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HomeMy WebLinkAboutNH_16-31_McCleodCurrent Planning &
Zoning Supervisor
November 21, 2016
Jim McCleod
806 Bayshore Dr.
Wilmington, NC 28411
230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110
TELEPHONE (910) 798-7118
FAX: (910) 798-7053
Exemption Number— E16.31
PROJECT ADDRESS — 806 Bayshore Dr.
Dear Mr. McLeod:
I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the
necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal
Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on November 7, 2016, 1 have
determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development
permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing dated November 16,
2016, and meet the conditions specified below. Your project consists of a retaining wall
& fill approximately 150-200 sq. ft, and 200 square feet of drip through decking. If your
plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please
contact me before proceeding.
Accessory Uses that are directly related to the existing dominant use and require no
plumbing, electrical or other service connections are exempt from the CAMA minor
development permit requirement if they meet the criteria set out below.
1. The development must not disturb a land area greater than 200 square feet.
2. The development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of
threatened or endangered animal or plant species.
3. The development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface
drainage channels.
4. The development must not alter the landform or vegetation of a frontal dune.
5. The development must not be within 30 feet of normal high water level.
6. The development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and
local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted.
This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your _ ` `-� i/ED
obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization. This exemption expires 90 /ILMINGTON,
days from the date of the letter.
NOV 2 1 2016
J�4 -
Christine R. Bouffard, O
New Hanover County
230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110
Wilmington, NC 28403
Cc: NC Division of Coastal Management
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Bouffard, Christine
W p
From:Jim McLeod <>
Sent. Friday, November 11, 2016 2:43 PM
To: Bouffard, Christine
Subject: 806 Bayshore Drive / Lot 180 - McLeod house
CL 75
Attachments: CAMA SKETCH 806 BAYSHORE.pdf
Christine Bouffard, CAMA LPO
Last Monday (11 /7/16) you visited our property off of Pages Creek to review my plan to add fill dirt and a
retaining wall around the house foundation to prevent water from entering the crawlspace. During your visit,
you installed CAMA high water flags along the drainage ditch easement and behind the house between the
I have drawn a sketch (attached) showing the lot, the house location and size, the location of the CAMA flags
and their location with respect to the house and yard. The sketch also shows a shaded area labeled "FILL" that
starts at the northeast (front) corner of house and runs down the east side extending 24 feet past the back of the
house and turning across the rear of the house for 60 feet and continuing for 8 more feet before again turning
and running up the west side of the house for 4 or 5 feet.The fill dirt will basically be about 18 to 20 inches at
it's deepest and will be 6 to 8 inches at it's shallowest areas.
In addition, is there a way that I can bring some topsoil into my back yard and have it graded and leveled out to
fill low spots (3 to 4 inches max depth) in my yard that tend to puddle up and hold water every time it rains ?
This area is between the berm ( see sketch) and the rear of the house.
Please let me know what additional information and requirements are needed to be able to help with the CAMA
approval process.
James F. McLeod
Total Control Panel Login
Bouffard, Christine From: Jim McLeod jmailto:ja
Sent: Friday, November 11,
From Jim McLeod <jame'> To: Bouffard, Christine <CBo Sent Wednesday, November 16, 2011i 11:48 PM Subject: 806 Bayshore Drive
To: Bouffard, Christine
Subject:- Re: 806 Bayshore Drive / Lot 180:2 McLeod house
Christine Bouffard, CAMe
Christine Bouffatd, CAMA LPO {
Themalllen s .Fr If
• length is planned to be approximately 230 continuous feet long. �j Last Monday (11/7/16) yo
The impervious surface area for stone should range from about 150 to 230 square feet depretaining wall around the I
• ending on the you installed CAMA high
size and type of stone and for treated wood it should be about 120' square'feet.At present, I am deciding creek
which will be more cost effective.
The planned wall height is 18 inches across the back section (76 feet) directly behind the house. It will
• continue on the sides starting at 18 inches in the back right side and graduating to about 8 inches in the I have drawn a sketch (atta
front on right house side and and again staring at 18 inches in the back left side and graduating to about their location with rest
and the
88 incin cihes beside the fireplace. It will' also go across the right front of the house and will be about 8 inches ght starts a the northeast rest
house and turning across tl
i and running up the west si-
Thanks it's deepest and will be 6 t(
James F. McLeod
On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 1:44 PM, Bouffatd, Christine <CBouffard(a)> wrote: If In addition, is there a way
e: fill low spots (3 to 4 inche:
�f Mr. McLeod, I This area is between the b(
Please let me lmow what a
The sketch looks good and do not see any issues with bringing in the amount of fill you describe. I'm fairly certain;N i CAMA approval process.
can do the retaining wall as an accessory structure exemption, if you will provide me with some further detail about the 1,
wall, such as length, height and total amount of impervious surface.
!' Thanks
Let me know if you have questions.