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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNyberg/Peterk::� k!5v3-1 ot(10D . fr OFo1 I� k The Village of Bald Head Island February 3, 2005 Peter Nyberg 308 South Bald Head Wynd Bald Head Island (0FpT JJ FEB 8 2005 DIVISION OF COASTAL MANAGE^MELzemption#BHI2O05-A RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (MINOR) MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR 15A NCAC 07K .0103 PROJECT ADDRESS -308 South Bald Head Wynd AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Ocean AEC Hazard I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on 1-19-05, I have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on 2-3-05, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR - (G.S. 113-103(5)(B)(5) and 7K.0209) - Structures may be repaired in a similar manner, size and location as the original structure. No expansions or additions are permissible. The repairs are limited to 50% of the physical value of the existing structure and the following specific conditions. 1. The project consists of the repair of decking, second egress beach access steps, sand fence, beach grass renourishment, plumbing, mechanical and electrical as shown on the attached drawing and materials list. 2. All of the repairs must be compliant with the State and Local Building, Electrical, Mechanical and Plumbing Codes. 3. A final inspection, by the LPO, of the site upon completion is required. 4. The accessway, the second egress, must be constructed as to not disturb or diminish the frontal dune area. Also, the accessway may not continue past the toe of the frontal dune. If the accessway continues past the toe of the dune a minor CAMA permit is required. 5. The sand fence must not exceed 10 feet of toe of the frontal dune. The sand fence must be constructed on a 45 degree angle and shall not exceed more than 10 feet in length and shall be spaced no more than seven feet apart and 5 feet high. P.O. BOX 3009 • BALD HEAD ISLAND, NC 28461 • (910) 457-9700 • FAX (910) 457-6206 &MAIL: villageb O— • WEBSITE: ti f This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization and N.C. Building Permits. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. Sincerely, Xler Bnen Village of Bald Head Island, LPO (910) 457-9700 Cc: Ed Brooks, Regional CAMA Representative �� _31., t., t!. � n� ;. �c.ti� t Peter Nybere's House Repair/Maintenance Assessment: CAMA $11,935.00 is the Total Bid Cost as per the attached $654,737 is the assed value of the house; information provided by Tax Collector Heather Hardee. Hence the total value of the renovations is less than 50% of the total assed value of the house. Attached you will find the Building Cost List for all supplies, as well as the labor cost for the entire project. If more information is needed please contact me. 1341 abCf505 Coastal Carolina Landscape, 5530 Lynn Street Southport, NC 28461 910-457-1994 Fax 910-457-1992 I NAME/ADDRESS I Peter Nyberg 4004 Tyndrum Drive Durham, NC 27705 Estimate DATE ESTIMATE... 2/2/2005 71681 Project Job E . Bald Head Wyud DESCRIPTION COST QTY TOTAL Skid steer loader grading 60.00 20 1,200.00 Misc. Electrical Work replace meter boa, change garage 775.00 775.00 wiring, provide breaker for pump station Materials Electrical labor, 1,800.00 1,800.00 Front walkway Material 441.00 441.00 Front Walkway Labor 688.00 688.00 Beach access Material 1,456.00 1,456.00 Beach access Labor 2,900.00 2,900.00 Plumbing Materials 185.00 185.00 Plumbing Labor 300.00 300.00 Sand Fence Material 320.00 320.00 Sand Fence Labor. 320.00 320.00 Electric Meter Box Stand Material 250.00 250.00 Electric Meter Box Stand Labor 400.00 400.00 Beach Grass supplied and planted 900.00 900.00 2� - 3_AGE OV B TOTAL $11,935.00 SIGNATURE ® 1NIUdHV310 HOOOI 'ON NO O31NIHd 9£ X 4Z U38Wf1N'JNIMVHCI �i l j �j ° ^" a a3SIAad :,kG03AOaddV -' :3-1V05 AS NMVHG 1-7 IAIA V .� -e s'c A P to j �. iva N ,Arj,-aa 4 Lg-Q;? uo b CA " u b s ,a fl .1 � k- b u i t` n -\.f, 0 \,Vt ; M %It c, -a, t, b4-Su} � �nOina- aci 's'�tP1[n Pub S�i�-c1aP �•rt��rbn �,� sb>ay ��bs b��tS1X� S-ivQ c�IvaS -I N I -IS 1X3 �01