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HomeMy WebLinkAboutThere Goes The Neighborhood LLCoceanisle B E A C _H: October-1 1, 2016 Thsre.G6es The Neighborhood LILC 1616 Biftmore Ddv-e .Charlotte' NC_-18207 kE; EXEMPTED PROJECT SAN - D FENCE =116A NCAC-07K.-0212 OCEAN HAZARD AEC PROJECT LocnONIADDRESS — 366-East First Street Dear Sir or Madam: Exemption No: Qtr M I Have reviewed the-informadon submitted to this -office in your inquiry concerning the necessary I filing of, an application 6r'i:mjnor develbpment permlit under the Coastal_Area Minagement Act. After making as&Oiiet "E Ap a -on October 1.1, 2616, 1 have determined that like activiti you.or6pose Weiempt from needing —minor d'&_eFdp'msnt" as it is installed in accordance with the attached specifications, andmeets1fie.00nditions specified below: If your plans -should change and your project will -no longer meet,ffme conditions, pleasecontactrie before proceeding , SAND FEINCE CO­Ndrrl0.h5: (1) Send fencing may only be installed for the purpose of: building sand dunes by trapping wind blown sand; the the do a an on a led 0 ex' tin)" a be recreational s a 0 en" al ed Mo access a cre -fi - ni'use a a OrZ la' e ab h use se ped S M N to `7 a fie 1 6 , ' 0� restricts c established st fis r 0 fia 0 v (p' a 6t c6n 10'-is)' ee 'S��' �"c n shall "'imp (2)1 -P a ' - ' n ' , - n —1 shalt n in in a a ne p as ccess W waters. de coess a -a m r Im a endange a of a slato n d f public - trust Is - ds- and eh - access. S d nc ng v w i nd to - gh _of public lu blic a u 0 p (3) nj '1 and _ fencing 'Shait notbe Installed in manner that im a (raps or, 0 a sea W r e ha i c1, Me nests 0_ s a urfle _ h Ings. ured sand n she 1 med! atremoved mo by a property pe :8 he rtimm =lh rown7sine-r- ne� ad v _ damaged; consht I I n 9d (4) Non-functioning, g or nse� s S_ f u --and, Sand-fencing shall be c d od _ m evenly spa in w 6n ve sa ffi 5 f _ g a if h h W 6 n 0 more a e 9 t 0 is or am es 0 larger r M i mete h 11 no more than 5 fiat in hdlahC Wb an posts or-'Stake� no lifqer than.2' X 4' or 3' di�rroet6r shall so' p rt d posts pio fencing. (6) Locationi Sand.fencing shall be placed as far landward as possible to avoid interference with sea turtle ribillh- existing public access, recreational use of the beach, and emergency vehicle,access: (a) Sand fencing shall not be placed on.the wet sand beach area. (b) Sand fencing installed parallel to,the shoreline shall be located no farther waterward-than pie crest of the frontalor primary durie; or installed waterward of cibit ofthi frontal of primarydone shall be led at, (9) Sand d fencing an angle no less. thin 45 degree to theiHorefine. [6divldu'al'wfions6fsind'fen6�"s'heR ' 'fidt exceed more than 101e6t.inleh9th, and spaced no less than seven fieta -part, and � an shall not -extend more than,10 feet waterward of the following locations, W LhichWdf W ffW waterward: the first fine of stable natural vegetation, the toe of the frontal'or primary dure, of: erosion escarpment of frontal or primary done. TOWN OF 0CEAN1 15LE.3EACH/:3W:. H I RD STR=_ET/00r_-AN ISL-rret7"ACH, NC,28469 (910) 649-2186 / �'i'`.X(91(j) S79-8804. /,GVVM'O[SGOV.COM Odtobdd1; 2016, .Anthony M,Mosea, FAWE F This exemption to CAMA permit:requirements.does not 611e41ate the necessity of your obtaining; any, othe r: Sfs[e Federal.or Loralauthodzation.' This exemptionexpires.90 days from"the date of tielletter. Sincerely, Keitr]l)ycus, L: O Town'of Ocean Isle Beach 3-West-Third Street Ocean Isle; Beach;:NC--28469. cc: Sean.Ferrel[; Fast Facts :: Sand -Fencing Permit and Exemption Guidelines Permit guidelines and exemption criteria for the installation of sand fences along the oceanfront too Aug. 1, 2002. When properly installed, sand fences help build dui trapping wind-blown sand. But if installed improper) can impede public access to the beach, and can tra endanger sea turtles, their nests or hatchlings. Under the new guidelines, property owners who foll certain criteria will be eligible for an exemption from Coastal Area Management Act permit requirements property owners want to put up sand fences that dif from the criteria, they will have to apply for a CAMA development permit. The new rules do not apply to installed prior to Aug. 1. What the guidelines say The guidelines create a CAMA-minor permit anrtan exemptlon,for sand fencing.—To-goafifyiortheexemptfon; — installation of new sand fencing has to meet the following criteria: • The fencing must be no taller than 5 feet and built from evenly spaced thin wooden vertical slats connected with twisted wire. • The fencing must be placed as far landward as possible to avoid interference with sea turtle nesting, public access and use of the beach. It must not be placed on the wet -sand beach. • If fencing is to be placed parallel to the shoreline, it must not be located waterward of the crest of the frontal or primary dune. • If fencing is to be placed waterward of the crest of the dune, it must be installed at a 45-degree or greater angle to the shoreline. Each section of fence must not be longer than 10 feet, and sections must be spaced at least 7 feet apart. • Fencing must not extend more than 10 feet beyond either the first line of stable natural vegetation, the toe of the frontal or primary dune, or the erosion escarpment of the dune, whichever is closest to the water. • Sand fencing to be placed along public accesses may be as long as the access, and may include a 45-degree funnel on the waterward end. The funnel may extend up to 10 feet beyond the end of the access. Why the guidelines are needed In recent years, the amount of sand fencing along the coast has grown significantly as property owners sought to protect their homes from storms and long-term beach erosion. As such, miles of sand fencing — some of which is improperly Installed or neglected — now line the state's beaches. Because Improper sand fencing can pose a threat to sea turtles, the state Wildlife Resources Commission has developed voluntary sand fencing guidelines. Several beach communities had attempted to address the issue through sand fencing ordinances, but the scope of the problem required state attention. The CRC's new regulatory guidelines were developed in cooperation with the WRC and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Last Modified: January 29, 2003 11NGTON, NC N.C. Division of Coastal Management . 400 Commerce Ave .Morehead City, NC 28557 0c1 1 12016 1-888-4RCOAST . Email Us ■ hI �l�`V kL l h4 \ i \ lV l t 1 i ` ai`�ti: 4i V�.� t_ j \41']t l 1�% 1\\l� •� 4�. �= S . ^J. h h.<ihi�\^' Y/ 11 l � •.a �•.ii �i 1 } �V �'..i _y . k�x _ Y ♦� a 0 --, ..