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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_16-34_Farlow1 Ben Andrea Planning & Zoning Supervisor December 20. 2016 Jim Farlow 1908 Eastwood Rd. Ste. 218 Wilmington, NC 28403 NEW HANOVER COUNTY INSPECTION SERVICES 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 TELEPHONE (910) 798-7118 FAX: (910) 798-7060 Exemption Number — E16.34 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (Statutory Exclusion) - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EXISTING STRUCTURES - [G.S. 113-103(5)(B)(5) and [15A NCAC 7K.0103(a)] PROJECT ADDRESS — 249 Beach Rd. N. AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN - ICWW Dear Mr. Farlow: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on December 19, 2016, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on November 22,2016, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR — [G.S. 113-103(5)(B)(5) and 15A NCAC 7K.0103(a)] Maintenance and repairs (excluding replacement) necessary to repair damage to structures caused by the elements are specifically excluded from the definition of development under the conditions and in the circumstances set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)(b)(5). Individuals required to take such measures within an AEC shall contact the local CAMA representative for consultation and advice before beginning work. Structures may be repaired in a similar manner, size and location as the original structure. No expansions or additions are permissible. The repairs are limited to 50% of the market value of the existing structure and the following specific conditions. 1. The project consists of the repair of any rotted wood, as shown on the attached drawing and materials list. 2. The proposed repairs shall be consistent with all other applicable local . —ECEI VED ordinances and North Carolina Building Code standards. DCMf]WIILMINGTON, NC This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessgEgco?ygtW16 obtaining any other State, -Federal or Local ,authorization and- N.C. Building Permits. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. Sincerely, �L�' Christine R. Boulfard LPO New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 13ouffard, Christine From: Caron Campbell <> Sent: Monday, December 19, 2016 12:20 PM To: Bouffard; Christine Cc. Jim Fadow Subject: Follow up Waiver request 249 Beach Road North Dear Christine, Just following upon the.below request fora waiver for 249 Beach Road North. Sincerely, Caron / The Farlow Group From: Caron Campbell Sent: Tuesday, November 22, 201610:56 AM To: Cc: Jim Farlow<> Subject: Waiver request 249 Beach Road North Dear Christine, We have been asked by Thomas Simmons, the owner of 249 Beach Road North at Figure Eight, to repaint his exterior, and replace any rotten.wood discovered in the process. No change infootprint. Please provide a waiver for our use in submitting a work request to the island's architectural revieW committee. Sincerely, Caron Caron Campbell The Farlow, Group, Inc. Mailing: PO Box 517, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480-0517 Street: 1908Eastwood RD, STE 218, Wilmington, NC 28403-7234 Office (910) 509-1900 Web: Ind;, C/� - 3y Total ControlPanel Lozin NHC Zoning Map Deoember20,.2016' 1:391 D 0.00325 0.0065 0.013 rd Local Addresses i r �.i, 1 0 0.005 0.01 0.02 kM Parcel Boundaries Nrr MMw cmrly, NC The br rmadon made aveleble by We @wVIM ofgirolm dmm the m,rtye bldeg penift and lmpetllme memb. We GIS rmdedrg b rdm&W m ammmy bala VAb A{pBuidaforAmGG somaFimdpb!n MappingPmGmlITbelydm,mtimmedeavellrttbbyfieurvlmwVimt9emanemmm"bdldngpa ttrgmdImpeatbmmonde. lhleQSrmdafrgiereevhedmemor6NybasinI