdnt or Type Mailing Address Ntr^r ,., l{u ag 5lr3 City/State/Zip Telephone' l-ltr-aD RECEIVED Address gDv Da,e Address of Property: No tr,,tairins rooressfqlS2L_Llil!__ ?o brn lla9 Signanre Mailing Addresb Aa,vUouL<, ll)U (RevtudAtts'3frfl2+ zozu DCM-MHD CITY Dale ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adiacent to Property locatsd at of Property Ownor) n {Parccl lD* 8-Aq Address, Lot, Block, Road, otc.) r 's 033 Nlt,nr. fi; vrru ln NI ut B?.rn,(.N.Con (Town and/or County) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and prorecl drawing(s), the developmenl he is proposing at that location, and, I have no objections to his proposal. LI ION AND D LOPMENT ATTACH Signature Print or Typ€ Name Telephone Number Date RECEIVED JAN 2 4 2020 DCM.MHD CITY U.S. Postal Service'" , CERTIFIED MAIL@ RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only 5-.o ITru .l ^.om ru ruEEE E) IT ru ru CO EF IAL USE.' 0560 l+ tJl/16t2',i)211 13.tB Eita S€fticd & F66lt,rdaox.dd,h.EF.lmn..Ft0rd6pr, t En.nn.*r{eqrq I E C-rnbd rd B.dd.d [,!arry t Elrdrisr..r-ftqird I E r4/r alrir Fdlcr.d D.r'iy I -mfil-c0.08 --+S.{{1- TffNJ^) tl.15t -CtiI li,;'llir'.: ti Pti bt inai5,2lP+7r Fordelivery ihformalion, visil our website al $ {.w-usps.com! Seht To Certfied iran servlcc proyiCes t rs tollowlng bon€trts: . A Bc.bt Ob poltqld0ro Offid fel b!€t '_ luEtrloctlolclotummd,&lssalgbtr r AljllC'l. ffiaataiturrdrfra, assoddlcdtuCaIo ncel|,. ldudlcaL r E€cruic yitffir ot rhlyir nrknor.d oum mctlt lb.0o ddltdd lb., pro3qn hi! d.ltwv l,EPsll)"podrirrlod hrlifrd r&I reid b [r .amc0;dotEY(ldfrrtpr!6|€,ft rebll''ssel'b' shrtstunltdb;dlldh_[DIt66s.irhr- - 8€$HBd d.*ri] latlc!. x .rrF!!,tsB ; . .r.imra uta ddlv€.v b t15 .d@.6.. 3p.dff6d b, mme 0rnffiac;,,de*: .njf,Hm#mm"* t Ydl nray l(Idrasa C€,ti6d tlrfl 5a*E ll$ ligi€e to ba it lGt 2l yeaB of aoa (not Hrst-ctass litati., Flst-chss Pa.k !o s6r$cf, aiauue a ratly. lT9q dFscflr9 - Adunsrqn rrlGtffidefiery!.rvrc6,riLtI Cednsd lhll Gorlke ls ,otavalhfla lba requtres tia liliae b bo at k6st 21 ytan of eoa hrt8llElil}rl lI,aL and ,(ovld6a dd'fiy t tr #drsssae spadfodr huraJEo @yer4a h rutevalleblo tor $$na by nanq or b tl. addr..6oab arhortstd ag.m Iii& Cariiff€d Mali !8rvlcs. fhll?rlr, 0to prrd6 (not availall. d rEE0. dCaftA€dflalll..lkEde3lltc:lullg9q"... .To"-r"rorturCaffodI&Incddb hEUr}E coyE ai.arbaBtcalylndrLd$h .ccep$d as 6d Fo.d ot ma,th!, it rtior:tu tar r c8lbJn Ellit lral lbm!. USCS pGrndi I yq, wq,ld rc; p@nart fli. tur,, eddtlcd to. ald,fi a g.opL ttb Certiffad tHIncof( deaae pnastys,' €nddssmsit m 0A fiEllplo. y0{ iray Dqr6si Cerufhd llett ttem rt r ftst Olfca" lor Uls loio*in, rr'rlcc< pctlEftng. r FU doo,r n€ed s po6M( ootnts - &trn mcddsoftlc6,r cllP.0Y1r6.erEcod b"tff€d $ir nitpt d.r|r tu b€nod€d podtrl 0ldotulry(rndrdlng!l3rDddsts!&ratm). ot{rsbb€t,dft ibtt nujtpiec6,slCty tbu ca,Gqu€st I hadcop, rlurm,!c.ld( er $faoghts po${a. 'd d69o€lt h€ m]irl€. docrrmb vcrsho. For a l8dcopy lltfi llcelpt comr6l6 fS Form 3fi f, Irdtu$irlMr" tucrtt ech PS Fo.m 3811 b lur rdlphcq |ltlftrf,!|&r.!I.n +llrttrrEla Fr! Fm Sem, rd 2016Ind6,, P!r{ r&@{o{a, A Aldermen Sabrina Bengel Jameesha Harris Bobby Aster Johnnie Ray Kinsey Barbara J. Best Jefftey T. Odham 1307 Country Club Rd New Bem, NC 28562 Otrice 252 639.2901 Fu<252 6364138 Dana E. Outlarr Mayor Mark .4.- Stephens City Manager January 16, 2020 Buzz Crosby Martin Marietta Materials INC 2700 Wycliff Rd, Suite 104 Raleigh, NC 27607 Dear Buzz, NC Division of Coastal Management Brad Connell 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 Sincerelv. 7-k l+'ek RECEIVED tIfitrrtrr, Foster Hughes, CPRE Director of Parks & Recreation NEW BERN--,- PARXS E RECREATION Rm!