HomeMy WebLinkAboutMersbach, FrederickB yE7 Al :C, 'H March 13,2017, �jr p bn'No] Qfr PI ,Frederick.) Mersbach' tti. RegatCourt Columbia, Q, 29212, ;RE; EXEMPTED, PROJECT SAND-FENCE=15ANCAC 07K .0212 OCEAN'HAZARD AEC PROJECT tOC'ATIONIADDRESS; 338 East FirsC:Street Dear Sir or -Madam: I have reviewed the infUrmationq submitted to --this office m your inquiry concerning the -necessary fiingbf:an, application for -a minor -development permit under;,the_Coastal.Area Management Ac0 Afier=making a site �ifon March 13, 2077, I have determined thatthe activity you'propose-s exempfftom"needing a minor development pemmt as long as=itis installed in accordancewith the-attachgdspecifications; and meets the: wndihons specified below. JFyour' ,plans should change and your proiectwiltno_longer•meet these-condifions; please_contact me before proceeding; '(1) Sand4encingimay only betnstalledfo_r_the purpose ot, building_sand dunes_by-trapping:wirid blowrisand; the protection of the dunes) and vegetation {planted or existing) (2j Sand fencing shall not impedeexisting public access to the beach; recreational use of the beach, oremergency, vehicle:access. Sand fencing shall,-nottbe mstalled'ina manner that impedes: or rests cts established_coitlmoh, lawand statutory -rights of public access and userofipublio-trustlands and=waters, (3); Sand fencingishall not be installedin a manner -that impedes,.traps or otherwise endangers sez - ,sea turtle nests ocsea turtle-hatch6gs. (4)I N664666tioning, damaged,;or unsecured sand fence shall be immediately removed by the:proper%oy r (5) Sand fencingshall beacon ft ucted-fromievenly2spaced thinlwooden vertical slats connected with-twisteewire„ no.more than 5 feet ih height Wooden posts or stakes no larger -than 2, K40-or 3 diametershall support"sand fencing. (6); ':Location. Said fencing,shall tie placed°as far landward as possible to avoid interference with_sea turtle�nesting, ezisLing public access; recreatIbnafuse of'dhe-beach,;andemergency vehicle access. (a) Sand fencing shall not be placed on the wet sand beach area. (ti)! Sand fencing installed~parallel to ttie shoreline shall be located no farther waterwardthan, the crest of the#rontal or pnmary dune ;or (o): Sand fencing' installed waterward of -the crest offihe>fiontal or primarydune shall be ipsw ,at an angle no'fe'ss than 45.degree to the shoreline: IndMduai-sections ofsand fence sh8 not, exceed. more feet than 10 ih'length, and'shali be spaced no less than seven feehapail and sfiall'n'of.extend more tfisn=.10fee1 waterward oftlie following locations, .whichever-is:mosp r..^I .,�.. _ waterward the fifsf lineof:stabig7r[ turl vegetation; the toe of. a frbntal or primary dune;, or TOWN MaarctitW2017' Frede`rieWMersbad. PAGE T „ _.,. This exemption to l AMA pemiit=requlr_eme.�nts does not alleviate the=necessity=of your obtain'rigrany,=otheJSt`ate; FBderatA%Lo6' aut66rki on,, Tfiis exempt on expires 90 days from:'the dite of the'letter., Sincerely; {t x r d_r,. ,. Ke&-DycU9,-LPQ Town.ot, an.lsle Beach 3-*estThird&treet Qcearmisle,Beach',-NC 28469 cc:5ean,Farrell n a a o a n v Fast Facts.: San&Fen4nd, Permit`_anctl Ekbmpiidn Guhdelines7 o a a q of sand �002. When p .-certain property owners wantto put-upzsand-fen fromithe criteria, they�will'have'to apply== development porniL=The new rules do n installed- prior fo11Aug. 1, e a What the gul-delfnes.way� u „r'71 a .. affect Aug.,1,,, a 6ufid,dunes y. access and use df ttie=beach.I "must not be placed onl the w • 'lf-fencing is=to'be-placed-parallel°to-the shorelineit musNi t primarydune;, " a a oil P a I rea turtle rteatt-public 8 of the_crest ofM frontal or If fencing is to be placed waterward'of-the crest of= fie dune,1K must7i!56.lhifalIba'af a=4-6-degree - rp - angle tcatheshore6ne.;`Ea'chsectionof`ferice kg bnot be -longer thanl0-feet, and sections mustiie=spaced=at leasb7.feettapart • - '- • Fencing must not extend more than 1 Q feetrybeyond either -the firstJme of stable naturaFVM— i l M%,the,toe, of the frontalor primary'dune,-or 1feosioh escerpment:oLthe dune;`whichever, is'closest to the�friileiS . • 'Sand fencingito be placed along public accesses may be" asaong�` as the:access and mayinclud_e a=4 ces5=degree funnel on the watenruarcf end. Ttie:funnel-may=extend'=up to=l0-feei6eyond ihe'end..of-th_-,acs. y ➢ a Why the guide)I n s are needed; In recent years;; the_amount 6fsand:fenang:along:the coast.hasgrown signficantfy as property owners: 'A t'.to protect their formes from-stoims and''long-teerm�tisach ,eroslon: As' sucti, 'miles of sand fencing —some of h"i's+ improperly installed or neglected - now:line:the:slate's-beaches. �� Because improper sand fencing can pose,a threat to sea turtles„the,'_state Wildlife Resources daUttl5s10g has] developed voluntary, sand fencing.gtgLynes; Several beach communities had attempted to address the issue'through sarid-fencing ordin_ances,; but ttWscope of the problem required state attention. The CRCs, dew:regulatoryguidelines Were:devel-oped'in coopem--f- - --he' WRC,andrthe US, Fish and Wildlife, Service. "J i a a J D a � as Y a n a D SANOTENCING�GRAPIOCSi °I ova° a 1� a L°J z ' D � 2 a 4 C i I! a