HomeMy WebLinkAbout129-16 Project Update 08/16/2019APTIM August 16, 2019 Heather Coats Beach & Inlet Management Project Coordinator North Carolina Division of Coastal Management 127 Cardinal Drive Wilmington, NC 28405 Kenneth Willsoi Program Manage Aptim Coastal Planning & Engineering ofNort, Caroling Inc 4038 Masonbom Loop Roai Wilmington, North Carolin, Tel: +1 910-791-949, Kenneth. Willson@aptim.con RECEIVED AUG 2 Y 2019 MP SECTION WIRO Subject: Hatteras Inlet Channel Maintenance Project — Written Notice of Project Initiation Dear Ms. Coats: The Division of Coastal Management (DCM) issued a CAMA Major Permit for the proposed Hatteras Inlet Channel Maintenance Project on December 22, 2016 (#129-16). This letter serves as written notice of project initiation as required in Condition 7 of the permit. Please find attached to this letter revised permit drawings dated July 29, 2019, which provide the location of the proposed channel for the upcoming event. The project includes maintenance dredging within a portion of the Hatteras Inlet Connector Channel, which runs between the inlet gorge and the ferry channel in proximity to Ocracoke Island. This channel is locally referred to as the "South Ferry Channel". The attached plan view drawing shows the location of the proposed channel, the disposal area, and previously mapped submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) resources in the vicinity. The channel is proposed to be dredged by the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) side cast dredge Merritt. Material dredged from the channel will be sidecasted to either side of the proposed channel. The environmental window for dredging opens October 1, and Dare County desires to have the maintenance dredging conducted as dose to this date as possible. Dare County, the USACE, and the NC Division of Water Quality are all moving expeditiously to ensure the project can start as soon as possible as weather and dredge plant availability allow. The actual dredging of the channel is anticipated to last approximately 11 days. We do not anticipate any issues with dredging outside of the environmental windows established by the permit for the upcoming proposed maintenance event. At the time of this letter, it is anticipated that the project will be conducted in October 2019. As you are aware, a Major CAMA Permit (#129-16) was issued by the State of North Carolina Division of Coastal Management (DCM) to Dare County in December 2016 for the maintenance of the connector channel. The permit was subsequently modified in March 2018. The modified permit allows for maintenance of a 200 ft. wide channel to a depth of -12 ft. MLW. Based on the July 16, 2019 survey, and anticipated shoaling that may occur between the time of the survey and the start of dredging, the USACE estimates approximately 11,000 ry of material would be required to achieve a channel depth of approximately -9 ft. MLLW within the proposed channel shown on the attached drawings, which includes a 150 foot wide channel and a 50 foot widener in the area pinched between the two shoals encroaching on the channel. As required by the permit, we have contacted Don Field with NOAA to determine if any updated imagery is available for the project area to delineate SAV habitat. Mr. Field