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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWB_16-17_ColonnaTOWN OF WMGHTSVILLE BEACH PLANNING AND PARKS - 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE - P.O. BOX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. 28480-910-256-7937 August 22, 2016 Francis Colonna & Rebecca Colonna 108 Water Street Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Exemption Number —WB16.17EX RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT-15A NCAC 07K .0209 EXEMPTION / ACCESSORY USES / MAINTENANCE REPAIR/ REPLACEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN- Estuarine Shoreline PROJECT LOCATION/ADDRESS —108 Water Street, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Dear Francis Colonna & Rebecca Colonna: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on August 15, 2016, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as the project remains in accordance with your project scope submittal, which was received by this office on July 21, 2016 and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. 15A NCAC 07K .0209 EXEMPTION / ACCESSORY USES 1 MAINTENANCE REPAIR I REPLACEMENT (a) Accessory buildings customarily incident to an existing structure are specifically excluded from the definition of development if the work does not involve filling, excavation, or the alteration of any sand dune or beach as set out in G.S. 11 3A-1 03(5)b.6. Accessory buildings are subordinate in area and purpose to the principal structure and do not require, or consist of the expansion of the existing structure as defined by an increase in footprint or total floor area of the existing structure. A building with a footprint of 100 square feet or less is considered an accessory building as long as it is customarily incident to and subordinate in area and purpose to the principal structure. Buildings of a larger size may be considered accessory buildings if necessary for customary use. (b) Accessory uses as defined in Paragraph (a) of this Rule and that are directly related to the existing dominant use, but not within the exclusion set out in G.S. 11 3A-1 03(5)b.6., and that require no plumbing, electrical or other service connections and do not exceed 200 square feet are exempt from the CAMA minor development permit requirement if they meet the criteria set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule.(c) Any structure, or part thereof, consistent with current CRC rules may be maintained, repaired or replaced in a similar manner, size and location as the existing structure without requiring a permit, unless the repair or replacement would be in violation of the criteria set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule. This exemption applies to those projects that are not within the 0EC: E I V E D ,M � IILMINGTON, NC AUG 232016 exclusion for maintenance and repairs as set out in G.S. 11 3A-1 03(5)b.5., Rule .0103 of this Subchapter and Rule 07J .0210. (d) In order to be eligible for the exemptions described in Paragraphs (b) and (c), of this Rule, the proposed development activity must meet the following criteria: (1) the development must not disturb a land area of greater than 200 square feet on a slope of greater than 10 percent; (2) the development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species; (3) the development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels; (4) the development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dune; (5) the development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level or normal high water level; and (6) the development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted This exemption issued to 108 Water Street authorizes the following: 1. The project consists of the repair and renovation of the fire -damaged structure at 108 Water Street. Currently there is approximately 44 sq ft of decking within the 30 ft buffer. This exemption authorizes the repair and replacement of decking landward of the 30 ft buffer so long as the replaced decking is within the same footprint and as long as the decking remains drip -through and does not increase in size or location. Ground disturbance is limited to 200 sq ft, if ground disturbance exceeds 200 sq ft then the applicant must apply for a CAMA Minor Development Permit. 