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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_16-25_WrightBen Andrea Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor September 27, 2016 Timothy & Carol Wright 4 Jib Rd. Wilmington, NC 28411 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTION SERVICES 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7118 FAX: (910) 798-7060 Exemption Number— E16-25 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT -SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ORW ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN (15A NCAC 07K .0208) PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS — 4 Jib Rd. Dear Mr. & Mrs. Wright: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on September 13, 2016, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing submitted on September 12, 2016 and it also meets the conditions specified below. If you plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCES WITHIN THE ESTUARINE SHORELINE AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN EXEMPTED 1. All development shall be located at least 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level from waters classified as ORW. 2. No ground disturbance or land disturbing activity shall occur within 40 feet of the mean high water mark or normal water level from waters classified as ORW. 3. The development may not exceed a 25% built upon area within 575 feet of the mean high water mart( or normal water level of waters classified as ORW, and shall not include any stormwater collection system. 4. The development shall be consistent with all other applicable CAMA permit standards, North Carolina Building Code standards, local ordinances and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. E D 5. 7,893 square feet of impervious is authorized at this time, equally 23% GTON, NO impervious on this lot SEP 2 7 2016 6. This exemption does not authorize the placement of fill This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires three (3) years from the date of the letter. Sincerely, Christine R. Bouffard, LP New Hanover County 230 Government Center, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 Cc: NC Division of Coastal Management 3t=�.=i VED DCM WILMINGTON, NC S E P 2 % 2616 Locality Permit Numbs Ocean Hazed Estuarine ShordMe_ OEW Shordiee _ Public Trust Shoreline_ Omer_ (Fla %%sal roe only) CENP.RALINFORMATION City COLUN nUS sum 01J zip!941 Pho e 4 l4 - 9 3 7- FA I Ell — Emil n"Li HuTA a ao .CDt. Address 4022 -,. 20z� City Sue W zip Z8 4 0 Phone 4 1 D ' L 14 - 11-1 LOCATION OF PROJECT (Address, sgmst rume and/or direetioM w sift. If W ocesnfront, what is tic rearm of the adjacentwaterbodY.)�% Sl ti iliA DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: (List all proposed construction sod land dislmbance.) SIYLI�i iM �asrEy,, 1.lIT11 9eTACgCV 4Aw�at Y' SIZE OF LOT/PARCEL: SJ 512 square feet a ZSS sun PROPOSED USE: Rmidcndel 2' (Single-family eeMuhi-family ❑) Comma nI/Indusnial ❑ Other COMPLETE EITHER (1) OR (2) BELOW (ComearyourLorol Permit Otter ifyau nre not sum whfmh AF,C aWm; m,Veurprupar(y): U Z Q Z O OTHER PERMITS MAY BE REQUIRED: The activity you sm planning may require permits other IpwCAdgm mina development permit, inuhi ing, but not limited m: Drinking Water Well, Septic Tank (or other ste treatment system). Building Electrical, Plumbing, Heamtg and Air Conditioning, Insulation and Energy Co ad CTIA CMificatian, Sand Dome, Sediment Control, Subdivision Approval, Mobile Hum PsrkAppmval, Highway G�,nectjgtgmad tatters. Check with you Local Permit Officer for lame informatim. 0- STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP: W J 1, the uoalasigned, an applicant for a CAMA minor development perrmt, being either the ester of property in an AEC or a person authorized m set as an agent fa purposes of applying fen a CAMA minor development perms, certify that the Perini, listed as landowner on this application has a significant interest in the real properly described therein. This interest cut be dncnbedes: (check use) Z. owner or record title. Tide is vested in 11 M nl k . W )P..ttsu r. see Deed Book page_ in the KwmMfseyb:l<.Ceumy Registry afDeedx. =. owner by virme of idoeoinmcc. Applimra is an heir to the carte probate wn in County. F—If other interest, such as written connect or lease, explain below or owe a separate sheet R att ch to thix application. NOTIFICATION OFADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS: I furthemem emtiH that the following persons are owners ofpmPrtties adjoining this property.1 affirm that I have given ACTUAL NOTICE to each of than consorting my intent on develop this property and on apply for a CAMA permit. (Name) (Address) (1) &P,%Z l.ES B, liter&. .?R 5 -�Ils ylRDan `1Lhaa-t 1.J t_�se►i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: 1, the undersillood, acknowledge [lot the land owner is swum that dx: proposed development is planned for an arm which may be susceptible to erosion ardor flooding. I ardrowledge that the Local Permit Officer hes explained to me me patticu- lor hoard problems associated with this lot. This explanation was mcconpaned by recommendations; conceminS smMlim- lion sud fluodptoofing techniques. (1) OCEAN HAZARD AECs: TOTALFLOOR AREAOF PROPOSED STRUCTURE: _ square ftel (includes I fmlhmnore emllfy that I Wes authorLPd to grant, and do to feet grant. perminion in Division ofConetal Management em8, air conditioned living spntt, parking elevated above ground level, nowcmtditioned space elevated above ground level but related Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned lands in uavroctu n with evaluating information excluding core -load -bearing attic apace) related m min parnit appBcadon (2) COASTAL SHORELINE AECs: SIZE OF BUILDING FOOTPRINT AND OTHER IMPERVIOUS OR BUILT UPON SURFACES7-033 square feel (includes the arra of the tm9drip lion of all buildings, driveway& covered decks, concrete re masonry patios, etc. that are within the applicable ABC. Amuch your alculatioas with the Project drawing) authonxcd This the 7 day of�9 7 .201 k STATE STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT, I. the project located I. m area sebjeru in a Store Stonrlwrer I Management PermMLSed by the NC Division of Mier Quality? This aWleadar i cludes: geneml tgformolum (this fani). u site dmnvng m described on the led ufthia upplicaron. the ygg= N ewnemhip.mcha nnta. the Onwn HMAW AEC Nnnke where neresxury rt deuk,(a 5100.00 made ptyah(e to Me lacahry. and If es, list the total built any i0mranon as may bepmyided orally by lira a)rplmut The derailsafthe opplkalf" as described By Mere sources are y Pon smdittyenious surface dbwed for your la or aqunre feet Incarporared without mfp wiz In airy pemilt w)u'd lam• be issued. DaWatimn fmm Mete demik w10 reuniter, aWal don of mry permit Aer yvason developing in an AEC without permit is subject to e1W .. ermthud and orlo irrimcider acd. SITE DRAWING/APPLICATION CHECKLIST Please make sob yemr site dmwi ig inchdes the following inflammation raquirad fen a CAMA minor development permit. The Laval Permit Ofliar will help you, if requested. PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS Label ran& _tL Label highways dghtwf-ways If Label local setback lines ✓ Label say and oil structures and driveways contently existing un property _IL Label xdjoetan wri erbendy PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS ✓ Draw and label normal high wain line (combat LPO far resistance) J Draw