responded that most of the area between Roanoke Island and Bogue Inlet was flown May/June of 2019 by NCDOT. NOAA has only seen sample imagery at present and is anticipating obtaining the full imagery set in the coming weeks. Mr. Field requested we contact him after the first of September to check if they have received the full data set. In the CAMA Major Permit, DCM indicated that DMF staff may perform SAV surveys in proximity to the proposed dredge location to provide an updated determination of the presence or absence of SAV resources. Regarding contact information during dredge activities, Brennan Dooley of the USACE will be the point of contact for the USACE dredging operations. Brennan's Phone Number is (910) 251-4916 and his email is Brennan].Doole usace.armX.mil. I will be the County's agent and can be contacted via cell phone at (910) 443-4471. Please feel free to contact me anytime for further clarification or explanation of the project Very truly yours, APTIM COASTAL PLANNING & ENGINEERING OF NORTH CAROLINA, INC. Ken Willson Project Manager CC: Robert Outten, Dare County Brent Johnson, Dare County Jonathan Howell, NC DCM Anthony Scarbraugh, NC DWR RECEIVED AUG 21 2019 MP SECTION WIRO HATTERAS INLET MAINTENANCE PROJECT PAMLICO SOUND Z r- PROJECT AREA I HATTERAS HATTERAS OCRACOKE INLET ISLAND ATLANTIC OCEAN CHARLOTTE N.T.S. NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR REGULATORY REVIEW ONLY 0 7500 15000 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT RALEIGH* — NirwgnNvniF. CAPE FEAR DARE COUNTY, NORTH CAROLINA CAPE HA17ERAS PROJECT LOCATION =AD CITY LOOKOUT ATLANTIC OCEAN SHEET INDEX 1 COVER SHEET 2 PROJECT OVERVIEW 3 CONNECTOR CHANNEL PLAN VIEW 4 CONNECTOR CHANNEL CROSS SECTIONS GENERAL NOTES: 1. COORDINATES ARE IN FEET BASED ON NORTH CAROLINA STATE PLANE COORDINATE SYSTEM, NORTH AMERICAN DATUM 1983, (NAD83) 2. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO MLLW. PERMITTED DREDGE DEPTH IS RELATIVE TO THE MLW DATUM BEING APPROXIMATELY 0.08' ABOVE MLLW PER NOAA PID EX0400. 3. DATE OF AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY: CS-1 AND PV-1 ESRI JANUARY 2016, PV-2 NCDOT HATTERAS IMAGE MARCH 2O16. 4. SURVEY DATA COLLECTED BY US ARMY CORPS OF ENGINEERS. JULY 16, 2019. 5. BATHYMETRIC CONTOURS REPRESENT THE CONDITIONS OF THE CHANNEL ON JULY 16, 2019 AND SHOULD NOT BE RELIED ON FOR NAVIGATION PURPOSES. 117e1dRlIll MEAN LOW WATER LINE MEAN HIGH WATER LINE CROSS SECTION LINE HATTERAS INLET BORINGS 2003 AND ID NEARSHORE DISPOSAL AREA SUBMERGED AQUATIC VEGETATION AND 100 FT. BUFFER ASBUILT EXISTING CABLE ROUTE (CALDWELL CABLE VENTURES) EXISTING CABLE ROUTE (UTLITY ELECTRICAL CONSULTANTS, PC) ASBUILT NEW CABLE ROUTE +1.53' NAVD88 +0.52' MHW +0.08' MLW +0.00' MLLW t \ TIDAL DATUM TIDAL DATUM REFERENCE BASED ON NOAA TIDE STATION ID 8654467 EPOCH 1983-2001" RECEIVED AUG 21 2019 MP SECTION WIRO W4 `m 'a nn �o =x 66 LL W W z 0 z W aiS z z 5 d e o J � a 181 1 a o« t0 X W O2 E u �27 E E i OR E r 3_ ++ Z.2 U. U CS-1 f � �. 