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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBald Head Iland Limited_05-IJXLA'� QJ The Village of Bald Mead Island RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC JUL 0 6 2005 2005 Exemption #BHI 2005-I Bald Head Island Limited Post Office Box 3069 Bald Head Island, NC 28461 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 15A NCAC 07K .0103 PROJECT ADDRESS—SWAN'S QUARTER BULKHEAD AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN —OCEAN HAZARD I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on June 29, 2005, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on June 27, 2005, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - (G. S. 113-103(5)(B)(5) and 7K.0209) - Structures may be repaired in a similar manner, size and location as the original structure. No expansions or additions are permissible. The repairs are limited to 50% of the physical value of the existing structure and the following specific conditions. 1. The project consists of the repair of the existing bulkhead (250sgft) as shown on the attached drawing and materials list. 2. Bulkhead must be positioned so as to not to extend more than an average distance of two feet waterward of the mean high water contour; in no place shall the bulkhead be more than five feet waterward of the mean high water contour. 3. All backfill comes from an upland source and is beach compatible sand. 4. No marsh area is excavated or filled 5. The bulkhead is constructed prior to any backfilling activities. 6. The bulkhead is constructed so as to prevent seepage of backfill materials through the bulkhead. 7. All the construction debris and pilings must be removed form the site. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization and N.C. Building Permits. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. RO. BOX 3009 • BALD HEAD ISLAND, NC 28461 • (910) 457-9700 ^ FAX (910) 457-6206 D AA" A]7...:U....nFAi/16nflem.{b ., io WFR.QiTF• h"n<//www Wilnnahhi_aru cerely, 7e 'fer O'B ' n Village of Bald Head Island, I QIECEI VEp (910) 457-9700 � WILMINGTON NC Cc: Ed Brooks, DCM Field Representative JUL 0 6 2005 Dot Myers, Bffi Limited Jun 30 05 07:52a Builders FirstSource 910-457-9781 p.l BFS OF SOL'THPORT-SSPNYD 1689 HOWE STREET S. E. SOUTIPORT, NC 28461 (916)457-6455 ttt+tttttttttt+ m t ESTIMATE t ACCW,TT 52-00180073-005 ttttttttttxtttttttt BALD HEAD ISLAND LIMITED ACCOUNTS PAYABLE DEPT, P. O. BOX 3069 BALD HEAD ISLAND, MC 28461 Job: BALD HEAD CONST/ANNEX MISCELLANEOUS JOBS Selling Shipping Sales Stare 52 Store 52 Person 5231 TANNA C. RICHARDSON ESTIMATE 7:59 AM RECEIVED 6/30IM5 99M WILMINGTON, NC Our Order 52780266-Q0 JUL 0 6 2005 ititylQuantitylQN I IItei Nusber I Description (Unit Ext/IAIIUnit PricelDiscl Extended I SHIP gyred [Shipped I I I I I I I I Price I BRANCH 120 1 IEA 1 1439493 15/6 HUG WASHERS 1 120/EA 1 .29 1 1 24.001 21 1 IEA 1 1438433 15/8 HDG NITS ! 120/EA 1 .25 1 1 30.001 120 1 IEA 1 1430493 '516 X 12' CARRAIGE I 120/EA 1 1,90 1 1 228.@01 120 1 IFA 1 1436493 15/8 HOG NUTS I 120/EA I .25 ! ! 30,00f 248 1 IB4 1 1438493 15/8 IO6 WASIERG 1 2480 1 ,20 1 1 48.B0! 90 1 IFA I U6612T28e 06-12 112 S4S TREATED YP .80 1 90/FA I 29.55 1 1 2.659.501 125 IX )IC I 12813972.5-A 12MI2 #2 GYP U-GR4 PT 2.5 ACQI 125/IC l IS.89 1 1 1.986.251 35 f IEA I 146161-A 14XE-16 AM SYP #2 TREATED I 35/EA 1 26.85 1 1 939.751 2 1 IEA 1 !47429 IT44910 ISO PTL ANOOR NL 50LB I 2/EA 1 89.99 1 1 179.981 120 I IEA I 1406584 15/84 1191 GLV.ALL-THREADED RODI 128/EA 1 17.99 I I P,158.80! 60 I I IFA I ! I IHDGCN59 I IHIDGO( 518OHDG COUPLER NIT (EA)1 I 1 600 1 I 2.33 1 1 I 1 139.891 I 1 I I I I I I I 1 1 ITH###( YOU FOR SHOPPING WITH US! ! 1 I i I I ! Expires: INet Sales 'Taxable ITax % ITax ITotal I 1 924.08 8424.081 7.081 589.691 9813.771 Plus c��. ,�15lcco ta�>c>r = June 8, 2005 Mr. Bill Bruce Building Inspector Village of Bald Head Island P.O. Box 3007 Bald Head Island, North Carolina 28461 RE: Swan's Quarter Retaining Wall Dear Bill: Enclosed you will find a drawing depicting a retaining wall to be installed along the edge of the 9`s Hole Lagoon on the border between the Swan's Quarter site and the BHI Club property. The wall will be approximately 250 feet in length and will be located in the same position as the original wall that was destroyed. Please contact me at 457-7268, or Jamillah Bailey at 457-7515 and let us know the amount of the permit fee. Thank You, Director of Planning Enclosure Bald Head Island Post Office Box 3069 • Bald Head Island, North Carolina 28461 1-800-888-3707 • TV LIA palnui`I PU''ISI PDaH PIEff S0-8-9 T I anssl 4s.IT q sal-eQ as-eapam „O-,OZ = „T :a'IVDS u-eid 341S TFIT „O-, T = „Z / T :a'I` DS sIT��.aQ Naugall pu-e p-eQgNInS IVZ K P 0 n aullpnW m Moles „O-,t''ulW pagw3 *anooaE)-n ld 01 „0-,06XW flog-njyl •nleE),Z/ ---N� --- 6uloedS „9-,L @7 s}sod ld 9X9 w b 1108-nJyl -nieE)-- pu3 y3e3 uo 6 P,P41 'Noe8-all 'nleJ „8/9 ilo8-nayl 'nieJ „i�f „tl/ � E - adR1Mm N� - N 171ML "Pee 4sod paT.zng aup o4 pa43auuoa aq off. 3f3,eq-aTL uaeg • Z 096 + = paaeidaN aq_ off. L142ua7 peau3iIng IT'4o,L -I : aWN „0-,oz + 1008 = puaLp ling uTuTPLuaM V 6217YtLL NIL t 11 2-\ 4 -- H 1 1 I 1 I i 1 , N 01 1 I 1 , .,`-V4 `.� _ r • p \ �ii ♦ r h uu uu 06 v w aCD fD 0 w x m x w 6 r- cQ .If