2. A barrier line of filter cloth (silt fence) must be placed between the land disturbing activities and Banks Channel and must remain in place for the entire duration of the project. This exemption does not authorize any development waterward of the NHW boundary. 3. The proposed repairs must be consistent with all other applicable local ordinances and North Carolina Building Code standards. 4. The project shall adhere to the scope of work that was submitted to this office. This exemption to CAMA permit reouirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining an other State. Federal, or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. Please contact this office upon the completion of work for an inspection. Sincerely, LJ Zachary Steffey, LPO DCM WILMINGTON, NC AUG 2 3 2016 Cc: Robb Mairs, Field Representative DCM Town of Wrightsville Beach 108 Water Street Site Plan: AREAS ��'G"1ImGLOCAMNS OF EXISTING UTILITIES AND/OR CBTANED FROM AVA PLAN ARE APPROXIMATE. FOR DESIGN I COMPLETE. IT IS THE RESPONSIBILITY AY VEREY THE ACCURACY OF ALL UTILITY ' NAIL UTUnES NOT SHOWN MACH MAY BE A AENTED CORNER 9. CONTRACTOR SHALL MAINTAIN AN A MH "A VEWCLFS DURING COISIRUCRON AS A 30' CAMA BUFFER No impenlous I docking within 30 9t No additional decking I buff or in the 30 N buffer S . DECK/STAIq ETC. TO -- -. Current: 94 aQ N -- - REM IN -NO NEW WORK (ONLY R REPAIR AS PEO'.DJ PRC 30 ft setback from EMS . STUR O SIDE D MOFD _ NHW 7 (N-CONFORMING TO SIDE S-B) PROM LEVEL t C3 Ground Disturbance LEVEL J TIE 55.90' % 2.5 STOP/ NEW ENLARGED ENTRY/VEST. A UNCD'K 535'D6'34'W o FRAME DWELLING PORCH ON RUES LEVEL M �a �/ DEMO EXIST. PORCH !STARS UNCONI LEVEL (XONCONFORMNfr INTOINTOSIDE 5-B) LEVEL . 2 t a.o' W Y a LOT 3 w QLOCK TOTAL BDrourd � CI "� '%""" DiUNCONE I {Wp sturbance FLOOR O O ENTRY STAR TOTAL I 75 ft AEC inA. 1.3'TEW TD UEV41 I ENTRY- 2 m (n .. -, `' TO SOUTH/DRIVEWAY PRC h :: •-::•, •_ y N NEW SHED CANOPY FOR GARAGE ENTRY DOOR 6' WALKWAY LOT EXIST. DRIVEWAY k WA S • S'/9� ::. EASEMENT LOT At lO REMAIN. MAX C �'�• NEW "RAM IN DOEX. OPNG. j WATER CT L.EiVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC AUG 2 3 2016 Cc: Robb Mairs, Field Representative DCM Bennett Construction Group LLC 304 Humphrey Drive Wilmington, NC 28411 Tel 910-232-4746 / 910-512-2983 / www.bennettconstructiongi, JULY 21, 2016 Re: Zack Steffey, LPO Town of Wrightsville Beach, NC This project is to be a complete renovation; a large percentage of interior will be reworked with new electrical, HVAC, plumbing, insulation, sheetrock, etc. The main entry area will be bumped out to the area of the existing covered porch. All existing windows and doors will be replaced with some windows added. Exterior will have new siding and boxing installed. All existing fire damage will be replaced. New entry porch and stairs to be installed while maintaining required set backs. New decking and rails will be installed to existing deck framing, at rear or house, west elevation. The location of this project is 108 Water Street, Wrightsville Beach, NC. I expect to have almost no ground disturbance, or potential damage to vegetation, etc. On the east elevation we will be setting approximately six pilings, two 8 x 8's and four 6 x 6's, which will be the most aggressive ground disturbance. This will be a very controlled activity and is on the opposite side of the house from the water. Material List All the proposed materials to be used on the exterior of the house are typical coastal use materials. All siding will be 4 x 8 hardy sheets with pressure treated baton strips. All exposed bands will be pressure treated lumber. The windows and doors will be vinyl. All new decking to be replaced will be pressure treated. RECEIVED DCM wii-MINGTON, NC AUC232016 Olp9 S'te 0 � o` r� e y WN E -- 9 LOCATION MAP LEGEND: I.P.S. OR I.R.i O IRON PIPE OR ROD SET E.I.P. OR EJ.R. ® EKISTINO IRON PPE OR ROD C.M. o CONCRETE MONUMENT CA CENTER UNE ft/W - RIONT OF WAY P.K. A P.K. SURVEY NAIL • NON-MONUMENTED CORNER U v 0 A s BANKS CHANNEL N, NC AUG 2 320166i I cYi a m w E U W m m .