} /n6 ,i/ /ii d ,4.t E la Foster Hughes, CPRE Director of Parts & Recreation This letter is to inform you that, on behalf of the City of New Bern, I have applied for a CAMA Minor Permit and General Permit on our property (Martin Marietta Park) located at 604 S. Glenburnie Road, in Craven County. As required by CAMA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of the permit application and proiect drawing(s) as notilication of our proposed project. At your ealiest convenience, please sign and return the enclosed Adjacent Riparian Property Owner Statement for CAMA Minor Permit and the Owner Notification/Waiver forms in the self addressed stamped envelopes. lf you have any questions or comments about this proposed project, please contact me at 252-639-2915, or by mail at the address listed below. lf you wish to file written comments or obiections with the LOCAL GOVERNMENT CAMA Minor Permit Program, you may submit them to: iAN 2 4 2020 DCM.MHD CITY ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER STATEMENT FOR CAMA MINOR PERMITS I hereby certify that I own property adjacant to o{ Ntll . t,, I bu (Name of Property Owner) ,s 1o t)qS lrn.hu ,o.Q )Qn I tn *g - lJd -0 4 3 Address, Lot, Block, Road, etc.) |..1r-nt 6-l,rtnonin N.C. (waterbody)Oown and/or County) He has described to me as shown in the attached application and pro.iect drawing(s), the development he is proposing at that location, and, I have no ob.iections to his proposal. AND DRAWING OF PR POSED DEVEL ENT A HED Signature Print or Type Name Telephone Number Date RECEIVED JAN 2 4 2020 DCM-MHD CITY property located at Nt,,s, ltivtv CERTIFIE D MAIL .RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Name of Property Owner:Li Nt,^rB bo,/ S nbunrun R/. N Lw&un NIC, - &a^Jllv (Lot or Slro€t #, Street or Road, City & County) Fo t u Mailing nddress:?D t4ol \\l q 25 l5 N rru B*ru It\L Qtst 3 I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to the above referenced property. The individual applying for this permit has described to me as shown on the attached drawing_the development they are proposing. A description or drawino. with dimensions. must be provided with this letter. _ I have no objections to this proposal. _ I have objections to lhis proposal. tf you have obbcflons to whet ls bolng prolE,sad, you must nofify tha Dvlston of C@sf,t Namgement @CQ in wd ng within 10 days of recelpt ol tfiis notlce. Contact lnlormaoon lor DC ofices ls ayail able at htto l/www. n ccoastal m an ace m e n L netlw eb/c n/stafl- I i sai no or by ca ing 1-8881RCOAST. ,Vo resporse ,s considered the sama as no ob,ectlon lt vou have been not!fied byCortttied,ta. WAIVER SECTION I understand that a pier, dock, mooring pilings, boat ramp, breakwater, boathouse, or lifr musl be set back a minimum distance of '15'from my area of riparian access unless waived by me. (lf you wish to waive the setback, you !!.E]L!!!!b! lhe appropriate btank below.) I do wish to waive the 15' setback requirement I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement (Property Own ii* tr er lnlo7lnalionl t+4-- Telephone (Riparian Property Owner lnformation) Signature 0 Mailing Address Telephone Number / Email Address Signature s+ Pint or Type bu Mailing Address Ntru l3c.n N ,, avao3 U City/StateEip ?5)'tr9-il1 h l-tu- ao RECEtVETi '*"'*n*,i.Kln roro DCM.MHD CITY Dqte / Email Address Dale DIVISION OF COASTAL iIANAGEMENT ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERW OWNER NOTIFICATION/WAIVER FORM Address of Property: Agent's Nam6 #: Agent's phone #: Morhn Marid*a N,la.lrils lt{C Pint or Type Name For* ldalnr . lN 'l t 898 Civls:tateaipl > eo 0)f o'z!, 3 !P (, p t zo o C,=' EE: =H(D-1-o(,,+ ,-r o =A'oo !, tt AFo=e.6E(o'+o3of q \ P5 ^_l \ P s aoo 9 o CL .Tt a 3 !oIIBzI !t oo oo- d !4 q @ a, tr a o f! Q. aoE aao) t,-' !P l, o!) o 4 P.I do9E o tr dooa p c do o !pl 3o, o !o 3 6' coa. q (o 0t tr 6 o (oI o g 0), t_+seF. =Ee,s f.* C\ oJoo z P oo,o o) ao o U tsts555 o Nt B ll0 lo lno!)I o 0) o N })srtll)4 I NFleF AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM FOR PERMIT APPLICATIONS Name of Property Owner Applying rorPermit: CitU of Ng,rJ B*n, Mailing address:?o tsor lla9 Nrr,rt [3r,tYr, N\C 085ta 3 Telephone Number: I certify that I have authorized Fostrr F\ uahrs (agenUcontractor), U to act on my behalf, for the purpose of applying and obtainrng all CAMA permits necessary for the proposed development of l-r^r,tnclt. pl a*frtrvt and Oana,cttt . dh, at my property located at \r.qaffi This certification is valid through (Property Owner lnformation) Srgn M arlt,Strphrrts Print or Type Naine t,;f.{ rn a;rtaet)1) T itt e, co. dhi ei oiii ste*o r p. p" rtv AOAO Date 2-sz- b3q- 2.'.100 Telephone Number hens M (date). RECENED JAN 24 2020 DCM.MHD GITY S+. mail Address nei,rib'ernnc O,t/ I lMftU Rd.