location of co -she wastewater system Hymn will be working in the occoo haxind mass- Drove and label done ridges (include spot elevotiow) Dmw and bos lot of doves s/ Idenfify and Incase first line of emble vegetarian (contain LPO for sssimam e) 4 Drawmad label erosion setback line (carrier LPO for situations) J Draw and label tolmgopbical features (optional) Ifyou will be working in a around shoaline area: _sue Show the ren fovmhasg a a dotted line around the awnture J Draw and label landward limit ofARC Draw and label all wotlend lines(combct LPOfmasaistancc) ✓ Draw and label the 30-foot buffer line DEVELOPMENTPLANS ✓ Draw and label all p tno nd structure Drew and label mans that will be disturbed and/or landscaped New size of piling and depth to be placed in ground ✓ Durwood label all mines m be paved or graveled Show ell amaa m be disturbed Show landscaping NOTETOAPPLICAN7' Have you: • competed ill blanks andim indicated if not applicable? • notified and lined adjacent property owners? • included your site drawing? • signed and dated tar application? • =land the $100.00 fee? • completed an AEC Almond Notice, ifnecessary')(Must be signed by the property owner) FOR STAFF USE Site Notice Posted _ Final)nspecaon _ Fee Reined -- SdcIDspectwns U UJo 0 R > _Z tom• APPL[CgTJOI�k'PR� CAMA MIO DEVELOP M TT PERMIT In 1974, the.North Carolina General Assembly posted the Coastal Arcs. Management Act (CAMA) and set the sage for guiding development in fragile and productive areas that border the models woad% and oeeoYfront. Along with malu drig.pstial on by those who build and develop, the Ceneral Assembly directed the Coastal Reramees Commission (CRC) to implement clear regulations that mlydmlze the burden on lee applicant. This application for a minor development permit under CAMA Is part of the Commission'. effort to reeet the spirit and lessor of the General Assembly. It has been designed to be straightforward and require no more time or effort than necasary from the applicant. Plane go over this folder with the Local Permit Officer (LPO) for the r� I ... [it, to which you plan to build to be seeHa that you sushemland what information he O onhe needs before you apply. Y Under CAMA regulations, the minor permit is a be issued within 35 days once a complete application Is In hoed. Often Ibis time is needed if the project is simple. The process generally takes about 19 days. You ran speed the approval porous by making certain that your Application la complain and signed, that your drawing meets the specifications given Inside and that your application fee is attached. Other permits am sometimes required for development le the coastal area. While than are not CAMA-related, we urge you to check with the Local Permit Officer an determine which of three you may near. A List Is Included on page two of this folder. We appreciate your cooperation with the North Carolina Coastal Management Program and your willingness to build in a way that protects the rawuraes of our beautiful and productive roast Coastal Re mama Commission Division of Coastal Management Done of'%rtaw Issued — Exempted — Denied Appeal Deadline f20 days from pemmt action) DCAI Form 5nl9fE-wlaRcHsdApra rota WM6 PAG 1065JPG AEC HAZARD NOTICE PtojeetisinAn: —Ocean Erodible Area .