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HomeMy WebLinkAboutBeach Walker LLC (3)B; E A, iz, Hi Noyembdr3l),2016 Exemption No ; Qtr 244, Beach Walker, LILC 1485'dre"iomoor Road Rock Hill' SCI 2973i ' RE. EXEMPTEUPROJECT SAND FENCE.-_15A NCAC-07K'.0212' OCEAN HAZARD AEC " ' - _' _ I I - I PROJECT LOCATIONIADDRESS - 352 East Firsit Striet DearSir-or. Madam: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office -in yotfr-in-q-ui'r-y;Go-nc-e-rnt'-n-g the, necessary filifi&f an application -for a minor.development-permitunder the Coastal Area Managernerit-Act-Aft6ir making 6 site irq--' .,e*rf on Novemberj30,;2016, I have determined that the activityj`you P�opos6`ds exempt from ni-e'ed'iAg­,a''-minor �jmdfit r , , fi,7 . _ - - b�j. permit'as long;as it is installed in accordance with the attached speo cations; and meets Ilie 6oiiditi6in� specified -0 If -your plans should change and younprojectwill no longer meetthese conditions, please conti-ctme-before proceeding, FENCE c6JNbffi6NSf (1)- Sand fencing may only be -installed for the purpose -of. building sand-dunes'bytrapping wind blown sgd;.thb protection of the-dbne(s) and vegetation (planted or existing); (2) 'Sand fencing shall not impede existing public acosERo the.beaclf, recreationaLuse of the beach or -emergency ----- vehicle access., Sandjenicling'shall not be installed in a manner thatlimpedes or. restricts established l ZQ6n law and statutory rights of public,access'and.use,of public trust lands and waters. mll— ) Sand -fencing shall'not be installed"in-a'manner that impedes, traps of otherwise endangers sea -tuft *" sea turtle nests or ' sea turtle hatchlings. ­1 ,(4)- Non-functioning, damaged, or unsecured sand fence shall be immediately, the property oWmsf, (5), Sand fencing shall be - constructed ' from -evenly spaced thinrwooden vertical slats connected with twisted W*�' no more than 4�fieet in height Wooden posts orstakes no,larger than,2' X-4' cr Xdiarmter.shall'suopliitisnd fencing., ,(6) Location. Sand fencing shall be placed as far landward -as possible-to.avoid interference with sea turtle riesfingl, existing public access; recreationa6use'of.the.beach;,and.emergency vehicl6,access. ,(a) Sand fencing shall not be placed oriffie: wet sand beach area. (b) Sand fencing installed, parallel to the -shoreline -shall be located no-farther-waterward:Ifign the crest of the frontal o - r primary,dune; or (c) Sand fencing installediwaterward p6he:crest otWfrontal or, primary installed at an angle no less4han 45 degree to the -shoreline. Individual'sections; of sand -fence shall not exceed more than 10 feet injengifi, And shall _be-spAced,no lessjhan,seven feet apart and shall not extend ­ ­ _in_4 rnmq-thgan, 10 ifeet.materward-of the, following locatlons,:whichever'is'most lwaterward: the first line of stable-maitural vegetation, the toe of the frontalorprimary .-durfe,-of ;rosipn escaqqmek of frontal or primary dune! TOWN -OF -OCEAN -ISLE BEACH/ 3 W._THIRD7STREET7 OCEAN ISLE BEACH,.,NC28469 Novembei30_ 20%, Beacti.Walker L`LC .PAGES' _ __. This exemption to CAMA permit; regalfements does=got alleviatethe necessity of'yourobtaining angbttis`r-State, Federal ocL"ocal'autBoiization. Tfiis exemption.expires 90'.days!from the date of.the letter :Sincerely; Keith Dycus, 'L- Town of Ocean Isle Beach 3 West Third Street3 Ocean9sle'Beach;:NC 2_8469 cc: Sean Farrell; Fast Facts Sand-Fencing_P-ermit.and EXempti-f Guidelinesi The fencing mustlbe_no talletthan 5-feet and buiiffrom evenlyspag@tl ttifnwooden venicalstatsdonnected with twisted wire. ' ` be • If fencing Isto be.placed parallel to thCshorelhfe; It must not be.located water ward-of.the crest of.theYmntal or pimary dime: If fencing if Wtie.placed ovaterwa'rd df.the Brest of the dune; it mush he (ns'tatied at a 45-degres orgreater, ,angle to the_shoreline:Each s'action of ferice;must;not tie lon'gerthan;l0 feet; and section`s must be'spaced at least.7 feet apart. • Fentift ffi5itruot exfentl more than-16feet'6eyond eitherthe frst line of stable naturalvegetahon, Ilia too of the;irontai_orprimary, dune;_or-the_erosion,escarpment of the drine;;wfiloneverlsclosest to the water; • "and fencing to'be'placed along'publlc:accssses'nfay be -as'thoacoess„and may"�include a95-'degree 4@6-1 an the watenvard end: The funnel may extend up to 104eet beyond the end of the'accesst 'Why the guidelines are needed) In recent years, ttie:'airiotid cCsei 6ecausedmpropersand fending oa'n pose a tfireatEo sea'turlles; the stateWildlite Resources Commission has, deyelope_d.vcluntarysand:tencingguidelines. _ Several beach communities_ had attempted to address the issue through-sandfencing ordlnances,.but the scope.of• the problem reilufred'state attention: The CRC's new regulatory guidelines were developed in cooperation withjJW WRCand.the_u.S F7sh and Wildlife Service. LastModlifed: January29; 2003i N.C. Division of Coastalblanagement . 400 Commerce Ave . Mcrehead City, NC 285_57 '-1=888-4RCOAST . Emall Us �. 'J L' [� � .. 5 n u l n a a 1�i�� __ ;_.. __. _ a I :1 9 G J F � u