1 .. ��� 9'y f . `-1 1 I I PAMLICO SOUND I l 1 I CONNECTOR CHANNEL CORRIDOR \J l\ r Lu Z -03-V-9 0 CHARTED WRECK AVOIDANCE AREA HAT-03-V-1 _ 0 O FiAT� 16 O HAT-03-V-11 0 GHAT-03-V-12 / HAT-03-V-17 Q v \ HAT-03-V-13 0 HAT-03-V-15 HAT-03-V-14 AT-03-V-18 O _ 0 7 HATTERAS HAT-03-V-19 INLET �r \ OCRACOKE ISLAND — LIFE SAVING STATI( AVOIDANCE ARI BREAK41m , 1�" AVOIDANCE AREA 1 NEARSHORE DISPOSAL LOCATION NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR REGULATORY REVIEW ONLY W I � � f � i r I (HAT-03-V-6 z I J IL r C tt HAT-03-V-7 F $ C8S 0 Q Q on V u i i 9 to ozHAT-03-V-8 o § w t = a IL v3 3 HATTERAS CONryu G PROPOSED CHANNEL �z �u� w w a g was K 0 w O rai RECEIVED I mt= w A U-8 w AUG 21 2019 00 90 MP SECTION WIRO DMWING NO. 0 1000 2000 PV-1 GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT T. BOTTOM OF CUT/ CHANNEL COORDINATE TABLE POINT ID NORTHING EASTING I ELEVATION A 540144.2 2963815.2 -10.0 B 540274.2 2964898.3 -10.0 C 540323.8 2964892.3 -10.0 D 540459.3 2966021.7 -10.0 E 540409.7 2966027.7 -10.0 F 540541.7 2967128.3 -10.0 G 540392.8 2967146.2 -10.0 H 539995.3 2963833.1 -10.0 u ti _ + Y N i Go LIFE SAVING STATION \\ AVOIDANCE AREA NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION FOR REGULATORY REVIEW ONLY CHARTED WRECK AVOIDANCE AREA 0 o200 � o GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT CHANNEL CORRIDOR �S i i RECEIVED i AUG 21 2013 \ MP SECTION WIRO NOTE: \ 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO MLLW. PERMITTED DREDGE DEPTH IS RELATIVE TO THE MLW DATUM BEING APPROXIMATELY BREAKING SHOAL 0.08' ABOVE MLLW PER NOAA PID EX0400. AVOIDANCE AREA t t yy{(( 4 HATTERAS INLET PROPOSED CONNECTOR CHANNEL o'ty z as rc W W Z t7 z W oD u z z z J L tl 0 � e � vv) C O m a o °oa`o= e C1 0 m Z z V t Q a 0 j �+ C.ge� PV-2 SHEEP 3 OF 4 i >• c, i `J �� i ., i -. ^! 4 mm nn 00 CROSS SECTION A -A' z a B-B' C-C'ju 'c w 5 5 z z MHW EL. +0.52' IY p —:MLW EL.+0.08——..._..t- —.._ -=--. _. —--..--. p cii ~ I JULY 16, 2019 z W EXISTING GRADE 3 5..........I.................I.............. _5 a 5 -10 -- -10 LEtm --- ZO—L----------------—--------------_—._--� 15 TARGET AD EL. _ -10.0' MLLW I. . . . . . . -15 i E u1 MAXIMUM AD EL. _-11.92'MLLW I CONNECTOR CHANNEL EXTENDS _20 TO EQUAL DEPTH AT . -20 TIME OF CONSTRUCTION I. 25250 0 560 1000 1500 2000 2500 310 3500 3750 25 DISTANCE ALONG SECTION (FEET) CROSS SECTION C-C' 5 A -A' 5 CROSS SECTION B-B' JULY 16, 2019 A -A' ° EXISTING GRADE MHW EL. +0.52 _ _ _ 5 5 p MLW EL. +0.08' T 0 ti _ MHW EL. +0.52' Iw I / a EV _ _ /. < �� H 0 MLW EL. +0.08 p �L 5 I. / 5 u 0J JULY 16, 2019 LL EXISTING GRADE J 1 L J 1 s 5 5 10 3 3 EL. -10.0' MLLW _10 M � o CHANNEL O 10 1. s . EL. -10.0' MLLW _10 j 15 WIDTH 200' I 15 t - ~ TARGET AD EL. _ -10.0' MLLW TARGET AD EHANNEL L. = -10.0 MLLW w I W -15 WIDTH YSO,' . . . . . . -15 -20 . T -20 o z I MAXIMUM AD EL. = -11.92 MLLW ao� MAXIMUM AD EL. =-11.92' MLLW 2 z w wa6zz -20 -20 -25 -25 i" Z. ° 750 500 0 500 750 750 500 0 500 750 RECEIVED =� rv<zov DISTANCE ALONG SECTION (FEET) DISTANCE ALONG SECTION (FEET) m z G uw AUG 21,2019 c='so" b' u0 w¢ NOTE: MP SECTION WIRO NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION 1. ELEVATIONS ARE REFERENCED TO MLLW. PERMITTED DREDGE FOR REGULATORY REVIEW ONLY DEPTH IS RELATIVE TO THE MLW DATUM BEING DPAW NG NO. APPROXIMATELY 0.08' ABOVE MLLW PER NOAA PID EX0400. 0 5 10 0 250 Soo 2. MAXIMUM AD EL. OF -11.92 MLLW SHOWN ON CROSS SECTIONS XS-1 IS EQUAL TO -12.00 MLW PER NOAA PID EX0400. VERTICAL GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT HORIZONTAL GRAPHIC SCALE IN FT _.— IHEET 4 OF 4