—High Hazard FloodArea _ inlet Hazard Area Property Owner_ 1 l m p -fxw. Ef =ksRZ is1 Y 1, 4i l Property Address! Date Lot Was Platted: Thatna6caisinteadodtuma&eyou,the appticant,WWOOfthe SPECIAL N0T1r11ushzmdWine tereVuedfor development, specidrid'sandewdtem'ssetcOrttedwtdtdevelopmentmthis inareti aubjegtosuddenand tttassiveat mWemswn:Perauts ara.wbichisau§iecitanehimlit ratdseuoh'asstotaL%emsion•issuedfdrdevdaprwntinthis aemexpire anDecember 31ofthe and trtrrents. The rules of the Onstal Eewurees Catund$sion third year following the year in wNch`the pmrnit wasissued; require tti9ypui&etvcanABC iiazatdNotice and adknnWInIgo Shardybefore Work begins anthe project sit*.the Local Piank' that notice in writing before a: permit for development can be Winer must be contacted to determine the vegetation lure and issrted. ceUi....r..I:at,.......e.,...... ran.:, c__W i:w--�"-- alimirmk, proper(; Coasts(.. Resources Ile development a rules an sin still meet #hat you may on .........,,.....,.w.wnuvu,,.lsGywwtMwwwrcae¢yrtrreawneuoy ahanRes In stunefrna configuee' n, Tito tlmcfw'e(sj must be appovaltoc finuetherworkafter'fim lt}as trod i v ' �__._LL relocated or dismantled within.two (2) years of becoming Gc�satiy, iffaandalrmtpd ngslnvehaeaptacedandsaExasntial E tly. rcateaal tired in any ease a its Col itrdoincn threatened. � or progresa is canitrmmg, permit Twwwat can be autbenzod It is fk sttbctdena t IMU to coatnntew xktdtarperutttexpruttinh. Tan best available inibrmation, m, aoccptmt by the Coaatai For arare prrrM14%. emcee(, . Resow,es Commission, indicates thattits goon i Inug fctu+.... '.. average ocaa erosion tale iartM." where Ynm ttroperty is .•n rc.'' xx i' t0 f l r' FAfga, locatevLiti fri°.t perya¢r jm faCBf P®Jtnft.: ?h7Gar TtxtatevasestabivtsdbycarelEtsnalysz oPsanalptWMW&phn afMacoaztltnetairaovertkelras[SOl�ies �mrfs Shemaltoeodtauetbaiwinach'O r foes laodwordin a;.motoratok. za;, Y t oodVal= tma mapars$Otet llL' rnerritsw t" Mribmp. t: `5 •C 4M In thlsmpm F1rr7rt2 �dRRi}hx �~ —T�--' E)E)E) ('d acc8atraat Stan rcassi� sir bvadarAas'%Itmasr! ' and 1816011 n Vf thmstotrai 4mo1141i6, J,12ni M110n saahttl .,,..,.r„.,...m•R,. t.,.rts,..�.ve �e,.no .rxi..r•nnnic iii e.,P�rte. 1 " v t t7mda _ , R6visad 71tli M#eY/mail.g000a comhneit uMMnhmdtb O52372TjiMgd4?pro]aetor-1 1/t NCDENR North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources Pat WCroiy Donald R. Van der Vaart Governor Secretary AGENT AUTHORIZATION FORM Date: U 30 0 l Name ,)! Property Owner Applying for Perr; pit: Name of Authorized Agent for this project: 4?HY E �D4 iN4¢thN-rI LI-i ---- S 1" Of ArJS - q =--I—_.._ _--- Owner's Mallinn Address: r—t m t) S 0 Ema! t7]�t3 d.0t• Lf Phone . 14 t ct 3 'i - 'a t certify that I have authorized the agent listed above to act on my beha i, for the purpose of apalying for, and obtaining all LAMA Permits necessary to install or construct the following (activity): 1 '' 1 V rig 0 C b t2 6.'L, t~ For my property located at I This certification is valid i year from (date) Property Owner Signature Data �+ RECEIVED [)CM WILMINGTON, NC SEP272016 N.C. Division of Coastal hiana9emenl 171 Cafdnal Drive Ext., Wilmington, NC 28405 Phone: 910.796-72151 FAX 910-395-3964 Internet: vmw n=aslalmanagement net Me" i$aYx6" ; kbvw" 4een ^fw" �OVN nY.A,r NEW HANOVER COUNTY SQ i w ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE, SUEDE 140 =! ,2 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 79""7, FAX (910) 798-7269 PIN IMPROVEMENT PERMIT (Abulidingperadrmnna6elmedwiaooymlmproveenantPsrvo R05207-002-0570� IExr-f— (5) Jw­from doer 00-0 ❑ Expansion ■ New ❑ Repair Issued To: SWIFT, ROBERT Property Location: 4 JIB RD - LOT 4 - SECTION 8 - FIGURE 81SLAND Type of Structure: SFD Type of Wastewater System: IVa Permit Number ON0663700 Ftile Number I3223 Type of Water Supply: PUBLIC WATER SYSTEM Projected Daily Flow: 480 GPD Nmnber of Bedrooms: 4 Number of Employees: Number of Fixtures: _ Total Sq. Ft Bldg.: Max k of Seats: _ Pump Required: ■ Yes ❑ No ❑ May be required based upon final location and elevations of facilities. See ImpnweaDa rep"d Pme WCta,au AWunizeata Iiwmwe: WATERLINE FROM MBrFR TO HOUSE MAST BE RELOCATED TO MEET ID FT TO ALL PARTSOF SEFIM SYSTEM (SEE Pt/iFt) Authorized State Taeh va vfddr New