HomeMy WebLinkAboutVillage of Bald Head Island (2)�. of .� d The Village of Bald Head Island aDevelopment Services d � LAN�� July 12, 2016 Exemption Number-2016-1 Village of Bald Head Island CIO Chris McCall PO Box 3009 Bald Head Island, NC 28461 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT - STRUCTURAL BEACH ACCESSWAY (15A NCAC 7K .0207) PROJECT ADDRESS — Repair and extension of Public Beach Access #17 located Adjacent to 330 South Bald Head Wynd OCEAN HAZARD AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN Dear Mr. McCall 1 have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on July 12, 2016, have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated July 11, 2016, and meet the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. STRUCTURAL ACCESSWAY EXEMPTED 1. The accessway must not exceed four feet in width and shall provide only pedestrian access to the ocean beach. 2. The accessway must be constructed so as to make negligible alterations to the frontal dunes. This means that the accessway must be constructed on raised posts or pilings of five feet or less in depth, so that wherever possible only the posts or pilings touch the frontal dunes without any alteration to the dunes. In no case shall the frontal dune be altered so as to significantly diminish its capacity as a protective barrier against flooding and erosion. 3. Construction of the accessway be shall consistent with all other RECEIVED applicable local ordinances and N. C. Building Code standards.DCM WILMINGTON, NC P.O. Bor 3009 BALD HEAD ISLAND, NC 28461 (9/O) 457-6255 FAX (410) 4 j62d3 9 016 E-MAIL: sboyett@villagebhi.org IVEBSITE htip://wvn<villagebhi.org 1 AXpermit requirements does'not alleviate the necessitylof er State, Federal or Coral authonzahon: This exemption he ate of t'he letter: r O Box 3009 ald Head Island, NC 28461 t, Cc: Tara Macpherson Wilmington DCM p P.O. Box 3009 BALD HEAD ISLAND, NC 28461 (910) 457-6255 FAX (910) 457-6206 E-MAIL: sboyetr@villageblii.org 1VEBSITE brtp://www.villagebbborg I r I y i y i - ��r. 9� - a � W,,AY �L/\MBIERT a's, r PQ Box 3190''(Bald Heatl Island :NC 29461. w Wce 910 45Zt9513,� Faz:'919-457 9818 P-. NC Unlimited License'# 31391 j SC U41(m}6WOcense # 4234 ' waYne_lambgrtQbellsOuth net _ =Proposal/Contract Village of Bald Head Island 7/11/16 e Re: Walkway to Beach Repair .. Scope of Work Replace wood decking on 3 walkways to beach: #8, #34, #17. Usef ' ° stainless steel fasteners and pressure treatedwo6d,14emove all trash ' a , 1. #8 _ replace 190 pcs ± 2 x' 6 wood - 85' ± ' 2. #17 - replace 250 + pcs 2 i 6 wood -120' + 3. #34 - replace 700±'pcs 2 x.6 wood - 330'+. Net Sub Total Costs: Labor/Materials $ 15,944.00 Trash.Removal $ 660.00 x 9 -Overhead $ 1,577.00. :u Barge/FerryFees $ 925.00 Sub. Total Due $ 19,106.00 Add addendum #1-7/11/16 $ 27,459.00 Total due " 46,565.00 Agreed:Terms: N 50% upon signing contract , $ 23,202.50 50% upon completion $ 23,292.50 ° Village Date [. Contractor- Date . i a R k 4613 1- v : , a CLdri��f3E IN A' - ' PO Sax 3180 Bahl Head Island. PIC 28401' �`a�ificaFl•.•ta�$�tu'jFa`x..3tlF:3'rd8t8:� . .. - ' � � fiiC lAU{nttr� utensa �31381 l SC !111tlma-+J ! Pa155 +523= Y ._ - . •,, }• ;. - . n_ Iambe u311sounn i •' , Y � Date: 2 Pax SOfdp$$0.4,Si1IdIIJ�L'OV6£allccL < X i n t G£ w r i t W1►1` P Q�So ?Mi m r , _ W S � _ r ' ✓ ,a 5 # tF i sG"g - - , 1 �UIHK slv�d� _WkIK e � "a a f P Y. 'z x „c .. — _a t..� � tr — v — r Aw'yu x :,,,.�ls e (► y Y I 4 r r/t AY r, Q PO Box 37 B8' J 9-dd Mad Island FIC 29461, 01337_l-41 Pax _tQ- M-a838 P.1CVMnUte$Ltcsns=.931391 (SCUn6m4 dUc ns----)3s �a�m�IamamjaapsaudLnar n F wa*LUMY&t-do ; e 2$ i if 4 aL Xri : _ G w.y i e x