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HomeMy WebLinkAboutWB_16-32_JamesTOWN OF WMGHTSVILLE BEACH PLANNING AND PARKS • 321 CAUSEWAY DRIVE • P.O. BOX 626 WRIGHTSVILLE BEACH, N.C. 28480.910-256-7937 December 12, 2016 David James (Applicant) 308 Old Dairy Road Wilmington, NC 28403 On behalf of: Station One Townhome COA RLE Cue i Exemption Number — WB16.32EX RE: EXEMPTED PROJECT-15A NCAC 07K .0209 EXEMPTION / ACCESSORY USES ! MAINTENANCE REPAIR/ REPLACEMENT AREA OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN- Ocean Hazard PROJECT LOCATIONIADDRESS —101 S. Lumina Ave, Wrightsville Beach, NC 28480 Dear Mr. David James: I have reviewed the information submitted to this office in your inquiry concerning the necessary filing of an application for a minor development permit under the Coastal Area Management Act. After making a site inspection on Friday December 9 2016, 1 have determined that the activity you propose is exempt from needing a minor development permit as long as the project remains in accordance with your project scope submittal, which was received by this office on December 9. 2016 and meets the conditions specified below. If your plans should change and your project will no longer meet these conditions, please contact me before proceeding. 15A NCAC 07K .0209 EXEMPTION / ACCESSORY USES I MAINTENANCE REPAIR 1 REPLACEMENT (a) Accessory buildings customarily incident to an existing structure are specifically excluded from the definition of development if the work does not involve filling, excavation, or the alteration of any sand dune or beach as set out in G.S. 113A-103(5)b.6. Accessory buildings are subordinate in area and purpose to the principal structure and do not require, or consist of the expansion of the existing structure as defined by an increase in footprint or total floor area of the existing structure. A building with a footprint of 100 square feet or less is considered an accessory building as long as it is customarily incident to and subordinate in area and purpose to the principal structure. Buildings of a larger size may be considered accessory buildings if necessary for customary use. (b) Accessory uses as defined in Paragraph (a) of this Rule and that are directly related to the existing dominant use, but not within the exclusion set out in G.S. 11 3A-1 03(5)b.6., and that require no plumbing, electrical or other service connections and do not exceed 200 square feet are exempt from the CAMA minor development permit requirement if they meet the criteria set out in Paragraph (d) of this Rule.(c) Any structure, or part thereof, consistent with current CRC rules may be maintained, repaired or replaced in a similar manner, size and location as the existing aElll IV E D DCM WILMINGTON, NC 0 E C 13 2016 vlthodrequiringiapermit, unt I essJhe-repair or replacement -1would beln violation -,of the criteria set ,o-Iu On Paragraph (d) of this e. Thtq.,,exqmpfion applies is Rule. JIppfq-.those projects that -'grQ not Ohln,"thq Paragraphs (0),. id (c), of this Rule, hw p r6poseddovo!qVoeniactiirify,mustroot-'the Ij(-I1)'the 46Vql6'p 6hthd§,-ffi­'d—tdl§t.O a_la�qq, .2007I square a-rb fddt-,dh':d`§ldP the dvlop6nt must involvorerovl�,dar6�odsfrtot!on f'hreaterodit6rtfiaW14w6`fi ,41dg.Q-,'enda bn fg ered. a6imtqrplart (3) the development must not altef naturally or artificially createdsurf_ace drainage channels,;, �(4),L;the -development trust not alter the iarid 46 or.-Va' tail6r�aflrdhtgl do'he; highva ng6fe,iat6friorm'al-,water lovei�orriorma tot; levek.and (0)Jhe-devdlbpment musl-,be consistent with alfqpplicabjemsp sfandaris and loc Flaiduqe plans fry ''[hi's:exemption'` Souttlumina:Aitenue aufhonYes ttiefollowings 1. Repair and Sepiaperne-rit of q4stlng-stairs�,, nd de�kjn expansion --,;enlargement,, a RiWith pg-,.,px- and no anticipated ground disturbance. I he N od: 1 h proposed. Carolina Cat dli ,Ma Building Code standards.. ,1, 'Thoproj6ct shall adhorejo,the scope of,warkthdt-was,ubmit(Od to this office:; Z4chqry,'%q.ffey, LPO ToW-n.,df WriglijiVillb Beath Oc,! Tar;3_MqcPhemoni.Fleid•$pQpipliqtQQM ,p, ° - Ala fib _i i_I. I .I �f- 4 a � A on Liner, �i ;dli •y q�'4F1��, Zach Ste , - fW December9�.201& We are r,6questinga CAMAMMO PerrWlt,.EX6mptjti4,.fot, MO repair work Plan 0 h�dforthd,-5t'atldn- ffa The -1 work ,.consists 'qf-rep mg the existing c(ec eart reaf,(qcc-'ao �ide)&-ffie,tqw-h hbusm -k!� q,(r!j:dn ih-e� and oij ca existing states will bei' co)mpts fo t(WAofthe PAOTh-ft ---rfd expansion,ofthe, gro: 00 e.s=655�W -.- urfd"z W-.,'ffAt0tiaNWff('b-e�ro sorktread.d-W. --d th 'Wit'K -theN ObWl %r'�qra-.'j townhouses at the prqjqq as shown tn'the image bqjq—w. '%qjroWM I'qhgO tothe building n.,jq ttiq.2, .-o Z The decks,and`staimonone of'fhe townhouse buildings are shown above. I'do. not=have°a survey-ofthe- property. Please review and advise if a CAMA minorp,_ ermit"ezempti6ii can be issued..T,hankYou. , DavidJames David James & Co 308 Old Dairy Rd Wilmingf6h, NC284:03