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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWalker, Davidoceanisle B E A C H November 30, 2016 Exemption Number — Qtr. 2-41 David & June Walker 1100 Brook St. Fayetteville, NC 28305 RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT -MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR of STRUCTURES CONSISTENT WITH CURRENT RULES [15A NCAC 07K .0209(c)] PROJECT ADDRESS — 204 E. First St. AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN — Ocean Hazard Dear Property Owner: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection November 30, 2016 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as it remains consistent with your site drawing and materials list submitted on November 30, 2016, and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR — [15A NCAC 7K .0209(c)] - Any structure, or part thereof, consistent with current CRC rules may be maintained, repaired or replaced in a similar manner, size and location as the existing structure without requiring a permit, unless the repair or replacement would be in violation of the criteria set out below. This exemption applies to those projects that are not within the exclusion for maintenance and repairs as set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)b.5., Rule .0103 of this Subchapter and Rule 07J .0210. 1. the development must not disturb a land area of greater than 200 square feet on a slope of greater than 10 percent; 2. the development must not involve removal, damage, or destruction of threatened or endangered animal or plant species; 3. the development must not alter naturally or artificially created surface drainage channels; 4. the development must not alter the land form or vegetation of a frontal dune; 5. the development must not be within 30 feet of normal water level or normal high water level; and; 6. development must be consistent with all applicable use standards and local land use plans in effect at the time the exemption is granted. RFcEaVED DCM WILMINGTON, NC NOV 3 0 2016 TOWN OF OCEAN ISLE BEACH / 3 W. THIRD STREET/OCEAN ISLE BEACH, NC 28469 (910) 579-2166 / FAX (910) 579-8804 / WWW.OIBGOV.COM Structures'may be=repaired in a similar;mannef. siie, and location as the ioribinal structure; No expansions -or additions are permissible and-the,follovdng specific conditions. apply; 1_. 'Tf a project consists of replacing decking,boards-and.handrail's as shown on: attached drawing; and materials, list dated November, 3Q„2016. 2! The proposed "repairs shall be consistent with all othera_p_plicable locali ordinairices, =and!North Carolina-Buildifid-Code:§tanddrds. This' exemption, to CAMA permit requirements does not -alleviate] the necessity of your: obtaining any,'Zther State, Feddral or�tocal=authoriiatidn=an_ d=N:C, Building Permits; This exemption=expires 90 clays from -the date of the letter. 'Sincerely, :_- Keith Dycus,LPO Town oWcean:lsle Beach '3 West;Third,Street Ocean`Isle Beach,, NC 28469 Cc: Sean Ferrell„ DCM=Field Rep Jessie & Myers=Cons-I I�l r I I Sltaltnttel Garris Evans=Lumber Co 1360'Whitevilie:Rd NW-H,wy 130 Shallotte, NC 28470'.. 910 754-3999 Fax: 910 754.3990 SOLD' -TO SHIPTO' JESSIE-&.MYERS CONSTRUCTION 204 East at St PO BOX'5024 JES_SIE & MYER_ S_"CONSTRUCTION OCEAN ISLEBEACH NC 28469 264 East 1st'St Ocean.Isle Beach NC 28469• 910-575-3063 - — T Gas Evans Lumber Company's: HWY 130:E TO US 17 SOUTH. T/L.ONOT Shallotte- team appreciates OCEANISLE "BEACH ,RD. T/R AT THE Your businessl CIRCLE., WILL BE-DOWNON-THE RIGHT. Order: 1611-S61805 138 EA LTGC2616 TREATED'GC 2X6X16#1 PRIME 86 EA LTGC2612 TREATED -GC 2X6X12 #1 PRIME 16' EA LTG C21214 I TREATED GROUND 2X12X14 #2 3 EA a LTGC21220 TREATED GROUND 2X12X20"#,1 364 EA LTGC2248 { TREATED'2X2X48" 45"ONE END ' 72 EA LTGC2416 TREATED GC 2X4X16#1 PRIME 2 EA NSS25BDS 2 1/2" DECK SC #316 2M "SS" MAXS62539 3 EA NSS325DS 10X3" #316 SS DECK SCREW 1 ,, F' 25LBS SSt tI 80 EA XH812074 a 'LAG....LV 378X4 s - r 80EA XH661928.. WASHER p381 GALV713 PLEASE' DELIVER ASAR Payment_methodes) Charge to Acct 6;662.15 t r II II t IIIIII IIIII IIIII IIIII IIII IIIIII Illll �1IIIII IIIII I'lll IIII IIII INVOICE, 1611-162287' PAGE. 11 -OF 1 _Y 13 5600 'tf >• EA"t ,E EA ,q 1 871.28 isle i.Y 10 0300 y 862.58 I� llY H20.3100 EA: 324:96 58.2900 EA 174:87 Y 1.1900 �� SEA 1,028.16 Y 9.4700 .) EA "I 661.84 Y 222.2600 EA: 444.52 Y 229.0000 EA 687.00, Y 0.8000 EA i 64.00 Y 0.1000 EA If 8.00 SubTotal I -6,147.21; BRUNSWICK CO 'Sales Tate 414.94 ^ t J Shallotte Garris Evans Lumber.Co: 1360-Wliiteville'I NWHivy 130 ,Shallotte, NCj 28470 910-15¢-3999 Fas 416-454-3990 -.JOBO:Dfi,ESS, JESSIE & MYERS CONSTRUCTION PO:BOX 5024; ,'. JESSIE!& MYERS CONSTRUCTION] OCEAN,ISLE-BEACH-. 9, NC 28464tEast 20 1st St v . Oyea6)sle. Beach. NC728469, . 910-575-3063 ship with:other'.ticket' HW.Y 130 EYO.US 17 SOUTH. T!L',ONOT OCEAN ISLE BEACKRD 171 AT -THE CIRCLE WILL BE DOWN ONTHE-RIGHT i IIIIiI lllll 11f1111111111111111111111�11111111111111111111111- INYOICE, " 1611716208T -PAGE• 1 'OE 1 "JOB77 SOLD,ONt' a"ITI29Y10161120;54.A =CUST PICKUP,` 'BRANCH, 1500 w CUSTOMERPO#- ' ,STATIONr--` SKS? " : CASHIER! " SKSP� -"+SALESPERSON .j -v —.SJK ORDER, ENTRY)-, D � 'T•'.. P Order 1611-S61907 4 EA LT4616 TREATED. GROUND CONTACT 4X6X16 Yr 2512600`'EA�'y�e i F fi 6227,34 f t1 I - ,' F, �41 I I i ' Payment Meth`od(s) SubTotal -227.34 BRUNSWICK CO Sales Tate 15.35 6 75% _ Charge,to.Acct 242:69 Deposdi 242:69