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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOI_16-72_Travis""N OF =1g4U lua �.,9a' 10/03/2016 Exemption Number — M&R 72-16 Gary Travis 1616 Wendover Rd. Charlotte, NC 28211 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT (Statutory Exclusion) - MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR OF EXISTING STRUCTURES - [G.S. 113-103(5)(B)(5) and [15A NCAC 7K.0103(a)] PROJECT ADDRESS — 3620 West Beach Dr. AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — OE,HH Dear Gary: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on 1010312016, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on 10/03/2016, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR — [G.S. 113-103(5)(B)(5) and 15A NCAC 7K.0103(a)] - Maintenance and repairs (excluding replacement) necessary to repair damage to structures caused by the elements are specifically excluded from the definition of development under the conditions and in the circumstances set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)(b)(5). Individuals required to take such measures within an AEC shall contact the local CAMA representative for consultation and advice before beginning work. Structures may be repaired in a similar manner, size and location as the original structure. No expansions or additions are permissible. The repairs are limited to 50% of the market value of the existing structure and the following specific conditions. 1. The project consists of the replacement of 8 pilings, as shown on the attached drawing and materials list. REC: _:3VEID DCM WILMINGTON, NC OCT 0 5 2016 4601 E. Oak Island Drive • Oak Island, North Carolina 28465 Phone: (910) 278-5011 • Fax: (910) 278-3400 • Website: 2. The proposed repairs shall be consistent with all other applicable local ordinances and North Carolina Building Code standards. This exemption to CAMA permit requirements does not alleviate the necessity of your obtaining any other State, Federal or Local authorization and N.C. Building Permits. This exemption expires 90 days from the date of the letter. Sincerely, Donna F. Coleman, LPO Town of Oak Island Cc: Tara MacPherson — DCM-Wilmington 6;E`':.-;VED DCiv1 WILMINGTON, NC OCT ,) 5 2016 CAMA MINOR PERMIT PROGRAM ❑ MODIFICATION ❑ EXEMPTION 91MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Town of Oak Island CAMA Minor Permit Office As authorized by the State of North Carolina per the Coastal Area Management Act of 1974 Applicant Name �I~iCGtliS Address 6JOL& AbdLoqt City OIAArltlfte QC 2,67-1 Phone # 60` - 6YI T Authorized Type of Project Description of Activity: Notes or special conditions: Cost of project. a s Name( f)� Kelly A I f-4"s S Signature (o ner or agent) Permit # 1 +tZ- 92--( L-w Date previous permit issued Project Location Information Street Address 126 04 l &kd, e, Adj. Water Body AEC: ❑ CS ff OE [1HH ❑ IH i SITE DRAWING \� I .-ice_. \ E i...' -_ , V �' , 115ii ,T (�.� e ... m. -�.� , ,nni n ni L Signature I'6r reicic1w�aTON, 7 � 1 �q �<<� OCT o 5 2016 Issuance Date Rap Date OAK ISLAND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES - 4601 E. OAK ISLAND DR. —910-278-5024 Town of Oak Island Permit Application Project Septic Permit# Sewer Water Tap Size Heated Unheated Decks Porches Bedrooms Bath Value of construction $�_ Use of structure (commercial, residential, government...) Is structure used as rental property? 06 Location of Project: 3(o 210 00-6-�— 3puch llz Lot # Block Section Parcel # Property Owner Property Owner Address I (n 1 (o rJ W JVY boep- Phone Number (H) (B) (C) 76 6011- GY/ I/ Contractor TcumoS U )ktf Contractor Address Contractor Phone Number (B) C]10—,0 � M % Z License # Oak Island Privilege License # Signature of For Office Use Only Date 1014, Notes or special conditions: aA- ._ L Tlu P—,N _ Approval: Date REG _IVED DCM WILMINGTON, NG OCT 5 2016 October 2, 2016 Via: Electronic Mail GARY TRAVIS RESIDENCE 3620 WEST BEACH DRIVE WILMINGTON, NC 28465 Attention: Gary Travis, Homeowner Re: Dilapidated Piling Replacement GARY AND TATIANA TRAVIS 3620 WEST BEACH DRIVE CASWELL BEACH, NC 28465 