BaroeerCmnaaHetnbtlt Depsnal(nt iu mo waygwrnnatre atetrrvunce ofalxrpnntYa Taepertmk holdarhrnpa,Wblefar hg bad)=in meehigdbeirreydremenm 774s site k sabjeclto revocatiom tfdw saeplam plot, wthemWz*dusrehmgm The lfeetedbyacAwMeinihe"wrahipofthesiM 77kpemdtissubjectto cwmplkme with the prmisWmofthetawsadRatesfw mdto condatorw ofthu permit. Construct! w A rho 'ration Meawred lar Bud&w Permit) Them &wcam and tamalladonrequbemerssofPutkx 1959..1952,./954..1596..1957,.1958.and. 1959 arc imcorPomtedby referenceImo thapenekaeddillbe met System Mall be bimlbdinancordamm with Ow attachedzj a layout. Issued To: SWIFT, ROBERT Property Location: 4 JIB RD - LOT 4 - SECTION 8 - FIGURE 8 ISLAND Facility Type: SFD ❑ Expansion ■ New ❑ Repair Basement Fixtures: ❑ Type of Wastewater System: IVa (Initial) Proposed N of Bedrooms: 4 Repair: InstaIlatlmn Reaairem ants/Conditions Septic Tank Sim: 1,000 gallons Wastewater Flow: 480 GPD Total Trench Length: N/A ft Bed Sq. Ft.: 35(L) x 2I(W) = 735 Pump Tank Size: 1,000 gallons Trenches shall be installed on contour at a Maximum Trench Spacing: 3 Feet on Center (Trench bottoms shall be level to +/-=114"in all directions) Trench Depth of: I8 inches CwdKom: FOLLOW SYSTEM DESn r FOR NSrALIATION. MANTMANCE CONTRACT WITH CERTIFIED SUBSURFACE OPERATOR MUST BE SUBMITTED PRIOR To OFERAMN PERMIT. 2016 ie tftppanble lmdnatardMe synem erne spwOrdk nit spec�kd Opp .lameptlhespeciftcatianr �thtapermit Owner/Legal Representative Signature: / Date: lbacemownmdwhowatiom 1r=bjtet10 revwAdrm,fthe dtephi, plot, wthe bdemdeda changer. 77,e CamatrucrimAwhwLvdmdnlinwbrVamrferred •-��--�.... W.�,a :�,.,..q.4. w,m amprovutmsMDw LowsaWRutesfM Sewage IYeatmem andUkpneol mdmtha aru thupnmv.`-� � Authorized State Agent: i f--✓YL 44 f Issuance: 09/02/2016 Date of Expiration: 09/0212021 f "Healthy People, Healthy Environment, Healthy Community" See Attached Site Sketck to Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested 50ptember 6, 2016 Charles B. Bice Jr. 71.02 Lakewood Dr. Richmond, VA 23229 To whore it may concern: This letter is to inform you that Tim and Carol Wright have applied for a CAMA Minor Permit for the construction of a new home at 4 lih Road (see drawings for full description). As an adjacent property owner, per CAMA regulati ns, I have enclosed a copy of the permit application and project site plan as notification of the proposed project. If you have no objections to the proposed work, there is no action required. However, if you wish to file written comments or objections, you may submit there to: REC<-iVED 6'spectionsoe;,artment. DCdI WILMINGTON, NC Uew Hanover county Adm+nistrativn Annex Attoi ,Christine bouflard, New Hanover County CAMA LPO S E P 2 2016 23o Market Place Drive, Suitt 110 Wllrnington, NC 284.^1 Sincerely, ty� 1` road Piocharczyk Kingpost Design& Construc'.ion facpnt frw thu ,•:.--art r Complete items 1, 2, and 3, w oaa u ■ Print yam new and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. X ❑ ❑ B. Rived by {Printed Name) C. Date ■ Attach this card to the back of the mallpece, or on the front if space permits. 1. ArticleAddreeaedtn: D.ledatmyaddress rEtrerentfrom item t4 t7 CHA'v-� B. Bice —JV— I' if YES, antes delivery address below. p 7 t o 2 LAknF-WM17 'j> V, V1C",%A0v.1p vA 23229 III�IIII I�II!1111111( IN Ill 111111I1111II! 9590 9402 1767 6074 7518 41 UPdorRy ta o Reettlw Mmy R h IRMVCW D*" ❑ Return flow AY q Rea 4ec ce" 1 $wmkn 60E2 h909 Q000 0T60 9TU- 60E2 h909 0000 0460 9TG-, ws .. s it ?1 �++rsauonngxm [rilw®ise, zc. ........... •_ lea7•Is4TSr�1�7ETllT�! fRuot +oasabas;l.ts�w Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested ,eptemher 6, 2016 Charles B. Bice Jr. 7102 Lakewood Dr. Richmond, VA 23229 To whom n may concern: Thi. setter n to inform you