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HomeMy WebLinkAboutOcean Side West Phase IIoceanisle B E A C H December 14, 2016 Exemption No: Qtr 2.51 Ocean Side West - Phase II 43, 45, 47 & 49 Ocean Isle West Blvd Ocean Isle Beach, NC 28469 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT SAND FENCE -15A NCAC 07K .0212 OCEAN HAZARD AEC PROJECT LOCATIONIADDRESS - Ocean Side West- Phase I Condos 43, 45, 47 & 49 Ocean Isle West Blvd Dear Sir or Madam: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development pennit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspKW on December 14, 2016, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor deveiopnrerlt permit as long as it is installed in accordance with the attached specifications, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before pmoeei#np: SAND FENCE CONDITIONS: (1) Sand fencing may only be installed for the purpose of: building sand dunes by trapping wind blown sand, the protection of the dune(s) and vegetation (planted or existing). (2) Sand fencing shall not impede existing public access to the beach, recreational use of the beach or emergency vehicle access. Sand fencing shall not be installed in a manner that impedes or restricts established common law and statutory rights of public access and use of public trust lands and waters. (3) Sand fencing shall not be installed in a manner that impedes, traps or otherwise endangers sea turtles, sea turtle nests or sea turtle hatchlings. (4) Non-functioning, damaged, or unsecured sand fence shall be immediately removed by the property owner. (5) Sand fencing shall be constructed from evenly spaced thin wooden vertical slats connected with twisted wire, no more than 5 feet in height. Wooden posts or stakes no larger than 2" X 4" or 3" diameter shall support sand fencing. (6) Location. Sand fencing shall be placed as far landward as possible to avoid interference with sea turtle nesting, existing public access, recreational use of the beach, and emergency vehicle access. (a) Sand fencing shall not be placed on the wet sand beach area. (b) Sand fencing installed parallel to the shoreline shall be located no farther waterward than the crest of the frontal or primary dune; or (c) Sand fencing installed waterward of the crest of the frontal or primary dune shall be installed at an angle no less than 45 degree to the shoreline. Individual sections of sand fence shall not exceed more than 10 feet in length, and shall be spaced no less than seven feet apart, and shall not extend more than 10 feet waterward of the following locations, whichever is most waterward: the first line of stable natural vegetation, the toe of the frontal or primary dune, or erosion escarpment of frontal or primary dune. RECEIVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC DEC 1 5 2016 TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH / 3 W. THIRD STREET / OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 28469 (910) 579-2166 / FAX (910) 579-8804 / WWW.OIBGOV.COM December-114,20-t6 Ocean , � Cd oLWQ4,—,Phase III PAGE-2 This:exemption to CAMA permit requirements does -,not alleviate the-necessity,,,of your -obtaining any,aftheriState, ederaFor Local authorization, TIN exemption expires 90 daysjtom the date oftheletter� Sincerely;, Kilth Dycus,11RU, TownI6i.)Ocean,lsle.B&acfi 3 West.Third-StFedt] Ocean7l§l9 Beach; NC 213469 cc:,SeamEarrdlI iFast! Fa` ats: a • The:fenctng must'be no taiidrthan fi feetand'buliffrom eve nig6paaed lhtn wooden vertical slats connecfed, with�iwisted wi'r_e: Ao� Am U r� tg {(� n a fl rLn—rL�?l� 7� • Thetfenoing must be placed as far landward�as possible to avoid-pltederence with sea lurHe nesting;'pubtico access and 'use of the beach -:It must not tiepiaoed on the wet='sand beaefi: s, °' n " `' If fencing.lsto:bs placedparallelto.the sfioiellne, It -must not be``lacated.waterward of.ttib crest -of the frontal of primary dune® •3lf.fen6ing Is to`be placed wateiwan! of the crest of -the dune, ft must tie Inst Iled at a 46-degreeorgrealer� angth_ ld:to e shoreline: Each section of feflCe burn—tbB longeFthanJO feet; and sections must tie spaced ai (east 7 feet apart. A e Ll 6 • 1%ncin¢, must not extend more than, l0 feet beyond either the; first One of statile natural v gelation, the toe_of, !Sand fe`nci �1o,be plac`ed'along public accesses may be—as:long as the access; and�may.inclu'de a 45-degiee tunnei'on the waterward end. The funnel _may extend;updo 10 feet beyond`theend`of the access., Why thug"uidelfnes are needed ea A n A a A Because Improper sand fencing can pose's threat to sea'turtl'es, the'stale�Wildlife'ResourcesrCommissfon_ has. developed voluntarysand fencingguidegdes. I Last. Modified: January 29, 2003 N:Cb,Diblsion of, Coastal'Management, 400:CommerEe- Ave-:Mdreliead My, -NC 28557, 1-888-4RCOA57r. Emall:us A 11 F •1 G c