PIN #: 204618306938 PARCEL #:234PD004 JOB NUMBER: PD16217 Dear Mr. Gary Travis, Pursuant to our discussions in regards to the above captioned project, our office performed a site visit on September 23, 2016 under your supervision to review the existing pilings as related to their structural integrity given degradation over time and weathering. In addition, as we discussed, the site grades have altered through erosion which created a lower lying, ponding condition in the interior portion under the house which accelerated the piling degradation. Please see below photographs which document the existing conditions. PROACTIVEI D€ V E L 6 P M I N T 204 North 64 Street, Wilmington, ,V(' 284 Post (ice Box 533, Wilmington, NC284 , E I V E ID DCM WILMINGTON, NO, OCT 0 5 2016 October 2,1016 Page 2 As per your prior discussions and meeting with a future potential piling installer and as confirmed by our site visit, there are a total of eight (8) pilings which should be replaced. While facing the dwelling, there are four (4) pilings along the exterior left side piling row, three (3) pilings in the interior middle row and one (1) along the exterior right side row which should be replaced. In order to install the new pressure treated 8"x8" square pilings and to avoid splicing the pilings for this existing dwelling rehabilitation project, the new pilings are to be water jetted into place a minimum of 8' below proposed grade as per the below detail. Once the piling is set in place, the piling is to be secured by way of placement and compaction of wet sand prior to the concrete collar being set with the appropriate 5/8" rebar at approximately 18" in length. It is important to note the site is located in the AE Flood Zone per FEMA Flood Map # 3720204600J dated June 2, 2006 while noting existing grades on site are above elevation 15.0 at approximately 16.0 per the Elevation Certificate prepared by Surveyor Joey Brochure on September 8, 2016. In addition based on our review of North Carolina Division of Coastal Management Oceanfront Construction Setback and Erosion Rate Map, the site is located in an area of accretion at a positive rate of 1.5 feet. In conclusion as supported by our site visit, eight (8) 8"x8" pressure treated pilings are to be replaced in accordance with below detail. In addition, the lower lying area underneath the dwelling is to be filled to created positive drainage away from the dwelling to the front and rear of site. The above piling replacement and associated detail has been reviewed and approved by a Licensed Professional Engineer in the State of North Carolina for this site. Please further note it is the sole responsibility of the contractor or builder to meet all the criteria of standards, provisions, methods of construction and usage of proper material in buildings or structures provided by the North Carolina Building Code, any local agencies and according to proper engineering practices. Should you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned. J Sincerely Eric S. Tomczak, PE OCT o52016 October 2. 20 16 Page 3 JOISTS TO EXISTING DWELUNGGIRDERS VE)OSnNGOR TO REMAIN AND BOLTED TO PROPOSED PILINGSSED (2) �" DW4ETER OLTS THRU BEAMS ATNEW PILING 8x8 PT PIERS ? 1L In v 24 — PLAN VIEW ROPOSED GRADE AFTER FILL EXISTING GRADES PLACED AND COMPACTED FOUR (4) PROPOSED J" DIAMETER 18" LONG REBAR DRILLED THROUGH PILING WITH 3" MINIMUM CLEARANCE TO OUSIDE SPACED 2" APART PROPOSED 3.500 PSI CONCRETE COLLAR 8x8 PT PIERS 1 i ----AFTER PILING IS SET BY N WATER JETTING, PILING IS TO BE BACK FILLED WITH WET 18' SAND AND TAMPED PRIOR TO CONCRETE COLLAR BEING z PLACED 7 _N OUR (4) PROPOSED DWAEIER 18" LONG REBAR to ` DRII IED THROUGH PILING WITH w 3' MINMUM CLEARANCE TO OUSIDE SPACED 2" APART Z 24" PROPOSED 3,500 PSI CONCRETE COLLAR PROPOSED 9.8 PT PIERS p " �o�•fo' l �(oZO�Ers64Eauf ,L�XYYE ONLY. ��@��®µ►��dFFi p� TYPICAL PILING REPLACEMENT DENOTTAIL O SCALE Sketch 41 — Piling Replacement Detail S iNy/yn PR0ACT(' DE VELOPME NT li 204 North ff" Street, Wilmington, NC 28401 Past t .fice Box 533. Wilmington, NC 28401 7 REC _tV EL? DCM WILMINGTON, NC OCT -o 5 2016