HomeMy WebLinkAbout84492C - Farrar, Charles1+°F`°�'"� ❑CAMA El DREDGE & FILL N9 84492 A B C D ,o z =GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued ❑ New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC ❑ Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name Address City Phone # ( ) Email State ZIP Authorized Agent Project Location (County): Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Subdivision City P Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body (nat/man/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ORW: yes/no PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline Length Access Length Pier (dock) length Fivarl P1atfnrm1r1 Floating Platform(s) Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing n+L,-, -)MV V{JJCI VCu. 1/CJ HU Moratorium: n/a yes no Site Photos: yes no Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no A buildingpermit/zoning zonin p / g permit may be required by: Permit Conditions (Scale: f ) 0 TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Signature Application Fee(s) Check #/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date �` AU41 ❑ CAMA ElDREDGE & FILL NO. 84492 A B C D J.=GENERAL PERMIT Previous permit Date previous permit issued ❑ New ❑ Modification ❑ Complete Reissue ❑ Partial Reissue As authorized by the State of North Carolina, Department of Environmental Quality and the Coastal Resources Commission in an area of environmental concern pursuant to: 15A NCAC ❑ Rules attached. ❑ General Permit Rules available at the following link: www.deq.nc.gov/CAMArules Applicant Name _ Address City Phone # ( ) Email State ZIP Authorized Agent Project Location (County): Street Address/State Road/Lot #(s) Subdivision City ZIP Affected ❑ CW ❑ EW ❑ PTA ❑ ES ❑ PTS Adj. Wtr. Body (nat/man/unk) AEC(s): ❑ OEA ❑ IHA ❑ UW ❑ SPIMA ❑ PWS Closest Maj. Wtr. Body ORW: yes/no PNA: yes/no Type of Project/ Activity Shoreline Length Access Length Pier (dock) length Fixed Platform(s) Floating Platform(s) _ Finger pier(s) Total Platform area Groin length/# Bulkhead/ Riprap length Avg distance offshore Breakwater/Sill Max distance/ length Basin, channel Cubic yards Boat ramp Boathouse/ Boatlift Beach Bulldozing Other SAV observed: yes no Moratorium: n/a yes no Site Photos: yes no Riparian Waiver Attached: yes no A building permit/zoning permit may be required by: Permit Conditions (Scale: ) ❑ TAR/PAM/NEUSE/BUFFER (circle one) ❑ See note on back regarding River Basin rules ❑ See additional notes/conditions on back I AM AWARE OF STATUTES, CRC RULES AND CONDITIONS THAT APPLY TO THIS PROJECT AND REVIEWED COMPLIANCE STATEMENT. (Please Initial) Agent or Applicant PRINTED Name Permit Officer's PRINTED Name Signature "Please read compliance statement on back of permit" Signature Application Fee(s) Check #/Money Order Issuing Date Expiration Date AGENT AUTHOMZATiON FOR CAMA PERii IT APPUC6&TROq Marne of Property Owner Requesting Permit: �r Mailing Address: C 102 Phone Number: tile 5 l Email Address: / ,,. l certify that I have authorized v�v c Agent / Contractor to act on my behalf, for the purpose of -applying for and obtainingall CAMA permits necessary for the following proposed development: • O/ _ �c at my propefty located at ,�-AS G in County. 1 furthermore certify that .1 am authorized to grant, and do in fact grant permission to Division of Coastal Management staff, the Local Permit Officer and their agents to enter on the aforementioned. lands in connection with evaluating information related to thi permit application. s Propertj Owner Information: Signature CI ) e<; f-(:R- r, Ii'�t, tom` print or Type Name Title 7 / 19 Date This certification is valid through I Weychert, Curtis R From: Weychert, Curtis R Sent: Thursday, August 25, 2022 4:59 PM To: Thomas Lawrence Subject: 260 Channel Rock Rd. Mr. Lawrence, based on my site investigation yesterday at 260 channel rock road, the depths in the proposed area of the boat lift are less than two feet at normal low water and thus would not meet our general permit requirements for a formalized slip within an area of a primary nursery area. I can issue the permit without the authorization of a boat lift if your client would still like the platform and pier. If there are any further modifications, the neighbors will have to be re notified. Please let me know how you would like to proceed. Curt Curtis Weycheft DCM Field Representative / Environmental Specialist II North Carolina Division of Coastal Management North Carolina Department of Environmental Quality 252-240-9497 Q.. E NORTH CAROLINA Department of Enviromnental Doal�gj 400 Commerce Avenue Morehead City, NC 28557 http://portal.ncdenr.org/web/cm/dcm-home E-mail correspondence to and from thus address may be subject to the North Carolina Public Records Law and may be disclosed to third parties. 1 '0JACENT RIPARIAN PROPERPI OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own propertv adjacent to (Name of Property Owner) property located at (Address, Lot, 91 oc'k Road; t on in in andlor County. The applicant has described to me, as shown below, the development proposed at the above location. I have no objection to this proposal. I hava-Qb-jac�to-n-s-to-t.ffis-pr-op-o.s-al--- "-SC RiPTION -ANMPM R DRAWING OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (Indhfiiduaf proposing devreiopm Drf rnzist fill in description below or attac h a site drawhr,?gy! 40/ "A N VVA� V-R SECT 10, PI .understand that a pier, dock, oring pilings, brealnivater, boathouse, lift, bac;l,x a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless w vvish'-o waive the setback, you mi ust initlai the appropriate blank below.} L I do wish to waive tl ie 15' setback requirement. 1 do no-c wish to wa ve the 15' setback requirement. I�F,3roperty Owner Inforrim-al-don Signatvi-e C Ualcl fs IC I- CL Print or Type Name 0 IWI *ling-AddrAss 2 •e- a"'V/-o d C- 2-9&a' CitylStatelz--ip - % Telephone Number � - 30 - a ,doL.',e� Dr groin must be'set .;.ived by me. (if you (Adjacent Propaitij Owner Monma-dorill 7-3 kA �-4tk Signature ' - Print or Type Name . ?, .) -) � I I ? Address Mailing Addre.0 CitylStatelZip Telephone Number NOW NMI (Revised 6118120 12) ADJACENT RIPARIAN PROPERTY OWNER STATEMENT I hereby certify that I own property adjacent to �_.'s - (Name of Propertij Owner) property located at �i (Address Lot, �Io�C$ �oa�d, t on , in , K.C. (Waterb® y) (City wn and/or Counter) The applicant has described to me, as shown below, .the development proposed at the above location. ' s I have no objection to this proposal. I ha_v_e objections to this pcopos_ala_._ DESCRIP T ION AND/ R DRAW ING OF PROPOSED DEVELOP (IndivJrJual proposing devrelopm Dnt must fill in description below or att& q 0i 1( WAIVER SECTION i _understand that a pier, dock, oring pilings, breakwater, boathouse, lift, back a minimum distance of 15' from my area of riparian access unless v wish to waive the setback, you ust initial the appropriate blank below.) I do wish to waive t$e 15' setback requirement. I do not wish to waive the 15' setback requirement. (Property Owner lnf�Ma'don) Signatw-e s a Print or Type Name 2 (0 v C l a,,yA.) 9J M Iing-Addr ss City/State/Zip Telephone Number �? -30-a;), ENT 1 a site dravying, 100(,de r groin must be set ived by me. (If ;roll (Adjacent Properbj Owner information) Si tune Print or Ty J Name IVJ ' ' g Addre ssss r /StaterLip Telephone plumber Date Date (Revised 6118120 i 2)