that Tim and Carol Wright have applied for a CAMA Minor Permit for the construction of a new home at 4 Jib Road (see drawings for full description). As an adjacent property owner, per CA-KAA regulations, I have enclosed a copy of the permit application and project site plan as notification of the proposed project. If you have no objections to the proposed work, there is no action required. However, if you wish to file written comments or objections, you may submit them to: inspections Department. New Hanover County Administration Annex Attn: Christine Bouffard, New Hanover County CAMA LPQ 230 Market Place Orive, Suite110 Wilmington, 4C 28403 Sincerely, Todd Ncchar:zyk Kingpost Design & Construction taapnt fnr thn .,.., —% iplete items 1, 2, and 3. : your name and address on the reverse iat we can return the card to you. �h this card to the back of the maiipiece, n the from If space permits. Is Addressed bk 2 LAk3ewOov 'Dv—, "A&o t t9 VA, 2322 y I'il'I��I��9��A'IIIII�II ��I III�I�In'�I�f� 9590 9402 1767 6074 7518 41 0 09 t0 0000 too(p 4 2 3b9 nn 3811, July 2015 PSN 7530-M-000-s053 REC _iVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC SEP 2 1 2016 7016 0910 0000 rtan mP Etei4eieav, _ .' MlMi II-II ,w[ekrfrGiYlbun. ICE)MFIED AIL' 7016 0910 0000 60L4 2309 7016 0910 n000 6064 2309 A. Signawre va 13 t °+ X 0 Addessee ryb o ° rs B. Received by phnfed Neural C. Date of Delivery D. Is dshwy address dWevint eom Dear 14 ❑ Yes ; If YES. alder delivery add ees babw: ❑ NO N 4 Service Type ❑ Pe"k Md Eta s Addl ua ee.e D Re0dsred^r 3AM, OReg=WMafiMSEicted 3 Ce1!ead Ma b 3 Certified MJ haehclad odrmy ❑ RBtoT Rewpt Nr 3 G.Cer1 cn 1)4-m9 MefG10 W:, t or C Yw noseiged WrMy fJ SlalilNlre CAmm�HVonTM I j Insured Mee ag.m.ecoa r :: Inxu�ed �+!a3 Reemded Do" Reshicted 0efi'°ry l Domestic Return Receipt . 1 Certified Mail Return Receipt Requested September 6, 2016 Robert & Kathleen Buckfelder C115 `trtvestntetts, t4C 4112 Beresford Road Charlotte, NC 28211 To wkpm n may concern: this 'letter a to inform you the? Tim and Carril Wright have applied for a CAMA Minor Psermh: for the construaiort of a new ; torne at 4 Jib Road (sr_e drawings for full description). As an adjacent property owner, per LAMA regulations, i have enclosed a copy of the permit application and project site plan as notiiication:if the pK'p7• ?J 'i•7 ':c". if you stave: no obje coi irs in :` r: w,,posed work, there is no action required. However, if you wish to fiie written .imments or c°njecticns, y ;., may submit them to: fnsperiori Oc:pa trr:tnt New H:,:toderCeunt:!! dm'Jsltra son Annex Attri: Chrst'ne Bouffard, rite N Hanover County LAMA 00 230 Market Ptace Drivi�, Suite:110 Wilmington, NC 29403 i;oc, rely, t ' t Todd PlfscitzrcN!>i. Kingpost Design & Construction ■ Complete items 1, 2, arto 3. • Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. • Attach this card to the tack of the mailpiece, _ or on the front if space permits. _ {ttom�. NBcMlWd �seA to: n6�i6k.T E %ATt4l.'E£t� r�k(0.pE,{Z CNDaZLb-�. 11G 2821 } 111111111111111':11111111111111111A1111111 9'90 9402 1767 6074 7518 58 2. Hltrle leashes inarr..A•Gem Eorv7CO4boq _._._..._� 7UIW Uylo Uboo t�Yb9 2a$e Ps Form 3011. July 2(Ns KN nso-w-o0 wss F�ECE_iVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC S E P 2 2016 =-za- --------IFIED MAIL -.______ 7016 0910 0000 6064 2286 7016 09A 0000 6064 2286 B. RoNhMd by!Nana) 0. pate i O 8; 3 D. IS deAvaty ham item 1? ❑ N i I adOeae diflerent it YES, aster delivery addraev below: ❑ J gr7 : , a . J r Servim Type Ll AdSV*Wm d RBail &M ij i AdW3 Mailte ReSbMted Belivety ❑gp ay M yt Berney CGz6Ped MWI F Cetihed Mee Rectr&ied DdkYy ❑ MWd KSW CUlecto Del"Metdmiv8ie n ilve7 Ro;Wcic4 Delivery r e� hcu:ed FAetl ReahieUd D*," Re*6W Dt . kmryJ.rry Domestic Rater